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Fantasy Duality [CS] [Open: Applicants Needed!]

Literally Batman

World's Greatest Detective



Long ago, on the place where Earth is now, there was nothing. Nothing. It was an empty void, swirling with nothingness. From that nothingness sprouted the Forces of the Universe, an omnipresent being that controlled everything. From these Forces came the first ever Partners-Life and Death. Life was a jubilant thing, a happy being who brought goodness to wherever she went. Death was the opposite- sulking, moody, with a short fuse. Still, the two loved each other, for one completed the other. They promised that until the end of everything, they would be with each other forever.

Soon, things changed. Life, while still loving Death with all her heart, found that her life was missing something. She created galaxies, stars, planets, and yet their beauty still did not satisfy her. She thought and thought, and then thought of something. She created humans, creatures to resemble her and Death. Not only were these humans just like them, they would also find their Partner- somebody created to be with them forever. Life found her new creations, the human race, to be fascinating- their flaws and strengths were so intruiguing. Death was fine with the humans, but secretly grew envious of Life's new attraction to these people.

Years upon years went by, humanity growing and spiraling with new innovations. A group of people formerly confined to small groups on the ground, to hunt with sticks and rocks, were now soaring through the sky in planes, staring down at the people in skyscrapers. Life could not resist her attraction to these people. Eventually, she spoke to Death and told him she wished that she could be with one of the humans. She would return to Death eventually, of course, but she wanted to really be with her creations. Years of suppressed jealousy and rage were released in this moment. Death accused Life of betraying their promise, on turning her back on him. Life stated that Death was being paranoid, and that their love still remained. She then turned to leave immediately.

Death's next move would change the universe forever. Blinded by fury, he raised his scythe and then brought the curved blade down into Life's back. Blood rained everywhere. When Death's eyes were finally re-opened and his temper cooled, he found Life, his one true love, dead.

Death was crushed by grief. Even the Harbringer of Demise could not bring Life back alone. The only thing he had ever truly cared about was taken by his hands. And as he thought, his mind darkened. It may have been his blade that sent Life's spirit to the Netherworld, but it was humanity that had torn his love away from him. He promised himself that Humanity would pay for Life's doom. He worked his magic on the humans, and chaos began to occur. Riots began to occur in even the most peaceful cities. Diseases that were thought dead emerged from the shadows. Skirmishes and fights began to occur. The world slowly began to fall apart. On top of that, Death, in order to simulate humanity tearing away Life from him, began to tear apart the human Partners. Any Partners that were together were split by Death, and he attempted to turn away any future pairings.

While the world seemed doomed, Life was not gone. Her spirit, in the Netherworld, would not take this. Death had gone too far. Yet her magic was severly limited without her physical body. Trapped there, she was able to do one thing with her limited powers- if two Partners were to ever meet, against all odds, they would each be given a piece of power- not the level of Life or Death, but still a piece of power. They would be opposite, like Life and Death, but complementary. There, they would be able to fight back against Death's anti-human ideals and bring back Life.

Be Informed! This RP will involve partners. You can chose to submit a form and have some random guy be your partner, or you can choose to have a predesignated partner with somebody else on the forums. Either way is fine.

Current Pairings

Love || Hate

AmLov AmLov || Literally Batman Literally Batman

Reality || Fiction
Amare te stesso Amare te stesso || CoolGuy CoolGuy

Sun || Moon
Literally Batman Literally Batman || Valentina Aeternum Valentina Aeternum

Trust || Doubt
Britt-21 Britt-21 || ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret

Space || Time


Username: Just for reference. I want to know who exactly I will be roleplaying with.
Partner: Who is your partner? If you don't have one say that.
Pairing: Please designate which respective half of the pairing your character will represent. Like italicize it.


Name: Your character's full name. This must include at least first name and last name, but could be broadened by a middle name and/or a nickname.
Gender: Male or Female? If you would like a trans character, or something along that line, please clear it with me first.
Age: Between eighteen and twenty-one, please. This is simply to make sure that there is no under-age stuff going on. That would be weird.
Appearance: Please use a picture of the anime style and/or describe your character fully (i.e. hair color, eye color, height, body type, and general clothing style).
Personality: Please give a full picture of your character. This can include but is not limited to their likes/dislikes, average reactions, interesting quirks, etc. Remember that your character's personality is different from their 'Brief Bio'. Of course, events from their past can affect their current personality, but focus more on who they are, not what happened to them.

Home Town: This must be one of the cities mentioned in the post below.
Brief Bio: This will give a full picture of what made your character into the person he or she is today.
Destined Soulmate: What is the name of your character's Partner? If you don't have a name yet then just leave it blank.

Weapon: This part is optional. If you choose to give your character a weapon, it must be noted somewhere in the 'Brief Bio', as it would not make sense for your character to randomly own a dangerous weapon right out of the blue.
Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.


Other: Anything else that may be important for the rest of us to know, such as speaking colors, interesting facts, or even a song or playlist. You can be creative here!
**feel free to bbcode to your heart's content


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The Continent of Vascuo

A city on the peninsula to the very west of Vascuo, the coastal city of Allyion, located on Allyion Lake (not seen in the visual above, but I assure you it is a nice lake) is regarded as one of the most beautiful and safe cities in Vascuo.

Unlike Allyion, Miriam is a poor town. The city is full of workers barely making it buy, doing carpentry, masonry, and other hard labor for the rest of Vascuo. Miriam also is poorly governed, and if it weren't for assistance in the form of Allyion, it would've fallen to pieces long ago.

The tragedy of Karblio is a tale told throughout the continent. Riots spontaneously erupted throughout the city. Nobody knows why are when. All that is known is that 5 years prior to the story's start, the largest riot of all occurred. Police attempted to intervene, but lack of weaponry left them defenseless. The people stormed the government buildings and shut them all down. Then, one of the rioters hit the main pump for the city-wide gas delivery system. The spontaneous explosion destroyed much of the city and killed 75% of the people there. Another 10% were killed by the riot. It is now just ruins, with only rescue teams venturing in.

A city of peace and prosperity up until Life's demise, Osakange draws heavily from oriental cultures. It is a strong, proud city and is a good place to live. There is heavy border patrol, for Osakange people do not want people from less desirable places coming into their sacred land (Miriam fleers and Karblio survivors.)
View attachment 328298just get rid of the port and we're good

In the coldest part of Vacuo, live the inhabitants of Weicen. This proud city is home to the wealthier members of society, where social code is held to high standards. The snow that falls on Weicen is representative of the people who live there, with crystalline beauty and deathly chill.

Seen as the center of Vascuo, the large city of Vasquo is the government’s stronghold (hence the similar names). In the northwest district is the Titanom, the sacred tower where all the important proceedings are held. The area is a giant metropolis holding the largest population of all the other cities. Most of the citizens are lower-class businessmen and woman, but there are a handful of old-wealth tycoons.


As the main port of Vascuo, Lyra is quite the bustling area. People from all over the region come to do their business and that makes Lyra one of the most popular trading towns. This is a lively and warm place, where honest people make their living through various kinds of exchanges, both economical and verbal.

Nemea is a land of art and expression. Theatres, museums, opera houses, music halls, galleries and more can be founded wheerever you go. The people there are generally friendly and open to strangers. They accepted a massive amount of refugees from Karblio.

Although Bronik resides in the harshest climate of the desert, the city thrives as Vascuo
’s technological center. Scientists, engineers, and other like-minded professionals have turned the barren wasteland into a bright, thriving center of learning and development. In Bronik, be prepared to wonder at the marvels of innovation that came from humanity’s own hands.

Life in Vascuo


Vascuo is a republic, a representative democracy, where each city elects a Counsel to lead them and delegate their wishes to Vasquo, the capital. The Counsel of each city appoints a small group of advisors to each city to run it. This system has worked well for hundreds of year, but chaos is growing. People are beginning to distrust the system, and by distrust I mean massive distrust. The Counsels of Brolif and Allyion were both assassinated due to mistrust. The system is falling apart. Only one man is to blame.


Vascuo is a rather religious continent. About 80% of the people there worship Life and Death, reverring them as the leaders and preaching the necessity of balance in the universe. About 10% of the people in Vascuo are atheist, much of them centered in Brolif. They believe that humanity has risen above the need to worship Life and Death. The last 10% believe in a polytheistic system of many gods of nature, centered in Osakange. The main 6 gods (Huo, Shui, Shi, Cao, Guang and Hei) each represent an element (fire, water, earth/rocks, grass/nature, light, and darkness, respectively.)


The world of Vascuo is well advanced in the area of technology, with all the cities relying on modern amenities such as indoor plumbing and electricity. In most areas, it is common to see well-made structures with steel interiors, making skyscrapers somewhat commonplace. That being said, the only means of transportation are by horse, cars, train, or ship. Airplanes were never invented at this point. As war has been becoming less and less common, there has been no need to create weapons of mass destruction, as most weapons are used for hunting, sport, or ceremony. Even police officers limit themselves to taser-guns. The military is armed, but it is small and would be ineffective against large threats.

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Al Din. He has a pen name of Aldin.



Al is not a striking figure. He's short, at most 5'6", and very scrawny. His face appears very lax, with soft features and constantly half closed blue eyes. His (dyed) white hair is relatively short, but his bangs almost cover his eyes. All of his clothes are bland, unpatterned casual clothes, because if they were any better, he'd have to try to coordinate them. They are all, however, built for colder climates, due to being from Whitehold.

Al is a bit separate from reality. When not working he stays home, sleeps, and reads books. Sometimes, he just lays down and imagines himself in various scenarios that could not happen in reality. Being a courageous warrior, a powerful sorcerer, a wise king, anything that he couldn't hope to reach with his own skills. Even when around other people he imagines things happening and his reaction, which gives off the impression that he's not all there, which is somewhat true. He's not very good at measuring the quality of books. He's as likely to be caught reading some great work of literature as he is to be reading an uninteresting dime novel. He greatly prefers books set in settings that are completely different from the world that he lives in, as they really let him use his imagination. He's very creative, but this creativity often does not translate well to actual planning. His plans rely on tropes, cliches, and oversights that most fiction includes, which do not exist in reality. In his opinion, reality sucks, and fiction is simultaneously more interesting and fairer. In truth, he doesn't enjoy writing a whole lot. It forces him to make his ideas permanent, rather than transitory. He's very impulsive.

