Durarara!!: The Story Continues...

keep in mind you can only create two characters to start off with. you can make another character for every six times you post in the actual roleplay (not ooc chat)


Anyone is allowed to join but only through invitations. Although the organization mainly exists online, several groups have taken the name dollars and used it for their own ends. As such, the dollars are regarded as a "Color gang without a color" and have garnered a rather fierce reputation around Ikebukuro.

{ slot 1 } { slot 2 } { slot 3 } { slot 4 } { slot 5 } { slot 6 } { Mikado Ryugamine - NPC - Leader }

Yellow Scarves

A semi-active gang that was originally founded by a group of middle schoolers. They're known for their rivalry against the Blue Squares. As of right now, they're kinda idle. But it won't be that way for long.

{ Shun Takahashi - @Cross_Rhodes } { slot 2 } { slot 3 } { slot 4 } { slot 5 } { slot 6 } { Kida Masaomi - NPC - Leader }

Blue Squares

Aoba started Blue Squares when he was in middle school but handed leadership over to his brother Ran Izumii in order to use him as a scapegoat should things go south. Ran proved to be a poor choice as he frequently made decisions without Aoba's permission and even initiated a gang war with the Yellow Scarves. The resuting conflict with the police caused Ran to get arrested and nearly destroyed the Blue Squares, much to Aoba's annoyance. He then received and invitation to join the dollars and accepted, seeing it as an opportunity to rebuild his gang.

{ Kenichi Shouichirou - @The Cobalt Killer } { slot 2 } { slot 3 } { slot 4 } { slot 5 } { slot 6 } { Aoba Kuronuma - NPC - leader }


Other people involved with the roleplay who have yet to be apart in a gang~

{ Akane Shouichirou - @The Cobalt Killer } { Tomoko Ishikawa - @Lycopene }

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【 Character Sheet - OC 】

{ insert picture here- must be anime }

⊰ b a s i c s ⊱



online alias.

user name

like how my user name on here is




birth gender.

only fill this out if your character has a different gender than what they were born with



⊰ p e r s o n a l i t y ⊱

✓ positive traits.

✕ negative traits.


two paragraphs long (at least)



favorite color.

⊰ h i s t o r y ⊱


two paragraphs long...at least!

relationships to canon characters.

does not need to know everyone....they don't even need to know anyone tbh

just keep canon characters in character or else you'll be declined

love interest.

can be left blank until the roleplay begins.

【 Character Sheet - Canon Character 】

{ insert picture here )



online alias(es).


if any





put unknown if you don't know their date

character personality.

two paragraphs long, do not copy from the wikia

character history.

also do not copy from the wiki, you can use it as reference though!

character relationships.

canon characters that this character is related to

love interest.

does not have to have any (can only be canonically implied. No OC's unless this character has no canon relationships or sexuality )

writing preview.

two paragraphs (or more) on a short story playing as the character your applying as

(( remove all the italicized text before sending in your sheet...including this! ))



⊰ b a s i c s ⊱

Kenichi Shouichirou

Snake Eyes






Blue Squares

⊰ p e r s o n a l i t y ⊱





✕ A bit Arrogant

✕ Angers fairly easily

✕ Can be a bit Aggressive

✕ Doesn't always say everything he knows

Kenichi is very wise. He is level-headed, calm, rational, and logical. He is also very knowledgeable about a variety of topics and well-versed in various genres. At times, he can come off as a bit arrogant.

Despite the dangerous situations he finds himself in, he usually remains calm and collected, but whenever, if ever, he is angered, he will definitely become very aggressive. He is seen by his allies in the Blue Squares as the "Brother-in-Arms" type of guy.

He frequently taps his feet together or taps his right temple with his corresponding index finger. He gestures a lot when mad and puts his hands together beneath his chin when thinking.

In his spare time, Kenichi likes to engage in puzzles or hone his reflexes. He is also a fan of music, and likes to play the piano. He used to play a lot of video games.


⊰ h i s t o r y ⊱

Kenichi Shouichirou was born a 'Prince', heir to Shouichirou familiy's fortune. This fortune? His father's seat in the Yakuza. Kenichi felt obliged to follow his father's training, but did not want to take after him. In 2002, when he was 12 years old, his father was shot and killed in an assassination attempt from an unlicensed anti-Yakuza vigilante group. After this, Kenichi took up a role in the Yakuza. As he was not old enough to take his father's old seat, he began as a field agent, a bit of an errand boy and information broker. At the age of 15, in early 2006, Kenichi was caught up in a gunfight, in which he inhaled very toxic gas. He survived the overall affair but was left blinded. This is how he came to have the nickname "Snake Eyes".

