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Fandom Dungeon Core Earth

Charlie picked through the objects, looking at the goo curiously before putting a bit on his tongue, shrugging before grabbing the dagger and the Hat- putting it on top of his usual accessory before going back to collecting more innards from the creature.

When it came to spellcasting, some random monster guts could help- and they might taste good with coffee! Charlie didn't really want or need money, usually spending nights in the hat- and other than the dagger the weapons weren't his style.
Danny was surprised at how easily they were able to defeat the man eating plant, sure there was issues but still. It just showed that his idea about the power of numbers was right. This fight also proved that the lootboxes weren't the only way to get weapons or items as the plant dropped loot, there even was an ordering system set up probably to mimimize in fighting. Charlie got to go first and luckily he didn't pick both of the weapons

When Danny paralysis wore off it was his turn and he had taken the time to think of what to pick. He went for the vine so he also had a ranged weapon and he also grabbed the vials of plant sap, figuring that since his hula could potentially hit multiple enemies at once or the same enemy multiple times the effects would be the most useful if applied on it.
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After Danny was finished James took the gol. A currency tab on his screen appeared. He'd have to examin it later when they were safe. Shaking his head he leaned against the walll and looked around. Once everyone was ready they continued walking.

The alley way became a bit tighter as two new mobs started to poor in. One looked like an oversized rat with large incisors and the other looked like humanoid turtles. They came in droves but neither were a threat to the group. James was able to level up again.
As James picked up the gold, Danny noticed a new message in his HUD. He had gotten two achievements for the fight

New Achievement level up. You are level 2. You must be so proud of doing your job. Reward, nothing you don't get rewards for doing your job.
New Achievement: The power of friendship. You and your party beat a mob four times your power and double the power of one of your friends. Talk about anime plot armor Reward: A silver friendship box.

"Nice. Level 2 and a new lootbox." Curious what his reward was Danny tried to open the friendship box only to get a warning that lootboxes could only be used in a saferoom. The reason for that quickly became as more mobs, seemingly based on the TMNT suddenly showed up. While this fight was a lot easier than the one against the man eating plant it could have been harder if Danny was distracted by any new items. Still easy or not it got Danny up to level 3.
James stopped as two rooms appeared one was marked safe while the other didn't have any markings on it. He was curious about that room but decided it best to go into the safe room. He wasn't sure about the others but he was exaughsted. Opening the door he stopped as what looked like the inside of a metro bus station appeared. Including two rows of seats, cots behind a curtain and an area marked bathroom.

Walking in he noticed three screens on the wall,.the time till level collapse on the right, a middle screen that had a different set to go off in 11 hours, and the last one made James heart almost stop. Total Crawlers 7million, 825 thousand a hundred and three remaining.
Almost three million died in what thirty minutes.
Charlie made sure the knife was secure on his belt as he moved through the group of demi-humans, not even questioning the strange creatures (He was a Bunny boy hybrid anyway- maybe they had been mutated by some odd magics like he had?) The Rabbit-Kin continued on his way, eventually following the James guy and looking at the magic paintings- wondering what they did.

"I think there was one of these in my hat- then again half of the stuff I found in there was weird and scary." Charlie shrugged and sat down on one of the seats, once again practicing his card tricks. He had been training for a particular weapon he had been trying to find after seeing another adventurer (That he was too scared of to steal from) use them- Razor Playing cards. He continued practicing with his paper ones, also making sure he could use the slight impressions to better cheat with his enhanced senses.
Danny didn't expect to find another saferoom so soon after the last one but he wasn't complaining. Right now getting good weapons and items was important since everyone's stats were still low plus a break was welcome. The room looked completely different from last time. "A bus station huh, sure why not?"

The first thing Danny noticed were the screens and the fact that he was pretty sure the number of active crawlers had gone down yet again, the mysterious robed crawler was the second thing and he decided it was probably smart not to talk to him, but he wasn't alone. There was another crawler sitting at a different table wearing a Voltron shirt and Danny decided that if there was time he would try to talk him but for now he wanted to stick with his party so he sat down next to Charly.
James noticed they weren't alone aside from the cloaked figure and voltron shirt guy there was a small group near the cots most were injured except for a large African American who was giving aid to them and a Asian woman maybe Japanese he wasn't sure standing guard. He nodded to her before taking a seat next to Danny and Charlie. Sphinx jumped into his lap.

