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Fantasy DreamWorlds


Guardian of the Three Moons
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/room.jpg.ddaa3652cdeded08ac58df8eee76c98a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/room.jpg.ddaa3652cdeded08ac58df8eee76c98a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The room was dark, illuminated only by the constant flickering of the computer screens. They glowed with an eerie light, casting shadows of the two figures in the room.

"It is time." The dark hooded figure in the center said. "Release the
DREAM gas."

The other man in the room nodded hurriedly, causing the golden four-pointed star on his hat to flash.

"Yes, sir. But if
DREAM works, then all the DreamPolice will lose their jobs!" He said as he wrung his hands nervously. "And I'll lose my job, too." He added quickly.

"Don't be stupid, Officer Riley. There will always be some...loose ends we need to tie up." The hooded figure said in a meanancing voice.

"Yes, Master Nightling." The officer hurried over to the controls and started typing a sequence.

The hooded figure--Nightling clenched his fists. Once
DREAM is released... only those genetically immune will be left. The most powerful. Narrow down the list of suspects and find the Killer. Perfect. He smiled darkly to himself.

Officer Riley reached up and pushed the button.

"Launch has begun." The computerized voice said. "Emission in 4...3...2...1..."

They stood in silence as they stared at the large screens.
DREAM--the odourless, colourless gas spread worldwide, and one by one the weak-willed humans inhaled DREAM and slumped to the floor, already snoring gently.

"Launch complete." The computer reported in a monotone.

"Think of all the opportunities!" Officer Riley licked his lips excitedly, his eyes glazing over with greed.

But Nightling only wanted one thing.


Please wait until the RP begins...


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"Hand it over! Right now." Valora said through gritted teeth, trying to make herself look menacing.

A knife materialized in her hand, pressing against the man's neck. Pushing away the tiny pang of guilt that sprang up, Valora tightened her grip on the now solid weapon. The man was an innocent Sleeper, just wandering around the wrong place at the wrong time. But Valora needed this more.

"T-this is a dream, non?" The man stuttered, sounding like he was trying to convince himself. "If I die, I wake up. And the RêvePolice will arrest you!"

Valora ignored him and cast a worried look sideways at her brother, Julian. He had closed his eyes and was frowning in concentration, drops of perspiration beading on his forehead.

"What's the matter with him?" The man paused in his ramblings for a second to look at Julian.

Valora pushed the knife tip in deeper, causing the man to let loose a small whimper.

"That's none of your business. He probably has to pee." A grin tugged at the corners of her lips, but then the severity of the situation came back to her, and her face turned serious again.

"I assure you, this is not a dream. Now hand it over!"

The man nodded frantically and dug his hands into his pockets.

"I-I didn't bring it with me!" He half-sobbed.

Valora felt another twinge of sympathy, but she kept her emotions in check. The sooner she finished this, the better it would be. She released the man, but continued to keep the knife grasped in her clammy hand.

"Where did you leave it? Take us there." She ordered.

The man slumped, defeated, and began leading the way out of the alley.

"Keep going." Valora poked him in the ribs with the knife.

The man faltered before turning left and continuing down the deserted street.

"I can't believe you made my awesome DreamBending sound like I was trying not to wet my pants!" Julian hissed, glaring at his sister.

The color had returned to his cheeks, and Valora smiled apologetically.

"Sorry!" She mouthed back. It was a last-minute excuse.

Suddenly Julian's jaw went slack and he froze.

"What?" Valora asked.


The man had vanished into thin air.

Valora dropped her knife in shock, and it shattered into pieces of white light at her feet, finally fading to nothing.

"Impossible." She breathed. "He didn't know this was a dream! How could he wake up?"

Julian shrugged. "My DreamBending worked the moment he left the alley. But come to think of it, we haven't seen a single Sleeper since we got here..."

"No." Valora said, barely registering Julian's words. "We can't fail the Keepers again. We have to get him back!"

With growing panic, Valora closed her eyes and called on her power to DreamDestruct. Though when she began to destruct, it sounded like she was breaking down the layers of a DreamWorld, but it was actually more like building reality itself around her consciousness. With her brother's hand in hers, she slipped back into darkness, and felt the world envelop around her again.


