• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt


White Masquerade's Blue Oni
The Dullahan Hunt Sign Up


Come and join the varied cast of Durarara!! in their world!

Your character must be an oc as all cannon characters will be npcs controlled by the gm(me). You may purchase an npc to rp at the fame shop(in the settings/location tab) if you so desire. However, I ask that all people who purchase an npc be familiar with the character and be able to rp them somewhat accurately.

I'm not picky about character sheets, but the prettier the better. Feel free to use any format you want. However all character sheets must have the following in any order:

Basic Information



Online Alias
--the username that your character will use for the Dollars Chatroom.


--male, female, or transgender?

Species -- For now the only available species is human.

Nationality -- You can be any nationality you want, but you have to know how to speak Japanese since you'll be living in Ikebakuro.


--pics, description, it doesn't matter.


Positive traits

Negative traits





General attitude

Greatest fear

Love interest
-- If none, describe your character's type.



Background -- past experiences, what your character's life was like prior to moving to Ikebukuro, what challenges he/she faced that made them who they are, etc.

Reasons for playing the game

Relationship with cannon characters (optional)
-- Your character could have be born in Ikebukuro, moved Ikebakuro with the help of a cannon character, etc.


Stats -- For now leave this blank. You'll edit it in if you get accepted.

Talents -- what your character is good at.

Weaknesses -- what your character is bad at.


Occupation -- Are you a student or an adult with a job? Either way you need money in order to live in Ikebukuro. If your character lives alone he/she needs a part time job at least.

Goals/Dreams -- What are your character's aspirations? What does he/she plan to do if they win the money?

Favorite color

Theme Song
-- Choose a song that reflects an aspect of your character's personality: their goals/dreams, their wishes, what's important to them, how people see them, their true feelings, etc.​

Do you have what it takes to catch a Dullahan?


Character Sign Ups are now OPEN!
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Basic Information WIP,

Joshua Wilson

Nickname J-Willy

Online Alias






Species -- Male

Nationality -- American


N-none of your business!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_0104.JPG.c6f671276670921fd048ada5f21e3622.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_0104.JPG.c6f671276670921fd048ada5f21e3622.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kind and loving. He will do anything you ask.Well, most things.

Positive traits

Negative traits





General attitude

Greatest fear

Loves anyone who loves and tolerates him.


-- past experiences, what your character's life was like prior to moving to Ikebakuro, what challenges he/she faced that made them who they are, etc.

Reasons for playing the game

To just have fun! Myth chasing seems cool!


-- For now leave this blank. You'll edit it in if you get accepted.

Talents -- Acting

Weaknesses - Fear of getting hurt or dying!

Fear of being lonley


-- Are you a student or an adult with a job? Either way you need money in order to live in Ikebakuro. If your character lives alone he/she needs a part time job at least.

Goals/Dreams -- What are your character's aspirations? What does he/she plan to do if they win the money?

Favorite color

Theme Song
-- Choose a song that reflects an aspect of your character's personality: their goals/dreams, their wishes, what's important to them, how people see them, their true feelings, etc.



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    "In my mind are countless wars. I don't want to join another one outside."


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Basic information.

|| Yuma

Nickname || "I don't take pet names."

Online Alias || Rolling boy

Age || 19

Gender || Male

Species || Human

Nationality || Australian

Sexuality || Heterosexual





Positive traits

Has to pick up what falls I front of him (be it object or human)

Carring (although he never shows it).

Protective of people close to him.

Negative traits

Bi polar

Has a harsh way of talking sometimes

Self deprecating

Holds his problems worries and stresses to himself

Rarely lets people in (from an emotional stand point)

Hates confrontation with his problems



Cute things and people

When things go his way



Social interaction with strangers

The way he talks


When people take away his music


Bi polar

Kink for girls with glasses

Doesn't think about what he says

Talking down to people without knowing he is doing it

Sence Yuma has been young he has heard "voices in his head." The voices sound real to Yuma which makes it hard to tell the real voices from the ones In his head, he can suppress the voices with music but the moment it turns back off the voices return. The voices can cause a huge shift in Yuma's personality and make him more prone to shut down and have emotional outbursts.


Bird watching

Star gazing

Long walks on the beach

Stabbing b****s


Long emotional talks on the beach during a starry night with his pet bird about the b****s he stabbed

General attitude

Yuma's default vocal tone is very matter of fact. He usually does not give a f*** about anything unless it peaks his interest or is important at the time. He can accidentally come off as extreamlly rude if he doesn't watch what he says.

Greatest fear

Losing another loved one

Love interest

Has to have Glasses, into kinky stuff, has a high tolerance for ass holes and has to be a girl, well endowed.



Sence Yuma was 5 he has been hearing voices in his head, as he grew up the voices only grew stronger and louder. As a child he was unstable, his parents went from special school to special school trying to find someone who could teach him but they looked with little to no luck. When he was young the voices weren't that bad, they were more the whispers that just distracted Yuma. As time went on they became Yuma's own little personal monster. The voices were all that he could hear, and it frightend him. In school Yuma was failing because the voices were all that he could hear. When all seemed lost, Yuma was curled up in his bed with a kitchen knife, cutting the night away. The next day Yuma went into school almost fine, seemed as though the voices were no longer a problem. When the teachers asked "how did you get rid of them?" Yuma would just simply show them his arm, riddled with cuts. Yuma found a temporary fix, but as time went on more and more cuts were needed to keep the voices down. It was then he found his true cure.

High school, freshman year. Yuma was sitting alone, curled in a ball as the voices began to return. Before he could get the razor a girl came up to him and asked him what his problem was. Yuma told the girl and on response she put her headphones in his ear and said "this is what I do when I don't want to listen to talking." The voices became whispers, and the whispers became silence. The girl's name was Shara, she was Yuma's angel. It took convincing but Yuma was premeditated to use headphones in school. As long as the music was playing the voices seemed to vanish. Oh course he wasn't cured, the music was more of a suppressant.

As the school year went on they became friends, more then just friends even. Then Junior year came, one day, a cold Winter's day, Yuma was driving to school with Shara and his mother. They were running late and driving fast, then as Yuma's mother made a sharp right turn, she lost control. The car ran into a lamp post that then broke and crushed half the car, Shara and Yuma's mother too.

After Yuma had finished high school and went to collage for one year he came back home only to find out that his father had commented suiside earlier that year. So he dropped out and began his life as a webpage designer. A job that he never needed to leave the house to do. It only took a short time for him to be contacted about a game taking place in Japan, the prize money is what caught his eye, with money like that maybe he could rid himself of the voices. So he learned the language and took a plane to destanation of the game.



Strength: 6

Investigation: 5

People skills: 3


Pulling strings.

Tactical planing.


Has a way with computers.


Following orders.

Playing any kind of instrument.

Stage fright.



|| Website designer, indie game maker (in his free time).

Goals/Dreams || To get rid of the voices.

Favorite color || Blue

Theme Song

(I don't know how well you will think this song fits my character, I think parts fit his character.)


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  • 3IQWjly.jpg
    Name -- Iroha Oomine

    Nickname(s) -- Ro, Ihrohas, Mine

    Online Alias-- uwagi

    Age -- 18

    Gender-- Female

    Species -- Human

    Nationality -- Japanese American

    Sexuality -- Heterosexual

    Appearance --

    Eye Color// Green

    Hair Color// Green (Dyed)

    Hair Color// Brown (Natural)

    Hair Length// Base of Neck

    Height// 5'6"

    Weight// 119lbs

    Build// Thin

    Clothing// Anything, likes Jackets.

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    "I don't trust words. I trust actions."

    Name|| Kaminari Shizuoka

    Nickname(s)|| Kana, Kamikaze, Naomi, Female Steve Aoki

    Online Alias||Ms.NeonSheep

    Age|| 16


    Species|| Human

    Nationality|| Japanese/Korean

    Sexuality|| Bisexual

    Appearance || Look up^


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Name: Akira Mashiro

Nickname(s): Aki, Kira

Online Alias: Neko

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Nationality: Japanese

Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual

Positive Traits:

+ Good Listener

+ Quick Witted

+ Cheerful

+ Calm

Negative Traits:

- Careless

- Sarcastic

- Lazy

- Vain


- Sour and Spicy Foods

- Getting His Way

- Relaxing Days

- Cats

- Talking


- Too Sweet Foods

- Roses

- Annoyances

- Idiots

- Rain


~ He plays with his hair when he's scared or nervous.

~ He rocks on his heels when excited.


~ Drawing

~ Playing jokes on people.

~ Dancing

General Attitude:

Kira is a buoyant and carefree person. He tries too hard for a sense of normalcy in his life though, living in Ikebukuro makes that seriously hard. He normally comes off as a bouncy and mischievous person. He's normally playing tricks on people or dozing in a corner somewhere. He is almost like a cat in many ways.

Greatest Fear:

~ Loosing everything he knows and loves

Love interest:

A good looking guy, that has a sense of humor and put up with his antics.



Akira was born to Kaoru Orihara and Tohei Mashiro, causing them to be wed. The boy grew up in a normal life that any kid could dream of. Two loving parents and anything he could want, his life was great. When he reached 10 he met his other family, the Orihara family. Young and naive he latched onto his cousin Izaya and became a sort of shadow of his. Younger Akira thought he was cool and looked up to him. When Kira was accepted into Raira Academy his family was proud, that would make him yet another in their family to attend the school. He moved to a small apartment in Ikebukuro and got a job at the local anime store, the pay wasn't much but he had enough to support himself along with the money his parents sent each month. Kira became neutral to most of the craziness that happened in the city and at times was the cause of or added fuel to the already burning fire. Before the hunt began he was getting irritable due to the lack of life the city wasn't causing. When he found out about the games, he figured it was time to have some fun.

Relationship with cannon characters:

Izaya Orihara- His cousin, in some twisted way Akira admires him.

The Van Gang- They come into the shop he works at quite often.

Reason for playing the game:

He was bored and things in the city was getting dull, he thinks it'll be fun.



Investigative: 7

Fighting: 9

Social: 9


- He can smooth talk his way out of anything

- Pickpocketing

- Knows his way around guns


- He has a fragile body and could easily be over powered by someone stronger.

- Isn't very skilled with knives



Student | Worker at Anime Fame | Dollars Member


To do something good and meaningful with his life, so when he dies one day he'll would have made a difference.

Favorite Color:


Theme Song:




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Reimi Hisakawa


Rem, Skater girl, road rage (rages on the road with her skates sometimes xD ) Blue (hair of course)

Online Alias









English/Japanese (Umm...google translate? xD )




Her hair is naturally a bright unusual blue with turquoise eyes. Over size black and white stripy jumper with white shorts and especially by her dad her skates/shoes that are blue, same color as her hair.



She is a outgoing girl who love raising her voice in typical arguments, if it comes across to doing so. She is though very curious at times, she very polite that it causes helping out others.

Positive traits

Helping people with directions, even when half the time she doesn't know herself.

ask when is taking requests.

Negative traits

Always rolling through people on her skates to get to places quicker and not letting them pass first..

Unknown noticeable scars on her wrist and waist..(why she has long sleeves)


Music, Spicy foods, Gaming, just something to do in her free time on a rainy day! Parties, face painting!


Spiders.. cleaning duties like sweeping, hoovering, guys who think they know it all, rude customers.


Chewing the string from her white earphones. painting little tattoos on her arms.


Dancing, Skating, Basketball, Face painting.

Greatest fear


Love interest

None.. yet :3

Code Word:



Reimi has been a travelling ever since she was young with her parents, she been to many places but since she gotten to a certain age she figure for herself she would like to stop and stay somewhere, so she did which the closet place around that look interesting was Ikebukuro. She went to the school there at the age of 15 so she was a new student, before she left her father invented these new stylish boots for her that were also roller skates, showing how much her dad love her and trusted her. when she turn 16 she left school and now she dose part time in face painting for children... and who ever else wants their face painted!


She able run fast and she has good coordination skills, her speed is way much faster when she rolling on skates but she never learn any combat skills so she has to flee from a lot of thing is they go wrong.

Stats --

Investigative Ability- 4

Fighting Ability- 2

Social Skills- 4


Uh... Art, painting.