Home Town:

Brief Bio:
Al was born as the heir to the Din family, well known for creating fine jewelry. Al, however, was not the most hard working heir. He'd often zone out while being tutored, which irritated his teachers to no end. He had no talent for mercantilism, jewelry crafting, or even the bare basic of running a business. Unfortunately for him, his parents needed a worthy heir. So, they decided to give the business to their second son. This was almost a dream come true to Al, who had no real ambition, but when they said he wasn't going to get an allowance, he received a terrible wakeup call. Over the next few days, he thought to himself how he could make any money. While being a legendary thief or brutal mercenary stuck out as fun ideas, he figured he would work better as a wandering author. He wandered for about two weeks before finding himself in Nemea, where he settled down and sold books, because the outside world is harsh. People in Nemea like him a lot more than Whitehold.

Destined Soulmate:
Aveline Marie

Dormant Power(s):
1. Shapeshifting
2. (Consensual) memory manipulation

Al can tell the ending of a book by the first chapter.
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Partner: AmLov AmLov
Pairing: Love || Hate




See above
Brown Hair
Red Eyes
139 lbs
Formal Attire/ Single Diamond Earring in his right ear


Linden is somebody that can be considered brooding, spiteful, sarcastic, and pessimistic. Upon a first meeting, he seems like a bit of a snob. He finds fault in everybody and mistakes in everything. He also seems very arrogant and conceited- like he himself is the only thing that he doesn't hate. His brashness as well as relentless critiquing can make him a pain to deal with.

However, deep down, Linden is lonely and needs friendship and caring, something that was neglected to him all his years. Perhaps if somebody was to open up to him, show him true love, he would change into a more compassionate figure

Home Town


Brief Bio
Linden's life in Karblio was not fantastic even before what Linden calls the incident. He was rich, sure, his family had money, but they barely saw him. They saw him as a tool to advance themselves, a heir maybe, but mostly just a figure to make them look more warm then they were- 'hey, we have a son too!' Linden spent much of his time alone. His family ran many businesses throughout Karblio. They tried to hide information from Linden, for knowledge is a liability, but Linden knew that they were cheap at best, scamming their customers greatly. He also suspected they had ties to organized crime. Overall, his life sucked, but it didn't suck that bad.

Until the riots. The people of Karblio began to question why they were being pushed around by corporations. They begin to revolt. Fires broke out. People attacked his home. Linden barely managed to escape with his life. He didn't know about his parents, but he assumed they were dead. He escaped Karblio.

He attempted to find a new place to live. A place to restart. Alas, nobody would take him in They called him a terrorist, a nut, a lunatic. He wandered from place to place, searching for refuge, but finding none.

Eventually, one day, asleep in the forest with no bed, he had a dream about Life, Life itself. She said that Linden must come to Lyra, to a building known as the First Temple. There, he would meet his Partner, his soul mate, and gain magic powers. This all sounded stupid to Linden, but yet a force was nagging at his soul to go. With nowhere else to go anyway, he took off, heading to Lyra to find his 'Partner.' Whatever that meant.

Destined Soulmate: Elizabeth "Ellie" Abbott

Weapon: A fireaxe he still from a burning building in Karblio. He rarely uses it though.

Dormant Power(s)

1. Curse of Hatred- Linden can curse the relationships of others. In essence, he can make anything a center point of hatred.

2. Hate Empowerment- Linden is empowered by hate. The more anger and hatred in Linden's proximity, the faster and stronger he becomes.

3. Destroy the Devil- Linden can focuse all his energy on one object, spontaneously destroying it. While he can attack living matter (harder than not living matter) it uses a ton of energy and he cannot kill (because balance.)

Other: cow
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Username: AmLov
Partner: Literally Batman Literally Batman
Pairing: Love || Hate

Elizabeth "Ellie" Abbott




110 lbs

Silver hair
Purple eyes
It's a known fact her wardrobe consists nearly entirely of sundresses (they're just so easy).

Compassion and acceptance. These were the traits her parents raised her to try and integrate into every part of her being – there was no such thing as a lost cause. It can be difficult sometimes, especially when someone has given up hope entirely on either themselves or humanity as a whole, to show others that the world is still a beautiful place. She sees suffering as an opportunity to demonstrate warmth, fear as a chance to be brave, and disaster as a moment when a community can come together and show just how much they truly love each other.

Elizabeth herself can be difficult when trying to demonstrate these ideas, occasionally becoming frustrated when people refuse to look at the good in the world. She is also manipulated easily by those who take advantage of her need to see the good in others and her sheltered upbringing.

Home Town:

Brief Bio:
When Elizabeth was young, she would find herself attracted to disaster. It was inexplicable. Before something tragic occurred, Ellie would find herself drawn to a place. Once a neighbour's house caught on fire. Ellie sat by the fence for hours. She didn't know it then, but her neighbour's ex-lover had poured gasoline – enough to cover nearly the entire upper floor – and set the place ablaze, hoping to destroy the both of them in the flames. It happened so quickly. When she thinks about it, she can still feel the steel of the chain-linked fence digging into her skin, threatening to cut her open she clutched the fence so tightly. If she dwells too much on the memory, her throat burns remembering how loudly she screamed.

“Ellie,” her father whispered as he pulled her back into his arms, “darling, look.”

She didn't want to, she didn't want to see. They were dying. How could he ask something like that of her? Words fell from her lips, though she could never recall exactly what those words were. Whatever she said, her father simply insisted she open her eyes.

She did.

People from down the block were in front of her neighbour's house. One person had already freed the dog from the front yard and was holding the puppy comfortingly, a group of men were kicking at the front door – it must have been locked, but they were trying to break it down. Somewhere in the distance sirens rang out loudly, promising aid if they could just survive a little bit longer.

“All of those people came to help.”

She carried that lesson with her for the rest of her life. In every tragedy, there was some amount of beauty. Every disaster was an opportunity to demonstrate how much a person, a community, humanity itself could care for each other. In every being on this Earth, there was a beauty to be found, something to be treasured, to be loved. It just needed to be sought out.

Seek it out she did.

Elizabeth was fortunate to be born to parents who encouraged her to follow her dreams, who wanted nothing more for their daughter than her happiness. As soon as she expressed interest in learning how to paint, her father had brought her back enough supplies to fill a small closet and as soon as Ellie had a paintbrush in her hand, it was rare to find her without.

Her parents always wanted her to follow her dreams.

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, then, that when she dreamt of a woman who pleaded for her help, promising her that somewhere on this journey she might find her true love, Elizabeth left the next morning. Her parents packed her bag, provided her with enough to make it for some time, and she took her first steps outside of the city that evening.

Destined Soulmate:
Linden Brelfeor


Dormant Power(s):
1. Love is Patient, Love is Kind -- Elizabeth can, after speaking for some time, bring others who may have been at odds together peacefully to discuss a peaceful resolution.

2. Love always Protects -- Elizabeth can manipulate an emotional connection that exists between two people in order to provide one with either a protective shield or allow them to rapidly heal for a short period of time.

Elizabeth is a capable artist and can paint accurate images of people or places with only a description.
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~Finally got all the coding figured out~



Aveline Marie



Username: Unimaginable_16

Partner: CoolGuy
Pairing: Fiction || Reality

Name: Aveline Marie

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Aveline is not someone that would catch anyone's eye. Her height, 5'2 , doesn't allow her to really be seen in a crowded area. Her wavy, chestnut brown hair flows down to the middle of her back with bangs that are always blocking her vision. The chestnut brown hair is nicley complimented with her unusual, sparkling violet eyes. Aveline has a nice petite figure and her weight comes down to 120 pounds. Her clothing style consists of extremely plain clothes and very few due to her origin from Miriam.


Blunt. Adjective. Definition: Uncompromisingly forthright. Synonyms: Straightforward, Frank, Plain-Spoken, Candid, Direct, Aveline Marie. If there was one word to describe Aveline Marie, it is blunt. She is the realest person you have ever, and will ever meet. She will never sugar-coat anything and she will always say what she wants to say. Many people would say she is insensitive at times but her intentions are almost never bad. Confrontations are never on Aveline's worries since she has no problem with telling people the truth. She wears her heart on her sleeve and never takes anything for granted. If you ask her something, she will give a straight realistic answer. Beating around the bush has never been her style. On the bright side she is extremely persuasive and will be caring to anyone she gets close to. She is very analytical and practically nothing goes unnoticed my her but not to worry, she will have no problem pointing it out. Aveline is a realist and thinks that anyone that daydreams are living in a fallacy. There isn't such thing as a happy ending or true love. Those things only exist in stories.

~ Coffee
~ Thunderstorms
~ Music
~ Beautiful Scenery
~ Anything Chocolate

~ Ignorance
~ Strawberry Drinks
~ Cliche stories
~ Ill-Manners
~ Immaturity


Hometown: Miriam


Growing up wasn't exactly a piece of cake for Aveline especially with living in the town of Miriam. Every bite of food she put in her mouth, she had to work for. She had one older sister that she always would tag along with whenever she went anywhere. Her mother and father were never around, they were always having to work to keep a roof over their head but not always food on the table. When she was 11, her mother contracted an infection but they never had enough money to get the medicine she needed. A couple months later her mother died and her father never got off the couch again. Instead of getting food, all the money they had went to whiskey. Her sister would sneak her little bite of food she would have stolen but soon enough, it got harder and harder.At age 13, she left. In the middle of the night she sneaked out with the little stuff she had, knowing that her sister would be okay but her father would never recover. Due to this, she couldn't read stories with happy-endings or cliches. Her attitude towards the world had turned rather cold and she is always stuck in reality.

Aveline found herself in Nemea due to how she got accepted into the city like she was from there. She almost instantly fell in love with the music halls there. She got a job at one of the local stores and has been making a living for herself ever since. Occasionally she will sneak into the music halls to hear the beautiful, raw music that she always loves.

Destined Soulmate: Al Din ( CoolGuy CoolGuy )


Dormant Powers:

~Seeing through illusions/lies- If anyone has the magic of illusions, she can see straight through them, but she can't be deceived or lied to. She will always know the truth~

~Silver Tongue- She can make anyone believe that what's she is saying is the truth and can make them overcome denial or suspicion~


Due to her origin, she does have quite a bit of strength for her petite figure and can run like the wind.

Code by @Starfish
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Username: Jiatsu Yaboku

Partner: Literally Batman Literally Batman

Pairing: Sun||Moon


Name: Shashi Lala Anande, she is often called Joy when one can’t pronounce her name. (Moon Darling of Joy is also a title she has)

Gender: Female

Age: 19 y/o

Appearance: IMG_9761.JPG

Personality: Shashi is a very kind and loving individual, she’s very intelligent though she doesn’t hold this over anyone’s head, in fact she tends to play dumb most of the time, she is very shy though unless on a stage, tending to be introverted and very much a loner. Poetry, music, and dancing are her muses, she always has paper on her to write down any stray thoughts be they lyrics or a poem. People overly cheerful and hyper make her withdraw into her own head, getting nervous from their energy. She is sensitive to those around her verging on, if not, empathic nearly, she is very loyal to those who can win her trust, which is a rare and hard thing to do simply because she has a fear of dealing with people one on one, in group settings she fades into the background and quietly observes, her eyes keen and sharp, always aware of those around her.