Valora woke with a gut feeling that something was horribly wrong. Julian was still half-asleep on the white cot beside her, but there was no one else in sight. Where were the Keepers that monitored their sleep rates? With growing uncertainty, she hopped onto the floor and pushed away the white curtains, just to see three Keepers slumped on the ground. She gasped and hurried over to check their pulse, and momentarily relief washed over her. They were alive.

"Lora?" Julian asked, still drowsy from sleep. "What's going on?"

Valora shook the closest Keeper, Lockheart Adams, who was one of those who'd saved her, but she didn't even stir.

"I don't know. They look like they've all fallen asleep." Valora replied, trying to keep the fear from seeping into her voice.

"But there's no one in the DreamWorlds, either." Julian said, rubbing his eyes.

Ever since he began using his DreamBending, sleep seemed to sap more of his strength than it gave. But they had no choice. DreamBending was a rare and useful ability, and no one else in the Keepers could master it.

"Let's go back to the DreamWorlds. I think we might've missed something." Valora suggested.

Julian looked more than relieved to take a another nap, and quickly clambered back up into his cot.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." He smiled and closed his eyes.

"Don't let the NightMares bite." She went over to the monitor screen and set the location to the outskirts of the Forest, where, if the machine still worked, would be where their dream began.

Pushing aside any negative thoughts in her mind, she climbed into her cot and rolled to the side. With slight difficulty, she steadied her breathing and willed herself to sleep.


She awoke in a strangely still and empty forest. Impossible, she thought. There was no way that there could be absoulutely no one in the DreamWorlds. There had to be someone dreaming at this moment.

"Valora?" Julian called, kneeling under the shade of a small tree. He was staring at a petite little flower, which was nothing special, but when Valora looked closer, it seemed to be withered and dry.

"I think the DreamWorlds are dying."



(If you haven't posted up your First Scene, please do so, otherwise you are free to move your characters into the DreamWorld where they will try to make sense of the deserted DreamWorlds.)
Kellen grasped the small parasol in hand as she walked. It had been hours since she last slept. Someone driving by threw a soda pop at her. Even being homeschooled was torturous.

Perhaps she could take a nap into the Metropolis. It seemed that she had been having trouble sleeping lately. Just having regular dreams instead of stepping into the Metropolis.

Kellen immediately started running home with the promise of the Metropolis. Her daily chores were just go get groceries, study and then sleep. William Arnold Hopper was adamant about it. He said that was what killed her Mother. William was a good uncle ever since the girl was sent away to live with him in Copenhagen. Her Father still dealt with the missing memory of her Mother, so he didn't want Kellen to witness him falling apart. Her Father never wanted her to see him no longer write books for no one who would ever read them.

That was one thing that they did together. Her Mother would read the books that her Father would write. She was his top fan.

Uncle William was a mad scientist. That was exactly how he was. He had plenty of inventions to go around. He normally needed the assistance of Ariana. His newest assistant who was bound to go insane working for him. The four years that had gone by. He went through about twenty assistants a year. That would approximately make eighty assistants. Eighty people who could not handle working with the man.

The front door of her home was standing right in front of her. She dug for her keys in her coat pocket. Clink, clink, clink.

She opened the oak door. Calling out to no one as there never would be a warm welcome back.

Dropping the grocery bags off into the Kitchen for Missy to put away. Kellen Jane Hopper darted up the stairs for her life. Her foot got caught on the last step, causing her to stumble. She got up immediately to her room.

The oak door shut quietly. Kellen quickly changed into her nightgown and leaped for her bed across the room.

She dropped herself into position, hoping that she would be sent straight to the Metropolis.


It worked! It honestly, truly did! Except for one thing. She was alone. Her eyes looked around for Sleepers. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but yet there was. The atmosphere was eerie. Kellen Jane Hopper was alone.
After trying in vain for hours to go to sleep, thoughts of her father's unbreakable slumber deeply etched in her mind, a combination of mental and emotional exhaustion finally saw Nicole Arden closing her blue eyes, her long blonde hair falling neatly over her face and shielding her eyes from any more sight of the real world. She needed to get back into the Dreamworld, find out what was going on. Her father's seemingly half-alive-half-dead state may be due to something in the dreamworlds, she didn't know. Either way she wanted to investigate, see if she can find anything or anyone that could explain these startling phenomena. She'd be immensely relieved if she found anyone at all.

Finally, she found herself lying in the forest floor, hastily rising and looking all around. No one was there, and upon closer inspection some of the nearby plants, as blurry and unclear as they are due to the nature of this world, seemed to be withering.... dying. What was happening to this place?