Finding which way she meant to go mostly all the time.

General Attitude

Polite girl to generally anyone but isn't afraid to speak her mind.


To become the best at face painting ever!


Face Painting.

Favorite Colour


Theme Song


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Name: Helena “Hyena” Hamburg



(Reference for appearance)

Online Alias: Pierre La Font

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Nationality: German

Age: 34

Negative Traits:
Rude, boorish, and down-right a jerk, Helena likes to brag about her achievements and catching an urban legend is definitely on her bucket list.

Positive Traits: A joker at heart, Helena always manages humor, even if it isn’t the appropriate time for humor. Despite this, Helena is known to be a very gentle soul when she isn’t dealing with the criminal underworld and even then, she’ll still try to be nice. It’s only after a couple of beers or rather inflammatory remarks that she starts to get reckless.

Likes: Whenever Helena gets the job done, or become the center of attention, she’ll thrive. She can’t stand being on the sidelines, unless of course she’s behind the barrel as well.

Dislikes: She hates any negative comments against her, and she hates missing a shot. She also hates and truly hates it whenever somebody scratches her bike.

Habits/Quirks: Helena is often very boastful, but she also has a habit of wanting to know what’s going on. She’s also been known to pick and play with her fingers. Often, when she's viewing someone through a scope, or just in public, she'll do her own little imitations of their movements, creating stories in her head. It's only really disturbing when she's reciting some comedy play which ends with one guy's brains blown against the wall.

Hobbies: Helena mainly enjoys driving her motorcycle around town, but she’s also known to practice at the shooting range as well. If not either of those, she prefers going to improv classes or trying her hand at karaoke.

General Attitude: Gentle on the outside, as well as respectful, few people ever realize Helena also works part-time with several criminal organizations. As a criminal, Helena is very boastful, and treats most of her victims like a hunter treats his prey. For her, they’re trophies, prizes from her excursions in the wild.

Greatest Fear: Becoming poor again. For Helena, living in rags is the worst way to live and she’d rather marry her way into wealth than deal with that.

Love Interest: Helena's ideal lover would actually perhaps be a nice lady, proper like her own, who owned a bakeshop. Or worked as a maid. Technically speaking, Helena has several ideas working around in her head.


Originally, Helena was raised in luxury by her parents, where she developed proper manners and an inflated view of herself. Still, her parents had always taught her to be respectful and so to the right individuals, she was. Even with a slightly excitable temper, her parents taught her to control it and she found a means of venting out her frustrations on the shooting range.

But everything changed when her father was taken in for relations to a drug trafficking ring. With their fortune in turmoil, Helena was eventually taken up by a mobster in Japan that decidedly married her mother.

For Helena, from then on, along with black-tie dinners, came an interest in the black market. It wasn’t too soon before Helena realized her father was an amateur compared to some of the other criminals out there and she began to seek ways of getting through. Her new step-father sent her abroad for schooling, but by the time she came back, she was taking up contracts.

Originally, her father had been the one to suggest that Helena’s love of shooting at a gun range could be put to use. From then on, with practice, she began carrying out several hits on rival gangs.

By this time, her step-father was looking to expand in Ikebakuro, where he’d get a stronger hold over the current competition.

Reasons for Playing the Game: Helena feels that catching the Black Rider will not only chip away certain competition in Tokyo’s underworld, but also give her the fame and notoriety to expand in Ikebakuro.

Relationships with canon characters: She doesn’t know any of them by person, but there’s a chance she’s met them either through the Tokyo underworld or simply passing them on the streets.


Investigative: 2

Fighting: 5(+7)

Social: 9

Talents: A decent shot, and a fairly good actress, Helena is known to lie her way out of most situations if necessary. She’s also not that bad on a motorcycle either. Well, she's better with a car, but she's been learning.

Weaknesses: Helena is really bad with melee weapons, and most of the time, she prefers to not get personal with her prey. On top of that, when Helena is caught doing something she shouldn't she doesn't handle pressure that well. She can also be scared rather easily, and first aid is limited to a band-aid and a kiss from mother.

Occupation: Helena mostly lives off her step-father, and her contracts when she gets them. However, she also works in the Ikebakuro police district as a clerk and assistant, often granting her access to files that she can therefore use to find potential targets.

Goals/Dreams: Helena hopes to one day own a fortune of her own, and an empire to top it off. With the money she gets, she plans on buying this empire and gaining the fame necessary to take over Tokyo.

Favorite Color: Bright bubblegum pink. As most soon find out. From her helmet to her motorcycle, to even her furniture is some light, soft colored hue with a splash of pink somewhere in-between.

Totally Not A Code Word: baccano

Theme Song: Misirlou from Pulp Fiction would perhaps be the best. She likes to bask in the sunlight, but also be the person that rides the wave that everyone talks about.

(The Rolls go from Investigative, Fighting, and Social in that order left to right)

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To all those who are still working on their character...

Please tag me(@username) in the ooc thread once you've finished your character so I can look over him/her. Also, be sure to read the rules before signing up. Feel free to join the occ thread if you have any questions about the sign up sheet or about the rp in general. You don't have to be accepted to talk to us:)


Name: Draven Barsnap

Nicknames): Drav-san or Slick

Online Alias: Watcher's Shadow

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Code: Bacano

Species: For now the only available species is human.

Nationality: American.


Appearance: Very tall and slender about the height of Simon with the build of Mikado. He has short white hair with purely black eyes caused from a hereditary dysfunction in his family.

Personality: He is a very tell it like it is person but deep down he is an optimist that strives for better no matter what is thrown his way. Not shy or quiet actually kinda loud.

Positive traits: Loyal, smart, brave, Strategic.

Negative traits: Can be baited easily. Is extremely emotional in certain situations.

Likes: Drinking and meeting with friends.

Dislikes: Rude people and brats

Habits/Quirks: He has a tendency to hug and sniff new people to get a feel of there physical selves and there personality.

Hobbies: Carving stone.

General attitude: Overwhelming tsunami of excitement.

Greatest fear: Losing anything he has ever held in his arms.

Love interest: He has no current intrest but would enjoy an understanding and peaceful person who doesn't mind his problems.


Background: He was a very quiet child told to be silent and always do as told until the day things started changing inside him. His dad had told him to be silent and an explosion happened from inside him. One of pure unadulterated rage. He had beaten his dad half to death with a chair. When his mom started yelling at him he went to hit her with it until something shifted again and all he could do was apologize and run. He ran away from home with nothing. He has always had nothing since then scrounging for scraps hunting on the city till he found someone. A guy named Tom. He said he needed helo running a debt collection agency and Draven agreed instantly. At the age of 15 he became the voice of reason trying so hard to not murder every brat that scoffed in his face. There was only one time he actually used violence. A man had bragged he could beat Draven in a fight and then not have to pay. Draven accepted and proceeded to break almost every bone in the man's body.

Skills/Abilities: Hand to hand is superb. Carries a weapon around just on case an old police baton made of solid metal.


Investigative ability -- 6

Fighting ability -- 7

Social Skills -- 5

Talents: Getting his mark and art.

Weaknesses: Explaining his real thoughts is next to impossible.

Others: Can juggle.

Occupation: Debt collector.

Goals/Dreams: To be useful and needed by those he has held.

Favorite color: Purple

Theme Song: Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran or Another one bites the dust by I don't really know.

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Basic Information

Aria V. Earstle

she doesn't like to be called nicknames but, she'll allow people who are close to her call her Ari.

Online Alias:



Half-Japanese and Half-British

... What? I'm straight!

Code: Baccano

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3660076a_download(2).jpg.451e171e24763f47405e273432c9ed91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3660076a_download(2).jpg.451e171e24763f47405e273432c9ed91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A bit of a tsundere

Positive traits: caring(but tries to cover it up), a good friend once you get to know her even more, will protect a friend at all costs

Negative traits:
teases others(but knows how to back off), often harsh, is not honest with her true feelings, a bit forgetful

Cute things, sweets(but not that much), cute clothes, animals

: People who try to harm her friends, people being bullied and discriminated, people often not listening to her

When things get serious; she tends to overthink, when she gets the chance to buy some clothes, she buys, when a guy tries to confess to her it often ends with the guy she blushes and runs away, when she's nervous she often shouts in other languages.

Hobbies: Buying clothes(but not that much), taking a walk, going to bookstores and manga shops(but will not admit)

General Attitude: Aria is, well... She's a kind and caring girl but tries to conceal it. She will get tease you if you say or do something that embarrassed you, but, if it's really serious, she won't say a thing but will try to comfort you in her own way. She is a good friend to be with if you need any comfort, she will try to understand you and will try her best to give you some advices, also if you tease her about her height(she's 5'4) or her breast/cup size, well, prepare for a beating, and she goes online if she has the time.

Greatest fear: Bugs, and lightning and thunder.

Love interest: Well... shehasacrushonacertaininformer.


Background: She lives in England. Aria, at the age of 9, learned to speak French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and Russian. Her grandmother was entitled the title of Dame and thus, her line became part of the nobles and her father died 4 months later after leaving her with her mother and grandmother. She didn't have any friends and was often bullied and the teachers treated her with extreme care, as if she was a porcelain doll, she was sick of it, but she did not say a word, because it can't be helped it people treat you as that and as a result, she doesn't have that much social interaction with other people. At age 13, she asked to be taught self-defense such as martial arts, and continued it until the age of 17. When she graduated, she took a job as a cook for when she was young, her mother and grandmother complimented on her cooking, and was accepted. She quit after working there for a while and received a text message about a game taking place in Japan, curious, and wanting to escape her boring life of being rich, she got permission from her grandmother and mother and thus, went to Japan to compete in the game.

Reason for joining game: She was curious, and wanted to escape her boring rich life.

Relationship with canon characters:

Orihara Izaya: They hang out with each other(due to some circumstances), she fell for him but doesn't show it.

Masaomi Kida: He tried to hit on her, but she ran away. The met again the next day, she apologized for running away and was forgiven. They got to know each other a bit and became close friends. Though, she doesn't know that Kida is the leader of the color group "Yellow Scarves".

The Van Gang: They passed by the maid shop she was working at(and she was handing out flyers at that time), Erika and Walker suddenly talked about her look on how she looked(obviously, anime) and her being a closet otaku, she gets what they're saying and talks to them for a while, and instantly becomes close friends with Erika and Walker. With Kadota and Togusa on the other hand, they became friends when she helped them on a doing some heavy work(they were surprised that she could carry heavy things) and talked with each other.



: 9(she took martial arts and handles all the heavy work at her house)

Investigation: 2

People Skills: 1(due to her not being believed by people when she was young, excluding her mother and grandmother)

Talents: Speaking 8 languages(German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, English, and French), disguising herself and other people(has enough skills to make a guy look like a girl), can mimic other peoples voice.

Weaknesses: Being made fun of, foiling her plans, scaring her to death, her height and breast/cup size being made fun of(... please prepare for a world of pain.)

Others: Can cook, can handle a bit of police work, can use guns and knives, has almost same flexibility of Izaya(well... he's still better at her in dodging), can do martial arts, researches on targets and the people connected to the target.

Occupation: Hmm... She'll take any job, but is currently working in a maid cafe in Ikebukuro.

Goals/Dreams: To accomplish the game, to make her mother and grandmother proud(in anyway she can). Also, if she gets the prize money, she'll give divide it: one part for her family, one part for herself, and the rest, she'll think of it.

Favorite color: Pink, yellow, green, indigo, light blue, and red

Theme Song: Skyreach || Akame Ga Kill




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Riku Chang


With a young boyish look Riku is a blond-haired, blue-eyed young adult . Specifically, he is 23, 185 cm tall and weighs 79 kg. His usual garb consists of a white beanie, pale blue hoodie pullover, black pants and fingerless gloves. On occasion, he wears a black jacket. His looks and introverted personality have earned him many students.



: 185 cm/79

: Bluish eyes and Golden hair.

: Ectomorph


Nickname(s) Riki.

Online Alias
. Stringer.

Age: 23


Species: Hooman.

: Chinese.

Sexuality: Straight.


Positive traits:

Loves to help out.

very lovable.

he will never leave a fellow behind.