She’s not the most fond of cats or as mentioned those hyper people, though she enjoys the undevoted love and affection of a dog and swimming, water is something else she loves, almost as much as her muses. Normally she is very calm and quiet not freaking out over many things. There’s only one thing she truly fears...centipedes and she’ll tend to panic so badly she’ll pass out.

She has a weird natural magnetism that draws people to her while also seeming to be drawn to bright hearted people and outgoing people, when she gets to know people she can be loud and keep up with them, in fact when someone makes her honest to Life and Death laugh it’s a booming nearly obnoxious sound but it’s so rare that not many have heard it. Her sense of humor is very deadpan as well, only when she gets comfortable in a group, such as easily threatening or saying she hates someone; and never ever meaning it.

Hometown: Nemea - the city of art and welcoming strangers with a warm smile

Brief Bio: Shashi has always been a little strange, even when she was really small, the girl was a born night owl, the only way she slept peacefully is if her room was pitch black except a circling little moon on a little mobile over her head. As she grew older she became more and more drawn to nighttime, spending hours simply stargazing and connecting constellations in the sky. She would often practice her dancing and singing at night as well, because she functioned most often after the sun dipped below the sky she had very little contact with other people aside from those who would watch her though she would never talk to them one on one. Eventually she got good enough to join one of the theaters in the area, ever since then she's simply worked to maintain her skills while keeping her distance from everyone around her.

Destined Soulmate: Dresdan Felix Solios

Weapon: N/A

Dormant Power(s):
1. Water Manipulation - the moon controls the world’s ocean tides and as a result of this Shashi has a dormant ability to control and manipulate water, maybe even blood to some minor degree.

2. Bioluminescent Hair and Eyes - in dark places she would be able to turn on this ability to act as a light for those around her.

3. Wound Transfer- Shashi takes minor wounds from whoever she's touching, they'll appear on her instead but she's always had a faster heal rate than most people.

Other: N/A
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Username: No Gif This Time. Literally Batman.
Partner: Valentina Aeternum Valentina Aeternum
Pairing: Sun || Moon




aka Dre/Dres



See Above He has wild blonde hair, blue eyes, and an ever-present grin. He wears headphones quite often. Standing at 6 feet even, he is tall and lean, but also very muscled. He wears whatever is nearby, but prefers casual attire.

Dresden, or as he likes to be called, 'Dre' or 'Dres', is wild and energetic. He's the type of person that doesn't like to just stand still. As such, he loves sports and anything that can allow him to move around. Happy-go-lucky and carefree, Dre doesn't care what others think about him- though for most people those thoughts aren't negative. Dre is a hard person to dislike. He's incredibly compassionate and caring, loyal to a fault, optimistic, and peppy.

However, just because he has energy doesn't mean he's fidgety or hyper. Dre knows how to and when to tone down the energy levels. When he does that, he really comes out as a sweet person. He's caring and willing to do anything for a friend.

Dre has a natural affinity around animals. He owns 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, and a parrot. He isn't really the artistic type, and can't paint for the life of him, but has a killer singing voice. When he's alone or with only a few friends, he tends to sing, which is another way to release energy other than sports.

In case you didn't figure it out, Dre is superb when it comes to sports- no matter if it's track, football, soccer, swimming, baseball, tennis, wrestling, volleyball, archery, snowboarding, he does all of them at least well, if not phenomenally. He does have severe claustrophobia- being cramped up gets him jittery and makes him sad. :(

Home Town

Brief Bio

Sorry, no sob story here.

Dre's life began in Allyion, his home forever. His father was owner of a gym and a well-built man himself. His mother was a gym teacher at Dre's school- I know, convenient. While his family didn't have riches, they weren't poor for sure. They lived in a medium-sized house together as a family.

Dre enjoyed this life. He had many friends in school, and was considered one of the 'popular' kids. His natural prowess at anything remotely masculine as well as his natural easygoing attitude made him a hit. He dated multiple girls, but never felt the click.

Breezing through school without any major worries, Dre soon had a dream of Life, telling him to go to Lyra to find his Partner. While his parents were seriously questioning his mental sanity, they knew that thier son had grown up, and this was what he wanted to do, so he packed his bags and left.

See? That wasn't so bad. I can do a bio without a sob story.


As Dre puts it, 'weapons are cheating.' Still, he is well-versed in archery and good enough in fencing, if he ever gets his hands on one of those.

Dormant Power(s)

1. Solar Absorption: Dre can naturally absorb the rays of the sun. The longer he stays under the sun, the more he absorbs, and that converts into strength, speed, and stamina. It also slowly heals wounds. This ability will work, on a much lower level, with non-sun sources. However, darkness gives nada.

2. Absolute Light: Dre can release rays or bursts of pure white light. Like many religions pray the Sun will wash away evil, this Absolute Light blinds opponents and seriously burns those with bad intentions in their heart. The more light around him, the more powerful.

3. Star Core: If excretement strikes the fan, Dre can unleash his trump card. The Sun uses great energy to create light, and Dre can copy this ability, releasing a massive blast of energy from his hands. This ability leaves him seriously injured but can do even more serious damage if applied correctly.

-His mile time is under 4 minutes. Damn.


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Britt-21 :)


ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret



Dylan Truss






She's 5'5, 138lbs.

Dylan is the one girl that you could trust all secrets with and she wont say not one word to anyone else. Not only that but she's very trustworthy and Trusts many people, even giving some the benefit of the doubt(PUN INTENDED). Other than her trustworthiness, she's sweet, kind, and caring. If help is needed, she'll chime in and try to help -With caution of course- in any way that she can. Where as these are the traits she shows most, she can be quite shy in certain situations or get nervous.

When she's home on her own, she likes to bake. From cookies to cakes, even going as far as decorating them with her fancy decorating tools. Dylan also has a liking to cleaning her home so her place is almost spotless and people see her as a germaphobe in this case. When guests are over, she becomes a big hostess, making sure there is snacks for everyone as well as drinks and happily entertaining them with games or movies or just having a friendly chat!
More of her personality will be revealed during the rp.

Home Town:


Brief Bio:

Being a child of a loving family, she somehow grew into the wonderful girl she is now. As a child, she would often find her mother leaving the house, saying she was going off on a trip for work and what not. Of course Dylan's father grew suspicious and soon caught the mother cheating on him. All this had been a mystery to poor Dylan but it was all revealed once she was brought to court with both parents. Mother on one side and Father on the other. Needless to say their parents split and the father had full custody of Dylan and made her make a promise to always be Trustworthy and tell the truth. And not to hide screwts or lie to anyone. Dylan took that promise and grew up with visits from her mother and was raised fully by her father who gave her a good education and a good home.

Till this day she has yet to tell a lie and is still being truthful as she promised. With this, she has gained the trust from many people and she's given trust. Even though sometimes that trust was betrayed and hurt her, she still kept going on. Bullies were people who loved to pick on her and her kind nature. She forgave them but would try her best to ignore them or be nice to them if she encountered the two. But because of her nature, she's easily taken advantage of and could get hurt with it.

Destined Soulmate:
Elian Mercier

Weaponless (For now)

Dormant Power(s):

1. Strengthen - The more people who trust Dylan and vice versa, the more power she gains. Similar to a power buff. While close with her destined partner, this strength also increases.
2. Persuasive - Dylan is able to persuade those who she's talking with, more to the point where they feel compelled to be honest while talking to her.
3. Trust Security - This is self explanitory, with the strength of those who she trusts, shes able to create a net for catching herself (Or others) or is able to create a shield to protect herself or others.

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Username: Kiroshiven
Partner: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret
Pairing: Space // Time


Name: Xerxe Falcone
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Standing in at about 5'4" tall and only 135 pounds, Xerxe isn't exactly a large man, but like they say. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.


Xerxe is a very straightforward individual because he feels like beating around the bush is a waste of time. If you have something you want to say, say it. There's never a second to waste so go forth and attain what you want by whatever means necessary. And it truly is by whatever means. Whether that means stepping over the man pleading for a coin to follow after the person that crossed you or shooting someone because they're in the way.

This coincides with Xerxe's belief that obstacles are to be overcome. Every obstacle will crumble in time, it just takes enough force to break through. And Xerxe is always willing to be the driving force if that obstacle is in HIS way. After the incident, Xerxe lost interest in others and became cold, often pushing people away to keep as much distance between him and them so he'd have a clear line of shot, both literally and figuratively. He is a lone wolf walking down the straight path to the end.

Before and even after the incident, Xerxe liked to listen to music. It's rhythm, its movement within its parameters everything moving towards that final note. The feeing of achieving something in such a short time. It was like a perfect calling to him. And to this day, he can still manage to find time to appreciate it.

Home Town:

Brief Bio: Xerxe was born to an average family of workers within the city of Karblio. His mother and father worked a lot and often Xerxe would find himself wandering about the streets at a young age, just to kill time until his parents came back. It wasn't a terrible life, but it wasn't a great life either. It was just content. That is until his mother became sick. Xerxe, at the age of nine, now had to go and help work to make it where they could afford to get his mother the treatment she needed. Xerxe decided at this point to never waste a second and always found ways to save time and money by multitasking.

Xerxe cut ties with those that tried to slow him down. Family was all he truly had at the end of the day when he laid in bed at night. It was a tough reality to face for the nine year old. Four years passed and although they managed to get a meager amount of money together, Xerxe was frustrated. Time was not on his side and he knew he needed to get things together. During the riot, Xerxe realized he had his opportunity. He joined in, thinking only of the goal of saving his mom no matter the cost. Well, that cost wound up being a lot more than he bargained for.

During the riots Xerxe was caught stealing by an officer. Unable to stand the idea of failing, he attacked the officer and wound up killing him. Unable to stop and contemplate his actions, Xerxe took the guns the officer had along with the items he'd gathered and started to run. He wound up on the outskirts of town during his raid when the explosion occurred. It was a shock for Xerxe as he watched the city he'd called home for so long be torn asunder by the very people he'd lived and worked along side. But worst of all, Xerxe's mother and father died in the blast.

Xerxe was frustrated. He blamed himself. He took too much time to get the money. He wasted his life trying to reach a goal without thinking of the options until it was too late. If he'd stolen sooner, he could have saved her. With this realization, Xerxe swore he'd never let something best him again. He wouldn't waste time anymore, but do whatever it took to achieve his dreams, even if it meant he'd have to kill again. For five years, Xerxe worked at becoming top dog of the ruins, bringing in a small gang of raiders that could rule the remnants, further increasing the danger of Karblio.