Nicole wandered the forest aimlessly for a very long time, despairing over every st3ep she took not hearing a sound, seeing nothing but the fantastical creatures and plants of this place that seemed to be fading over time. However, she kept going. She kept going because there had to be something here that would help explain what was going on, preferably someone. Nicole felt so lost an alone, she found herself praying to God that she find someone.

Suddenly, Nicole heard faint voices nearby. Human voices.... could she truly have found someone here? The mere thought gave her a sliver of hope that seemed nonexistent before as she neared the two voices. Finally, she spotted them, hiding behind a tree for now, wondering if they noticed her. She found herself materializing a Rapier at her hip almost subconsciously, just in case these ones were hostile for some reason. She couldn't be too careful about the only two people here in a world otherwise strangely devoid of life. For all she knew they could be behind it somehow. For now she silently hung behind this tree, eavesdropping on the distant figures, one male and one female. The male spoke up, and his words caused a shiver to run down Nicole's spine.

"I think the dreamworlds are dying." What could he mean?
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The only thing Nina could hear was her screams. lots and lots of screaming. "What is going on?!" She screeched, waving her arms in front of her as the sky whistled past her,as the dark gray concrete the ground neared closer and closer. "No, no! Someone anyone, Pan, Pan!!!" Just as Nina the would have felt the hard impact of ground, she was surrounded in warmth. Warmth and fluffiness. A sharp gasp escaped her as she patted herself down, checking to make sure she was still in one peice. "I'm alive! I'm alive!" She laughed, pushing her fingers into the giant plush bed that had cushioned her fall.

Once her heart had stopped beating a million miles a hour, Nina glanced around her surroundings. Tall building surrounded her, along many other equally confused individuals scoped out their area. They ranged from old grandmotherly figures, to children, no more than six or seven. What is going on here? I am still asleep? As she crawled out of bed Nina fell to her knees, scraping her hands as she lessened the fall. Her palms stung with the clear indication that they were bleeding, as if she were awake. "No...No! Those pills should have worked!!" she screamed, beginning to pound her fists on the ground in frustration. "I want to see Pan! Take me to Pan!!" Her assault on the ground became blurry as her eyes filled with tears, darkening the concrete they hit. "Please...Please..." Finally Nina crawled into a ball, silent sobs overtaking her. "Pan...Just take me to Pan..."
In the star-strewn sands of The Ocean, where bright sunlight continued to filter through the drifting water column, Rori was found lingering beside a tower of boulders. The fact that his shoulders rose and fell with normal breath might have been baffling to one who first stepped into this World. After all, being underwater and sucking down salt water of one’s own volition only ensued drowning.

But that was a perk of this region. Breathing was effortless and functioned just the same if he were above surface, an action that Rori tended to take for granted. That, and the fact he could remain perfectly upright without being crushed by the mass of water that literally weighed tons above his head.

Fixed on a particular object nestled in the crevices, he all but resembled a picture of contemplation as Rori continued to stay in a low squat, elbows braced on flattened thighs and allowing his hands to form a neat platform for his chin. A casual tilt of the head perfected the image, the angle just enough to permit a few vagabond strands of hair to sweep against his brow.

The statuesque position was broken only once since his arrival as Rori leaned closer in to view the single piece of coral budding from the stones.

It was premature compared to its surrounding neighbors, stunted in growth and barely longer than the length of his hand. But like the others he’d studied before there was beauty marked in every bend and fold of the twisting structure. Bent inward by the current, the coral was shaped like a broad, hollowed out bowl, already making room for itself along the packed surface as its branches widened outward. Whether of granite built or aquatic reef, those nestled nearby were lent a soft, buttery hue, a result of the gold varnishing that encased each individual branch, the very tips highlighted with copper undertones that caught the light. It reminded him of a small crown, impressive even amongst the rest that battled for attention.

His eyes remained fixed on the coral in rapt attention, flickering every so often to change perceptions. As always Rori spent what time he could committing the visual to memory, embedding both warm and cold colors alike as deeply as he could to his mind’s eye. Perhaps if he tried hard enough, those visions could one day be drawn back into reality, back into his sight. Perhaps...

The coral, as if suddenly self-conscious of the heavy scrutiny, reacted. Enough to interrupt his concentration Rori watched in disbelief as it began to regress in size, shrinking right before him like a shy creature. Shifting in agitation and thinking he had imagined it, Rori reached out.