Spicy food.

his favorite The "Space Cowboy" yo-yo.





cat videos.


Negative traits:

at times he might be naive.

cant fight fo' shite.

might get violent when drunk, still cant fight fo' shite.*




unjust evil.

Greatest fear

to lose one of his senses. it would just break him as a human.

Background:Riku was born Shanghai, Growing up as a mute he had a hard time, he wasn't bullied, but people had a hard time understanding him, he refused to learn sign language, he found it to be unimaginative, up until 6th grade his only form of communication would be a game of charade. When one day his art teacher suggested him to carry a notebook and writing, he even offered to teach him calligraphy.

Growing up without speaking, he would try many different things to occupy his time, for many other activities were unavailable to him. After Calligraphy he tried mountain biking, darts, magic tricks, extreme sports, until one day he saw a small group of teenagers spinning you-yo's and he fell in love with it immediately, the next day he begged his mom to get him a yo-yo, but she was a strict woman and said that only if he finishes his sign language study, he agreed with no second thought and even offered to get back to his calligraphy if she would get him a set. She loved his Calligraphy and agreed with a smile to seal the deal.

Yo-yoing became his life! At the age of 18 being an adult, he moved to Japan to live on his own and compete in tournaments, and he was good. Although never taking first place he never got below top 5. At 20 years of age, taking 4th place at the latest Japan championship he needed a new routine for the next tournament. When he had to think he would go to the loudest place he could find, the noise the livelihood of the place would help him to come up with ideas.

Sitting a while listening, observing, he looked and heard every little detail. After two hours he gave up and decided to head back home, on the way back, he saw street performers breakdancing and he knew right away that this was it! This was the missing link in his performance. As the usual spontaneous guy he is, he went out and got himself lessons, now that part did not come that easy, he would get injured a lot, even breaking a finger or two because he was rushing, a year is not enough time.

The year went by and he knew he was not ready, but he had to try.

At the performance, he did a wonderful combination of dance and yo-yo co-ordination, but unfortunately just as he was reaching the end his hand tripped and he fell. He was broken, he knew he failed, but the judges were still impressed with the new original routine and he took second place and his spirit was lifted, He swore to perfect this new style of his. A year later he gave up on competing and decided to teach and learn at the same time so he became a private tutor.

All was good... Until he got the text.

Reasons for playing the game: He figuerd the money would help him with his dreams, like getting a studio.


Investigative Ability | 6

Fighting Ability | 2

Social Skills | 7

look down


Quick thinking:
after living as he did he learned to observe and react to most any situation.

Through all the activities he experienced, he gained quite a sturdy body.

Yo-yoing and calligraphy:


He can take a punch but prefers not to, he would probably lose any fight he would get into... Unless its a dance battle.

Female interaction:
You know those guys that choke up and forget how to speak at the sight of a beautiful woman? now think how a mute guy would react.

Distant communication:
cant talk on the phone (still owns one) or shout for help.

Occupation: Currently working as a privet yo-yo tutor.

He wants to own his own teaching studio as well as a full on yo-yo related shop.

Favorite color:

Theme Song

(btw Pbat is awesome!)


Kind, spontaneous and outgoing Riku likes experience new feeling and new things, he is willing to try almost anything, given the fact that he is afraid of heights he did try once to bungee jump, he did not even squeak on the way down. . . - He loves playing the hero role and will try to help out whenever he can, his dreams come to him first in life, but he might put them on hold for something or someone worth of it. He also likes to drink quite a lot, Which would cause weird behavior very not suiting his usual self, might even get violent. He would even sometimes go and sa... And write that his favorite deity is that Greek dude, Baccano was it?

Edit: Love interest: He has none so far, i mean look at him. But the girl of his dreams would have to be energetic talkative and open for idea's, and glasses he loves that Sexy librarian look...
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Because Quirky loves him so much, I decided to reuse a character with some... Modifications including but notimited to:

•100% LESS serious!

• Says 50% LESS annoying things!

• 900% MORE skilled with firearms!

• Slightly taller!!

• No longer a cannibal!

Itsuko Tengami

"I like packaged food because it's like me. It says what it is on the outside."


"I will stab you in the liver, Shoot one of your lungs then break your nose if you call me something other than my name."

Online Alias-- Blue

"Look up at my hair. Look down at your phone. Blue."



Gender -- Male

Species -- Human... More or less...

Nationality -- Japanese



"I prefer to call myself an equal opportunity murderer. Those feelings are for people who are biased. Currently I have them locked behind around 23 centimeters of lead to get the job done."


Standing at an impressive 2.01 meters tall and weighing in at a meager 63 kilograms, it's... The guy who hates you!


Itsuko could be described in many ways... One could be a complete a-hole who simply exists in this world to get in your way. Another could be a gun toting badass who will stop at nothing for enough potential money to live in a small apartment for the rest of his life and retire an old, rich, happy, somewhat sleazy, annoying guy. The only consistent part of that was annoying. Itsuko is naturally annoying. He has always been different from other people due to his borderline sadistic enjoyment at seeing somebody suffer socially.

Itsuko finds that look on your face when he beats you by just... This much. The look on your face when he does just one point unit than you. The look on your face when he does your job for you... Again. The feeling of fufillment he gets from your anger is almost equivalent to the fufillment a normal person feels when they help someone. Itsuko feeds off that negative energy. When his opponent cannot beat him or feels angry, Itsuko only grows stronger in the areas they are weak. He is a sponge cramped in a crack. Fill him with water and he expands to fit the ridges of the crack but tries escaping. Give him enough and he covers the crack, thus erasing it. If he erases you, you will never be able to stand against him. Itsuko is capable of exploiting every weakness you have and will, just for that look on your face.

Positive traits

• Skilled with small firearms and small blades (knives, pistols, tomahawks and other small arms)

• Consistent in his annoying behavior

• Reliable if you somehow befriend him

Negative traits

• Overall is very condescending

• Enjoys causing extra suffering

• Will do almost anything for money


Itsuko's personal history is one of great horror and tragedy. I lied about the first part and it is only a little bit sad. To him at least.

Itsuko was born to parents he never knew, but he was certain from a young age they were terrible people. He was put into the custody of the government and wound up in an orphanage. The orphanage was a time of life that shaped Itsuko. As soon as he could walk, he was bullied for his very slim frame and seeming lack of intelligence. He accepted the fact he wasn't going to be a genius when he discovered the only things that came naturally to him were beating people up and running. When he couldn't beat a kid's ass into the ground, Itsuko ran like hell. He was easily faster than most 14 year olds by the age of 10.

This whole time, Itsuko had to put up with an evangelical head of the orphanage who believed that all forms of combat were a mortal sin and would force the children to stand in one place for hours on end. The torment was not physical due to most children in that orphanage being 10 year old badasses, but it was emotionally and mentally taxing. The one time Itsuko was ratted on for beating up a kid, he had beaten the kid so badly, the child was sent to the hospital and had to recoeve surgery.

"I regret nothing."

Shut up Itsuko.

Anyways, in his first year of middle school, the track club's captain saw Itsuko bolting across the school to get to class on time. Immediately after school, the eighth grader pulled the sixth grader, Itsuko, aside and asked him to try out for the track team the next day after school. Being the little punk he was, Itsuko claimed to forget when he was sleeping after his last class. When he was found the track captain and vice-captains dragged him back to the track with a broken nose each and a black eye which, as the little punk he was, Itsuko claimed was from fear when he was awoken. At the start of the routine, the people trying out had to run two miles in 16 minutes to pass. Itsuko knew he could sprint that and have energy to run another hour, so as the little punk he was, he sprinted it and didn't breath heavily then. The next day he showed up on time and was assigned to be a long distance runner. The longest a race would be, would be a mile, which Itsuko could go at his fastest for. At the end of the week, he had to sub in for a veteran member in mile race. He saw immediately who would be the most fun to crush so he picked people off one by one as he ran. Then his reputation as a general jerk spread beyond his grade and his school.

"The little ****s had it coming."

I told you to shut up.

Itsuko ran his way through middle school. In high school it occurred to him that he needed a future. He was good at two things. They were limited to hurting people and running quickly for long amounts of time. He decided being a professional athlete would be a dissatisfying career so he only had one option. Join the military. Straight out of high school, he joined the military and found he had a knack for shooting people and general military exercises. In his squadron he filled a position that was along the lines of the guy who is better than you and does your job for you. He wouldn't have tried so hard if it didn't piss people off. After six months of service straight out of boot camp, he was bought up by a PMC (Private Military Corporation). Itsuko fought for various groups. The terrain he was most suited to was somehow urban environments so he was assigned to jobs for other companies in security or assassinations. He did this for a year and a half before he had enough money to take three years off and come back for ten years to get the money to retire. In those six months, he moved back to Japan and received a mysterious text message inviting him to play a game. The third rule was the only on he wouldn't break. Of course, the other players would break that as he pulled a trigger.

"I get to say I'm in a gang whenever I shoot a fool dead so that's pretty cool."

Itsuko, gangs are not cool. Oh what was that? Oh yeah! Shut up!


Itsuko as explained earlier faced bullying so that made him a hardass... He had to deal with people he deemed idiots until he could just shoot them... He had to deal with idiots who called themselves squad-mates while he was shooting people... He had to deal with people not letting him choose who to shoot... Itsuko is of course ex-military... Totally doesn't have people trying to kill him...

Reasons for playing the game

Itsuko plays this game for two reasons. To piss the other people off and for money. He would choose pissing off above the money. If he has the opportunity to piss the other participants off and it involves a lower chance of success, Itsuko will take it.

Relationship with cannon characters (optional)

Itsuko has one relationship with one character in one certain city.

"You said one one too many times in a sentence."

Shut up, Itsuko, I'm talking about you. I know how much you love yourself.



Beating Up Fools: 6

Snoop(Dogg)ing around: 4

Talk to people: 2

Talents -- Shooting you, Stabbing you, Annoying you and Running away from you

Weaknesses -- Talking to you, Understanding you, Having feelings about anything


-- Hitman for hire

Goals/Dreams -- Itsuko plans to rejoin he PMC he worked for if he wins or loses and either way will retire after one to ten years of service. No matter how long it may be, Itsuko hopes to never forget Baccano, the password to the Dollars chat room.

Favorite color

This Color. Yeah. Blue. Now way!

Theme Song -- I'm sorry it's not from another anime but it describes Itsuko perfectly.

Greenday - Platypus (I hate you)

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  • Basic Information

    Opal Joyse

    Kill It With Fire




    American (?)



    Except older looking

    And dark brown eyes

    And wears Red-Pink glasses

  • Opal was born in America with a mother who had to constantly tell her daughters that they weren't the reason her father had left, even though they were the reason their father had left - Opal and her younger sibling just couldn't see that. Her father left at around the time Opal's little sister was born so Opal didn't know or think much about her father. Being a rather poor family, her mother wanted her daughters to get a good education and help many people when they're older- become a doctor, engineer, go to a college, become rich. Opal was determined to do all of what her mother said and make her proud. From the beginning, Opal always loved the approval of others. Her mother often praised her by patting her head and telling her how well she did and how proud of her she was. Her mother bought super sour candy for a treat, they'd have competitions on who could hold it in their mouth longer. Her mother's constant praise is what kept her going, that and her younger sister.

    Growing up, Opal didn't have many friends. She believed she was to be much more superior that anyone around her. Her mother always said, 'grow stronger and better than anyone around you.'. Opal took that as 'you will be better than everyone around you.'. Opal thought that any form of communication with such underlings was not worth her precious time! Eventually Opal got lonely at school, wishing for a friend to talk with at lunch breaks or fool around with in class. She was jealous of her younger sister who didn't think the same as she did and had much more friends than Opal could achieve. Though, Opal's only friend was her younger sister. Opal kept her close, mostly getting jealous of all those people who claimed to be her sister's 'friends' and those who confessed their 'love' to her sister. Opal's little sister was her life and she did whatever she could to protect her. She'd always protect her no matter what. They'd stay together forever.

