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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia — Expedition #5, The Frozen Waste

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"Secrets hidden by frost...

Wherefore does the slumbering world awaken?"
  • 「 #5 」
    The Frostwardens are a sworn brotherhood of Delvers who have dedicated their lives to guarding the desolate, icy wastes that stretch endlessly beneath the world’s surface. Theirs is a land of perpetual cold, where the very air freezes in the lungs, and the ground is blanketed in snow and frost.

    According to ancient legend, eons ago, a catastrophic Ice Age nearly consumed half the continent. In the aftermath, when the last of the ice began to melt, the Frostwardens were founded, tasked with a singular purpose: to stand guard over this frozen realm and ensure that the horrors of the past would never return.

    Yet, the world above has moved on, and the memories of frost-covered fields and frozen corpses have faded into myth. Fewer and fewer Delvers choose to give up their chance at glory, fame, and fortune to guard a frozen wasteland that many believe poses no real threat.

    Recently, the Delving Guild captured a Frostwarden deserter in Closter attempting to flee the city. Half-mad, he spoke of ice and darkness. While his words were dismissed out of hand, the Guild ordered a small reconnaissance party of Delvers to make contact with the Frostwardens and inform them that their deserter had been found.
「 #5 」
Dungeon Revelations
The process of entering through Caedia to one of the Dungeons beneath it is known to be an, at best, disorienting and, at worst, traumatizing experience, especially for first-time Delvers. It is a sensation unlike anything else, as the pit of Caedia transports the persons who stand atop its surface—mind, body, and soul—from one plane of existence to another...
The Frozen Waste, Dungeons under Caedia

The world around them shifted with a nauseatitng lurch as they passed—most of them for the very first time—through the portal of Caedia. What began with the familiar glow of torchlight and the warm, earthen walls of Caedia's subterranean chamber, twisted, turned, the air around them snapping into a biting chill. As if the very ground had dropped out from beneath their feet—space and time warping, compressing, then suddenly expanding again.

And then, the cold.

A frigid wind howled past the fledgling Delvers as they stumbled onto the frozen wastes, the portal from whence they came vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. The Delvers stood now on the edge of the world. or so it felt. Before them, the steppes stretched out in every direction, a vast expanse of snow and ice, broken only by jagged peaks and cliffs that towered into the slate-gray sky.

Above, clouds hung low and heavy. The distant sun, barely a sliver on the horizon. Snow softly fell, flakes spinning in the wind before landing on the piling banks, vanishing into endless white.

At their feet lay the entrance to a long, stone bridge, slick with black ice. It stretched out before them, a narrow path across a bottomless chasm, flanked by frozen cliffs. And at the far end, partly obscured by the swirl of snow, stood a towering black-stone keep. Its walls loomed, stark and imposing, its towers reaching skyward like jagged, rotting teeth. This was the ancestral fortress of these lands, kept by the Frostwardens, those who swore to steward and guard this frozen wasteland.

There was no welcome. No sentries stood guard at the bridge to greet them. The gate of the keep, visible even from this distance, was closed tight. The wind whistled through the crags and the hollows. Only the cold winds and falling snows moved in this desolate place.

Their mission was simple enough: make contact with the Frostwardens, and return, assuring the world above that all was well...

Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic pendog pendog Kwayzar Kwayzar Topless Topless Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness Lekiel Lekiel Maverick. Maverick.
Code by Serobliss
Godfried Losery
Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

The cold never bothered Godfried. The welcoming cold breeze did not ever bothered him the slightest. He knew that when the deserted Frostwarden had made himself known, he had already expected the trip would be very, very chilling. He had steeled himself to resist the frosty atmosphere of the frost lands as he and his companions made their way to the black-stone keep where the rest of the Frostwardens lied. Godfried blew, his breath already turned into icy crystals when the air escaped his mouth.

Their objective was to bring the Frostwarden back to the keep. Simple. But then something about what he said did not sit well with the Crown Sorcerer. "Ice and darkness" is what he spoke up. He could think up a few interpretations as to what he said. The most prominent one of them would be the coming of a great blizzard that might cause calamity over Closter. Godfried doubted that could happen, but yet it is within the realm of possibility.

