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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

Work In Progress

Just a little preview of my newest horrible character, Quirky! :x

Himeko Kuwahara



Himeko has very few nicknames, though she is often called Hime-Sama by the few who respect her, albeit she doesn't accept such respect as the only one she believes deserving of true respect is Izaya.

Online Alias

Online, Himeko goes by the names Hidetora and Wakumi, playing opposing gender similarly to how Izaya poses female online.










Sexuality has no meaning for Himeko, who's adopted Izaya's love of all humans (excluding Shizuo Heiwajima), though if she were forced to choose one, she'd take hetero as it would allow love between her and her idol Izaya.


Positive Traits

Negative Traits





General Attitude

Greatest Fear

Love Interest

Izaya Orihara



Born in Ikebukuro, Himeko was originally an individual who'd never seen sunlight in her life. All her time was spent locked up inside the house because of her crackhead "parents" not knowing the first thing of being parents. They basically treated her like a nuisance, as they could never understand what the hell it is the girl wanted even as a baby. Often times she'd just be left alone, or her father drunk while her mother was off doing something stupid that often times involved car crashes, getting involved with local gangs, oft breaking the bank aw well getting some crappy drug that weren't even worth the yen.

Somehow managing to survive her parents up to being seven, Himeko went rogue and jacked her father's laptop, as well as any chance her father had of getting off his ass and getting some money with the stuff he was trying to write and kept on said computer. Himeko didn't give a crap about her parents though, seeing as their shitty parenting had made her out to be shitty a child; enough to up and screw her parents for all eternity. It didn't take Himeko long to get the hang of using the laptop she'd stolen from her dad, though it did take her time to figure out the buttons and everything.

Shortly after the screwing over of her family, Himeko found herself encountering a kid by the name Izaya, who was a bit older than her. She'd been fascinated by him the short time she'd been around him, though they never really threw any words back and forth. Moving on, Himeko proceeded to what her intent in leaving her little hellhole of a hideout and stole some electronic equipment from an electronics store before bolting on off to a new hiding place. It didn't take her long get shit in order, now camping out in a sorta nice place compare to the previous.

A few years pass, Himeko having somehow gotten through life so far and having taken over a nice little crap-shack off in the shittier parts of Ikebukuro, an abandoned place that seemed have electricity to a single plug allowing her plug in things like a laptop as well as something else like a desk lamp. She'd encountered Izaya a few times more during the years, though she'd been watching him often due to taking an interest in him. She'd basically become the closest thing to him she could become, hoping to pretty much get his attention and all that stuff.

Reasons for playing the game

For Himeko, it's really just a game to test herself. She thinks of it as a way to test her hacking skills and see just what information she can get out of everybody. On top of that, she thinks it fun try and screw people over with false info and the likes. Other than that though, she has little reason to play. The cash prize is really just a bonus in her mind, something she might use to get a decent place albeit she doesn't quite need one right now as her crap-shack is good enough for now.

Relationship with cannon characters

A 'friend' of Izaya's one could say, he's the first person she'd encountered after screwing her family back as a child. She'd thought nothing of it at that time though, but eventually met Izaya a few times more over the years, basically picking up things from him due to an admiration toward the guy. She was there in the background when Izaya and that Shizuo bastard last fought, and that's pretty much when the plan to beat Shizuo up came into her mind.



To Be Rolled


An apt hacker, it's about the first thing Himeko does in the day, as well as the second, third, fourth, sixth, and last. She's become rather skilled at the task, able to access most devices of common-folk. In addition she's quite the quick-witted individual, able to figure many things out before most others would as well as react quicker than most.


Her past is always haunting her. So much as the mention of her last name brings shitty memories, and with them, negative emotion. She generally hides these emotions fairly well while around others, but the moment she's alone, it all just flows out and utterly destroys her for a time to come. Her only escape afterwards is the computer, usually coming up with new hacking methods or otherwise. In addition to her crappy past, she's near incapable of understanding the emotions and such of others despite playing with them fairly well, and as such it drives her insane being forced stay around those with crazy ambitions and such that she deduces are illogical, especially the optimistic type of person.



An informant is what Himeko is; at least, that's what she'd like to say. She's more a hacker for hire, though never does she meet in person with her clients. To Himeko, hacking's an easy thing, and she'll hack just about anything for the right price, even go for government secrets if she were given the right amount of money.