    Now, at this time, Opal seems like a quiet person. Like a snob who believed she was above pretty much everyone and saw that contact with almost every other being was a waste of her time. Well, yes, but not around her sister. Around her sister, Opal could laugh and smile and joke. Giggling at bad words when they were children and laughing their asses off at inappropriate jokes on their computer in their early teens. Opal often hated her other side, she loved being an idiot to the world but couldn't communicate that other side to other people. Eventually, during her teens, Opal was sick of being lonely and she promised to change herself in high school, which she did. Opal locked that other side of her away and started being the idiot she was at school. Talking to random people, making friends, giggling at jokes. Having a group to talk to at lunch and getting caught by the teacher for fooling around in class- usually ending with her breaking down crying for being scolded, even in high school.

    At around when Opal was 16, Opal's mother could no longer support for her small family of three. Bills were too high to be paid, she could barely afford food, stress from many jobs as once got to her head. With much regret, hesitation, and sorrow, she had to give up her own children because she could no longer provide for them and give them what they needed. A better mother. The Joyse sisters found themselves in an orphanage, alone and scared. Opal's locked away side came out again and she became more overprotective of her sister, more than anything. She lost her mother - no, her mother gave up on them - and losing her sister would be the end of her. Opal held her sister closer to her heart more than anything and kept everyone else out. They'd just hurt her because all good things come to an end. Except her sister, the two would stay together forever.

    Sooner than later, at around the age of 17, about a year in the orphanage, Opal was adopted by a nice Asian couple. The female couldn't have children, so adopting was their only option of having a family. The two sprinkled Opal and her sister with love and care and Opal threw away her other side yet again, seeing as she didn't need it anymore. Her sister was safe and she didn't have to keep her guard up so high. However, it was not gone this time. Opal claims The Voices started appearing and after it was apparent they wouldn't go away, Opal didn't bother to try to send them away. They didn't speak much, about once in every two weeks. They didn't say anything about hurting others physically, they just mentioned bad things about others, like "She's too disgusting. I can't believe she has a boyfriend and you don't. There's nothing wrong with you." or "You should do something mean to him, like spread bad gossip about him. It'll be fun." She figured it was just her inner thoughts springing out - which was true - so she didn't bother with it. It was simply Opal starting to get more negative about the world. Sometimes, they'd even complain about her, "You're ugly, your nose is to big, your smile is terrible, when was the last time you brushed your teeth? God, this is why you're so lonely.". Opal was put down by these comments, but she didn't let them get to her too much.

    Then, it happened. Opal's younger sister had died right before her eyes, so quick that it took her a day or two to figure out what happened. Her younger sibling died in a bicycle accident. A simple bicycle accident. Something so unlikely, so little, so silly, had killed her sister. Opal couldn't believe that it could happen. It happened a week or two before Opal's 19th birthday. Opal wanted to deny that her sister was 'dead' but she couldn't help but face the fact that the most important factor of her life has simply disappeared because of an accident. What made it worse was that Opal promised to herself that she'd always protect her sister. The one time she lets her guard down her sister dies, this must have been punishment for being foolish and blind to the real world.

    Opal was depressed for a long time, about a year. There were even times Opal seriously considered joining her sister in death, but never gained up the courage to even try to do such a thing. She considered herself a coward for doing so, not taking a risk to join her beloved sister. Opal could barely take the loneliness she was cursed with in school and now loneliness hit her harder than ever. She felt alone in the world. The most Opal had done was cry in her room and remember the good and bad times she had with her. She wished she could trade places with her sister direly.

    Then, one day, Opal forgot- no, ignored her sister's death. She simply ignored it. She woke up one morning and felt as if her sister hadn't died. She was now just very quiet and uncaring. But to simply ignore her sister's death? Why? Simple. The Voices in her head told her to, so she did. It's unknown if she thinks her sister is alive or if she's dead because not even she nor The Voices can decide on that. Ever since then, though, The Voices seemed to be a bit more violent and physical. Telling her to trip that person down the stairs or pull the hair of that person. Stalk him, attack her. Opal usually ignored those things but they only got worse. Opal seemed more of a klutz then. Forgetting information easily, walking outside without changing out of her pajamas. It was strange.

    Even though Opal seemed to be growing better by the second, she still wasn't making friends and she still locked herself in her room. Opal's constant talking in her locked room - she was talking to The Voices aloud for company since she felt lonely. Her parents suspected that she was reporting to her dead sister in Heaven. With the fear that if they talked about it, Opal would grow mad and lock them out from her life. They never brought it up, but they thought of ways to make the situation better for Opal. They thought that it'd be best to move to the city where they grew up in, Ikebukuro. It was interesting, big, and full of adventure. It'd be best if Opal got away from the place of her sister's death. Moving would only count as a new beginning.

    Along with moving, Opal's parents suggested they should get pets. Her father wanted a cat but her mother wanted a dog, so they settled on both. Opal couldn't help but notice how loved her family's pets were. They were lovable, social animals that Opal envied a bit too much. At this time, Opal was pushing herself to make more friends instead of having only the voices to talk about. Opal decided it'd be best if she acted like the pets did, lovable, active, friendly, helpful, etc. Plus, her little sister always wanted a pet, so why not? The Voices said nothing against it, so she guessed it'd be okay. Opal gradually acted more like her pets, but it seemed like she was only getting better and more socially active to her parents. She'd never purr in front of them and rub herself against them.

    Opal moved out of her parent's house and moved into a little apartment. Over time, Opal grew more and more idiotic and The Voices grew more and more active to a point where they'd have to fix her mistakes by reminding her. Over these times, Opal rejected making any friends, The Voices agreed with her and said only the two of them were all she needed. But as the times passed, Opal grew more lonely and started needing the company from others. She went out and made more friends.

    Opal was soon one of the most active people anyone could meet and she's been in Ikebukuro for four years. Idiotic and loud! That'd be the way Opal hoped to stay. However, she got a strange text one day. As soon as she got it, she clapped and jumped around in joy for reasons not even she knew. She accepted it right away, well, as soon as The Voices in her head approved of it. Hunting for some sort of magical headless creature seemed fun!

    Long histories are the worst, aren't they?

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Oh, is that so? Hahahaha...how boring. Your purported snowflake status, your uniqueness? ...it's dull. You're dull. Get out of my sight, will you?

Basic Information


Nakagawa NAOKO



Online Alias:

ナ~ノ (romaji: na~no)

She has a unique banner/title that reads かわいい☆腐女子.










"Ah...uhm...a...boy? M-maybe? I mean, a girl's fine too, but, oh dear, that's not...that's too much, isn't it...?"


Positive traits:

+Polite: Nao tends to speak in a rather refined and polite tone. She says it's because she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.She is perfectly capable of breaking people's hearts with the same polite tone.

+Sweet And Caring: Nao is quite kind-hearted. She seems to enjoy helping out her classmates when they are in need. She keeps telling them to not mention it, probably because she doesn't want to get recognised for her niceness.This is, of course, to further her agendas. People whom you have helped before tend to act nicer, and are more willing to help you out at times of need, even be your human shield. Like puppets on a string...

+Even Bad People Have Loved Ones: Nao DOES have someone she loves and cares for. She tends to act more frankly around them, but takes care not to step on their toes.

+Even Evil Has Standards: She has standards. She will never kill. She will never hold a weapon and willingly harm someone with it. She will never FORCE another person to kill. Hurt, maybe, but not kill. The blood on one's hands cannot be erased easily, and it is not something one can play around with. The death of a person is not a light thing either. Who knows, that person may have had a family, and you just took him away from them, permanently.

Negative traits:

-Socially Awkward: She gets flustered easily, and tends to blush around cute guys...and girls...it...isn't exactly clear what she's thinking, but by the looks of her works online...maybe it isn't important to know, you see where I'm coming from? She drops this act when she needs to, and presents herself as a capable speaker.

-Too Humble: Nao never wants to take credit for something she's done well, and tries to shy away from the limelight as much as possible. Of course, no one seems to buy this, and shunts her there anyway.Just as planned.


-Unintentional: She may not have wished harm on a person, but her actions may cause it anyway. She doesn't know when to let go of the strings, and this may cause some people to come into danger's way.


+Interesting people. What she considers interesting, however, is left to imagination.

+Interesting events

+People who break the mold of society

+...people who are so normal they are actually more normal than the rest of society, which makes them, in actuality, more unique.



-People who try too hard to be anime protagonist A or B

-People who try too hard, in general

-Boring people

-People who would kill others. The ultimate tipping point for her.


-Chants a certain list of words when she is bored out of her wits. It always goes "akao, murasaki, aoki, midori, kuroshi, nezumi," and repeats. A rare one she chants, in a more sing-song voice, is "mizu, mizu, kimidori, nani iro desuka?" The former has some meaning, but the latter is complete nonsense.



-Writing slashfics on forums, yaoi, yuri, vanilla, netorare, you name it, you get it, she’s not above writing ANYTHING.

General attitude:

Nao-chan, as she is called by others, is, despite all her confidence in her work and work ethics, is a rather socially awkward young adult. She gets flustered easily, blushes a lot around people when she is talking them, and fidgets quite a bit when she does. She is, however, one of the smartest in her class, and seems to be always at the top of the ladder in terms of marks, never below the top 5 of her cohort. She is seen as quite good humored, laughing at the jokes of her friends, and tends to get along quite well with everyone, despite her awkwardness. She has also gone out of her way quite a few times to help people out, for no express reason other than because she wants to. Some may even go as far as to call her cute. There are some suspect problems though. When she presents her work or speaks publicly, she has a look in her eyes that betray her usually innocent behaviour. Her confidence shoots sky high, and she loses all of her finicky and nervous tics. Another problem is that when she is around people, they observe that she always seems to know how to make them feel good about themselves, almost as if she were doing this on purpose. No one, of course, calls her out on this. She is, after all, pretty nice anyway.

....But we all know why she's doing all this, right? Hmhmhm~

As na~no, she also exhibits similar traits. She doesn't seem to talk a lot in the chatroom, preferring to lurk around, more often than not. When she does say something, it's mostly to jump in on a slashfic by any of the members. She is seen as a vapid fujoshi on the chatroom, and is perhaps the dirtiest of them all. She writes NTR without remorse, details rape without breaking a stride, writes the dirty, dirty parts for yaoi and yuri when another writer can't, and is generally considered the queen of fujoshi in the Dollars chatroom. She is still pretty sweet and nice to talk to, however. She prefers not to use the chatroom too much, mainly due to how people online can easily fake emotions and faces.

Greatest fear:

“Fear? I...well, I might be a little afraid of insects and the like. They...they're too creepy, don't you think so?"

Love interest

"...that’s quite personal, don’t you think? I mean, I do have a special person within my hear-- wh-what am I saying, oh gods, please don't ask any more! I do beg of you."

She has a soft spot in her dark, dark heart for the person she trusts with everything in her life. To that one person, she acts like her usual self around them, but never once displays her usual tendencies to cause them any suffering at all, and avoids using them in any way at all, going as to far as to refuse help from them...which she never does to anyone else.



You ever get bored with...everything? You've got a whole life ahead of you, you've got the rest of the world to go to, you've got more people to meet, you've got a million other things to do, you've got so many eroge to buy for your late night activities, so many anime to watch, so much doujin to write, and a seven metre daki coming to stores this year, but none of that just strikes you. You just look at the whole big picture, and you just go "ダサい。". The big picture is so boring. So dull. What are we doing with our lives, just going with the flow? Just going through our school days, our work lives as salarymen, jpop idols, prostitutes? That's not a life, that's a conveyor belt. You just keep moving on, and on, and on, and on, until the day you die, without ever doing anything to change your fate. "What if my fate was to do this and that?" you ask, possibly just to spite me. Well, I say, that would be a better fate than being the person you are right now. Anything would be better than being the person you are right now, don't you think?

That was exactly Naoko Nakagawa's thought process. Why should she, daughter of a major shareholder in one of the larger zaibatsu in Japan, just stick around being rich and lording over the poorer people? She came to this realisation at an age of 13, as she was supposed to be dutifully finishing her mathematics homework. What the hell was the use of this life if everything was just so clear-cut from the beginning? It was already looking so dull, so colourless right from the beginning, so, so, so irritating. All these cliches, all these things set in stone, all of these stupid, stupid determined things. Everyone was just walking along a determined path in Japan, no one ever looked up and turned the other way, and headed there. Naoko did just that.