In an instant its efforts doubled, obviously disapproving of his response, and before he could understand why, all manners of gold and copper fled from the tiny coral. In the blink of an eye the colors had simply vanished. What remained now was only a shriveled skeletal artifact, one that would undoubtedly crumble the second he touched it. Bleached dry and lacking any of its previous luster, the remnant looked enormously out of place compared to what surrounded it.

It was unsettling, to say the least, and disturbed by the vision, Rori stood. Contrast to most visits in which he passed many hours untroubled, there was an increasing notion that he had overstayed his time. Before there was time to change his mind he made a subtle gesture in the water, stepping into the summoned portal that would lead him to the next World
Alise was confused, heavily so. Normally when she fell asleep she was instantly greeted by a few friends she actually had in the DreamWorld, but this time..this time there was no one to greet her. No one to make her feel happy from her usual terrible day. This both confused and depressed Alise, at this point in her life sleep was really the only good thing she had going for her. " Gde vse?(Where is everyone?)" She mumbled, looking around worriedly.

In the distance she could hear someone screaming, but she typically stayed away from screaming. She wandered around a bit, but at the same time was wandering in the direction of the screaming. Everything seemed to be dying, what little green was in the Metropolis was gray and dead, even the buildings were starting to take on a decayed look.

Eventually, unwillingly and almost unknowingly she reached the source. "Ty v poryadke?(Are you okay?)" She asked her in Russian. Though..the girl didn't look Russian. She doubted she spoke Russian, why did she even try using Russian to start with? Sighing nervously she decided to ask again. "Sorry..are vy okay?" She asked her. "Kakiye going on..?" She added. Her English clearly wasn't the best, but she hoped the girl could piece together what she said good enough.

@Elfia Nightwing
As Nina felt the fimiliar reverberation of footsteps in her chest as someone neared her. A girl, a forgiener at that. At first she spoke in a language Nina had never heard before, it was harsh but oddly beautiful. It reminded her of the old hebrew lullabies one of her old foster mothers would sing to her. Nina glanced up at the stranger, shying away instantly as she did when ever she met someone new. I don't want her here... She's not Pan... Realizing that the stranger had asked her another question, her English heavily blocked by a thick accent, Nina shook her head in denial.

After that, Nina glanced down at her burning palms, now not only was the inside of her palms stained in the crimison red liquid, her knuckles burned with new scratches adding on to the already scared skin. Nina held up her hands to show that stranger, fliping them over on both sides to show her.
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@Elfia Nightwing

Alise at first wasn't sure if she was avoiding her for some odd reason like people in real life did, or if Nina was just shy. In the end it became apparent it was shyness rather than her trying to be rude. She gasped lightly in shock when she showed her her hands, she didn't really like to see people hurt so the sight of Nina hurt and bleeding made her sad even if she didn't know her. "What happened to vy?" She asked her, crouching down next to her and gently grabbing her hand and forming water around it while slowly cleaning it.

None of her pain would most likely effect her in the real world, but that didn't mean she had to be in pain her. "Ya Alise. Who are vy?" She asked, deciding to take things slow and hopefully calm Nina down.
When she felt the contact of water, Nina flinched pulling her hands away in shock. She screeched, letting out a animal like yelp of fear as her green eyes widened in surprise. When the question of her name came up, Nina frowned, glancing down at her soaked finger tips, then the concrete grounds. Suddenly an idea of communication came to her. Nina began writing out her name with her drenched finger tips, the rough concrete a contract to her soft skin. When she was satisfied she sat back, exposing her work to Alise. In slightly wobbly print, Nina's message was quickly fading in the brightly sunlight. My name is Nina.
@Elfia Nightwing

"Sozhaleyu!(Sorry)" She shouted when Nina pulled away from her and yelped. "Ya didn't mean to hurt vy. Ya was trying to help." She explained before sighing. She kind of felt like she wasn't exactly helping her calm down, if anything she was making it worse. She guessed the girl was either mute or extremely shy as she wrote her name down on the ground.