Since they were staying for a bit He opened his loot box

Friendship Bracelet. Equipping this will allow a random party member to temporarily gain 5 stat points to a random stat for the floor. When the next floor starts the increase is gone and it starts over again. Warning Modified dog Sphinx is not elliagle for the boost of this floor.

He reread that and nodded before putting it on. Charlie fast hands has increased his Charisma to 15

Sphinx opened his friendship box to reveal a book. "What is this crap." He said before pressing it. "OH nice. Shield protect party member for 1 second per intelligence score. Costs five mana to use.
Charlie clapped his hands as suddenly, his card tricks were more showy and dramatic- perfect for the Rabbit-Kin's usual tricks. He hugged James before going back to messing with cards, trying to think of any plots he could use his boosted charisma.

Miles away, something stepped into reality. Code shifted and broke wherever it stepped- text foot prints following him until they could be repaired after exiting the area of effect. The creature looked around this strange place, looking at his lack of textures before moving on, seeking out nearby entities.
James and Sphinx opened their friendship boxes getting a bracelet and a book respectively. Following their lead Danny opened his own lootbox. " Huh I got a book as well."

Tome of Friendly double: Creates a nonsolid copy of one party member for 10 seconds. Cost 3 mp to use. Cooldown 10 minutes.

Danny immediately read it and despite the fact that it cost 3 of his 4 mp he decided to check it out wanting to know if he could at least decide who he would make copy off. so he focused on Sphinx. " Friendly double." A second Sphinx appeared right next to the real one.

Meanwhile Don White saw Charlie messing with his playing cards and walked over to the party. "Hey, you guys know any games?"
Sphinx jumped out of his seat as he saw his copy. "You!" He said letting out a bark as he and the copy moved in tadem. "I thought for sure you would've been defeated once the home was gone. " James just watched his dog. 'He is smarter than all of us yet he still can't tell a reflection from reality.' James thought shaking his head.

Chief Brain looked at the commotion seeing some mutt freaking out about a copy. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. He tilted his head at the support NPC his trainer Mr. Grindel said that it was some new gimmick for this season but it was the first one he'd seen. "If anyone knows blackjack we could bet some loot we don't need." He said."One man's trash and all that jazz."
"Books are boring- especially if they have all those stupid pictures." Charlie said as he continued his practice, hoping he was ready for combat as he put his hat aside. When the second Sphinx appeared, he jumped away, putting some distance from the creature. Charlie didn't do well with a lot of bigger (Or smaller) animals other than Rabbits and the like, but dogs and cats where scary- often killing rabbits in the wild. One was scary enough, but two was terrifying.

"Do you think I carry the deck just for Card Tricks? I prefer Go Fish but this is okay." Charlie shrugged as he flipped the cards in his hand and made them disappear, getting to his feet as hid the remaining deck, tapping his hand on the railing for a moment before flipping the cards from his sleeve, arranged in their exact suite. The Harrengon quickly reshuffled the deck.
Danny didn't expect to freak out both Charlie and Sphinx when he made a copy of the dog but at least he found out about their issues while they were somewhere safe. The 10 seconds didn't last too long and the double Sphinx simply disappeared. " Good job Sphinx, looks like you scared him off."

Don chuckled at the shenanigans but was more focused on Charlie's cards, after all the rabbit-man was showing off in response to his question. "You thr..four seem like an interesting party, if I wasn't looking from some friends of mine I might even ask to join."
SSphinx shook his head. "Good that bastard always taunts me." He said still a little rattled but recovered enough to jump back onto James lap.

Chief Brian chuckled. "Go fish ain't my game but maybe some of my mates might be interested." He said looking back at the injured Crawlers. "They could do well to get their mind off of all of this."
Charlie sat back down after a second, acting like nothing happened as he grabbed his hat, securing it on his head before finishing shuffling the cards
He didn't cheat, making sure to shuffle them fairly- and exchanging them for ones that didn't have marked corners, before sitting them back down, looking to see who would join in the game.

Charlie's luck was decent- those Orcs he beat at a gamblers den had tried to steal his leg after he beat each of them- but this many people would be a bit difficult, using his senses to pick up their tells would be hard- ears listening for the nervous tap of a foot or shifting of cards, nose picking up pheromones that discerned a few raw emotions, eyes watching for the slightest movement on their face.

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