He would think of the theories later once he took notice of the bridge and how strangely barren it is. "No guards, how unusual..." He quietly spoke "And I thought Frostwardens were very tough when it comes to the cold."
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  • IMG_2198.jpeg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Everyone ( Topless Topless Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness Maverick. Maverick. Lekiel Lekiel Kwayzar Kwayzar pendog pendog ) World ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )


    Mercury’s CS || Voids

    The frozen cold was her own personal hell. The chill dug deep into her bones and wrung out her soul in the way the most somber melodies would do. Solemn and quiet with not a single person for a guide, in a land like this she could see where people might want to flee from such a sight.

    Still deserters were deserters. She couldn’t imagine giving your oath for life and then deciding one morning it wasn’t for you. Perhaps if her parents were more like that deserter they would have lived but they would have lost their spark and their drive.

    “Well looks like there’s no welcome wagon for us. The guards are probably looking for the deserter and maintaining their positions around the fort right?”

    She didn’t personally think it was unusual that a disturbance to the routine would happen when they lose members but she was far less versed in the ways of this place.

    What she did know was that it was damn cold and that was an issue. She brought out her instrument and began to strum.

    “Gather round guys. I don’t know about you but I’m not digging this cold so it’s time for concerto number well it’s not one but feel free to feel it in your bones anyways”

    Behind her other instruments appeared as the they formed a harmony. She sung as loud as she could letting the sound reach the others in the only way she knew how.

    “There's no beauty without ends
    No creation with no mends
    A new silent wish, will cast aside our pain
    Distancing side by side in vain”

    In her spellsong she layered in warmth fighting off the chill of ice and snow around them.
Expedition #5
THE FROZEN WASTES, Dungeons under Caedia

COUGHhacckhack, wheeeeezee, coughcoUGH

Well, this bloody sucked.
Marigold drank more last night than some tallmen would ever drink in their entire lives—in one night!—but she could still walk herself to her bed afterwards just fine! No wobblin, no slurrin, no darn fuss at all. And yet. And yet! One step through that portal...and Marigold suddenly found herself shaking on her knees. It was like she had just aten something foul, her stomach feeling all sorts of wrong.

Actually, scratch that. "...Urgh...!" This was somehow even worse than that. It was like someone had picked her insides apart, then tried to put her back right and dandy again. And. Okay! Sure, she was technically right and dandy! Marigold didn't FEEL like anything was...outta place. Not that she'd ever felt an organ or rib outta place before. But Marigold would probably know it was! And she didn't. Which, again, still didn't with the fact that Marigold felt like she was about to lose her lunch AND her elevenses. "Aesyr below...a kick in the gut, and it's colder than a well digger's fanny out here? I thought His footsteps would be a little EASIER to start followin'..." But Marigold was NOT going to start her adventuring days with a hurl. Her dignity would never allow it. So, like a big girl,

She pulled herself onto her feet with a grumble, Marigold gathering next to the party's bard. "I'm with you on that one, Mercury!" She huffed. A shudder followed quickly after. "Brrrrr...our wizard over there looks like he's fine, but at least I'm built for warmer weathers than this." The others looked fine, anyways. Mercury and Godfried were already talking about the quest they were on, Marigold tuning in to the conversation. "An' speaking o' warm. About the lovely welcome this lot's giving us..." She turned her gaze down the bridge, "...I don't know much 'bout wardening, now, but I thought the point is to—well, I mean. Guard. Forgetting your big-front-doors feels like a bit of an oversight, don't it?" Marigold finished her thoughts, plucking her pipe from her coat pocket with a small sigh of relief. The spellsong was doing wonders for her already. already. Now, if she could find her lighter, she'd be really right and dandy... "Well, no sense in waiting! Why don't we just go 'head then and knock—?"