She started small, taking unsure, unsteady steps towards her new life. She used the charm of her girl-next-door status, and wormed her way into the life of her classmates, using them as human shields against students of another school who she would torment by calling them names, among other things. Breaking a few hearts were one. She loved it. She felt so...powerful, so in control. The moment when her plans snapped together...it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. The exact quote for the feeling is simply "気持ち良い". You degenerates should know.

At 16, she transferred to a local school in Ikebukuro. There was no reason for this. She just wanted fresh air, away from the crowded scene that was Akiba, away from all the usual crowds of cosplayers, otaku, all those losers. It stopped being fun after the second year or two. She has been living in Ikebukuro since then, alone in a rented flat, and is now attending a university as a major in chemistry. She has also been a member of the Dollars Chatroom for about a year or so, under the pseudonym of na~no. She is known for her shippings of real life people with extremely explicit content. She does NTR work as well, just to piss some users off. She has joined the hunt for Celty Sturluson for no express reason other than to observe, and perhaps, impede the other players.

Reasons for playing the game

Her reason is quite simple. Her father is unwell, and this money could potentially save his life...

[I]"Who still falls for that old tale? What foolishness."[/I] She plays it for the hell of it. Simple.

Relationship with cannon characters--

Walker and Erika: Seems to be on good terms with these torturers. Joins in with their crack pairings sometimes, and their behaviour seems to have rubbed off on her, as much as she hates to admit it. Unlike either of them, however, she doesn’t have a person to discuss her shippings with, so she just writes them on the forums as na~no. This is, of course, where she gained the title of かわいい☆腐女子.

Simon Breznhev

Rammed her scooter into Russia Sushi. He wasn't pleased. She worked at Russia Sushi part-time to keep up the act of a girl from a rather middle-class family. She doesn't believe that he buys her act though, and that he is one of the rare ones.


Stats --

Investigative: 6

Combat: 9

Social: 6



+Twisting people's arms

+Cooking. Self-sustenance is primary when you're living alone.

+Physical sturdiness. Pissing people off requires some endurance.

+Running and some parkour. Refer to previous point.


-Inability to fight...or unwillingness to fight. It is unsure which. She implies its the latter, but...

-Inability to commandeer a vehicle. As perfect as she is, she can't seem to drive. Failed her scooter test thrice, passed the fourth time, but had it revoked after she crashed into a sushi bar.

-Unskilled in weaponry. She may be a psychopath, but she isn't a weapon nut. She deems weapon-wielding people as "people who think they look cool and need something threatening to keep themselves afloat in this world".



University student, Chemistry major


"Goals? Dreams? Who still lets themselves be dominated by such limitations? In this time and age, I am free to pursue anything I wish to pursue. "

Favorite color:

Pink, of course.

Theme Song


"The story of the immortals? They're true, are they not?

...heeheehee...of course they aren't. What an idiot's tale..."

in case you don't get the pun, let me put it in romaji:baka nodensetsu

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Basic Information


Kyona Orichi


"I don't have one....."

Online Alias--


Secret password is: Baccano

(I don't know how it's pronounced.... But I pronounce it as Bacon NO!..)





Species --


Nationality --

Half Japanese half Korean-Canadian

(Kpop fan!!!~ And also Jpop?...)





Like her father, Kyona Orichi possesses his dark hair and charming facial features and holds her mother's sky blue eyes and head shape. The length of her black locks touches her upper neck and her uneven bangs cover the delicate eyebrows on her face, mostly her right eye. She wears a black Pokemon Ash cap to cover the top of her head from the sun. The rim of the cap is always faced forward because Kyona likes it that way....

The teen wears a cropped, long sleeved, gray jacket hoodie along with a smoky darker gray t-shirt underneath. Her stretchy black belt holds her baggy jeans up and in position. Hopefully the old belt can hold the jeans long enough before they decide to drop to her shadow colored converses...

She attends Raira Academy so she wears her uniform, but keeps her cap on.


Positive traits


+Doesn't care much


+Street Smart

+Survival smart

+True to her word

+Never lies

Negative traits

-Doesn't care much


-True to her word

-Not too trustworthy

-Never lies






~Her iPhone 6 (That's right! Not a galaxy s5!)


~Watching Shizuo

~Staying away from her family's organization


~Her family's organization

~People who piss her off

~Having to snap out her rage on the victim

~Bitter stuff


~She has forgotten to show emotion

~Calls others 'Mister' and 'Missy' when she's pissed or annoyed


~Watching Shizuo and Izaya argue

~Dodging the obstacles that are being flung around


General attitude

If you wanted to meet a more normal person, Kyona wouldn't be one of your choices. Normality isn't one of her best qualities, especially when she socializes. Her expressionless face sometimes affect the beings who interact with her, negatively or it sets the person in wonder. To Kyona, it's nothing, she doesn't care, nor give a crap about it. She's always a calm affable person, until you piss her off, she'll express her gratitude. In a more um, painful way.... The teen has 95% of a Kuudere personality type... And sometimes when it's a slow lazy day for her, she'll start to melt with it and slowly dodge the hurling vending machines until she decides to lay on the ground and look at the skies and roll around like a slug....

Kyona doesn't have much friends since she's a bit antisocial, but would love to help people with their problems or work. She's pretty curious about things or beings that are different or unique, but she won't harm them unless they harm her or her companions.

Greatest fear

Death (But she still has the guts to watch Shizu-chan rumble)

Love interest -- If none, describe your character's type.

She admires Shizuo Heweijima, but really isn't head over heels for him, she treats and looks up to him as a mentor or a rolemodel.

Her type would be someone who has a bit of interest in different things, but would still get along with her smoothly.


Background --

Her life wasn't as exciting, nor normal, just boring in a kind of way. The Orichi family holds a reputation for being one of the most Superior, Fiercest, and Prosperous families around the world, much like the Awakusu, except the Orichi possess more moola. The two organizations got along quite well, instead of competing with each other like most businesses. The Orichi are a famous military enforcement organization, a larger group than the Russians, yet just as dangerous. They're known for their deadly combat skill and calm unchanging expressions. Thanks to one of their best leaders, the Orichi is expanding their growth in combat. Ryoji Orichi, the 44th leader of the Orichi and the great great great great great great grandfather of Kyona, desires that their large group needed to be a sophisticated bunch. And when being sophisticated, part of his words were said to show no emotion under any circumstances, because showing any sign of weakness can signal the opponent it's the perfect moment to take you down. So their sophistication is taken to the max, which, over the years, many of the staff had forgotten how to express their emotions.

Kyona grew up with great knowledge in school education and combat education, but she lacked some skill and isn't the best student in her private dojo. Her older brother, or the eldest child, was the 'star' of the family. Though he was only six years older than her, it seemed as if it was just moments when he was already recruited to join the elites. She was proud, yet a hint of jealousy had sparked in her heart not too long after. When she met a new recruit in the family, he seemed different from the others, so she became a bit suspicious. The new guy didn't express any emotions of any sort, but his eyes showed them all for him. The greed and craziness explained his personality to Kyona every time she took a glance at him. She knew that this man wasn't stable and wanted to tell her father and mother, but she was really curious to see what he would do if he was on a mission.

One night, when her parents and most of the recruits went on a fairly important mission, Kyona was supposed to be accompanied by the man with crazy eyes. She sat and watched him as he sat and watched the window. After an hour and a half, the man decided to get up and told her that he needed to grab something. The little girl nodded and got up to follow him when she was sure it had passed five minutes after he left. Walking around the hallways, the young Kyona found herself trapped in a dead end and saw the crazy eyed man holding a bulging dark bag and a large gun. She stared at him with her expressionless face and waited for the sound of the gunshot and the feeling of pain to enter her body.


When she heard the sound, she slowly slid her back down against the wall and looked up. The girl didn't feel anything at all. When she saw the crazy eyed man, he was on the ground, crimson liquid pouring out of his chest and staining the beautiful carpet floor. His eyes were wide open, but all she saw were empty hollows inside those lifeless pupils. The dark bag he was holding was now open, exposing the cash and wealthy materials that were hidden inside. This man had tried to rob the Orichi, and of course, stupidly, failed.Then footsteps were heading her way, Kyona grabbed the firearm and reloaded before the figure came out of the shadows, also armed.

The figure has shown his face, Daichi Orichi, Kyona's older brother, the one recruited in the elite. Why was he here? The little girl looked up at her older sibling and dropped the gun. He smiled and held out his hand. Why did he just smile? Didn't he knew that emotions can create a weakness?

"Kyona." He said when she wrapped her hands around his.

"Something happened to mom and dad... So you have to come with me."

Kyona looked up at her older brother and bit her lip to stop the tears from coming out. She knew what he meant, they were gone. Dead. And she didn't even get to hug them, nor smile for the first time...

"Kyona? You okay?..."

She nodded.

"Yeah. I'm good."

It all had happened so fast.... Who had done this terrible sin? Why? For riches? Hate? Orders? Fame? The thoughts bounced around in her head, and the young girl found herself on a train to Ikebukuro, where she will be staying with a member of the Orichi and will be attending a private elementary, junior high, and Raira Highschool for education. The Awakusu helped her out a bit, and so she found out the cause of her parents' death. Someone had hidden a bomb inside their truck before they had departed to their mission and the bomb went off when they were half way there. It wasn't too shocking to Kyona, since she was making up theories in her head, and a shooting or a bomb would be more realistic besides a sudden vortex....

After Kyona had settled in for awhile, she decided to finally look around and tried to put her past behind her, otherwise she might as well end up suiciding herself. She always had that expressionless face on and swore to herself she would never show any emotion for the rest of her life, under any circumstances.

Reasons for playing the game

Out of boredom, and to satisfy her curiosity. She'll probably let the Dullahan go once she catches it....

Relationship with cannon characters

Awakusu Organization-- Allies; Helped her find out how her parents were killed and helped her move to Ikebukuro.

Simon & Dennis-- They're her bosses, since she decided to get a job where there are foreigners like her. Plus, they're good to talk to when you have problems that involve violence...

Shizuo-- He sees her around and usually shoos her off (Which is rare for most people, since he doesn't mind beating up kids...) whenever he's grumpy, so they're mostly acquaintances? Even though he doesn't know her name.

Izaya-- He's always watching her and it kinda scares her...

Mikado-- Classmates

Anri-- Classmates


~Close combat

~Good use with firearms (Even though she's under age)

~Parkour (If she has to...)

Stats -- For now leave this blank. You'll edit it in if you get accepted.

Investigative-- 6

Combat-- 10

Social-- 5

Talents --

~Kung fu fighting! (The song plays...)

~Escaping from headlocks and armlocks


~Making her face the same expression as always

~Dodging vending machines and such...

~Kicking knives (Until she goes to the ER)


~She can't smile....

~Knives are hard to hold while fighting

~She can't resist the chocolate before her....

Occupation --

Student at Raira Academy, part time job at Russia Sushi (She's the dishwasher)

Goals/Dreams --

She wants to be able to express her feelings to someone close to her before her time comes. And if she didn't die yet... She wants to travel to see the Dullahan again after she captures it. ( It sounds crappy, I know... But I don't have anything in mind...)

Favorite color


Theme Song -- Choose a song that reflects an aspect of your character's personality: their goals/dreams, their wishes, what's important to them, how people see them, their true feelings, etc.




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Name: Jackie Trail and Douglas Trail

Nickname(s): Jack and Doug. Cat Jack, Doug Dog. Jack of All Trades.

Jack may also be referred to as "Jackass" from his former girlfriends/boyfriends

Online Alias-- Queen of Hearts

Age 21

Gender-- Male

Species -- Human

Nationality -- Japanese

Sexuality Bisexual



Jackie/Douglas is too handsome for his own good. He has icy blue eyes that peer into your soul, snow white hair, and pale skin. He usually wears a white hoodie with a red and black line parallel to each other going down both sleeves and a white hoodie attached to it. His jacket, however, is usually open until the top, where it is connected. His jacket sleeves stop between his wrist and elbow, where it tightens. Under his jacket is a plain white T-shirt with short sleeves. He also wears white pants that match his hoodie, white with a black and red stripe going down both sides. Lastly, he wears white sneakers.

