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Dual Angel

Micah felt a blush come on. No one ever complimented her. She swam around for a while getting farther away from Chez every time, but always close enough that he could save her if she had trouble.


"I'm getting tired. May we go back in?" Micah had been swimming for quite a while and had gotten pretty good. There was still a lot of room for improvement, but she no longer needed Chez to hold her up. That was good enough for her.
Chez could see the young angel growing tired as she swam around. He nodded at her request and took her hand again, this time walking with her back onto the shore. "Are you staying anywhere here on Earth?" He asked once they got back on the sand. Reaching down, he picked up the shirt he had left there on the shore earlier and put it back one. The bottom of his shirt became a bit damp from his wet pants, but it didn't seem to bother him too much.
"No," Micah sat on the sand. She kept her back straight and her legs underneath her. The sand was uncomfortable but so was her now wet sundress. It clung to her. She could feel the tiny granules of salt rub against her skin. She had no other clothes though and knew she would have to deal with it ,"Is it important to have a place to stay here?" Did Chez have a place? How do you go about getting a place to stay on earth?
Chez looked down at her as she sat on the sand. "Yeah, it's pretty important for humans to. It gets too cold or hot for them and they need a lot of other necessities that we do not." He glanced down the beach where the main road was. "I have a place actually, if you want to check it out. There's a bed. You sleep on it. You probably don't need to, but you can. Otherwise you can stay here if you want."
"Humans sure need a lot to sustain themselves...,"Micah got up and looked at Chez ,"I would very much like to see this 'place' of yours." She wanted to see what it looked like. She wanted to know what this bed was. She was unsure about 'sleep' but she knew nothing of Earth and would take what opportunities she could get.
"they do" Chez agreed. "My place is in the town closest to here. We'll fly. You can cloak yourself, right?"
"Yes," Micah unfurled her wings and cloaked herself. Her wings felt uncomfortable from the swim but they weren't very wet. Chez took off and she followed behind.
Chez's wings spread out from his back as well, stretching to their full length before he lifted off into the sky. Expecting Micah to follow, he headed to the nearest town. There, he landed on a building close to downtown. There, his wings disappeared again, and he walked over to the door that opened to the roof. "My place is the top floor in here"
Micah landed on the building and returned to a human appearance. She was uncomfortable in a town. They were full of activities that she did not understand, she had to learn. Chez opened the door and led her inside.
Chez walked inside with her and down the stairs to the door leading to his flat. He opened the door and led her into his living room. He'd been living here for a while now. He figured out mostly how this world worked now and had somewhat settled down here. "So, this is where I sort of live."
Micah looked around in wonder. It was beautiful to her in a way that was nothing like the nature she had been exploring before. ,"What do you do here? Do you sleep?" She wandered around the room looking at things. She stuck her face close but did not touch. What were they all for?
"You can do a lot of thing here" He explained, watching her. "You can sleep, eat, do whatever you want really." There wasn't much in his place. Maybe a few bowls laying around that he never got around to cleaning.
Micah poked the object that she was looking at now ,"May I sit on it?" She was pretty sure it was meant for sitting, but pretty sure was not 100%. She had seen similar things like this one. Humans all bunched together on it to watch the box. Humans were weird.
Chez nodded and headed over to his couch. "Yeah, sit." He sat, then pat the seat next to him. There was a short table in front of the couch and a TV beyond that. It didn't look like the TV was used too much though.
Micah sat down on the 'thing' next to Chez. It was a lot more comfortable than the sand had been earlier. She did a little bounce on the cushion and giggled. Now if only she could get another outfit. Her dress was all dried now but there were particles of sand and salt in it making it crusty and uncomfortable.
"This is called a couch. Or a sofa." He shrugged then looked her over, noticing how she was letting sand get on his couch. "You're dirty. You should clean up and put something else on."
"Couch....sofa...," Micah tasted the words and memorized them. People sit on couches ,"Do you have anything I could borrow?" She gestured to her sundress.
Chez looked at her and got up. "I think I might." He went to his room and opened his dresser, fishing out the biggest t-shirt he could find. "Do you think this would be long enough?" He asked, holding up the shirt to her.
"That will be perfect thank you," Micah took the shirt and held it up. With her small stature the shirt went almost to her knees. It was longer than her sundress by a few inches ,"Where shall I clean up?"
"There's a shower in there." he pointed to the bathroom. "I'll show you how to use it." He led her into the bathroom and turned on the water, showing her how to use it. "You get undressed and get in the water and use this soap stuff to wash up." He explained.
Micah listened intently to Chez's instructions. When he left the room and closed the door she undressed and turned the 'shower' on. She got into the water and washed all of the guck off of her. When she felt squeaky clean she got out, putting on the large shirt.

"Chez?" Micah opened the door and peeked out.
Chez had changed while she was in the bathroom and cleaned the couch. He then sat on his bed, his wings out, and started to preen them himself. There was a pile of feathers beside him and he looked up when he heard Micah calling for him. "Yes?"
"What should I do with the sundress?" Micah held it out away from her clean shirt. She wanted the fresh feeling to last forever. She really liked showers.
Chez got up and took the dress from her. "I'll wash it." He said then put it in a basket. "I'll have to go to the laundromat..."
"The lawn-dro-mat? What is that?" Micah thought it sounded sort of silly, many words did. She took a seat back on the couch moving the pile of feathers to make some room for her.

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