Ah, damn. No lighter. "...Ah, gods damn it..." Her eyes flickered over to Crown Sorcerer. "Godfried, you think you can spot a gal a flame? To settle the stomach, ahah..."
Code by Serobliss


Drifts As The Wind, The Unstoried Bard

“Ed’ i’ear ar’ elenea!” A melodic exclamation in a foreign language lilted from behind the gathering of delvers, “giant ice cubes and cold sand!” The low alto voice continued with quiet wonder, as a petite figure cloaked in green strode out towards the front most members of their troop. A hood hid away most of her ginger hair except for a couple of braids peeking out the front, around her waist and arms, what seemed like tiny bells hung on weathered delicate chains bobbed curiosly without a single tinkle to her steps. A peculiarly decorated wooden marionette hanging from a brace on her back completed the young woman’s garish ensemble. “What a sight! I can already imagine the first line of this epic story. The dread of cold, howling winds racing across the chasm our heroic bard would’ve heard if her ears had not frozen solid. The ruined bridge, held together with naught but—”

Realizing she had come up alongside the slender ‘crown mage’ who called himself Godfried, Drifts As The Wind stopped herself in her tracks, “Pardon me, I have only just realized I’ve never been in such a. . .place before,” the woman let out an unwitting shiver, her body’s subconscious memory not quite accustomed to such blustery weather.

"No guards, how unusual..." Godfried quietly spoke "And I thought Frostwardens were very tough went it comes to the cold."

“Well Drifts can certainly imagine why! Brrr! It’s c-cold!” The ginger haired woman chirped, offering her unsolicited opinion with zero shame despite the cold, “even if Drifts could stand it, she wouldn’t be caught standing out here waiting with a ‘warm’ welcome. . . ‘war m’ hah hah-! Geddit?” Drifts chuckled to herself, as she continued onwards towards the bridge seemingly oblivious to the ominous implications of their mission. A grin curled on her lips even as she clutched her arms about herself tighter against the cold, “come my valiant friends, can’t make contact with our ice-luvin buddies if we’re just standing here.”

◇ ◇ ◇
Interactions: Topless Topless
CS: Drifts

Expedition #5

Depressing is the word Minthra would use to describe the barren land that layed before her, void of any colors other than black, grey, and an endless sea of white. Not a single spec of life in sight; Not even the Frostwardens are anywhere to be seen. Hell if not for her companions, Minthra would've looked more alive than anything else in the blizzard encrusted wasteland. If this was all she saw every single day for years, it’d probably whittle away at her sanity too.

The scenery wasn't the only thing that bothered Minthra. She shared the same sentiments as her companions regarding the cold. Though it wasn't the bitter chill of the wind she had a problem with. Rather she was more worried about the ever-present stiffness of her body if anything. It wasn't like Minthra was particularly dexterous to begin with, so becoming an icicle was a justified fear of hers at the moment.

A fear that was rather short lived as the warmth of red one's voice washed over her. It felt pleasant. It's not often Minthra could say that. And clearly she wasn't the only one pleased with the bard's singing, seeing as how even the little one that sounded like she was on the verge of croaking started to look better.

Minthra stepped in closer to Mercury, her flame tilting foward slightly. “My little ball of fire isnt exactly as hot as some tend to think, far from it honestly, so the warmth is appreciated.”

Minthra’s attention shifted towards her companions further along the narrow bridge, Godfried and Drifts. Although the orange one made little more than jokes, at least one thing she said was sensible. “The orange one and the little one are right, we shouldn't linger here too long. The faster we find one of those wardens the sooner we can relieve ourselves of this mess.”

White Minthra didn't Want to spend longer than necessary being a glorified messenger; she had another reason for her impatience. As soon as she set foot into that pit, into caedia she could feel something's eyes on her. It started off as a passing glance, not unlike the ones she got up in closter, but when the ground beneath her warped into frost-laden stone; For a mere moment it changed. The eyes became fixated on her. Their gaze suddenly turned into an invasive leer Minthra couldn't hide from. It faded as quickly as it came, yet the eyes still lingered.

Nevertheless, Minthra had a job to do. All she could hope for was that it would be over soon.

Code by Serobliss
Hannelore Feravaen - cursed cleric

The job was in a place called the 'Frozen Wastes' and their mission was to return a Frostwarden to where it belonged. Based on those cues, Hannelore had spent what little coin she had on a set of warmer gear - her simple cloak was crisp white, but the inside lined with fox fur that complimented her ginger hair. Green mitts covered delicate hands and long fingers, and she wore three pairs of socks which had resulted in quite the struggle when it came to getting on her boots. The tunics she had brought with her from home were thick and large, capable of layering over other garments which was exactly what she did.