Jack of All Trades:

http://i.imgur.com/7L1GJjJ.jpg )

The Jack of All Trades dresses quite strange for someone who loves to kill. He dresses like he's working in a casino. He wears a white collared shirt with white cuffs (Y'know, shirt cuffs? Yeah) and a loose black tie to go with it. His dark gray vest has a black collar and two rows of dark rhombus going down two sides. He has silver star buttons and one single silver star on the lower collar of his vest. Black pants with the same gray rhombus pattern goes down each side of his leg. His shirt is tucked in, revealing a white belt with black stars decorating it in a single line and a chain on the side of his hip, loosely hanging (Yuno, like a loop. Both sides still connected. There for decor). He wears black dress shoes, a top hat decorated by a black bow on the lower top of it, and black gloves. Lastly, he wears a white mask that seems to forever smile at whoever he kills.

Positive traits


Douglas Trail is much like a puppy. He enjoys making his friends smile and feel comfortable like it's his duty to do so. Helping his friends would also be one of the many things he enjoys in life. He thinks every person is a perfect person and that no one should hate who they are, except if they hurt people. Otherwise they need to adjust themselves. Everything light is right to him. He's the kind of person who'd risk his life for someone else. Doug also acts like a dog, playing fetch, sitting on other's laps or laying his head in their lap, sticking his tongue out when being pet. Even licking peoples faces. Just very playful, no matter how you look at it. When a friend is in trouble, however, he'll defiantly want to save that person no matter what. Even if they're having emotional trouble, he'll always want to cuddle up with the person and listen to whatever problem they have but never gives them advise if he doesn't have it.


Jackie Trail is much like a cat. A tricky, cleaver, flirtatious cat. Jack is very much different from Doug. Jack doesn't make friends easily, but when he does, he does care about them to an extent. Because he doesn't have much people he cares about, he doesn't have to worry so much about them. Pet him and listen to him purr. Jack is calm in almost any situation he is in and usually finds a way to get out of it if he tries hard enough.

Negative traits


Jack is, more or less, the negative side of the two. He is very manipulative, getting males and female alike to do what he wants by flirting, sexual interactions, blackmail, etc. Jack enjoys doing things like that. He won't stay with something if he doesn't find it interesting enough for him. Jackie is tricky for all the wrong reasons. He likes to play with peoples minds and he thinks of them as puppets or pieces for his game or that everyone in the world is an NPC and he's the only character. He believes he is the center of the universe therefore the world revolves around him. He doesn't think that bad things won't happen to him, so he is cautious about pretty much everything. The world fights him so he fights back. He often seeks for fun whether it is in killing or dating. Trusting people completely or easily isn't something he does. Jack usually stops Doug from having any romantic relationships and usually uses him.


Doug, as you probably have already guessed, is too loyal. If you wrong him, he will easily forgive you if you are a special friend. He is innocent and hates that anyone should die for doing something wrong - like every bad move someone makes is a mistake. He believes in second chances, third chances even. Again, Doug isn't one of the smartest people you meet and can't get himself out of situations like Jack can in an instant.


Doug: Meat, friends, making people smile, being pet, running and playing, putting people's hearts back together

Jack: Sex, Right predictions, being manipulative, being pet, lazing around or dating, breaking people's hearts


Jack: Being pet, being used, being wrong, not knowing what to do, his freak outs, being confused, not getting into someone's mind, idiots

Doug: Not being praised for doing good, evil, being used


Doug: Hugging people, getting very close to people, sticking his tongue out, sitting on the floor like a dog, growling

Jack: Purring, flirting, freaking out when confused


Jack: "Hunting and dating."

Doug: "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Fetch?"

General attitude

Jack: Believes it's him against the world. Nothing is worst trusting. If he survives the game he gets out of the world.

Doug: Everything in the world is good! Nothing is 100% bad other than evil itself.

Greatest fear

Jack: Unlocking The Original

Doug: Dying without a cause.​

Love interest --

Jack: It's clear you didn't read his personality

Jack: Someone who, no matter what, will always interest him. Someone like Izaya. It's more like a twisted, one sided love than anything. He may not trust him, but he finds him interesting.

Doug: Someone who is kind and playing and always smiling!


-- (HUREDTRG *Dies*)

Tut - a he nicknamed himself that because he was shy and quiet. It was from the word Turtle. Much like a turtle, Tut hid himself from many of the things from the outside world, hoping that if he never let anything in, he'd never get hurt. Friends were also something he kept himself away from, seeing as people kept disappearing to an outside world, and was lonely because of it. He was lonely, and he kept telling himself to make friends but couldn't. He didn't know how to communicate with people and he was scared of them hurting him.

But he was still lonely. Desperately lonely. One night, Tut wished to be someone else and the next morning he was- not that he remembered any of it when he was someone else. But it was clear his wishes were granted when two days later, everyone seemed to want to talk with him and play with him. Tut was glad that he had this other side, but he hadn't changed himself. But being with friends by being this other side was better than being alone on this side. Tut would simply feel happy reading what Other did while Tut was, what the two of them called, "Sleeping". He'd read jokes, who he played with, who'd he befriended. Who he befriended would be Tuts favorite part of their little diary.

They'd take daily turns on being awake and being asleep. Tut usually found out who were the right people to befriend and Other would do the befriending. Tut couldn't help but notice Other acted somewhat like a dog. Loyal, caring, playful. The more Tut compared Other to a dog, the more Other became dog-like. But soon Tut realized Other would need a name. He couldn't name him Tut since Other was too different from him. Tut put his mind to work. Other acted like a dog, Doug would be an appropriate name for him. Doug sounded like dog yet it was a common name.

After about a year or two after Doug, when Tut was about eleven, Tut found that he was in love. It was a childish love, of course. A schoolboy crush. Tut understood that Doug could never 'wow' a girl, even at such a young age. He realized that he, himself, couldn't even talk to a girl. Time away from this girl was miserable, friends were simply not enough. Doug tried to fulfill Tut's wishes on becoming this girls "boyfriend" but failed. He was rejected. Tut, even if it wasn't him directly, was heartbroken. Not even two of him was enough for this girl. There'd just have to be three.

Really, a girlfriend was probably an excuse to himself on why he made a new personality. Tut wanted someone who could easily get away from his family. Tut knew he didn't have the best family and that they didn't always treat him very well, but he still loved them. He just didn't want to be near them all the time so he wouldn't get hurt. Tut, again, wished for another personality.

Clever, tricky, a charmer. Like a cat. His name would have to be Jack. Jack succeeded, after a few weeks, in getting the girl and staying away from his family members for most of the times. And Tut was happy. But then people came into the house. People he didn't quite know. He didn't understand why he was taken away from his home, but he was forced. He was then surrounded by strangers and asked many questions over the course of three weeks. In one of the first days of the weeks, Jack decided it was best if he had taken over and so Tut allowed it.

Jack acted innocent. Like he didn't know what was going on even if he did. The three of them were soon flown to a new family. It'd be bad if Tut started acting like Tut since the child services knew him as someone active and caring from the other kids. Doug and Jack spent most of his time with the family, Tut, however, seemed useless. Unneeded. He was extra weight and Jack knew it. Jack decided, for the three of them, that it'd be best if they shut Tut down. Something they couldn't do since he was the original. Lock him away, never give him the chance to come out. Yes. That's how it was from then on. It was now just Jack and Doug.

And now, for Jack's story

Jack was a boy who is easily bored of many things. Including girlfriends, boyfriends, most games, most tastes, etc. Nothing can ever seem to stay his favorite thing for too long. It didn't surprise him much when he enjoyed the sounds of his screaming ex girlfriend, dying and crying on the floor.

Jack is a player, he goes on many dates with boys and girls alike and flirts too much for his own good. Because of his looks and his charms, Jack is able to get a lot of dates only to break up with them later because... Jack never liked anything for too long.

One time, a time he finds quite funny now, he met this girl. This girl was like the rest, boring, talked to much, all the things he hated. But, this girl had quite the interesting collection of games - more than half of them being dangerous and life risking. He almost liked her. Almost. Jack was too busy, too eager with the games this girl had, he couldn't see that she was a nut case. The games blinded him from that truth. The girl and boy had a seemingly normal relationship - Jack, of course, cheated on her behind her back and she never knew. Jack loved to call himself 'Joker' and she would be his 'Joke'. 'Joker' and 'Joke' were his own indoor-secret nicknames because sooner or later, he knew for sure, she would only be a 'Joke' to him and he would again be the 'Joker'.

But, like all things, he got bored of them. So Jack decided that that night would be a great night to dump her.

Jack called the girl over and put the breakup one of the most terrible ways. "I'm not too sorry, but I've lost all interest in you, please don't call again. Thank you for being a pawn in The Jack Game." Well, that was the gist of it. The girl broke down crying. She cried and cried and eventually Jack just left her there. But before he did so, he walked to the girl and touched her obsidian black hair. He let it fall off his hand like as she looked at him with her wide black eyes. "You did, although, have a capturing eye color and hair color, however. So black... So beautiful." He mentioned before leaving her.

The girl, after the break up, started following him. Stalking him, watching his every movement. Jack was not aware until she showed up at his door one day with a knife. Sooner or later, there Jack was, enjoying the girl's tears and cries.

"Why, why did you leave me?" She bawled, her fist banging against the floor weakly, her mouth slowly filling with blood.


The girl looked up at him with those same big black eyes full of tears and her black hair being stained with her red fluids.

"You are a Joke and I am a Joker."

Ever since then, Jack enjoyed killing for fun. Whenever he went out to kill, he dyed his hair obsidian black and put in black contacts - the same hair and eye color as that girl. He also put on a silly costume because he thought it was cute - yes, he thought it was cute - and put marks on his face. Since he enjoyed games so much, he decided to be based off a fairy tail and games. Now, he calls himself 'Jack Of All Trades'.

Reasons for playing the game

Jack: "Why not? It's interesting, stops me from being bored."

Doug: "Because Jack said so."

Relationship with cannon characters (optional) --

Jack: Constantly keeps track of Izaya Orihara in a notebook if that counts. Rumors, where people say he was, personality, etc.

Doug: N/A


-- For now leave this blank. You'll edit it in if you get accepted.

Strength: 5

Investigation: 5

Social Skills: 10

Talents --

Liar - Jack and Doug are good at lying, whether it be gossip, bluffing, flirting and much more.

Manipulative - Jack is good at being manipulative and predicting the actions of others if he observes them enough.

Weapon - Both Doug and Jack are good with a blade.

Agile - The two are very agile

Weaknesses -- what your character is bad at.

Blood Thirsty - Jack can't go a week without killing, if he does then he'll be very off. Like... VERY OFF.

Loyalty - Jack trusts too little, but Doug trusts too much.

Sleeping - When one side takes over, the other side "sleeps" and won't remember anything the other side did. Of course they still need normal sleep too.

Anger - If you pull enough strings, the two of them can get easily mad and try to get rid of you ("Get Rid Of" Definition: Jack - Kill/Make you suffer until you leave or die. Doug: Avoid you)


-- College student

Goals/Dreams --

Jack: Live. Just live.

Doug: Live and love all. Do something great for the world.

Favorite color

Jack: "... Ice blue."

Doug: "Ummm, sky blue! It's a pretty color!"

Theme Song --

Jack: [media]
[/media] or [media]

Doug: [media]

[/media] or
(Too many theme songs, I know)


Jack/Doug have MPD

So you baccano where?

And you baccano there!

And you baccano here!

And you baccano everywhere!

The password to the Dollars is one that you never share!

That's what it's all about!