But now, despite all he's done an been through, Xerxe had a dream. And in that dream, Life, a deity he'd stopped having faith in after the death of his mom, spoke to him and told him to head to Lyra. That if he did, he'd meet his partner, much like Death was hers. Xerxe had sworn to never let someone get close to him again, but despite that, he couldn't fight the urge to travel. Leaving his gang behind, Xerxe set out to test this dream and see what "Life" really had in store for him.

Destined Soulmate:
Emerson Cerise Wahl

Weapon: A pair of pistols (ignore picture) that he "apprehended" from a policeman doing their job five years ago.

Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.

1. Time Waits for No Man: Xerxe is able to accelerate time around himself, making his speed beyond that of the human eye, though this can only be used for ten seconds at a time and has a three minute "cooldown" period.

2. The End is Nigh: Time turns everything into dust and Xerxe is an extension of that ability. He can surround himself in a three foot bubble of "condensed" time where things that enter age at a hyperaccelerated rate. Often things turn to dust within a matter of seconds. Xerxe cannot move or lose focus on this bubble otherwise it disperses.

3. Fractured Time: Xerxe makes several copies of himself that explore different avenues of time, one he selects a path all versions of himself merge to that one location. Xerxe can only use this power once daily and has no access to his other abilities during this time.

Other: Xerxe knows how to play the piano, learning to play was one of the perks from one job.​
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♥Autumn Dixon♥

no slide
no slide

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
no slide
P • E • R • S • O • N • A • L • I • T • Y

Autumn is what some people would call a hopeless romantic. Yet, she doesn't going around looking for Mr.Right. What she believes is that there is someone out there and when the time was right, fate would bring them together. Fluid like water, she is both peaceful and passionate. She is a tidal force of perplexing emotion, and can be stubborn, compliant, furious, and docile, all in the same hour. She is strong willed and persistent, but can sometimes be reserved, drawing away and into her own shell if disturbed or provoked. Autumn is extremely sympathetic to people around her and empathetic to even complete strangers. She is one to trust easily and attach to people rather quickly whether she is intending to or not.

Autumn goes by her instincts and gut feelings and will rarely put anything on plain luck.


~ Adventures

~Anything lemon




~ Long hot baths


~ Snobby People


~ Lightning

~Bad Breath

~The word 'moist'

~Jeans (though she will wear them)

B • I • O • G • R • A • P • H • Y


Autumn grew up as an only child with two parents that couldn't even be in the same room without screaming at each other. She was born to save their marriage, though growing up she realized it didn't do anything in the slightest. Life with her dad was never a picnic, he was never that warm loving father that everyone dreams of. He wasn't warm to her mother, and he sure wasn't warm to her. When she was 5, she remembers her mother in the car pulling out earrings, knowing they weren't hers. This wasn't something she ever brought up or discussed so it just stayed in ignorance.

Talking with her mother never gave her the warm fuzzy feeling either. She would always hold her and say she would be very attractive, when she grew up. To make things better, she just said Autumn was different, with a special something. But different wasn't beautiful or pretty. No one wanted to be different. This was when she was 12. Especially in school, she quickly figured out that 'different' was only her. With her silver hair that never laid quite right or her golden eyes that didn't really compliment her skin tone, well in her opinion.

When she hit her teenage years, she stopped trying to make her hair perfect or keep her skin perfectly clear. Autumn had it always in her head she was different. But different wasn't pretty. After she accepted that, she dove head first into fashion and she would upcycle her own clothes to her liking. She would tear up old shirts that had patterns and would create the images she had in her head. When she turned 18, she moved out as quickly as she could. The fighting was just too much from over the years and she was sick of hearing it. Autumn started working wherever she could that she could be around designers so she could learn and possibly open her own business one day in Osakange since she couldn't leave to Nemea where it was known for personal expression. This city was all she had but everything happens for a reason. Autumn believes that with everything she is.

Destined Soulmate:
Reve Leanai ( Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire )

M • I • S • C

Dormant Powers:

~ Fate Denial:Autumn can change the fate of small things such as having to say goodbye or being forced to forget a loved one. They always say 'Fate dealt you a bad hand' and in some situations, she can change it. However she cannot stop death or force someone to love someone else. ~

~Death is Fate:Everything dies eventually. There is no way to 'skip' over it. It's fate. Autumn can age objects or plants causing them or become stronger and turn it around on an enemy or causing the object to 'die' which causes it to turn to dust. ~

~Yuanfen (Coincidental Fate): A combined ability that can only be used when Reve and Autumn kiss. Upon kissing, a magical circle appears underneath them, allowing them to choose one of four buffs. Offense, Defense, Utility, and Supplemental. Once chosen, they can then select one of their allies to use the buff on.

Offense: Weapon enhancement, Physical enhancement, natural skill enhancement.

Defense: Armor enhancement, stamina or health enhancement, magical power enhancement.

Utility: Magical ability enhancement, Buff enhancement, Magical skill enhancement.

Supplemental: Creation of a temporary guard. Depending on the recipient's thoughts, can take the form of a golem, knight, or various other protectors.

Using this ability results in total consumption of magical power, resulting in mental exhaustion and preventing the ability from being used for a specific amount of time. ~

(This last power was pretty much thought up by my amazing partner so the credit definitely goes to him for this one. Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire )

Autumn can tailor a full dress with medium difficulty designs in as little as a day if she works on it ALL DAY.

- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
Code by @Starfish

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Username: ReminiscenceOfRegret
Partner: Britt-21 Britt-21
Trust // Doubt


Name: Elian Mercier
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Elian is 6'0 and 162 pounds, with chocolate brown hair and grassy green eyes. He often wears button up shirts and jackets, along with jeans of some kind. He isn't big on dressing up or putting much effort into fashion.
Personality: Ever since Elian was a child, he has always suspected the worst in people. Finding it hard to trust even the people he should consider his closest allies (his parents, friends, adults) has always come naturally to him. There is always a voice in the back of his head saying that he can't trust the people around him, that they are always planning something behind his back and that eventually the dagger will be aimed at him. He does not want to get stabbed in the back. And he does not want to get hurt by anyone who could potentially matter to him. Thus, he has always sheltered himself. Sure, he would talk with some people and try to form relationships, but somehow the strain of worrying about what they were planning would become too much and he would break it off.

He is a cynic, and thus always believes that people are always plotting something devious at heart. He could see someone trying to help another and immediately think it is for personal gain. People are always going to be there for you until they can be there for themselves. That's what he lives by.

He keeps people at a distance, and he never reveals more about himself than he knows about them. He second guesses everything anyone says to him, and almost always tries to avoid forming any kind of connection with people because he always knows they'll end it. If a bond forms, he ends it before they can. He will not be the one grieving over losing something that was never truly his.

Home Town: Lyra
Brief Bio: Elian was once quite the outgoing child. He made friends with anyone he came across and always wanted to be there for others. He always believed people would be there for him, too. However, his family was always struggling. Ever since he could remember his parents would make him promises that their life would get better. And then they would waste their resources and overspend. They would lose their jobs and say they'd get new ones...and for a long time Elian believed it. He soaked it up like a sponge and always thought people said what they meant. And then they didn't. Things didn't get better. His parents only got worse. And as he got older kids became meaner. People became meaner....

And he couldn't take the lying. He couldn't take the fact that no one ever said what they truly meant. And so he shut himself out. He began more reclusive. He sought companionship here and there, but inevitably the fear of them suddenly hurting him would pop up and he couldn't bear it.

It doesn't help that as he has gotten older he has seen the darkness in the world. He has witnessed people being mistreated and seen what others will do for themselves. He knows that selfishness runs deep. And he knows that the government is only becoming less and less trustworthy. Such realizations force him to consider that the only honest, truthful voice is his own.

He looks at the world and wonders how he is supposed to have complete faith in anything when no one is willing to be truth. When no one is willing to be loyal and to stay...He is always scared that no one will stay.
Destined Soulmate: Dylan Truss

Weapon: None
Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.

1. Power Negation - He feels more empowered from the worries and doubts of others.
2. Lie Detection - He can detect when someone is lying to him, and can often point out exactly what the lie is.
3. Doubt Inducement - He can manipulate the doubt within others. This is done mentally. He can influence the doubt in others by making them hear faint voices in the back of their head, all to drive them paranoid. He must be concentrating to do this, and by doing it on more than one or two people at a time it can physically hurt him. Doing it at all typically gives him headaches.

Other: Anything else that may be important for the rest of us to know, such as speaking colors, interesting facts, or even a song or playlist. You can be creative here!
**feel free to bbcode to your heart's content​
Username: ReminiscenceOfRegret
Partner: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Pairing: Space // Time


Name: Emerson Cerise Wahl - often called Emi
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Standing at 5'7 and weighing in at about 145 pounds, she has a rather lithe build. Despite her height, she has always been rather graceful in her movements and considers herself an expert at climbing random things. She has long, brunette locks that flow down to her lower back, and wide, soft blue eyes.
Personality: Emi has always been a girl with a carefree disposition. Not ruled by much worries and seemingly oblivious to the world around her, Emi lives her life one step at a time. Never in a rush, and easily distracted, she always finds herself striving to see something new at least once a day. It would seem to many that she is out of touch with time, mostly because it seems like she never really keeps track of it, nor has she ever been punctual. She likes to take her time and do things at her own pace, even if that pace is the equivalent of a snail.

With her head in the clouds, she lives with the belief that there is something beautiful in everyone and extends kindness to anyone she might think needs help. As if purposefully unaware of what is going on around her, she keeps her sights set on new adventures.

Very easily excited, and often very passionate about anything that excites her (which is almost everything but actually working), she is always ready for a challenge and even more ready to face it. She holds idealistic beliefs that seem utterly crazy to any rational person, and often spouts a lot of nonsense because her view of the world is nothing but bliss.

Her energy is seemingly endless and she is prone to unexpected behavior.

She likes to carry a notebook around to sketch things she sees.

Home Town: Nemea
Brief Bio: Emerson was born to two very optimistic, and very much in life, parents. Her father helped to maintain one of the many museums in Nemea, while her mother often made jewelry and art pieces to sell. Her home life was a happy one, and her family always encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone and explore what the land really had to offer. She was never persuaded to settle down because she was living in a fairy tale.

Even if times were tough and her parents weren't always sure they would be stable, they never made her feel like they had any less. They always promised to themselves that their little girl would grow up and find her place without any worries. They always managed to take care of her, and that was all her parents could ever want.

Emi was fairly oblivious to any hardship that came her family's way. When times were hard her family just endured, and they still did their to ensure she was never anything but a happy little girl. She always considered herself lucky to have parents like hers. She knew of kids who always seemed sad, and even though she didn't know, she knew she didn't want to live that way. She knew she wanted to live a life full of promises and wishes come true, full of something better than even all the galleries and museums and music halls in Nemea.

