Dual Wielding Weapons


Junior Member
All right, I was looking in the back of the Scroll of the Monk, and I noticed the Baneclaws (Artifact sais) and I thought, "huh, these look pretty neat", then I wondered if the bonus they provide to parry DV's was cumulative if you wielded two of them at one time.

On the one hand, if they weren't there wouldn't be much point in spending the points on getting two of them.

On the other hand, if DV's (As well as the other weapon stats) do stack, than thats a one way street to munchkinvile, as you'd get a Full Moon with DBT + the knack that makes your DBT form super sized and the other knack that lets you have a Clawstrider as a spirit form running around dual wielding Daiklaves cackling manically, crying "Death to the Realm!"
You use the best appropriate parry bonus, but you do not add. The strength of using two is that if you flurry, you can use the rate of each weapon, instead of running out on a single weapon's rate. Alternatively, you could use one weapon that is offensively strong, and a Baneclaw wielded in the opposite hand, and keep a good parry, while using, say a Reaver Daiklaive or Goremaul.
Of course, if you've got the 9 Strength for it, dual wielding a Grand Daiklaive and a Baneclaw can be fun. Especially if the Baneclaw is Moonsilver. Of course, taking a Strength specialty in 'Wielding Oversized Weapons', or the like and going into Deadly Beastman, and so forth can make this viable for a Lunar...without getting anywhere near Essence 5 or higher...
I'm liking that idea. I'll have to put it to good use sometime.
Or you can just get the Deadly Mantis Practice charm (Dual Slaying Posture for Solars), and you have no problem with those 2 handed weapons - as least not for that scene.

Could you please tell me in which supplement can I find this Deadly Mantis charm?

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