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  • tumblr_ngkf6tR7o71qa94xto1_500.gif


    // kudos to The One Eyed Bandit for fixing the coding! you have no idea how much i appreciate it :D

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Emile Wulf Durvhast


Wulf, Wulffy, the big bad Wulf, other Wolf/Wulf puns

Online Alias-- LychanWolf




Species -- Human

Nationality -- American and Japanese






Enigmatic, Outspoken, Energetic

Positive traits

Kind, Witty, Dependable, Adept at figuring out what people think of others and constantly looking for fun

Negative traits

Sarcastic, Doesn't take anything seriously, When he does finally take something seriously he goes too far...Sarcastic, Oblivious to what others think about him



Getting into Trouble

Manga and Anime

The moment when things go completely south


People in general


Actively annoying Shizuo

Shizuo throwing things at people






Overly Peaceful Situations

Dealing with the fallout when things go completely south



When Shizuo starts throwing things at him


Showing up out of seemingly nowhere at the best/worst possible time

Messing with his hat when he's nervous

Adjusting his wristbands when he's trying to control his temper

Referring to himself as a lovable villain when people are angry at him

Saying overly romantic things without realizing that it's romantic

When he gets excited he starts shadow boxing

The lack of a smile while fighting signifies that he's taking things seriously


Playing Video Games

Reading manga and watching anime


Helping Simon out

Annoying Shizuo


General attitude

His general attitude is very laidback and more fun oriented

Greatest fear

Being Forgotten- To him there is nothing more frightening than being forgotten by those he considers to be his friends.

Love interest -- Emile: Eh? I guess a woman who can take care of herself, that doesn't need me to constantly fight her battles. It'd be nice if she was also a kind person...why are you asking me this anyway?!


-- Emile grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and fought hard to get where he is tod- Yeah right! Emile just loves to fight, ever since he was in grade school he could find no better pleasure than fighting, be it fighting with his fists or fighting for an competitive edge in school sports. He lived a sheltered life when his mother was still alive and he was happy with that. In fact, he his mother and his father were all very strict, however due to a car accident, his mother and father died and he suffered a different kind of injury.

After the accident he was sent to live with his grandmother who was a very...Very...VERY free spirit which lead to Emile becoming a more open person. His injury didn't manifest himself until grade school when he learned that when put in any kind of situation that elevates his heart rate to the equivalent of exercising, his body immediately starts to secret adrenaline. This resulted in many situations not unlike the ones Shizuo was in, only his weren't brought on by anger, just exercise. This made Emile very competitive in nature, so much so that he started looking for better challenges and he took up almost every sport he could, but nothing compared to being hit and being in a fight. He resisted it as long as he could but one day in middle school, he found himself in a position where he was in a fight for his life against a group of delinquents...and he won.

Seven men. Seven men tried their best to break him, to destroy him, and when he started winning, to kill him...and he never felt better. He would never admit to anyone, but losing his parents made him lose his sense of self, made him lose what he truly knew it was to feel alive. Emile had been a star athlete in grade and middle school, but he still felt completely hollow inside until he was pushed to the brink of his existence. It wasn't until people had meant him complete and utter bodily harm that he remembered what it meant to feel alive, to truly have a need for the adrenaline that pumped through his veins, and he embraced it wholeheartedly. He took up every dangerous sport he could after that, boxing, kendo, martial arts, anything where the whole point was to put your opponent down...and he loved it.

Highschool went by in a flash to him, it had become a constant schedule of eating, grades, fighting and sleeping until his last year. Everything seemed to dull to him, he focused on his grades, but he was just going through the motions at this point. The fighting was still fun, but he felt no real pleasure from it, everyone was too weak for him. To cope, Emile started picking up bad habits, such as his habit of subconsciously underestimating everyone in hopes of giving them a chance to handicap him and put him in a losing position. It wasn't until his grandmother was near death that she told him of where she grew up and moved from "Ikebukuro, even when I was leaving, it was a place where the unnatural and inhumanly strong seemed to always show up. If you go there, you'll surely find those strong enough to make you happy." And with that, the second after he graduated, he moved to Ikebukuro.

Finding a fight in Ikebukuro wasn't hard, finding a place to live however, proved to be a different story. He eventually met Simon who found him a place and a job as well working with Shizuo and doing odd jobs for Simon to pay his debt. During his last job, he met Celty and developed a very interesting relationship with her. Emile found it best to hang around Celty when she was doing her whole "headless rider" thing and as a result he got to fight a lot of strong people. As of now, he tends to go on bodyguard assignments with Shizuo in the attempt to keep him from killing anyone with a vending machine.

Reasons for playing the game

There is no reason other than he finds the thought of that many strong people in one place exciting. He could care less about catching the Dullahan or whatever Celty is. In fact, screw catching it, he's gonna help her BEAT the odds because he expects more people to want to go after her than help which makes it easier for him to find a good fight

Relationship with cannon characters (optional)

Shizuo- He and Shizuo share a "strong man" relationship, even though Emile annoys the crap out of him, their mutual respect for one another's strength and fighting abilities that they remain friends

Simon- Emile deeply respects Simon for helping him find a place in Ikebukuro and continues to help him when he can, even though he's long since paid his debt

Celty- Emile likes Celty, he knows that when she's around things are bound to get interesting and strong people are bound to show up. Plus she has a good personality and it helps that her head

Izaya- HATE. Nothing but dislike for Izaya. Emile doesn't like the way Izaya manipulates people and found himself throwing a vending machine at him.

Walker and Erika- Manga buddies!



Investigating Skills-

Fighting Skills- 1

Social Skills- 9


His sincere smile, without a hint of smirking or sarcasm, has been known to make men and women alike weak in the knees

Cheeky Brat- He may not have an IQ of 180, but he does have the wit to get in a tongue battle with the smartest of people

Arsenal- He can use almost any sort of weapon very well without any formal training

Lovable Villain- Regardless of how he acts, he generally has a good reputation in Ikebukuro as a good person

Athleticism- If it has any athletic value, he's probably good at it

Fighting- Above any and everything else, Emile excels at fighting, his love for it makes him seem unconquerable to those with no heart


I have a plan...attack-
Emile isn't dumb, he just doesn't care about strategies, this lack of caution blinds him to strategies that aren't obvious on a basic level

Not worth my time- He generally goes into a situation with a very lax attitude and doesn't think much of his opponents, this underestimation can lead to him getting hurt

Cooking- Unless you need a deadly concoction to assassinate someone, asking him to cook is like asking him not to fight

I can fix i...oh god no!- He can't fix anything mechanical...at all. In fact, things have been known to burst into flames...even if there was nothing to get caught on fire

Maybe It's Friendly...- Emile is very accepting of people right off the bat, coupled with his obliviousness to what people think about him it becomes easy to gain his trust and betray him without him seeing it coming

Lazy- If he gets it in his mind that its too much work, he won't do it



He works Part Time at with Shizuo...though his actual job is less about being a bodyguard, and more about making sure Shizuo doesn't go too far


Emile just wants to be recognized as the strongest. Nothing less than the strongest is enough for him, as for the money, he'd probably give it to Simon as he feels Simon would be able to put it to better use than him.

Favorite color


Theme Song



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  • Miyamura.Izumi.full.1105982.jpg
    Name -- Keiichirou Yamaguchi

    Nickname(s) -- The Nemesis of Women Everywhere, Kei, Key, Chichi

    Online Alias-- K3y

    Age -- 19

    Gender-- Male

    Species -- Human

    Nationality -- Japanese

    Sexuality -- Uhhhhhhhh... Asexual I Guess? (Or at least, that's what he tells people)

    Appearance --

    Eye Color// Dark Grey

    Hair Color// Black

    Hair Length// Middle of Neck

    Height// 5'9"

    Weight// 142lbs

    Build// Toned

    Clothing// Generally, loose clothing

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Basic Information

Name: Iris Ollivane

Nickname: Ollie, Ris, and Ri-ri

Online Alias: Swordsplay_Princess

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Nationality: Full British

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Code: Baccano

Appearance: She's standing at the height of 5'6 and is surprisingly light(but can pack a punch)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3af6ca14_images(4).jpg.39b9410cad923452dfd2e5e55863c597.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3af6ca14_images(4).jpg.39b9410cad923452dfd2e5e55863c597.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kind, caring, never gives up on what she believes in, a strong-willed and determined person, always smiling, stubborn, a bubbly girl, a bit of an air head

Positive traits: Cheers up friends, a sweet friend, never gives up on one thing

Negative traits: Hmm... Well, she does get a bit downhearted when learns that she was just being played with, has a short fuse, she's WAY too trusting

Likes: Her friends, nature, humans, animals, seeing new stuff, sweet stuff

Dislikes: Hmmm.... Too much information being forced unto her

Habits/Quirks: She has a tend to hug her friends from behind and surprise them, has a tend to say something that offends the other person or group if she snaps.

Hobbies: Sleeping on a tree branch, playing with animals,

General Attitude: Basically, Iris is a kind and caring girl, she doesn't want any enemies

Greatest fear: Losing her friends, them dying

Love interest: Hmmm... She's still deciding(however, she has a very close relationship with Shizuo)


Background: She also lives in England who has been the childhood friend of Aria and was one of the very few people who trusted her and knows about her dullahan search. She's a simple girl that is the only one, aside from her dead older sister and Aria, to actually believe in supernatural beings and can actually see them. She has tried to make friends aside from Aria but they end up not befriending just because she was considered a freak for believing in supernatural stuff, and because of that, was bullied frequently. Before, she was diagnosed with a terrible sickness and was believed by the doctors to never get better but despite all of that, she was still her kind and bubbly self, and after 3 years something miraculous happened; she got better, the doctors couldn't believe it, neither did she but she had hope that one day, she will be cured. When Aria told her that she was going to Japan for a game, she joins her and is excited to see what kind of play is Japan.

Reason for joining game: She wants to see what a dullahan looks like and to know if there are more supernatural beings in Japan as well. Also, she doesn't actually want to catch Celty(since they are friends)

Relationship with canon characters:

  • Shizuo Heiwajima: She met him when she was seeing sights(Aria had work at that time), she found him sulking(I bet it was because of what happened at work) and talked to him and managed to cheer him up, after that, they have become close good friends
  • Anri Sonohara and Mikado Ryugamine: She met Anri and Mikado after their school time and walked them home(she states that humans of their age should not be alone), chatting a bit with them and they became friends.
  • Shinra Kishitani: She met him in a bookstore where he was buying a book and she immediately could tell that there was something disturbing him and talked about it with him, they became close friends.
  • Celty Sturluson: She met Celty through Shinra, though he was a bit reluctant at first. Celty opened up eventually to Iris because of her personality and became good friends.





People Skills:

Talents: She is a strong puncher and grappler, can communicate with animals, can read people's auras a bit

As I mentioned she has a short fuse, her friends being used

Can cook as well, flexible(has a bit higher level than Aria but lower than Izaya), can make see supernatural beings

Occupation: Well, she is a cook at Aria's work place.

None yet, but, she's fine with her friends being happy

Favorite color:

Theme Song:
Courage || Mother's Rosario



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  • Ejdzi_Mikage__Pustye_shkatulki_i_nulevaya_Mariya._Tom_5.jpeg
    Name -- Yuzuki Kanamaru

    Nickname(s) -- N/A

    Online Alias-- N/A (Literally. Like, her username IS N/A)

    Age -- 19

    Gender-- Female

    Species -- Human

    Nationality -- Japanese

    Sexuality -- Heterosexual

    Appearance --

    Eye Color// Brown

    Hair Color// Brown

    Hair Length// Really fucking long

    Height// 5'7"

    Weight// 123lbs

    Build// Average

    Clothing// Prefers lighter clothing

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~ Bαѕι¢ ιηƒσ ~


Rei Williams


Rei-Rei, Rei-Chan, Rei-Kun

--Online Alias--





"Why do you want to know?, its not like it really matters"

Rei is female and identifies as such but pretends to be a boy in order to avoid gender stereotypes and comments like "Wow you got beat by a girl!" ect. She's tomboyish by nature and has never really cared about her gender much to begin with.

