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Fandom Dungeon Core Earth

Charlie stepped over- keeping a distance from Taura as he followed, wondering what sort of chief they would be fighting. Goblins spread like wildfire across the world, so some would act different from others, gathering more or less minions, training them for battle. He still kept a short distance from the demon-lady and the shadow man, not trusting the loud thing she had, and the shadow man felt very wrong to him- something about him making him want to destroy him for some reason- probably nothing.

"So anything you can tell us about this place? We haven't had much time to really figure out what's going on; and the weird pig man we ran into said a bunch of words I didn't understand." Taura was trying to grab her tail in an attempt to tuck it inside her pants to better hide it- having already shifted her hat to try and hide the horns; but the tail moved wildly, almost as if it had a mind of its own.
"One armed pig man?" James asked as he stayed in the back of the group and to the side so that if he had to fire he could easily. "Basically we're fucked." He said as before looking at the bunny man "Charlie sorry going to be using terms you won't understand."

He let out a breath. "According to our pig man this is called a world dungeon. The Bith Corperation whoever they are ravaged Earth and allowed us to volunteer to participate in the crawl. If we make it to the 18th floor we have an opportunity to take back Earth. Unfortunately from the vibe I'm getting and our Pig man having dropped out before the twelfth floor. I don't think we're expose to make it that far."
Listening to Charlie and James try to explain the situation, Danny wondered if he should reveal his own ideas about what the Birth Corporation wanted from the crawlers. However in the end he decided that mentioning how aliens wanted to be entertained by the death of any and/or all humans in the dungeon would just be an unnecessary morale ruiner, even after James gave his opinion on their odds. "Still better than just giving up."
"Yeah- told us how all this shit works- I couldn't figure out the stupid terms he was using but Er figured it out." She still glanced at the "Local" occasionally, giving up on hiding the tail eventually- fixing her hat so it fit better- also showing her horns more. "Just my luck those assholes nuke everything I know and I get stuck in a fuckin' videogame."
James and Brian both nodded at Danny's comment. "Ain't that the damn truth." He said at Taura before rubbing his neck. He looked at Er and frowned. "So What's...." His voice was cut off as and arrow flew close to his head.

He looked over and saw four goblins. Two had bows while the other 2 looked like they were wearing pots and pans. In their hand was a fire poker with a pineapple on it.

"Intruders are not permitted." The head goblin said in a shrill voice.

Goblin soldier: The most common of goblin kin. They are the average Joe's of the goblin world clocking in and out of work and bad mouthing their leaders. For the right things they could be persuaded

Goblin Archer: Like their warriors Archers are a tired lot. Because they can draw a bow they think their hot shit Their arrows aren't that dangerous however there is a 10 percent chance you'll be infected by sepsis. If you want to risk it go right ahead.
It seemed everyone agreed with what Danny said but the conversation had to end because the group had reached goblin territory and was stopped by 4 goblins. While Danny was confident they could take these mobs rather easily he didn't want to find out if they had some way to alert their allies, not if the soldiers could be persuaded to let them pass. That said he didn't think his own charisma was high enough to try so he kept quiet
The lead goblin pulled the others to him. "These are Crawlers. Maybe they have some Mood god spice on them." One of the archers said. The second soldier goblin shook his head. "You heard the chief play it hard. We might be able to descend to to the next season." The lead hissed at his seconds suggestion." None of that floor stuff is real." He looked at the Crawlers.
"We will let you pass for ten ounces of Moon god spice" He said.

James looked up his lore terms and froze as he saw it. "You got to be kidding me." He said

Does anyone have Coacain? He messaged the group
Charlie stared at the goblins, tempted to pull out his hammer and squish them flat with the settling bloodlust he still had- not sure what they wanted- the message confusing and he had no idea what they where talking about. Charlie searched the surroundings, looking for anything of use before sending a message to James No idea what you are talking about- what does it look like? Maybe I have it or can fake some

Taura looked over the goblins, not enjoying the statistics the weird pop-up screen gave her- with her inability with her tech leaving it open, swatting in the air as she tried to get rid of the stupid blockage- she would need a free eye if she wanted to kill the stupid green guys- goblins as the screen said. "You think I happened to have fuckin drugs on me when the world went to shit? Your lucky I had some firepower. I thought videogames where supposed to be full of kid stuff."
Danny couldn't believe what the goblins were asking for, or that they knew about the different floors. In fact he agreed with Taura on this one, though not with the kid stuf part of her comment. "Honestly I would be surprised if there was even one crawler that had that stuff with them. Of course he knew better than to outright say that out loud, but it wasn't like the goblins could read the chats.
All of my group got rid of their drugs yesterday morning. Brian replied as he looked around.

Alright I've got an idea. Let's play along when I give the signal Danny, Taura and Brian I want you to take out one of the guards. James sent out before putting on his best smile.

"How about you all come over here and we can give you a sample." James said. The four of them looked at each other.
"You think we're that dumb crawler." One of the archers said clearly not falling for James low charm.
Charlie rolled his eyes and stepped forward, reaching his hand into his hat, pretending to root around. "Don't fear, I can just give some to you- unfortunate this thing is a bit messy so It may take a minute for me to find your inquiry- need any beverages while I am looking?"
Error slunk into the shadows as Charlie stood in view- while Taura kept a hand on her revolver ready to dispatch one or two before any real fighting could start.
Danny was more than happy to play along with James' plan. "You got it." Using his HUD he got ready to quickly take out both his hula hoop and to apply some of the plant sap since that was the best way to take out a group of enemies they had. But since he didn't want to hurt or paralyze anyone on his side he sent out another chat message to warn, Taura, Error and Brian. "You guys best give me some room, you don't want to get hit by this."
The four goblins entranced by Charlie's high charm moved to gather around him. Brian nodded at Danny picking one that was away from him.

