*Drum roll*


King of Nothing
Through the side wall a bomb explodes, climbing through the hole in the wall is a giant parade. (Aladdin style) Atop a giant elephant sits a flamboyantly dressed man in a crown throwing golden coins with his face stamped on the front of them. Drums beat loudly, and trumpets blare and scantily clad ladies and gentleman dance around. Once this overdone display is finished, the parade stops and the man steps down.

Hey everyone, I'm Dingo. I've been searching for a new RP home for a while now and I've decided that this is the perfect place. Everyone seems rather nice and welcoming and that's pretty great. I've been rping for years and years, I've got like 14 years experience going (but I was like 12 when I started so, I mean I've got 26 years of breathing experience and sometimes I wonder how I still manage to keep that going...)

I enjoy role playing many types of characters across many genres, but I have a great love for Fantasy and Modern Fantasy (Urban settings with supernatural themes) and Sci-Fi if I'm in the mood. My tastes in rps bleed over into my tastes for movies and books usually, though I love a good mystery or crime story as well. My tastes in video games and music is also eclectic (I'm currently dying from the hype of Fallout 4, not sure if I can survive much longer if I don't have it soon...) I enjoy taking over done concepts and giving them a new spin. Errr I'm also rather bad at talking about myself...

As for me personally, I don't really take myself very seriously, I'm from Alabama, I live here currently though I did just move back from living in Dallas, TX. I write music and sing a little, but how good I am is debatable, same with art. Though music is closer to being a natural talent compared with art which I have to work on for ages and ages to get something terrible haha.

I'm not sure what else there is, so if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer. I have a great feeling about this place and hopefully I've found me a new RP home. Speaking of, could i crash on someone's couch? I spent my rent money on the parade and the crown was non-refundable...

Fantasy is my absolute favorite genre to rp~<3 I suppose there are endless possibilities for all genres, but fantasy has always felt more vast than any of the others to me. And when it's paired with action and adventure and an in-depth plot, ppffftttt, it just becomes a marvel. I haven't dabbled too much in sci-fi, I started creating a world for it after I fell in love with Mass Effect, but that's been on break for several months now, but I might get back around to it after I go through, again, the heartbreak that's the ending of Mass Effect 3. TuT

I never really looked into Fallout until recently, but after reading a bit about it and learning that it's in line with the atmosphere I like games to have, I think I'll definitely give it a try (although I'll probably make myself finish Assassin's Creed before I try to take on another game with several installments >u< )

Oh, and welcome~!

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Ah well the best thing about fantasy is you usually can have full creative freedom with world building, and it's very liberating. I've got a fantasy world myself I've been working on for years. But Still nothing quite like getting to build a brand new world with it's own history and cultures and so on. With that I agree it is one of my absolute favorites. I've not had many chances to dip my toes into the Sci Fi realm but It's something I've always wanted to have a real chance to try out.

I love Mass Effect so very much, and I recently restarted my own new play through, the ending is truly heart breaking T,T/ Fallout's world is just, I dunno I'm in love with it, I jumped on the bandwagon with Fallout 3 and went back and played all the older ones, I love the whole retro futuristic vibe, and the different way history played out for the world after WW2.

Thank you very much!

Yeah, absolutely. Creating new worlds entirely from scratch is hard work, but once everything has some flesh on it, it's extremely rewarding.

But I wouldn't want the ending any other way! I mean, of course I wish there were even more installments with Shepard, but s/he went out just how s/he should have, in my opinion. ^u^ And at least now BioWare is giving us Andromeda to be excited about

I think I'll definitely have to checkout Fallout, haha. I just knew that it was kind of a futuristic, post-apocalyptic game but, even from what you just said about it, it sounds pretty cool and engaging (plus if it's as open as Skyrim, I'm sure I'll love it).

Yes I'm super excited for Andromeda haha. Also, they're fairly similar in terms of open world, definitely give it a try if you can I think you'll love it as well. Also if you ever wanna rp or anything give me a shout we can work something out. :)


......I caved and I bought Fallout 4... haha~ I haven't gotten very far yet, but I love what I've played so far!

i probably shouldn't have gotten it since the last thing i need is another game occupying all of my attention, but bethesda lured me in with a free copy of Fallout 3 if i bought 4... and i'm a weak person when it comes to deals >u<

And definitely~! I'm not sure if you can PM or not since RPN has the whole '10 posts in 24 hours in order to get all functions of the site' rule, so maybe we should just start a plotting thread somewhere?

I'm glad you love it so far, I've been sinking all my free time into it myself haha. I'll try to pm you to see if i can do it, and if not we'll go from there.

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