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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia — Expedition #2, The Mapmaker's Dilemma

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"Daggers in the dark.

Walk carefully, Chosen."
  • 「 #2 」
    Ever since it was discovered that Caedia might one day be conquered, those who dwell above began to plot for this end... One of the pillars of such an endeavor was the effort to map the sprawling levels and winding catacombs of the Dungeons beneath Caedia. A task that proved monumental, as it was discovered shortly thereafter that the layouts of the Dungeons themselves were known to change...

    Despite this and many other setbacks, the Cartographers Guild of Closter has managed to do the impossible: chart 'safe' paths across the Dungeons of Caedia. Well, some of it, anyway. Most of their work has been focused on the upper levels of the Dungeons, where the danger is lesser. Many of these levels are well understood. It is through this understanding that maps and schematics have been drawn up, roughly approximating important landmarks within Caedia: resource depots, areas of fertile grounds where game may be hunted, as well as paths to and from the other levels and the surface. Without these critical insights, Closter would not have been able to extract nearly the wealth it has been able to from the Underearth beneath it.

    Still, there are those who seek to buck convention. One such man, a Cartographer formerly of the Cartographers Guild, is convinced that one of the elder maps of the Dungeons is, in fact, wrong. When no one would heed his words, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Conscripting an experienced Delver to put together an Expedition, the Cartographer now seeks to see for himself the error of his predecessors' works, and correct them. For the benefit of... Someone, surely.

「 #2 」

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