James moved behind them and drew out his sig. He looked at the three "Now" he messaged before firing two shots into the lead goblin hitting it's back and cracking it's pan helmet. the lead goblin crumpled to the floor as blood pooled around him.

One of the archers met the business end of Brian's claws.
"Now Now, my fellow green friends- I have a lot to sort through- maybe I have some extra coin to be rid of. I tend to hoard random objects inside." He made a show of grabbing a particularly noisy object- shaking a small box containing broken parts to better distract the group- before he got the message- drawing a sword from the hat and stabbing the nearest Goblin before diving into the hat- out of the way so his allies could use the ranged weapons.

Taura drew both guns in a flash, quickly unloading half of her six-shooters into the left two enemies before moving for cover. Error suddenly stepped out of the shadows, thrusting a blade into the lead goblin to ensure he remained dead before diving into the shadows once more.
Danny ended up not using the plant sap when the fighting started since both James and Taura shot one of the goblins while Charlie and Error each stabbed one. Instead he simply used his bladed hula hoop to hit whatever goblin he could.
All the goblins fell.
James lowered his gun and moved to the goblin he downed. He kicked it just incase it somehow survived the gun shots and stab. "Keep guard." He told them before turning away. Brian let out a growl. "They're going to be coming." He glanced at Taura. They probably heard you firing.

James started to move only to hear noises. He saw six goblins riding what could best be described as six foot tall birds with a blue head with a curved dome black feathers like that of an ostrich and sharp claws.

Goblin riders. They are goblins that ride animals it isn't that hard to figure out.

Cassowary: Unlike other animals from the land down under they are not poisonus. They however have a large body count with their sharp claws. So good luck

One of the cassowaries let out a call that sounded like the raptors from Jurasic Park. Before he could raise his gun one of them moved fast and kicked him into a wall.
"I still dropped more than you asshole." She said as she reloaded her guns, about to check the bodies for any loot before she heard the cries.

Charlie popped out of his hat, looking around as the birds arrived. He shrieked and ran away- his rabbit senses immediately fearing avian predators, not even thinking about diving into his hat as he tried to hide.

Error remained in the shadows as Taura prepared to fire on the creatures before cursing, running to James's side.
The fight against the goblins was pretty easy. Unfortunately it also attracted a couple goblins riders, on cassowaries of all things. Not wanting to get kicked by a cassowary like James was Danny switched to his vine whip. Instead of trying to attack one of the riders Danny wanted to know what would happen if he tied up the legs of one of their mounts, so he swung his whip and tried to wrap it around the legs of the nearest cassowary
James felt blood dripping from his stomach if that was a few inches to the left he would've been gutted. The goblin tried to slash him but was able to dodge. He reached for his sig and cursed as he realized it was where he was. He opened the palm of his hand as water jetted out discounting the goblin. The Cassowary turned on the goblin and kicked it killing it. The dino bird looked at James before running away.

One of the Cassowary fell as the whip wrapped around it. The bird fell down as the goblin flew off.
Charlie screams could still be heard as he panicked, crying out about demon chickens and something about someone telling him a giant bird would skin him if he went on adventuring- too terrified at the moment to join combat- even more scared when the riderless Cassowary noticed him.

Taura quickly looked at James's side, cursing as she pulled a few bandages from her belt with a free hand- firing a gun as she yanked James behind cover. "Stay still so I can get that covered- just be glad the text thing said there was no risk of poison. Alcohol would hurt like hell on that." She did her best bandage the wound, hand precise and careful, checking it over before standing up. "Now you can kill those things- I may have to add stiches after this."

Error remained in the shadows- the warping of air the only indication of his location as he stalked behind one rider, slowly reaching for his blade
Danny briefly considered trying to see if he could tame the now riderless Cassowary but one look at Charlie convinced him it wasn't worth trying. Instead he used his whip to try and get the bird's attention away from the clearly terrified rabbit and injured James or scare it off like it's partner. He wasn't as worried about the goblin that had been riding it causing trouble for the group.
The Cassowary turned to Danny a look of pure anger in it's eyes. It ran and jumped right at Danny getting ready to attack him.

James hissed. "I'll be fine." He said activating heal. "But thanks for helping to bandage me up."

Brain pawed one of the Cassoearys as Sphinx struck it from the other side. Kimiko jumped off of Brian drawing her blade as she slices it's goblin rider in half.
Error erupted from the shadows, shearing the goblins head off before descending on his mount, hacking at the bird with a brutal savagery- not even stopping after it died.

Taura sighed and ran towards the fight, accepting a sword thrown by Error before attacking a cassoeary, slicing at the legs before plunging a blade in its heart.
When the cassowary jumped towards him Danny switched to his new battle ax but took a bit too long. He was able to block the bird's claw with the shaft the force was still enough to knock him backwards, and into the same wall as James. While Danny wasn't bleeding it did quite a chunk out of his hp, forcing him to use Heal and thus use up all his MP.
The Cassowary looked at Danny and James and let out it's howl before jumping.

Thinking on his feet James pulled out some of his Hob mush and threw it onto the bird. He grabbed Danny and ran before flipping the trigger. The shock wave of the explosion caused the men to fall down.

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