-- Species --

"What?, of course I'm human"


1/2 American & 1/2 Japanese


"Huh?, what's that supposed to mean? I don't really care everybody's the same to me"




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3159e57f777482c1808957450425e95edc70e7b6.jpg.6f9e46c21f045f51e805d4d8997263a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3159e57f777482c1808957450425e95edc70e7b6.jpg.6f9e46c21f045f51e805d4d8997263a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Imouto-no-Katachi-Wallpaper-pink-hair-anime-girl.jpg.71076bcceb33d00eaf7b572236c0db76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Imouto-no-Katachi-Wallpaper-pink-hair-anime-girl.jpg.71076bcceb33d00eaf7b572236c0db76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Rei uses a special-made wig when a boy (You don't want your scalp to fall off when your trying to avoid getting stabbed or something) and as a girl has long, flowing hair in the same color of pink as her short hair wig. She has honey/amber colored eyes and even as a boy has notably feminine features but most shrug this off since she has a very gender-neutral sounding voice.


Rei is pretty easy to get along with, most people who have only seen her while she was in the general public as a boy would tell you she's like a completely different person, and yet the same. At school or home or whenever she isn't doing something she feels she should be her boy self to do she is generally soft-spoken and quiet. She's more at ease reading her favorite manga or listening to music or something on her own. Not that she doesn't like people, in fact when she's in the general public as a boy she's quite outspoken and confident and can definitely handle herself out there among all those color gangs. Even though she can handle herself in a fight she does try to avoid them but if you get her mad she won't hold back. So she's sort of like Shizuo when she says "I hate violence" but to a much lesser extent. She also is known to be a humanitarian which people either respect or find annoying depending on the person. She also has a love for "Cute" things, which can be something a lot of people would call cute like a stuffed animal or something like a tarantula or a python she will also find "Cute".

\\Positive traits//

Kind, Accepting, Strong, Determined

\\Negative traits//

Naïve, Aloof/Airheaded, Shy, Confidence issues


Manga, Anime, Candy, Anything she finds "Cute", Sushi (Yes even Russia Sushi)


Ignorance, Violence



*Bone cracking

*Putting way too much sugar in her Coffee/Tea

*Habitual Gum chewing/bubble blowing

*Singing at random times

(She only does this as a girl as not to give it away)


Reading (Mostly Manga)

Watching anime

Listening to music

Collecting odd things

\\General attitude//

Generally acts like a bit of a goofball/weirdo depending on how you look at it, although she still has a serious side to her and is always there for her friends, overall she's a pretty good person but is a bit easy to tick off as well.

\\Greatest fear//

Deep down she has a fear of not being accepted, which is part of the reason she walks around pretending to be a boy as well, because it gives her a chance to make an alternative version of herself.

-- Love interest --

Someone who can make her laugh would be nice, someone who can understand her and accept her the way she is. She isn't really picky and doesn't care if they're a boy or girl or anything in between, to her what's on the inside is more important. She doesn't mind who it is and when it happens it'll happen that's the way she sees it.



Rei was born in Ikebukuro to a local, Japanese mother and an American father who had moved to japan for work/business purposes but decided to stay there to take care of his soon to be wife and daughter. They lived a normal happy life and every summer she would visit with her father's side of the family back in the states. This went on until she was about 15 and her father was killed because he was apparently caught in a bad drug deal. She had guessed something was up when money stated dissapearing and not only that but he had been acting not himself. This taught her three things: One, that life was a precious thing and that every moment of it counted, so she decided that she would make the most of her time on this earth. Two, that everyone held secrets, even someone like her father, this caused her to become more wary of people and is the main reason that she developed into the quiet person she is today sticking to the people she knows. And then three, that she had to be strong to get by in this world. If she was stronger she could have stopped those madmen and saved her father's life but she was too weak at the time to do a thing.

Reasons for playing the game

A few reasons actually, first just pure curiosity. But also to become stronger and to test herself, she doesn't want to catch Celty but what she does want is to prove herself. And maybe she could even do that in helping protect Celty?, really she just wants to prove to herself that she's capable of something great so she agreed to join the dollars and this little game.

Relationship with cannon characters

(Note: No cannon characters know Rei's a girl)

Shizuo: She met him during one of his rampages when she wondered what the hell was going on, she realized the people he was fighting were a bunch of street rats and came to admire him in a weird way sort of reminds her of her dad before he changed. They became casual friends and is someone she doesn't mind talking to.

Simon: Rei is a regular customer of Simon's and they get along fairly well and she thinks he gives good advice and respects him.

Celty: She met Celty through Shizuo and thinks this whole mess with the prize money for her is a bad idea, she believes firmly that Celty's capable of taking care of herself but she is actually closer friends with her than Shizuo and isn't afraid to protect her either if she ever can. She finds her inspiring and interesting.

Shinra: She only knows him because of Celty and actually doesn't know much about him. That's about it she just knows him.



Investigative Ability | 8

Fighting Ability | 9

Social Skills | 7

< Talents >

She's pretty fast and can handle her own in a fist fight but always has a pocketknife ready if she needs it. Overall her best strength is her ability to keep calm in situations when most would probably freak out.

< Weaknesses >

She isn't good in any instance where long-ranged combat is needed or people skills, she just doesn't do well trying to communicate sometimes. And while she's good at keeping calm for the most part she can let her emotions get the better of her too easily.



She is a student but Simon lets her work part-time cleaning the place up for him in the summers. since she no longer visits her family in the states.


She wants to prove herself, whether to herself or to the world she isn't quite sure yet but she wants to help people, she knows the world is a cold place and she wants to help people also see the good in it, if she had to say what her dream was she guesses that would be the best answer as their is nothing in particular she wants to do. Just let things happen naturally for now.

--Favorite color--

Isn't it obvious?, Pink!

Theme Song






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Basic Information

Name: Kei Matsuda (松田 軽)

Nickname(s)-- SKULL

Online Alias-- Daichi

Age-- 19

Gender-- Female. Though her appearance with her biker suit and general behaviour tend to imply the opposite, much to her chagrin.

Species -- Human

Nationality -- Japanese

Sexuality-- Strictly heterosexual.


Height: 160 cm / 5’3”

Weight: Undisclosed

Eyes: Dark brown

Hair: Black

Under the Helmet:



81cm (32"), 62cm (24"), 83cm (32")

Bust size:


Kei speaks in a rather low alto, and refers to herself in male pronouns, usually using 'ore', but tends to mix it up with 'watashi' here and there, with the rare 'atai'. She primarily uses 'ore' around Keiichi, and 'watashi' at work.


Positive traits:

+Very, very, very strong headed. There’s nothing that can push Kei down. Hell, she will even go as far as to fight any of the strongest men in Ikebukuro, if they are in the way of her objective.

+None of her claims are empty. If she is confident in something, then there is no argument about it.

+There's no point trying to shift her alliances or beliefs once she's locked on HARD on them. No amount of money can dissuade her to think otherwise once she is entirely sure that this is the path she wishes to walk upon.

Negative traits:

- There’s a thin line separating ‘Mildly Annoyed’ and ‘Really Pissed Off’ for Kei. She will not hesitate to knock you senseless in a split second, even if she didn’t look like it the moment before.

- She might be a little TOO strong headed. Some problems can't be solved through brute force. Not that this has ever stopped her from trying.

-She may be female, but she lacks the behaviour and assets of one. She is impatient, rowdy, crude, and she solves everything with violence. If you're looking for a lady, you've come to the wrong place. If you're looking for a fight, then maybe you're in the right area.


+Speed. She thrives on the high she gets when she speeds down the roads of Ikebukuro. The police don't like her.

+Her Kawasaki Ninja H2. It is entirely black in colour, with red highlights, and a skull embossed on the front, just like the one on her helmet. She actively runs maintenance on it when she's free.

+Fighting games. She’s really good at them, and can be sometimes seen hanging out at the arcade when there aren’t any races going on. Yes, she plays them with her helmet on.

+Keiichi...sort of. Her behaviour and love for things usually reserved for guys allow her to avoid unwanted conflicts with him. She apparently enjoys his company and is much more talkative and open around him. But she doesn't have any feelings for him. Not romantically, that is. Nope.


-Keiichi...again, sort of. To be exact, she doesn't seem to like his apparent misogyny, but generally doesn't comment about it. After all, the more he keeps this up, the less girls there will be around him, which is what SHE wants. But she doesn't like him, not in that way. No, sirree.

-Bitches and whores. If there's one rule that Kei actively follows, it's 'talk shit, get hit'. As the rule so lovingly states, you talk shit about her or anyone she thinks is okay, you're going to have to learn how to catch a fist with your mouth.

-Comments about how she lacks any...proper female assets. She forgives those who mistake her with her biker suit and helmet for a male, but is more than a little incensed if the same happens to her when she's out of the suit. Fittingly enough, she doesn't bring this up around Keiichi.


= She scratches her cheek when she's unsure of an answer or is confused. She does it even when she's wearing her helmet, scratching away at it.


= Shredding the roads.

General attitude:


Greatest fear:

Rejection. Plain and simple. She never goes anywhere in life, or has even gotten a boyfriend, mainly due to her being afraid of the answer ‘No.’. She is particularly fidgety around Keiichi at some points for some reason, and it certainly this reason, nope.

Love interest

None. She’s a kissless virgin who doesn’t know what twu wuv is. She also doesn't have any feelings for Keiichi. Nope.


Background -- past experiences, what your character's life was like prior to moving to Ikebukuro, what challenges he/she faced that made them who they are, etc.

Reasons for playing the game--

To find this strange headless rider to challenge her again. Never had she felt such thrill before. No other racer has ever given her this much of a challenge before. She HAD to find her. She HAD to beat her in a race. The money be damned, it only mattered that she found this headless rider.

Relationship with canon characters (optional)--

The Headless Rider: Raced against her one night, and was soundly thrashed by her, a rarity all by itself. Kei has since been tuning her motorcycle to match her speed, and prowls the night in search for her, if only just to feel that rush of an actual challenge again.

Dennis: Kei’s employer. She works as a part-time sushi chef in his restaurant. Curiously, she only works evening shifts, even during the weekends. Dennis doesn’t really care, one way or another. She’s the best part-time help he’s had for a while, being absolutely skilled with the knife and her hands.

Simon: Kei’s fellow employee. They don’t communicate much, mainly because Kei doesn’t talk much, Simon doesn’t talk much, and both of them are usually in different areas of the restaurant: Simon is outside, advertising, while Kei is at the back, slicing up fish. Their moments together during their lunch breaks are often filled with silences, and them staring at each other for long periods of time.




Investigation: 10

Combat: 10

Social: 5

Talents --

+SKULL is, as mentioned all over this sheet, an extremely competent racer, being able to weave in and out of incoming traffic, perform various stunts, and generally burn through the track without a problem. She is known for his rather dangerous stunts and shortcuts, once leaping off a highway to the road below, just to get a headstart on the opponent. The only person she hasn’t won against is the Headless Rider, and this is saying quite a lot.

+She may not be a black belt, and she easily falls behind skilled martial artists in style points, but Kei makes up for it by hitting very, very, very fast, and very, very, very, very hard. Her fighting style consists purely of brutal haymakers and roundhouse kicks, combined with the occasional improvised wrestling move to add on to the pain, and her modus operandi is generally to turn the opponent into paste before they can raise a hand to protest.

+Kei is a skilled sushi chef, almost comparable to Dennis. She handles knives extremely well, and is able to prepare the thinnest of slices with expertise.


-She has no idea what 'self-preservation' means. Sure, she can tank hits like a boss, and outright blow conventional fighters out of the water with her crazy strength, but charging head on into every problem isn't going to solve it. Usually. Her most accepted tactic is to just meet everything with her fists, including other fists. You can see the problem with this. She has no proper defensive techs at all.

-She may be strong as hell, but she sure isn't graceful. Even in racing, she has no qualms about forcing her way through. Her tactics more or less boil down to "JUST DO IT". Brute force can only carry one person so far.

-Her social ability is lacking. She may have the ability to intimidate others, but actual persuasion without the use of brute force is way out for her.

-Kei is horrendously book dumb. She excels in practical learning, and the inverse also applies. Toss a book at her to learn, she'll look at it puzzledly and turn the pages in frustration and comical bemusement. She is more likely to slam dunk a book into the nearest bin than she is to learn anything out of it.



Sushi chef, underground racer

Goals/Dreams --

-Defeat The Headless Rider in a race.

-Something something Keiichi, feelings, nope, something.

Favorite color


Theme Song --


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