All in all, she had come as prepared as she could to face down the biting cold of the frigid hellscape within the dungeon but even with all her preparations, she still found herself wishing she could have done more. Between the terrible temperature and the discomfort of teleportation, Hannelore was out of sorts and not at all feeling that rush of excitement she had expected for her first ever quest.

While the others mumbled and murmured about the miserable circumstances of their mission, Hannelore kept her own unease (physical and mental) quiet for now, instead scanning the bridge while the hairs along the back of her neck prickled in alarm at the lack of life visible guarding the Fortress. Her eyes went towards the impressive and imposing Keep and she felt something heavy settle in the pit of her stomach. She pressed a hand to her belly and nibbled at her bottom lip in anxious thought. There should be sentinels at the very least, yes?

Unfamiliar with any of those she was accompanying except perhaps a few names exchanged moments before arrival, Hannelore didn't speak her own concerns yet, letting the others discuss their next move, her eyes skipping around as if she was trying to keep track of everything happening around her.

Lavella above, she had never felt so out of her depths.
Expedition #5
THE FROZEN WASTES, Dungeons under Caedia

Sol’lochar Barriund could no longer feel his feet. And yet, he danced.

Merc’s voice patted at his numb ears through the fabric of his hood, the cloth muffling the sound of her song. Though his toes had frozen, he knew exactly where to place them. His feet twirled and scuffed at the icy ground beneath him, his body thrown in a seemingly drunken, yet strangely graceful dance.

He smiled as he spun, a breath of frosty air escaping his mouth in a chuckle. He couldn’t be more indifferent to the goal of this mission. It was not his first delve, and it wouldn’t be his last, yet he hadn’t come into quite a circumstance such as this; the stakes were low, and the danger seemed nonexistent. As far as Sol was concerned, he and his party were glorified messengers. This would be the easiest mission he’d ever take part in, that he was sure of.

In a party full of magic wielders, he felt slightly out of place, but that kind of thing rarely bothered him. Especially not now—his senses were calmed, and his spirits were high.

Others around him were talking, their voices holding subtle hints of confusion and uncertainty, though none of it concerned Sol. Once the bard’s song ceased, Sol steadied himself, his chapped lips spreading into a grin.

“Freezing,” he agreed amongst the chatter of his party’s voices. “In and out, there’s seriously nothing to mess up—even if we tried. Piece of cake. We’ll be out and in a warm tavern in no time.”

Sol strode ahead, nearly skipping in his gait, balancing expertly on the balls of his feet. He blinked once to clear the flurries of snow from his eyelashes, taking in the terrain around him with a shrug. It was as the others had said: desolate. The party was alone. According to Sol’s quick and careless calculation, this was the best case scenario. Not an enemy in sight, no danger ahead.

“Marigold is right, one knock on the door, a quick ‘hey guys, guess what, blah blah’ and we’re out of here,” Sol said, falling into step for a moment beside Drifts, walking backwards, his arms out. “No point drawing it out.”

He spun back around and, catching sight of the gates, Sol took off, jogging straight for it.

Code by Serobliss
Godfried Losery
Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic pendog pendog Lekiel Lekiel

Mercury's bardsong have just made the mission much more bearable now that everyone has felt a lot warmer. "Your song is as beautiful to hear as ever Mercury." Godfried complimented her before he got approached by Marigold, who kindly asked him for a light for her pipe. "Very well, hold your pipe still." He said to her and with a few simple clicks of his fingers, a small flame appeared on his finger tip. Truly a simple magic trick one can accomplish in little time. He lowered his flaming finger into the hole of the pipe with just enough to light up the contents. He quickly shook his hand to snuff the flame out.

When it was about time for the group to start moving, Drifts thought it would be a good idea to joke a bit. Godfried did not laugh, nor he felt the need to scold her. Instead, he let out a small grin. As she made her way to the bridge ahead of the group, Godfried watched her for a moment. Out of all the people he's been with, Drifts is the one person that somehow made him feel something. Looking at her, listening to her, she may be one of the bards and one of the unique personalities to see in the guild, Godfried could not help but wonder something.

Why does Drifts remind him of her?