Himeko dreams of one day kicking that Shizuo bastard's ass, something she's been getting herself mentally prepared for a while. She also has a goal to find somewhere to actually stay, a place she belongs or something like that opposed to the hellhole she lives in current time.

Favorite color


Theme Song

Florence Mildred Lorraine Nightingale

Sister Florist


Online Alias: Hornet's Nest

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Nationality: Netherlands

Age: 24


  • 7242b63302366350821fcdcb46dad0a0c27fa884e5d2e66107d791a493b8a24e.jpg

    Negative Traits: [/B][/FONT][FONT=Niconne]Fanatical, sadistic, and curious, Florence believes that the only way to purify Ikebukuro is through calculated extermination of those that run the city. On top of that, she has also hidden a secret desire for a romantic relationship with a person who has yet to be named (one of the players, but I haven't chosen them yet). Sister Florence is determined to carry out the Will of God as she believes it to be and to cleanse the city through any means possible. Ruthless, cunning, she's a modern day Spanish Inquisition that believes in a form of justice that almost throws her at a seat of power. All in all, she's very stubborn.

    Positive Traits: Despite that, Florence is still very faithful and optimistic. She is not as easily swayed to punish those that fail her and she also believes in mercy and loyalty. When she promises to do something, she will do it and she will not hesitate to help those that she believes can be saved by the Light of the World.

    Likes: Jesus, the Bible, dispensing Holy Justice, and cleansing the city, as well as receiving followers to the Church.

    Dislikes: Sinners, gangsters, and anyone she considers outcasts. The Wolves of the Flock and the Monsters that create the darkness are all, in Florence's mind at least, dangerous and evil. And they are the very creatures that must be destroyed. Anyone even associated or seen helping these monsters may also share the same fate unless they repent.[/inlineSpoilers] But of course, those that ask for forgiveness should be given some since Florence considers everyone to be children of the Lord.[/FONT][/B] [B] [/B][B][FONT=Niconne]Habits/Quirks:[/FONT][/B][B][FONT=Niconne] Florence has a habit of snuggling anything that she considers fluffy, as well as quoting the Bible verse often whenever she's doing her work. [/FONT][/B] [B] [/B][B][FONT=Niconne]Hobbies: [/FONT][/B][B][FONT=Niconne]Other than praying, Florence also tries to tend to those that may need her more. While this is a lot of work on a nun, she does, when she isn't wearing her habit, which she considers only a uniform to wear before her services to the Church, out and searching for new places to eat.[/FONT][/B] [B] [/B][B][FONT=Niconne]General Attitude:[/FONT][/B][B][FONT=Niconne] Caring and cheerful, Florence is seen to be a very optimistic person that doesn't seem easy to anger.[inlineSpoiler] To the contrary, she can be very brooding, and will terminate anything that she sees as a danger to her Church. This often makes her a very stubborn egg to argue with.

    Greatest Fear: Losing to the evil that surrounds Ikebukuro. Sister Florence prides herself on using Inquisitorial techniques and unorthodox stratagems to convert followers, and while it may not all be fine with her Church, Florence justifies it as being adaptable to a modern and ever changing world.

    Love Interest: Florence does have such a love interest, a person who to her would be perfect beyond all others. (Randomly selected player).

  • @QuirkyAngel, still a work in progress but figured I'd post this anyway.

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nickname:ice king or ice

online alias:fallen angel






appearance:wears a grey tank top, black jogging pants, icy blue eyes, and has silver like hair

positive traits:is good with anything like knifes, bats, etc

negative traits: has horrible eye sight and is bad at talking

likes:the cold, spicy food, grey, black, blue, and the night

dislikes: the color red, sweet food, the heat, and summer

habits: going berserk, spacing out

hobbies:drawing, cooking, and writing

general attitude:calm mostly

greatest fear: not helping the person he cares about

love interest:someone that is kind

background:with the rumors of the black rider coming out at night he would always go out at night to try and see who the black rider is but he knew that it would never work even though the black rider was one of the first people that he thought was kind but he was also found out that he was running out of money to pay for food and bills then he saw something about catching a dullahan

talents:great at find out secrets and at protecting others

weaknesses:hot temperatures, and his eye sight

occupation:he has a job of bringing mail to house

dreams:he dreams of seeing who the black rider really is

favorite color: icy blue

theme song: prayer of the refugees


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