She grew up to be an adventurous soul, with a thirst to see the world and to understand all that it had to offer. Her family's only concern was the fact that she was rather sheltered as a child. Not sheltered in the way some kids are, but rather she has never really seen what the world is like. That...or she purposefully ignores it or overlooks it. It is almost as if she filters out the bad to only see the good.

She wants to capture every beautiful thing in the world in her notebook.

Destined Soulmate:
Xerxe Falcone

Weapon: None at the moment.
Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.

1. Personal Gravity - Can change the gravitational field of oneself, making her lighter or heavier - able to levitate. This does not influence anyone else, and can only last at most ten minutes. The sheer act of performing this power can take a lot out of her, and can even cause faint dizziness.

2. Teleportation - Can transport from one place to another. She can only perform this four times a day, and can only ever transport short distances (twenty-five feet) because wherever she is going must be in clear line of sight.

3. Bottomless Bag - Nicknamed power for her ability to enchant a bag of her choosing with the ability to seemingly hold anything. Think back to TV shows and movies where characters pulled random objects that were too big to fit into said bags. She can only enchant one bag with this power at a time, and if held by someone else the bag will assume the weight of all the items within it, making it nearly impossible for anyone to carry. Why? Well, she's a hoarder.

Other: Anything else that may be important for the rest of us to know, such as speaking colors, interesting facts, or even a song or playlist. You can be creative here!
**feel free to bbcode to your heart's content​

B Blink as Kimber Q. Comberbache
Partner: CoolGuy CoolGuy // Intelligence vs. Ignorance
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: "Right under you, sir!"

Home Town: Brolif, maybe? But what does it matter?
Destined Soulmate: Anna Nakhur

------Seems to float about in an eternal state of peaceful bemusement at the world. He gauges everything meticulously, mulling over the intricacies of behavior and happenings, the "hows" and the "whys", and yet comes away with as little of which he began. There is feigning stupidity in the hopes of being omitted, and then there is Kimber, whose ability to conversate in the socially-acceptable sense is zilch, whose contributions range from vacuous commentaries to byzantine philosophical musings without purpose. Kimber denies productivity. He projects the curiosity of a child: coaxing items to their limits to gauge if and how they'll break; contorting himself into ridiculous positions to view scenery from different angles; sifting through possessions specifically deigned as beyond his right; peering through open windows at whoever lies exposed on the receiving end. Curiosity, however, implies a want to learn, while Kimber takes bliss in never committing to reflection nor application; there's a sense that he cares, but never enough. What he understands he is too apathetic to utilize for means aside from self-preservation. An attitude so incoherent — frankly, irrational — while within the company of others unveils a crippling lack of self-awareness and a constant refutation of perilous circumstance. But all the same, in all his innocuousness, can you really feel anything but pity? (Not that your sympathies would put a damper on his mood.)

Brief Bio:
------Kimber has no nativity story. It would be easy to assume he's an orphan, then, as any evidence of familial relationship or memory of such on Kimber's behalf is null. But there lacks evidence that the adolescent was ever born. The only confinement familiar to Kimber Q., in fact, was within a reformation center to which he was convicted after vandalism of Brolif city property. The boy took some pride in being deigned an unstable juvenile delinquent at "fourteen" — this was the age he claimed at the time, though visibly he still seems identical — and used the year or so of detention to indulge in chaos whenever plausible. There were tougher teenagers there, responsible for more heinous acts, who strove to splinter his unbearably smug optimism, and the guards were of course having none of it either, but nothing fazed Kimber, and that terrified a majority of them. Ironically, it was within detainment where he was able to satiate his inner hedonist, but the days of fistfights were cut by a solemn announcement: governmental assassination; complete judiciary collapse. There was no one to monitor the boys, so they were released out into the world. Kimber can't recall how the day of relinquishment felt. It might have resonated more powerfully in someone else.
------From that point on, Kimber Q. Comberbache became a dedicated vagabond, ambling over the desert land encircling Brolif on an aimless continental tour. He crossed through Vasquo, in awe of its immensity; he attempted entry into Osakage but was turned away; he oversaw the ruins of Karblio; and started out for the lengthy route to Nemea on the northeastern shore. He housed there longer than any location, being welcomed more out of them all into the community. He attributed a niche as the neighborhood scourge before making an inevitable departure towards the furthest corner of Vascuo. There were some who enjoyed his company nonetheless. A notable was esteemed political poet Vincent Bankwo, or Vác by his pen name, to which Kimber took an especial liking towards — the pen name, specifically; he liked the way it sounded. Bach-Kong requited the attraction, as misunderstood as the young mind may have been. Regardless, the two roomed together, exchanging stories and, with Bankwo particularly, admonishment. Whether Kimber gained anything from the company was ambiguous but the poet's urging to recount instances in his life forced reflection he otherwise wouldn't have sought. It may have frightened him off; his excuse to leave for Lyra was flimsy — something regarding a "prophetic dream" involving a deity discerning his destiny — yet Bankwo perceived it as an inevitability. "This man... has insatiable wanderlust," he wrote the day after Kimber's departure. "It may stem from a reluctance to contemplate the incomprehensible nature of his existence. At any rate, he has left his anxieties to my bidding, and I worry, as he appeared more comfortable with me knowing more of him than he himself when I last saw him. He demolished the window on his way out...

------"I hope only, and futilely, that in all my lecturing he has absorbed the importance of memory. But he is adapt in ignorance. I suppose, come a week, he will have forgotten my name..."

------A traditional, six-sided die, barely larger than a coin; he draws it from his trouser pocket with a grin. Such is met with wariness on your end; you question his sanity silently first, then voice concerns about the offensive properties of a cube covered in shallow holes.
------"No, this is my weapon, not anybody's. So it works for me."

------Your proceeding gibe concerning moving-spaces denotes no acknowledgement of its reference but provokes vague elaboration from the adolescent: "I roll it; I look at the number; I know what I need to do."
------And whether the explanation served its purpose is irrelevant, as Kimber already shows visible disinterest in extending the exchange; his brown eyes lazily glide past you, making a gradual transition towards a different subject of interest, so that your vocalization of "I guess we'll see," is met only with an indifferent shrug.

Dormant Power:
------HUNH?: Able to slight any significancy of thaumaturgic talent, whether passive or direct; his only power is immunity to all other powers aside those of Life and Death themselves.

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Username: The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald , the (self-appointed) Great Fabulous One.
Partner: Valentina Aeternum Valentina Aeternum .
Pairing: Creation||Destruction



Tyron ‘Ty’ Davey.
Gender: Male.
Age: 20.
Personality: While Tyron may be mistaken for a goth or an emo with the way he looks, he is in no way either of these. He sees himself more as a ‘freedom fighter’ but most would see him as an anarchist. Simply put, while he isn’t necessarily evil, he enjoys chaos and destruction. He fights to remove the influence of Death from the world, to free the people, but does so in a way that would make Death proud. He doesn’t seem afraid of death, and seems like he’d just as easily take a life as to save it. When asked about any of this, he grins and replies with ‘Well, sacrifices need to be made, don’t they?’

He enjoys a good laugh, like most, but his humour would be considered cruel. He is never racist with his humour, or anything like that, but he does get a good laugh out of watching people squirm. There is a deeper side to him, but the effects of Death have nullified that to almost nothing.

Home Town: Karblio.
Brief Bio: Tyron started life like most other people, born to loving parents who cared for him well. However, as he grew older, so did his parents’ influence in their city. Being the son of a rich manufacture company entrepreneur within the city, Tyron never had wants and his needs were always seen to by his parents’ vast wealth – something that not all people in Karblio can say they’ve had the luck of having. As a child, he was somewhat spoiled yet still was a decent child. He made friends relatively quickly at school, and was learning the family trade quickly. Despite all the rich children in the schools he was sent to, however, he found that he got on much better with ‘normal’ kids his age – they didn’t have the snobbiness and the ponce about him that he hated. He soon found that he had more of a common touch – a trait his father said would do him well in the business.

However, this all changed around 5 years ago when the influence of Death hit the city he lived in. He started developing strange ‘tendencies’, and started hating…well, everything. He suddenly found that he hated living in his father’s footsteps and made the decision that he would never do what he wants and join the business but instead do what Tyron wants – not what anyone else wants. Despite what better judgment he used to have, he also started to even riot on the streets and fight against authority – he couldn’t tell you why, but he did. While he couldn’t tell you why he started acting like this, he knew one thing – he loved this lifestyle, and never wanted to change it for the world. He often broke into businesses down on their luck with the explosion and stole things with his childhood friends – he never needed the money, but wanted the thrill. He watched as his friends soon became ill (or worse) as they started drinking and taking drugs. He never felt sorry for them, however, as he felt that they deserved it. One by one they died in a ditch, and Tyron laughed all the same.

Recently, however, he started having strange dreams. Dreams of an odd temple, and dreams of a being that calls itself ‘Life’. This being told him to come to the temple, which he somehow knew was in Lyra.

Destined Soulmate: Damiana Tessaro.

Weapon: A couple of switchblades he keeps hidden on his person.
Dormant Power(s):

1. Beam of Complete Annihilation - --- produces a beam of energy so powerful and destructive that it slowly atomizes any substance, solid or otherwise, over a fairly short period of time. This happens regardless of the material's toughness, and can even affect energy - a feat said to be impossible to the laws of physics. This only lasts 10 seconds for a minute 'cooldown' is required, which is enough to destroy one metre of any material provided there is constant application.

2. Protection against Destruction - --- produces a dome or 'bubble' of red energy from him, as big as he pleases (although, it weakens around a 5-metre radius) that is made of the same energy as his Beam of Complete Annihilation. As a result, anything that touches the bubble is effectively vaporized, or at least starts to be, and cannot pass the energy barrier. He becomes weaker as he maintains it, though, and as a result cannot use any of his other abilities. Nothing can enter the bubble, but nothing can leave either.

Cannot Destroy Destruction Itself - --- has tougher skin and bones, is more resistant to poison/disease, and energy based attacks do not harm him. Things that damage him over time affect him slower, and anything that could instantly 'destroy' him have little to no effect. This effect is passive, but it 'turns off' when he is using his abilities.

Other: He still has a few friends left in Karblio – more like criminals, but they remember Tyron well. Tyron knows that if he needs help, or a place to crash, that they have his back.
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((I was waiting on some bbcode, but I can just edit this later))

Seraph Darkfire
Partner: Amare te stesso Amare te stesso
Pairing: Destiny || Chance


Name: Reve Leanaí
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Reve is a very caring person, though sometimes it doesn't seem that way. He has a hard time expressing his emotions, normally choosing to let his actions do the talking. He's always believed in freedom of choice, the outcome being decided by one's own luck. To make a choice is to live by it, even if you made that choice at random, through the flip of a coin or the rolling of the die.