In 2013, when he was 22, he joined the Blue Squares. He does not have vision in the sense of you and I, but he has trained his auditory receptors, honed his reflexes and practiced the art of mentally mapping out your surroundings through echolocation. As such, even in blindness, he is a crack shot; perhaps better than some of his able allies. He is not originally from Ikebukuro, meaning that his identity isn't really compromised. Instead, he has come in search of his sister.


⊰ b a s i c s ⊱​

Akane Shouichirou

Miss President*, Lizzie**

*She is the School Council President.

**She transferred to England for a while and was nicknamed Elizabeth.​






No affiliations yet.

⊰ p e r s o n a l i t y ⊱


✓Quite Clever



✕Can be Aggressive

✕Isn't always the most Trusting

✕Isn't afraid to Abandon People

Can't always Let Go

She’s always been quite level-headed. You know? Logical, the voice of reason, and she’s often quite calm and collected. It helps her to develop her leadership skills. But she’s far from there yet. When angered, she can become quite stern and even aggressive. In this way, she resembles her brother.

She’s told often that she can be kind and funny, but at the same time stubborn. She thinks that she’s quite a sociable character, and can adapt to fit the social situation, but she’s never really been too exposed to the world outside her little town with her group of friends. She often tends to appear stronger on the outside, so as to hide her inner child.

She tends to play with her hair a lot, especially if she ever flirts.

Like her brother, she enjoys puzzles and music. Like her brother used to, she enjoys reading and occasionally a slight bit of gaming.


⊰ h i s t o r y ⊱

Akane Shouichirou was born to the same parents as her older brother, but was raised completely differently. While her brother was seen as a 'Prince' in the sense that he would rise up to become heir to his father's seat in the Yakuza, she was seen as a 'Princess' in the sense that she was loved and spoiled. She enjoyed spending time with her mother and her older brother, even her father at his presence. She spent the earlier years of her life in home school as her parents were quite protective given her father's work, however she eventually joined a private school where she began to make lots of friends.

After her father's death, she was separated from her brother. She decided to leave home and go to school in Kyoto, despite her young age. After a while, she received an email from a mysterious information broker called Izaya Orihara which stated that her brother had appeared in Ikebukuro. This, however, was a lie, which Akane fell for as she knew about the gangs there. After being tipped off by a friend in the Yakuza, Kenichi followed her trail to Ikebukuro where he joined the Blue Squares in order to find and protect her.

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? Rei Tanezaki ?

? Work In Progress - cause i have to leave for a bit //shot ?

  • tumblr_na7ojotIWa1s95wkpo1_500.png



    only by some, normally used by her close friends


    given to her by her older cousin. strictly reserved.

    online alias.


    the surname of one of her favorite voice actor's




    May 31st





    she's open to any gender, though only after being with them for a fair amount of time



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? b a s i c s ?

full name.

Shun Takahashi



online alias.





September 18






Yellow Scarves

? p e r s o n a l i t y ?

? positive traits.

Attractive (in his opinion)

Stupidly Loyal

? negative traits.







Holds Grudges



At School and in public, Shun is surrounded by a protective layer of friends. He's out-going and casual with his classmates. It's rare for him to be alone except when he walks or bikes to school. His home life has deteriorated lately, but Shun doesn't talk about that. He stays out after nightfall. Shin doesn't speak to his mother much. Not that he dislikes her, but they don't have anything to say to each other. He can be outright hostile toward strangers. His glares are the subject of much teasing and complaint among his friends. They claim Shun's glares scare away all the girls. Shun is vastly unsympathetic about this. His eyes are just prone to glaring. He doesn't (always) do it on purpose. Shun also smirks a lot which adds to the reason people dislike him.

Shun believes in the group over the individual. He and his best friends decided to join the Yellow Scarves together. Together, they work as a unit and do things they wouldn't by themselves. Shun has fought people he had no personal issues with because one of his best friends needed him to. Otherwise, Shun lacks incentive. He's athletic and spends his spare time playing basketball or goofing off.


Smirking when he's angry/amused/delighted/drunk/or emotionally devastated

Forgetting to dye his hair on a regular basis. Sometimes the black shows through.

Jumping to conclusions




Making tea


favorite color.


? h i s t o r y ?