Godfired immediately snapped himself back to reality as he glanced at the group and said "Let's move. I don't think Mercury's spell can last long." He would then went ahead to the bridge, expecting the rest to follow suit. "And Mari, keep your pipe when we get there. Good first impressions are important after all." He said to the halfling.
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The Frozen Waste, Dungeons under Caedia

The Delvers made their way across the stone bridge, the sound of their boots crunching frost the only noise, apart from the persistent howl of wind whipping through the crags. Still, no movement was visible either at the gate or along the walls.

As they neared the edge of the bridge, they saw two paths ahead: the priamry way leading directly to the keep's front gate. A second, narrower trail snaked along the side of the mountain slope, descending sharply before vanishing behind the cliffs.

That was when the ground began to rumble.

A guttural roar split the air, followed by the echoing thud of massive footfalls. Before long, an enormous figure emerged from out of the driving storm—an Ice Troll, standing twice the height of any man, jagged ice clinging to its pale flesh. Its eyes gleamed with hatred as it bellowed out in a voice like winter thunder.

"Kazgûl'ukh! Grak'tar bûsh kanzû!" The troll's ancient spell unraveled in the frozen air.

A towering pillar of ice along the cliffside exploded, sending shards of snow and ice cascading down onto the group of Delvers, forcing them to scatter as the debris rained down. But the force of the blast dislodged a massive sheet of snow and ice, which avalanched down the mountainside, driving the Delvers even further apart.

The first group, nearest to the gate, were left to contend with the Frost Troll as it lumbered toward them. The second had found their way to the sloping mountain pass, their way back blocked by a wall of snow and ice, too dense to climb or cross quickly.
Expedition #5
Group 1: Mercury, Hannelore, Godfried & Sol’lochar

The troll advanced toward the group at the gate, dragging a massive club of frozen wood and bone behind it.

"Grak’zul! Grahk toknâr!" the troll bellowed, swinging its icy club down with the force of an avalanche.

Dungeon Encounter
DC: 4​
(Ice Troll) Roll 1d20 = 4

The lumbering creature is powerful, but slow. Its wild swinging club is best to be avoided, however, it is vulnerable to counterattack once its stroke has fallen!

Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness Topless Topless Maverick. Maverick.
Expedition #5
GROUP 2: Drifts, Minthra & Marigold

Meanwhile, the group that found themselves sprawled on the narrow mountain path heard the faintest of howls upon the wind. This was their only warning, before they were beset upon by a pack of charging Rimefrost Wolves, their pale forms darting across the show like white shadows.

The leading wolf leapt, lunging toward the nearest Delver, its maw wide, teeth bared, aiming to spill warm blood from a soft throat.

Dungeon Encounter
DC: 7​
(Rimefrost Wolf) Roll 1d20 = 7

The Rimefrost Wolf's teeth bared, strike at the nearest Delver. The howls of its packmates alert the group to the danger, affording them ample time to prepare to mount a defense!

Interactions: Lekiel Lekiel Kwayzar Kwayzar pendog pendog
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Godfried Losery
Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura BriiAngelic BriiAngelic pendog pendog Lekiel Lekiel Kwayzar Kwayzar Maverick. Maverick. Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness

The trek through the bridge had went smoothly. The structure surprisingly held up well despite the extreme conditions. One snap could have doomed the party at all. It would seemed that things should be going well, or so they thought. Upon reaching the forked path, they heard a loud roar and the earth shook. "Looks like we may have found the reason for the lack of a welcoming party..." Godfried spoke, voicing his subtle dread. Out from the harsh blizzard came a hulking ice troll, standing twice as tall as the average man and he seemed to be not pleased with the party's presence.

A pillar of ice emerged from the cliff side and it exploded into shards and debris. The party would scatter to avoid the falling objects, but then came an avalanche that further separated the group. When everything calmed down, Godfried took a good look at the party and noticed that three of them, Drifts, Minthra and Marigold, are missing. "Damn it, Drifts, Minthra and Mari got split off." He said in annoyance just as the troll made his charge at the group, ready to swing down his heavy club. "Look out!" Godfried yelled before he would dive out of the club's vicinity to avoid getting pancake'd.