The fact that he doesn't express himself doesn't mean he doesn't have a wide variety of emotions. One of his favorite pastimes is wandering around the city and using his coin to decide his path. He has found that using luck to decide his less important choices has always led to something interesting.

When it comes to his daughter, he does his best to be a proper father, but considering how young he was when he had her, he finds it hard to be anything but a friend to her.

Random Chance: Things that happen simply at random are the most enjoyable for Reve, because it is always fun when you don't know what is going to happen.
Sweet Food: Reve loves foods that are sweet, whether they be candy, fruits, or some strange combination of both, he can't get enough.
Magic: Reve enjoy's sleight of hand and various tricks of the magician trade. It is with but a flip of a coin that he didn't become a thief.
Aisling: His daughter is probably the single most important person in his life at the moment.

Restriction of Choice: Reve doesn't like being told that he can't do something, or even worse, having his choices decided for him.
Sour and Spicy Food: He isn't a big fan of either types of food. Spicy food makes his tongue feel unpleasant and Sour food is just not right.
Fighting: Reve isn't much of a fighter, not that he couldn't figure out, he is just sure that there is always a better choice to make.

Home Town: Brolif/Bronik?
Brief Bio: Reve was born to a Scientist and an Engineer, both who much preferred actual evidence than simple belief. As such, he was raised in the same way. Of course, as he got older, his parents expected him to make a choice between their two fields to go into. His mother, Valerie, wanted him to be a Scientist like her, to study and improve the world with their minds.

His father, Alexander, wanted him to be an Engineer like him, to design and build various devices and machines to improve the living of other people. Of course, the young Reve had no idea what to choose. So he turned to books, as they hadn't let him down before, he found a book on Probability. The idea that a choice could be decided at random certainly would have had his parent's scoffing, but he decided that it was better than making the choice himself.

Reve found an old coin that had once belonged to his Grandfather. It had been a good luck charm, a kind of traditional object from Osakange. While his mother didn't believe in her father's beliefs, Reve had loved his Grandfather and had kept the coin locked away. This was the best object he could use.

So he made a decision. Heads, he'd become a scientist like his mother. Tails and he'd be an engineer. With a flick of his fingers, the coin shot into the air, tumbling over and over before it dropped down towards his open palm. Strangely, it passed through his fingers and landed in a crack on the floor, standing up.

He felt like something was laughing at him. As he knelt down to pick up the coin, he found that it was stuck in the floor. With a pull, the floorboard's wobbled and a book fell from a bookshelf. It was a book on exploration, detailing how the early people of Vascuo traveled and explored the continent. It was decided, he'd do that instead. From this moment, he began to believe more and more in the power of chance.

His parents were annoyed at his decision, but he was able to convince them to let him do it by claiming it was simply an intrigue, something like an experiment. He'd travel across the continent and see which was more needed. A scientist or an engineer.

Of course, Fate has a strange way of messing up your choices. Shortly after he turned sixteen and was getting ready to leave on his adventure, he met a girl and fell in love with her. While the love didn't last, the result of their love was much more permanent.

Because of that incident, he had to place his plans on hold. Though it didn't matter much to him in the end.

Now, at twenty one years of age, he is ready to finally go on the exploration adventure that he wanted to go on. Only this time, he is bringing his five year old daughter, Aisling.


Destined Soulmate: Autumn Dixon

Weapon: No weapon, just an old Coin.

Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.

1. Change of Luck: With a flick of his trusty coin, Reve can alter the luck of himself or someone else. Though, even for him, this process is random, dependent on whether or not it is Heads or Tails. Heads leads to good luck and Tails to bad.

2. Love of Fate: When Reve is with his Partner, he becomes a magnet for any harm directed at them. For that will always be his choice.

3. Yuanfen (Coincidental Fate): A combined ability that can only be used when Reve and Autumn kiss. Upon kissing, a magical circle appears underneath them, allowing them to choose one of four buffs. Offense, Defense, Utility, and Supplemental. Once chosen, they can then select one of their allies to use the buff on.

Offense: Weapon enhancement, Physical enhancement, natural skill enhancement.

Defense: Armor enhancement, stamina or health enhancement, magical power enhancement.

Utility: Magical ability enhancement, Buff enhancement, Magical skill enhancement.

Supplemental: Creation of a temporary guard. Depending on the recipient's thoughts, can take the form of a golem, knight, or various other protectors.

Using this ability results in total consumption of magical power, resulting in mental exhaustion and preventing the ability from being used for a specific amount of time.

Other: N/A
Aura Of Twilight
Chaos // Order


Katherine Edith Kyverski



A girl with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes and glasses, Katherine considers herself to be very plain looking, and she prefers it that way. She is a petite woman with pale skin, as she eats healthy but never goes outside.
Her clothing ranges from jeans to pencil skirts- she really doesn't care as long as it's neat, fits well and coordinates with her other clothing.

Kathy is very, as you can imagine, orderly, to the point of OCD. She has to have her stuff organized exactly the way she likes it. She is a pleasant person in general- and has been known to even joke around sometimes. However, if you mess with her stuff- mix up papers in her folder or ruffle her hair- she will not stand for it. She cannot stand for things to be messy, so intentionally making a mess of her things is unforgivable.
However, all of this said, Kathy is a generally nice person who wants to help people... that is, if she gets something in return. If she sees someone in need, she will do her best to try and assist them in whatever way she can, assuming they will eventually pay her back. For example, she will offer to tutor people if she notices them struggling in classes- but she will expect a favor in the future. She doesn't understand the idea of "generosity" or "just because", she believes everything has a natural order, every action has a reaction- and she's taken karma into her own hands.
As previously stated, because of her favor-for-a-favor ideology, she sincerely doesn't get kindness. When people are nice to her she assumes they want something back. Random acts of kindness are non-existent: everyone wants something. Do her a favor and she will always admit to owing you one- tell her that she owes you nothing and she scoffs and owes you one anyways.

Likes include coffee, dressing nicely, color-coding, cleaning, reading, and generally peace and quiet.
Dislikes include tea, baggy clothes, disorganization, romance films, and sudden loud noises.

Kathy has a number of phrases she uses more than anything else, such as:
"I was just trying to help."
"How is that supposed to be organized?"
"Two creams, one sugar."
"You may not think so, but you need some help. May I?"
"You owe me."

Home Town:

Brief Bio:
[ abuse trigger warning ]
Kathy was born into a family with a hard working mother and hard drinking father. Her mother was too distant and cold, her father too touchy and "friendly." Even as a child, Kathy began to associate messiness with her father, who left a whirlwind of destruction in his wake. She would look into the mirror and see her rumpled appearance and think of him, so she began dressing nice and neat. She would look at empty bottles and cans and know what was coming, so she began to pick up her own empty cups and plates.
[ end trigger warning ]
Her impressive work ethic came from wanting attention from her mother. She made good grades, joined the local Beta Club and went to -equivalent of church- every -equivalent of Sunday- to become the perfect daughter, but it was never enough.
By the end of high school Kathy was ready to give up on her high achieving attitude, but she decided to keep up her hard work in hopes of getting a good job. Since she moved into the dorms of her new school, she has forgotten why her habits formed, and only knows herself to be a hard working neat freak who wants to be the most successful person she can be.

Destined Soulmate:
Lilith Featherston

Dormant Power(s):

1. Calm
The ability to calm people/animals and make them forget what they were upset about in the first place, instead becoming interested in settling the problem. Can be used on multiple people at once.
2. Order Empowerment
The ability to take away a person or group's emotions and use them as fuel for a sort of "power up," giving her enhanced strength and speed for a time.
3. Tranquility
The ability to keep her head no matter what the situation. This is not only the power to keep herself calm and never feel stress or anxiety, it is also the ability to never show (or feel) fear or sadness- that is, if she remembers to use it.

Theme Song- "An Act of Kindness" by Bastille
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Username: Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight
Partner: BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Pairing: Order/Chaos


Lilith Featherston.
See picture above.
Long, wild blonde hair
Lilac colored eyes
5'7 in height
130 pounds
Also has a snarling wolf tattoo on her left arm

Despite her appearance, Lilith is a down to earth sort of gal who has tried putting her past behind her to the best of her ability. She tries to not judge a book by its cover, but like anyone will slip up from time to time, not that making a mistake bothers her all that much since she's only human. She'll just try to laugh it off and move on with life. She tries to make the best of things. Her motto is this: "After all, what else can you do? Letting it fester in your tummy wont lead to anything but problems." In other words, Lilith is, well, somewhat relaxed and holds hardly any regret. She's also fun-loving, friendly, and will often call people by nicknames rather than by their actual name, considering that to be "boring." Even so, she's horrible at making conversation, but she tries nonetheless.

Despite this easygoing nature, Lilith will occasionally reveal a part of her old self, a piece of her which she has tried to restrain. This part of her is wild and adventurous, a free spirit which cannot be contained. This part of her dislikes most forms of authority and enjoys breaking the rules, well, within reason as she draws the line at hurting people for fun. She's not easily angered anymore however and is unfazed by most insults, but when she does get offended or pissed off she's the quiet, scary type.

While she used to be quite active, nowadays when she isn't watching some of her younger siblings, she's sleeping and has a habit of talking when she does. She values family above all else and after having a near death experience, tries to appreciate the little things in life and is more religious than she used to be. She prays in private to Life when upset. Sometimes she'll take walks to clear her head. At the moment, she really has no goal in mind, other than just live. But to be frank there is a part of her that thirsts for adventure or something to her now rather somewhat "dull" existence.


Brief Bio:
Lilith was the first of 8 children in the Featherston family and as such from an early age was forced to take on a lot of responsibilities since she was the oldest. Her mother was a well known doctor, her father a police officer, so to say they put just a little pressure on her to do something "meaningful" with her life would be an understatement. Subconsciously they wanted her to be just like them, to be the best, to be a model citizen, to better than them. While they did it out of love, Lilith didn't always understand that as young as she was and eventually the strain to be a good big sister and impress her parents both grew too much to bare. By the time she was 10, she was acting out, getting into all sorts of trouble. She began hanging out with the wrong crowd and rebelled against her parents, who by that time realized too late they had put too much pressure on the girl. They had unknowingly tried to take away her freedom, and she, finally feeling free, wanted to do whatever the heck she wanted. She was a free spirit, wild and adventurous

But it was too late. Lilith kept doing petty crime after petty crime with her little buddies, nothing which would put her permanently in jail or spend more than a few days in juvenile detention at a time every once in a while, but enough that people certainly took notice. She even got into some fights. Her parents tried to intervene, save their child's future. However, Lilith continued to disobey them, except for on one thing: spending time and taking care of her various siblings. She never failed in that. She loved them too much to abandon them. That gave her parents hope. Then the riots started. For a while, Lilith enjoyed being a part of the chaos...until people started being killed. She realized then what she had gotten herself into something dangerous, and immediately pulled out, not wanting to be someone who took a life as things had gotten too crazy even for her.