A boy with a horrendous attendance record, Shun has little use for school. His most prized memories of Raira aren't academic. At one point, he showed up more for basketball practice than class. Shun joined the Yellow Scares when his best friends did. Impulsive and angry, Shun wanted to drive the Blue Squares from his school and neighborhood. Joining the Yellow Scarves was a means to that end. Shun didn't fully understand the depth of commitment he was making. His personal sense of honor and affection for his best friends obligated him to stay. When the Yellow Scarves were at their peak, Shun missed twice as much school. His sensei expelled him from the basketball team for his absentees. He dyed his hair yellow and lost touch with most of his friends that weren't in the gang.

After the Yellow Scares dwindled in renown, Shun began to attend school more. His parents are freshly divorced and his father moved away. His sister is aware of his affiliation with the Yellow Scares and doesn't speak much to him. She goes to Tokyo University, which all Shun's friends know about and he's pretty proud of. Shun plays basketball at the night courts in the park. He still hates the Blue Squares even though the Yellow Scarves have been inactive lately. Hearing their name is enough to ruin his mood.

relationships to canon characters.

Shun is an admirer of the Black Rider. He even saw her on her motorcycle once. His friends either find this hilarious or don't believe him.

Passing acquaintances with the leader of the Yellow Scarves, Masaomi Kida.

love interest.


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FC: Misaki Yata

Trust me, if you keep flappin' your lips. I'll tear them off for you.

  • tumblr_mykljx5Mh31roq5u4o6_500.gif


    Tetsuya Yuno Ryouta



    online alias.




    birth date.







    Yellow Scarves

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".....Are you led here by the smoke or the scent? Though, at any case, I won't let you have my food."

  • 02.png


    Tomoko Ishikawa


    Tomo || Common, mostly used by her friends and acquaintances.

    Online alias





    April 7, 1992



    Birth gender





    Formerly affiliated with Blue Squares.

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Katsu Akiyama

  • fullname.

    Katsu Akiyama



    online alias.












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The Macabre Twins

? b a s i c s ?


Rika(Left) and Ritsu(Right) Kurosawa


-The Macabre Twins

-Ri-chan and Ri-kun

online alias.

Kuroka (Rika)





April 4th


Rika is female

Ritsu is male


Both are Pansexual



? p e r s o n a l i t y ?

? positive traits.

Rika: creative, easy going, open-minded, fun-loving, self-motivated

Ritsu: logical, easy going, patient, smart, protective, loyal.

? negative traits.

Rika: impatient, frivolous, overbearing,eccentric, vicious and spiteful(when angered)

Ritsu: passive, mischievous, pushover, a bit lazy.


Rika is a very motivated person. She does what she wants regardless of what anyone thinks. She badgers her brother in to wearing the eccentric clothes she designs. She forces him to join her on her supernatural research. Rika has a hard time taking no for an answer. She holds grudges very well. However, she's very friendly so long you don't get on her bad side. She likes trying new things. She's smart, but can get a bit careless at times. The reason her grades are low is because she often forgets to write her names on tests...or she's too busy studying demonic runes to pay attention to the teachers.

Riku on the other hand is very passive. He's a pushover and does whatever Rika tells him because he doesn't want to get her angry at him. Despite this, he is incredibly protective of his sister. He's smart, and has one of the highest grades in his grade. Riku is a cautious person and is good at seeing the big picture. He managed to figure out that Ryugamine-san is the founder of Dollars just by watching his sempai, but has not told anyone of this. His favorite person, besides his sister, is Tom...because the man gives him candy.


-Both twins wear eccentric clothing.

-Ritsu is always seen eating candy whenever he lacks energy...which is all the time. He's a sugar addict.

-Rika carries her sewing kit with her everywhere she goes. When she hates someone she'll make a vodoo doll of them and stab it several times to make herself feel better.

-The twins are almost always seen together.


Rika likes to watch horror movies, research the supernatural/occult, and design clothes/costumes.

Ritsu likes to eat sweets, nap, and play with animals. He also likes to watch people and observe their behaviors.

favorite color.

Rika's favorite color is black

Ritsu's favorite color is pink.

? h i s t o r y ?


The twins moved to Ikebukuro when they were 8 and their father's business had gone bankrupt. In order to restart their lives, their parents borrowed money from loan sharks to start a new business in Ikebukuro. The Kurosawas now own a small bookshop in East Ikebukuro, next to their house. Their parents were always busy working in order to repay their debt. Therefore the twins had only each other for company and grew very close. The twins have always been known for their eccentricity and as a result, didn't make many friends. However, they didn't mind because they always had each other. Rika would always badger her brother to research the occult with her, taking him to supposedly "haunted" houses, visiting cemeteries in order to perform "demonic rituals", video-taping the Headless Rider, etc.