When he does, he would get up and attempt to retaliate by using his magic to set his staff on fire. He would release a stream of flames at the troll, and while doing so, he would glance at Sol and yell "Sol! Knock him out quickly! This spell will not last long!"
Expedition #5
THE FROZEN WASTES, Dungeons under Caedia

Sol felt the earth buzz beneath his feet before it shifted. Where once was the singing of wind and the chatter of his companions, a new cacophony of splintering ice and shifting snow rang out across the tundra. Sol followed the din with his own sound, a string of expletives muttered under his breath.

“Why couldn’t just one thing by easy for the first time in—where the fuck are you guys going?” Sol shouted as the party became separated, an avalanche of snow splitting the group. With three of his companions cut off from the rest of them, Sol felt icy stones of dread drop into the bottom of his stomach. Despite the cold, beads of sweat now pooled at the small of his back. “Okay, awesome, this is so cool.”

With a sharp intake of breath, Sol watched as the Troll raised its club, spitting cutting phrases to them in its own language, and moving to smash the earth before them. Sol would roll out of the way as an act of evasion, praying that his nimbleness would serve him enough to save himself from the strike.

Once back on his feet, balancing on the balls of his thin slippers, he took stock of his party. Only three remained with him, and the slim number made his brow knit in worry. A sorcerer, a bard, and a cleric. And him, with his fists, and not much else.

The sound of Godfried’s voice snapped Sol’s head to attention, and suddenly his amber eyes were lit aglow by the stream of the sorcerer’s flame.

“I—what? Why me? You see the size of that thing? What makes you think I want…” Sol’s shout trailed off, and he rolled his eyes, pushing out a sigh in Godfried’s direction. “Okay, yes, that’s actually a pretty good idea.”

Sol rolled up his sleeves, steadied his breathing, and raised his fists. The tips of his fingers were numb as he clenched them into his palms. He flexed his toes, readying his stride. One slip on the icy landscape would mean lots of trouble very quickly.

Fine!” he shouted, pointing a finger back at his party. He gave a nod to Godfried, and then another to Mercury and Hannelore. “If one of you could spot us some cover while I get close to this guy, that would be a welcome sight to run back to!”

If I make it that far.

Sol would dart forward, his feet flying, as he made a beeline toward the legs of the troll, ducking beneath Godfried’s stream of flames as he did so. He would whip around behind the beast, positioning himself across from the troll’s calf, and swing his fist at the back of its knee with all his might, attempting to knock its leg out from under it.

Interactions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Topless Topless Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness

Code by Serobliss
Hannelore was caught in the icy blast - on the edge of it. Sent sprawling backwards and away from the other three, she was a bit slower to take stock of the situation as she clambered back onto her feet, double checking herself for any injuries. Ice could be sharp as glass sometimes...

Thankfully, the only damage was a hole to her cloak, and nothing that required any attention given their current predicament.

The wizard was already fast at work, sending a torrent of flame towards the troll with his staff, and the Drow was rushing the thing head on with... No visible weapons.

Hannelore didn't swear, but she was sorely tempted to try one out in that moment.

The hiss of metal sliding free from a scabbard came from beneath the clerics cloak as she brandished a fine Elven made short sword in her right hand, and a shield featuring the silver tree of Lavella on her left. She was no paladin, and she had only ever seen combat in controlled training sessions, but a cleric had to be able to get to the injured, and that sometimes met crossing a field of battle.

Her blade likely would not be more than an annoyance to the beast, but it would likely divide it's focus further and allow the fire to burn through the Trolls tough hide, or allow Sol to knock it out... Somehow.

With little more hesitation, Hannelore charged into the fray, flanking the beast with a whispered spell ready to cast on her lips.

  • IMG_2198.jpeg

    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Group A + Minthra (Before Split)( Topless Topless Love_In_Idleness Love_In_Idleness Maverick. Maverick. Kwayzar Kwayzar ) World ( Elenion Aura Elenion Aura )


    Mercury’s CS || Grown-up's Paradise

    Despite the frigid chill, Mercury couldn’t be more at home as the strain continued to echo around her. She gave Minthra a nod as the other spoke of finding the wardens quickly. As Sol spoke of a warm tavern she already was thinking of what lovely drinks she’d order.