Perhaps because of Life's blessing, Lilith was only on the edge of blast when the explosion occurred. It sent her flying all the same and knocked her out cold, nearly killing her in the process and causing her to have a near death experience. When she became conscious again, she found herself in a makeshift hospital surrounded by, surprisingly, her family who had moved out of the city when the riots got too dangerous for even most of the police to handle. After learning about what had happened and how she was lucky to be alive, Lilith decided to turn over a new leaf for her family. Both she and her parents had learned a few important lessons. They then all decided to move to Nemea, Lilith's parents deciding to transfer their jobs there.

Little did she know her life was about to change, for better or worse. Lady Luck would decide.

Destined Soulmate:
Katherine Kyverski

Dormant Power(s):
1. Discord Inducement. Lilith has the ability to create strife or panic in a group and cause, well chaos. She has to focus deeply for this to work, and she can't stop this discord even when it escalates. This power can be both a good and bad thing depending on who its used on.
2. Chaos Empowerment. This gives Lilith the ability to feed off the chaotic energies of people and gain increased stamina and strength after casting her own emotions off upon an individual or group.
3. Illusions. Like Loki she can make herself look like someone else but not have any of their abilities or strength, but will retain her own voice. The longer she uses this ability, the more energy it takes.

Lilith is naturally ambidextrous.​
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Username: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Partner: littleberry littleberry
Pairing: Courage//Fear


Name: Soleil Blanc
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: A very small girl at 5'0" and only weighing 97 pounds, Soleil is a fragile looking girl that most would fear that she'd break with a gentle breeze.

Timid and pensive are fairly easy words to describe Soleil. Often drifting between her own worries about the world and the worry about how everyone perceives her silence. Soleil is never the one to speak first or ever to take credit for something, even if she was the one who did it. It's not humility so much as she's afraid of how people will react to her ideas and achievements.

When she does speak, Soleil is always soft spoken and respectful of those around her. She never tries to push the boundaries of social cues and frequently will end a conversation immediately if it starts going into a topic that involves difficult subjects. The normal way for her to do this is to never break eye contact at all. To make someone so uncomfortable from her unblinking stare that they just want to leave, becoming fearful of this strange little girl.

Soleil finds peace amongst the dark and quiet. Cemeteries, churches, abandoned buildings and the like are her favorite places to sit and enjoy herself. She likes to sing during these times as if calling forth the spirits of the forgotten and feared to surround her and protect her from the frightening world outside.​

Home Town:

Brief Bio:
Born the daughter of Ferman and Lucille Blanc, Soleil was born into the lap of luxury. Her parents were wealthy business owners, well her father was and there was nothing that Soleil could have ever wanted as she could have it all. She was raised by nannies for the first six years of her life, but suddenly her mother wanted to be involved with her daughter.

The pair spent a great deal of their time together. They went to the theater, they went for walks and relaxed in the library reading books together. However, any time that Soleil wanted to go and do something on her own, her mother became very irate. She always questioned the girl's motives and doubted everything she did. Soleil had no way of knowing, but her father had been leaving his wife alone for a mistress. The only reason they weren't getting a divorce was because of the bad publicity for his business. Needing someone to cling to Lucille imprinted her beliefs of the world onto the girl.

For ten years, Lucille listened to her mothers tirades about how people were scary. How the WORLD was scary. And with this being her only source of information save for her basic lectures from private tutors, which her mother sat in on, Soleil came to believe the world to be terrifying. When she was sixteen, Soleil couldn't stand the fear anymore nor could she stand the questions she had. If the world was so scary, how could she have met her father? It people were so scary, then how come they liked the theater? Nothing made sense.Soleil snuck out one night and only had it reaffirmed just how scary the world was.

Rose went out, dressed entirely in black clothes that she'd had purchased through one of her servants in secret. While out and about, she ran into one fairly inebriated man. He clung to her, complimented her in ways that made her uncomfortable and ultimately tried to get her into his car. The fearful things her mother told her flashed before her eyes and she ran. She ran and ran, every passing face a new terror as they would take her and do unspeakable things to her, possibly kill her! Soleil finally stopped running when she wound up at a church praising the goddess Life. It was here that she felt at ease, as if the world outside the walls didn't exist, but there were still people there.

She wormed her way out to the cemetery where nobody was and felt the same peace, but there was nothing to fear. No people, no animals, just the empty space and the quiet feeling of being surrounded by those like her. The ones that no longer wished to be near people, so they joined Life in the great beyond. This feeling settled Soleil down and became her sanctuary. Whenever she needed to find a place to think she came back to the quiet serenity and figured things out. Two years later Soleil feels that she's been blessed with a message from Life. She needed to go to Lyra, to where she first created man and meet her partner that would help save, not only her, but the world as well.

Destined Soulmate:

Weapon: Nothing

Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.

1. Grasp of Terror: Soleil has four ghostly hands that extend from between her shoulder blades. The more afraid she or the people around her are, the greater the strength these arms have and the more powerful they become. Even at their weakest they can lift weights average humans can. (Weakest being Soleil at a calm state with people she "trusts" around her.)

2. Face Your Fears: Soleil has the ability to summon a person's greatest fear from within their shadow. To the person, this fear is as real as their own flesh and blood, while nobody else, besides Soleil, can see it. She can only do this to people within line of sight and must maintain line of sight for this to effect them.

3. All Consuming Dread: If someone that scares Soleil stays within five feet of her, she infects them with her fear of, well, everything. They begin to see everything as terrifying or dangerous, losing the ability to think of anything save their fears. Getting away from her begins the slow process of regaining some semblance of bravery. The effect beings after a minute of being in her presence and lasts as long as she's been within five feet of the scary person.


"I'm not scared of everything. I just have arachnophobia, xenophobia, triskaidekaphobia, zoophobia, hippopotomonstro--eep! Okay, I'm scared of pretty much everything."
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B Blink


Anna Nakhur


Anna... never had a lot of friends. She's pretentious and elitist, and people don't like that, for some reason. She dislikes most people, and is not afraid to let people know this. Even for tiny reasons, she's willing to cut off an entire friendship. She can put up with differences in opinion, but those opinions have to be extremely well researched and thought about, or she'd lose a great deal of respect for the dissenter. She's not all bad, though. She just thinks people have an obligation above all else to be knowledgeable of everything, and Anna herself takes this to the extreme. She knows a great deal about a great deal of topics, and is always ready to learn. She's an up and coming mind in the world of physics, and few deny her intelligence. Furthermore, if one can withstand her derision for long enough, she is more than willing to teach others anything she can. She acknowledges her flaws and attempts to overcome them. She's extremely utilitarian, being ready and willing to kill 500 people to save 501, and she doesn't even understand how someone could disagree. She enjoys leveraging as many advantages as she possibly can, so as to put herself in the best situation she can. She's fairly apathetic about most things. Not to say that she doesn't feel things, she's not a psychopath, but she does her best to put logic before emotions. That being said, she's prone to overthinking things.

Home Town:
Brief Bio:
Ever since Anna was young, she was a loner. When children tried to make friends with her, she rejected them. She preferred to be alone. After a time, children stopped trying, and Anna was all alone. Instead of playing, or socializing, she studied. Living in Brolif, technological capital of the world, there was a lot to study. Her father was a laborer, and her mother left shortly after she was born, so her relationship with her parents was not perfect. She wasn't poor, she ate dinner every night, but she was somewhat envious of the richer students for their many opportunities. Regardless, she excelled at her studies, surpassing everyone else at school, which didn't help her already terrible reputation. She couldn't care less about that, though. School was for learning! Upon graduating, she found a variety of factions and companies vying for her, leaving her spoilt for choice. One night, however, she had a dream about life, a deity she hardly cared about, telling her to leave for Lyra. Though she ignored the dream at first, her curiosity got the better of her, and she left, giving the excuse that she was going to "find herself".

Destined Soulmate:
Kimber Comberbache

Dormant Power(s):
1. Power Detection - Anna can tell the location and power of anyone that's met their soulmate within twenty meters.
Username: Jiatsu Yaboku

Partner: The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Pairing: Creation||Destruction


Name: Damiana Tessaro (She often goes by Mia or Ana too)

Gender: Female

Age: 21 y/o


Personality: Damiana is a very successful individual, a hard worker and a steady stone in a storm, being a reliable post for those around her to lean on. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and will state her opinion very clearly and loudly, she gets frustrated with lazy people who have potential and has a good eye for potential. Damiana...has a...strange fascination with buildings and architecture, like a really weird fascination with them. When it comes to buildings and designing them no one is better. Despite her strong nature and personality under the light of the sun, do not for whatever reason trap her in a dark room, she is deathly afraid of the dark and can get paranoid, she sometimes will glance over her shoulder even during the day as if she's concerned about something, most of the time she ignores it.

She cannot stand lazy people with potential! She'll go crazy trying to motivate them to work, as a result she can sometimes come off as overbearing. Despite her powers being of creation she has a dislike for animals and plants; they don't like her either, she'll kill a plant if she tries to care for it and animals run away. Her obsession with architecture takes up most of her time and is one of the only things she really likes, well and she loves the daytime, enjoying going out and interacting with many people.

Sadly despite her outgoing and charming ways she's not interested in romance, or even the rules from Life and Death, she just doesn't care, she also lacks a sense of humor so jokes go over her head, she's far too serious a person for them anyway. That doesn't mean she doesn't know how to smile, she does but it's a rare and surprising thing to earn her smiles. She tends to dangerously teeter on the dense end of things, most of the time not even realizing someone if flirting with her.

Hometown - Born and raised in Allyion though she currently lives in Lyra

Brief Bio: Damiana was not raised in a rich home, no in fact she was quite poor until her father met Damiana’s step-mother, up until that point they'd lived on the streets and while it wasn't an unhappy time it was hard. This is a lot of why Damiana can't stand lazy people with potential, she worked hard for her skills. Even after her father married Florentina; Damiana’s step-mother, Damiana herself never stopped working or studying, architecture and it's like caught her attention at a young age and held it, she was good at building things from many different materials and loved it so at 18 she left Allyion to live in Lyra; she had originally wanted to live in Vasquo, but hadn't been able to afford it. Once settled in Lyra she set to work, expanding her connections, doing minor construction work and finally got her break of a lifetime when she was asked directly to design several townhouses, since then she has spent nearly all her time working and no time having any fun.