However, things became complicated when they entered Raira Academy. Rumors about them began to spread among the students from an unknown source. False stories of Rika and Ritsu grave-robbing, reviving the dead, cursing people, etc. The twins soon found themselves ostracized by their peers even before they got a chance to make friends. Rika and Ritus became known as the Macabre Twins of Raira Academy. They are disliked by a majority of the students. Even the teachers don't like them, though none have done anything about it. The twins are now determined to discover the source of the terrible rumors about them. They formed the 'Supernatural Detective Agency' Club at Raira Academy to do so. Currently its members are only Rika and Ritsu...for now...

They received an invitation to join Dollars and accepted because they could and because they figured they could enlist the help of Dollars members to discover the identity of the perpetrator behind the false rumors.

relationships to canon characters.

-Rika and Ritsu work part time at Russian Sushi to help their parents pay off their family's debt.

-Rika and Ritsu have met Tom and Shizuo occasionally when the loan sharks come to collect money from their parents...Tom would sometimes bring Ritsu candy.

-Rika met Erika once at an anime convention. They discussed many things including the similarities of their names, horror manga, and Rika's costumes. Rika is currently being paid by Erika to design her cosplay costumes.

-Rika and Ritsu are always chasing after news of Celty.

-Izaya may or may not be the instigator behind the false rumors.

-Ritsu knows the identity of the Dollars leader, but he's not told anyone yet...not even Rika.

love interest.

-Rika wants to marry Celty.

-Ritsu is N/A for now...
however many people believes he loves his sister...which is NOT true.​
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⊰ Hiro Kageyama ⊱

Everybody’s weak. That’s why we rely on others. We live by helping one another. We can say, we need one another.
Hiro Kageyama

  • devil_survivor_2_render_by_cyan0610-d6blkvb.png



    Only lets his family use it. Would enjoy his significant other to use it also once he finds one that is...


    A nickname used by younger students usually.


    The nickname used by Hiro's friends

    online alias.


    Due to Hiro's signature bunny hoodie




    June 6th







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? b a s i c s ?


Sayo Tokiyo


Sa-chan, Toki, Yoyo(by her grandmother)

online alias.





March 9







? p e r s o n a l i t y ?

? positive traits.


*helpful to anyone




? negative traits.

*doing things alone

*taking the blame

*randomly violent



Sayo is indeed a shy girl some of who would even call her a introvert girl. Which indeed she is. She loves to help people when needed be beacuse she believes that if she does that then when she needs someone's help she will recieve it since she has done acts of goodness towards others. She doesn't like to speak up much but when she does she's a kind girl. Of course no one wants to get on her bad side since all that is nice by day can also be evil by night. Other than that her shy attitude brings along her clumsy self. she can easily trip on a rock or her own shoe.

She tries to be independed which doesnt really work on her favor since when it does she distance her self even more and goes as far as taking the blame for things she didnt even cause. She wants to protect that which she cares about even if it cost her her life. Yet she doesnt know that sometimes its ok to give up.She has random acts of violence that she tends to forget.


*bites her lip when nervous

*avoids eye contact when shy

*trips a lot when scared






favorite color.


? h i s t o r y ?


Sayo was born to two healthy parents. None looked like they were going to do what they did. Sayo's mother was born into a family that originally gave her into an arranged marrige. Sayo's father was in the same possition. To be honest with one another they had no love in their relationship but none the less they made Sayo who grew to be a beautiful young girl. She loved her parents an in return they loved her. Secretly Sayo's mother would meet up with men after Sayo and her father would go off to work and school. Things didnt go so well after her father found out. Sayo would then hear constant bickering and often hear things breaking and screams, She also heard about how her mother 'was tainting the family name' She didnt understand that back then but still she loved both her parents very much. Of course till the say the accident came. Sayo was left with her grandmother from her dad's side. It happened so fast but it seemed like it was something fate would do. Ever since the incident Sayo didnt talk to anyone and closed herself off from society. She surfed the web made friends online to which she became a kind and shy girl. Slowly she started breaking from that shell as she came upon a school site.