    “If we’re lucky we won’t get stuck with paperwor-”

    Her words were interrupted as the bellows of an ice troll permeated the wasteland. She brought her hands to her ears trying to avoid listening to whatever the troll was shouting. Yet its words brought down the land around her snapping her out of her momentary pause. The instruments around her faded as her concentration shattered with her single-minded break away from the snow torrent. She took a tumble barely managing to clear the hazard.

    “SHIT! You FUCKING bitch!”

    The sting of the snow’s pinpricking cold would have to be brushed off as they immediately found themselves in danger. She pushed off the ground with a force that got her back to her feet as she did a quick inventory of who was left in the vicinity. She heard the call of Godfried listing off the ones missing from the group and did her best to twist back at the giant’s swing.

    “Split off or caught in the avalanche?”

    But there wasn’t time for an answer as a plan was naturally falling together. Or more people will be people and all you could do as an adventurer was work to keep up. With two charging into the frey she took a deep breath in summoning forth her spell once again. Strength and Defense were needed so with all her soul she began the Strain of pursuit once again.

    “Where is our tomorrow?
    Where does our future go?”



Drifts As The Wind, The Unstoried Bard

For the first time since she woke up on the shores of Closter with the waters of the southern-most sea still lapping in her ears, Drifts felt her blood turn searing cold. Whatever tale that had been titillating from her lips all but drowned by the howling winds.

She felt the chill not at the first bone-jarring roar, but at the first sight of the creature that approached the group menacingly, it awoke something within the Hinokian puppeteer. To say the cold clutching fingers that crept down her spine leaving it glowering with cold sweat was fear, would be a huge err.

Nay, the ice in her veins was like a bracing glacier spring. A kind that spread through her every fibre of being, as if this terrifying facedown was exactly where she'd been born to be. All the more it befuddled the ginger-haired woman, trying to make sense of the strange emotions from where she stood, frozen not with fear as she ought to feel but with a kind of prolepsis for the inevitability of violent confrontation.

But the moment was interrupted. So rooted on the spot she'd been that the bard almost missed the called warnings. Drifts looked up only just in time for a harried backflip, to retreat away from the avalanche of frosty debris.

“Well, that's. . . rather eventful,” Drifts turned around to the other two, once the avalanche had settled. Her cheeks were flushed red and her breaths in cold billowing puffs. "I suppose we'll have to take the longer route!"

유 유 유​

Eager to rejoin their companions, the trio found a narrow mountain path that seemed to lead in the right direction. But no sooner had they traversed its snowy drifts when new perils beset them in the form of large snowy white wolves charging swiftly through the snow.

“Uuma ma’ ten’ rashwe, ta tuluva a’ lle*,” The bard muttered in the language of her peoples. Her sing-song tone bearing a kind of casual confidence, as if having to face multiple oversized hungry wolves had been stipulated in the job description all along.
*One need not find trouble, for trouble will always find you. -Hinokian saying

“Drifts will take the front,” the bard stepped forward almost eagerly as she raised her hands and wrung them like the beginning of some kind of folk dance. The tiny bells lining her clothing began a rhythmic tinkle, finally sounding with the deft movements of the bard, “this story's just begun and I wouldn't want to miss a second of it”.

Seemingly unarmed and defenceless, she strode forwards into the leaping jaws of death, then at the last moment, a clapped beat and chime of tiny bells, the wooden marionette that had been harnessed to the Hinokian's back twitched and sprung to life. It darted over the diminutive woman's shoulder, at the same time the bard side-stepped the charging wolf. There was a glint of silver and ring of sharpened steel, a pained canine yelp as ribbons of crimson stained the cottony snow. The first of the pack lay dead, neck nearly severed by a precise and extremely sharp cut. With a flourish, the marionette landed, seemingly no evidence of any hidden knives amidst the puffy sleeves of its jester's coat.

“Come on you two, lend Drifts a hand would you, for there is much to do!”

◇ ◇ ◇
Notes: Not sure if I'm allowed to ‘one-shot’ the first wolf like that but it seemed fairly reasonable. Let me know if that should be changed!

Interactions: Kwayzar Kwayzar pendog pendog
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