Destined Soulmate: Tyson "Ty" Davey

Weapon: N/A

Dormant Powers:

1.Craftsman-since she is creation she will become able to take certain materials and create necessary objects from the materials she has access to, though she is unable to make anything too big, just small items, say a bow, dagger, or model figures for her work.

2. Illusionist - able to create illusions that seem to be solid to the touch and able to follow specific orders given by her and no other. (Although her partner will probably have some semblance of sway over them)

3. Balance - able to see inside someone’s heart and mentally weigh it then help create balance temporarily, it is not a permanent effect.

Other: At night she's a bartender, since she loves dealing with people so much, though it is work, it was a lot of how she earns money on the side.
Username: The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Partner: Mistory Mistory
Pairing: Land||Sea


Jennica ‘Jenny’ Goldsmith
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Due to her upbringing, she has grown into a fine independent young woman with a solid sense of good and evil. She has been taught how chink a glass with the most elegant of ladies, yet she’d sooner prefer to down a pint like the rowdiest of men simply because that’s who she is – a woman who appreciates a good laugh and a great time, a thing that she believes quiet balls in rich people’s castles can’t provide.

When it comes down to it, despite her childhood, she is a lass of the people. She always tries to use her wealth where possible to help as many people as she can – whether it be charity work, ‘requesting’ her father to offer more jobs within the business or simply sparing a coin or two for a beggar. In short, she is as kind as can be.

However, she is as stubborn as a mountain and as hardy as a diamond. She has no time for liars, thieves or anyone trying to court her for her money (it’s happened before, and chances are it will happen again). To these sorts of people, she has nothing to say – other than a few curse words and a fist, of course.

To summarise, she is a gem of a woman – strong, independent, kind…if not a little hot headed at times. Still, she tries to be a good friend if you try back.

Home Town: Lyra.
Brief Bio: The Goldsmiths are one of the oldest and most respected families in Lyra. They were a very successful and wealthy mining and smithing family, often buying ore and selling weapons back in the day of swords and dragons.

Nowadays, they now oversee the mining of gemstones and other valuable materials in the north of the continent where they are then shipped down to their warehouses in Lyra then either manufactured into jewellery and other goods, then shipped using the Lyra port to the rest of the world.

Jenny’s mother is incredibly snobbish, believing that only the peasants should do the work while the important people manage their petty lives. Her mother, however, is a disgrace and an embarrassment to Jenny – and a regret to her father. Her father often takes Jenny of ‘important business trips’ around the world simply so his daughter doesn’t become tainted by her cruel and harsh world views – an endeavour he is pleased has worked perfectly to plan. While Jenny couldn’t care less about her mother, she absolutely dotes on her father and would never do anything to hurt him.

One time, even, in her past her father took her to see how the mining is done. Of course, he didn’t want to bore her young mind with details of how efficient and ecologically friendly the boreholes were, but simply slipped a large sum of money to the foreman who nodded and smiled, and gave her a pickaxe and told her to go find some gems. The foreman didn’t really care for her happiness and was about to send one of the workers to watch her to make sure she didn’t interfere with any of the tech when he heard her squeal in delight. Both the foreman and even her father was shocked as they discovered that within minutes Jenny had found a sizeable diamond in the rock. The foreman said that with a clean and a proper jewelsmith to stick it into a necklace, the diamond could bring a few thousand – not that Jenny cared, however. Her father simply laughed at her, at told the foreman ‘A proper Goldsmith, she is! She can smell out a geode from a mile away!”

Instead, she insisted her dad turn it into a necklace to wear as a memento of her triumph – she insisted they left the rock as it was, though. From then on, whenever she felt down or sad, she’d simply look at her necklace to remind herself of what she could accomplish if she tried hard enough.

Destined Soulmate: Arden White

Weapon: N/A. I guess technically her amulet would sting a canny bit if you got slugged by it, but it’s more of a memento than a mace.
Dormant Power(s):

1. Tectonic Barrage – Jenny blasts the ground with tremendous force, causing an initial shockwave that could easily blast someone backwards, and causes minor earthquakes in the area for a time (basically, until Jenny decides to stop). These earthquakes cause the ground to shake violently every 10 seconds or so and eventually cause the ground to upturn and become what is known in the D&D trade as ‘rough terrain’ – as in, it becomes difficult to traverse easily.
2. Mountainside Hide – she surrounds herself in a rocky geode armour that greatly increases her defense, but also covers her body in sharp spikes of various gemstones and minerals. At will, she can fire these gemstone spikes at the target, although she cannot regrow them until she has regrown her armour – which takes a while after she drops it. The more gemstones she fires, the less spiky and dangerous to approach her armour becomes.
3. Volcanic Onslaught – she concentrates on a certain area for around a minute or so, in which time the ground starts warming up (not superhot warm, just warm) and shakes with power. As the minute ends, the earth where she concentrates trembles with power and erupts, causing dozens of smouldering hot rocks to burst out and bombard the enemy, hitting wherever Jenny pleases. Roughly a metre radius around the area also fills with lava, but cools relatively quickly. Of course, while cooled lava may not disintegrate you in seconds, it is still very painful to touch.

Other: She wears an amulet of a diamond encrusted into a beautiful golden sitting complete with a golden chain. Even though the diamond is rough and somewhat ugly, the value of it to Jenny isn’t beauty or even monetary – it is memories.
Username: littleberry littleberry
Partner: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven

Delilah 'Del' Brookes
Fear / Courage
Female, 21
Home Town: Miriam

Destined Soulmate: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven 's character Soleil Blanc
Weapon: Two guns on her side holsters. They are provided by the Military since it is armed but has no weapons of greater size or damage.
Personality: Deliah, or Del as she likes to be called, goes into any situation with the need for danger. She loves the rush of battle and laughs at everything and everyone who tells her to be careful. She loves her guns and her tattoos. Del is the type of person who if everyone jumped off a cliff would have already been at the bottom having done it twice. She is hot headed, brass, crude, and has a severe hero complex. Her massive bleeding heart for the weak and defenseless is probably her greatest weakness. She want’s to save everyone… but her motives sometimes are just for the rush of risking her life.

Growing up in such a poor town Del never knew what it was like to not work hard. She scraped and saved and gave everything she ever made or found to her large family in order to provide for them. She had two little sisters and two big brothers and a Mom who was as tiny as she was tough. Her Brothers were giants, towering at 6’7 each and got into the fishing business quick. Her mother… 4’10. Though she’ll beat anyone who say’s she’s short. Del came out at 5’8 and a muscle strong woman type like her brothers. They shaped her. Trained her. She became a pillar, a force not to be reckoned with as she protected her family from the poverty and crime of Miriam’s fine citizens.

She knew she had to be courageous, had to be brave if she wanted to pull them from the pits and dredges where they lived. A real spitfire. When the opportunity came at 18 to make some more money and be a hero… Del took it. She joined the military rescue teams at Karbila and has since become the leader of her squadron. She has fought, battled and faced the most horrible sights all with a smirk and a smoke. Her team used to judge her, think that she was weak and timid just because she was a girl. Well after the first beating they figured out how strong she was. Her weapon of choice going into the dangerous areas of Karbila are her two hand guns.

But fighting has changed Del. Her family when they see her have seen a brave girl get turned into an adrenaline junkie. Seen how her motivations turned from doing the right thing to doing the scariest thing. They don’t know if there is anything or anyone out there who can convince Del of the very real limits she faces. Convince her to take some caution in her decision making and treasure her own life. Not throw it away trying to be brave.

Dormant Power(s):

Hero Complex: The ability to inspire those she touches with a strong sense of morality. To have courage is be strong enough to do the right thing. To not fear the consequences of doing the right thing. This power inspires that courage into others. Her tattoo glows when this power is activated and only lasts ten minutes after she touches you. It will give all she touches a “Hero’s Complex.”

Red Haze: When she is struck to the point of bleeding her blood will cause a red Haze to settle on her enemies making them to go in a rage with anyone around them. If it’s a one on one battle the power is useless but in a group battle it means her enemies will be fighting each other. Makes trained soldiers sloppy with a pure need to fight.

Courage’s Gladiator: A once per battle ability that makes her grow in size to be 6’7 and strength to look like… well a Gladiator. She will have the strength of ten men. A strong adrenaline rush will course through her and make this skilled fighter and even greater warrior. When Del goes into battle mode Hero complex ensures that she has a 15% increase in strength, stealth, speed, and agility. It also increases her durability, making her skin harder to break. So normal attacks do weak damage and strong attacks do normal damage. After it wears off she will be almost comatose in the need to eat large amounts of food and sleep for almost a whole day.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Land and Sea


Arden White
Personality: Arden, or preferably, Saile, is a man with few worries. A fisherman by trade,he has taken the ocean as a teacher.
"Do not fight the current. Work with it."
"Life may get difficult, it may get hard. It may beat you, and starve you, but respect life, and it will provide."
With these, and several other ideals, he became a successful fisherman, and a hard worker. If a problem arose, he used what he had . He didnt worry about what he could have had,or what he wished he had. A problem would resolve itself, or give him the ability to do so.
Working on the sea also gave him a work ethic. Do hard work, do good work, and you will be repayed. Fishing may seem easy, but it can be hard. It can be a life of problems. The fish may not be there, they may have moved. The bait may be wrong, the nets may be frayed, there may be something causing problems in the water. But constant,hard, relentless work will bring a profit,in some way or another.
Overall, Arden respects the way the world works,and because of this,he has learned to go with the flow,to not worry, to work hard and to help those in need. He has become a loyal ally to many...and a dangerous enemy to some...
While Arden is often a friendly sort, he has been known to get defensive, or down right hostile if the right buttons are pushed

Home Town:
Brief Bio:
In development
Destined Soulmate:
Jennica "Jenny" Goldsmith

The only weapon Arden uses is a "hooked machete". Its mainly for use while fishing, cutting line,pulling up fish, and even preparing them for customers,but it can do quiet a bit of damage if your not careful

Dormant Powers:
1.Natural Habitat
Arden is most at home in water. He is faster,more agile, and is even capable of breathing below the surface.
2. Hydrokinesis
Arden is capable of manipulating water(and only water) in any form of matter,be it liquid, solid, or gas.
3. Ocean's wrath
Ocean's wrath is an alteration to Arden's machete, making the blade entirly liquid. While like this,it can shift in size,shape, and girth, freeze solid, and even evaporate, leaving only he hilt.

Very few know that Arden is actually illiterate.
Arden has a general anger toward the idea of gods like "Life and Death" for unknown reasons

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