Raira Academy. She loved the uniforms and even the city that surrounded it, she loved it so much that she spent one year our of her room with tutors her grandmother had set up for her so she could go there. She was happy again. She moved into Ikebukuro, into a small two bed-room appartment that wasn't far from the school. She started attending when she was 15. She didn't make much friends but she was still the same girl in the inside. She helped elders around the city as well as people who seemed to be needing help. She was always kind, yet there where times that her kindness was no longer present and she got into fights. Of course she was careful about her identity. She didnt like fights but it was in her. She became a member of the Dollars to help them and stop her self form hurting people anymore. It wasnt like her to fight people so she hopped that being surrounded with nice people or people she could talk to under an Alias would help her.

relationships to canon characters.

Doesn't really know anyone since she doesn't like to interact with many people.

love interest.

None Yet


? b a s i c s ?


Tohaku Fujiwara





online alias.





June 10






Blue Squares

? p e r s o n a l i t y ?

? positive traits.





? negative traits.

Slightly over possessing


To Outspoken



Tohaku is a caring helpful person who loves to help but he expects things done in return. He holds a tab for people he helps and when he needs something he goes to the people asking to 'pay' for the things he's helped them with. He's never once called someone a friend always a 'toy' if you were to be his 'best friend' he'd probrably call you something along the lines of 'favorite toy'. Other than those little things he's really smart and loves planning things which also comes along to his obedience to the Blue Squares, or course he's some what obedient since he's also a bit on the violent side but he tries to hide that with smiles and helpfulness. Never will he let other's tell him what to do unless its Aoba telling him. He indeed calls Aoba 'friend' instead of 'toy' and that's mostly because he respects Aoba.

When he's a bit loud is around the class room despite his intelligence Tohaku likes to have fun. Never will he stop smiling of course since its what leads people close to him. He hates when people hurt his beloved 'toys' or when someone doesn't listen to Aoba its sort of when his over possessing person comes out. This is mostly seen when things he 'owns' get hurt.


-glares often at people he doesn't like

-coughs when he's nervous

-drinks coffee every morning

-always by himself unless Aoba calls him

-likes to take in stray animals


-feeding animals


-walking around town

-making people's life a mess


favorite color.


? h i s t o r y ?


Tohaku was born June 10 at 11:12pm. He lost his mother during the process of being born. He was raised by his aunt's and uncles and grandparents since they all lived in the same home. He was thought some self defence since there were around another 15 children in the large house hold. Everyone home calls him Haku-nii or just Nii-chan. He doesn't mind since everyone in the house to him are siblings. His grandparents allowed him to go live in Ikebukuro alone since the school there was much better than the one they had in his home town. He started to have random acts of violence when he accidentally bumped into some Yellow scarves. He didn't know about gangs and when he came out of the alley he got cornered in he saw some people with blue scarves out and looking at him. He didnt know what was happening but suddenly he found out about everything. The real Blue Squares and all the other gangs in Ikebukuro. He didn't know what to think so for a while he decided to remain as an unknown. He knew the people in blue squares and what they did but he didn't pay mind to them. Slowly the problems passed and he soon met Aoba, the true leader of the Blue Squares. They both quickly became friends and as all comes to pass Tohaku joined the Blue Squares because he believed that Aoba would do something amazing and he wanted to be one of the people to be able to see it. His personality quickly changed as he'd never been displayed the true view of the world. How twisted and dark it truly was. Slowly he too was dark and twisted. His friends became toy's to kill his boredom, he got into fights to kill off the boredom. When people he saw as 'toys' got hurt he injured those people laughing and smiling. Tohaku now is still the same and he just awaits for something to kill time off.

relationships to canon characters.

Aoba- Gangleader, He respects him and would do anything to help him achieve his goals.

Mikado- Doesn't really know what to think, Will keep an eye on him

Kida- Hates him but is suspicious that he might know. Wants to kill him but Aoba told him to stop

[The rest he doesn't really care about]

love interest.



? Ryuta Mochizuki ?

I don't care, I don't need your help and I won't help you. I don't NEED anyone. It doesn't matter who or how many I fight, I'll do it alone!
Ryuta Mochizuki


  • Keita_Manga.png


    The Wolf of Ikebukuro

    A title given to the thug for being able to take on gangs by himself. He is pretty well known among gangs and locals alike.

    Tsundere Boxer

    A joking title for the boy. Due to his Tsundere-esc personality.


    Just a shorter form of his name, though because of his lack of friends anyone will call him this.

    online alias.





    Augest 4th




    Asexual - Aromantic

    Or so he says...


    Other- Solo

    If aloud


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