Alise smiled and nodded, "Nice to meet vy." She told her. "Is there anything ya can do to help vy?" She asked. "Ya doesn't like when people are grustnyy(sad)." She added.
Nina thought it over, anything? Suddenly she perked up, smiling brightly. Maybe she can help me find Pan! As she reached for more water, Nina found that it had all evaporated, causing her to pout. If only I had a notebook and pen. Just as she felt thought that, she felt a pressure on her knees which caused her to glance down. A notebook and pen. Just what she needed!

Nina smiled, opening it up quickly and jotted down a message. Once Nina was content with the message, she held it out for Alise to read.

Can you help me find my friend? He's been missing for a while now, but maybe, maybe He's here! Nina smiled brightly, looking expectantly at the new girl. If she knew Pan or better yet help her find Pan, that would fix everything! She wouldn't be lonely anymore!!
(Mfw I misspelled my own characters name for 90% of my posts..)

@Elfia Nightwing

Alisa arched a brow as Nina seemed to perk up, a lot. Though she didn't comment on the sudden change of attitude, she was just glad she seemed to of calmed down. She watched curiously as she formed a notebook and pen and proceeded to write it in. She smiled and nodded when she showed it to her. "Konechno! Of course ya will." She replied excitedly. "Does vy know where vy's friend might be? Can vy tell ya what he looks like?" She asked her, tilting her head slightly in question.

Maybe she'd be able to make a friend by trying to help her find her friend. A weird way to make friends, but hey if it works it works, Alisa wasn't exactly going to complain.
Nick approached quietly from behind, causing the brown-haired girl and the younger boy to jump when he spoke.

"You're right." He said calmly. As the girl and the boy turned to look at him, he spied a third girl, with golden curls of hair, concealed behind a tree. If his sight did not betray him, then the reflective metal in her hand seemed to belong to a weapon of some sort. He knew he had to proceed carefully. Those with DA could be dangerous, that much he knew. But he also knew that the most lethal people weren't those who held a blade in their hands. It was those who could take hold of your mind, and twist it like putty in their hands.

Nick shuddered involuntarily. Those who could actually kill. But these people seemed nice and harmless enough, and he figured giving them more information wouldn't hurt. After all, they might lead him to the one he was hunting down.

"The DreamWorlds will start to crumble when there isn't enough human consciousness to sustain it." He explained.

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'How peculiar' She thought to herself as she sat down at the bench. As far as she can remember the scenery her and Egon had only ever been empty twice, this marking the third time that they would be alone within the DreamWorld. It didn't make Henriette that uneasy, the place within the forest not holding any attractions, so it was understandable few passed by. It did however make her uneasy, that Egon was not here. She sat alone on the bench, slowly taking in the surroundings as she felt the breeze against her skin. It send a shiver down her spine, the warmth she was so used to, not marking it's presence. She waited for a bit, the forest as empty of people as it was when she arrived.

She got up -in her own pace- and opened a portal. She used this ability with Egon at times, to explore new scenarios that might remind them of their youth. She took a step on the dirt road of the forrest, the next step being placed on concrete. She was in the middle of the grandest city she's been in, trying to avoid crowded places as it can be so difficult to get anywhere. Yet the city was barren, no folk around anywhere. It made her quite scared, afraid that she had lost her mind, somehow stuck in the dreams she so often longed for.
What he looks like? I've never really described him to anyone before.

Nina frowned down at her notebook, trying to figure out a way to describe her best friend. Soon she just found herself, writing down everything she remembered about him, his smile, his laugh, everything that made her feel warm and safe when ever he was near. When she felt confident in her description she held it up for Alisa.

He's a kind man, who's really tall and has curly, curly hair.

It wasn't the most accurate description, certainly not anything noteworthy but just writing about Pan to someone filled Nina with a new found happiness. When ever she would bring up the subject of Pan to others when she awake, they would brush her off as crazy and ignore her. If she continued to talk about Pan, things would often turn violent. Once, a foster father held her hand over a open flame, demanding that Nina stop with her "Childish Fantasies." Pretty soon after than, Pan suggesting that she stop talking to people about him. "I don't need the notoriety if it means bad things happen to you." he frowned, glancing down at her bandaged hand. Nina never questioned Pan's motives that day, only pinky promised him that she wouldn't talk about him again.

Nina glanced up expectantly at Alisa, thrusting her description further into her face.

Have you seen him? It's very important I find him!

She quickly scratched down, growing so passionate that the pen actually ripped through the paper.
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@Elfia Nightwing

Alisa watched as Nina wrote down information about Pan. Whoever he was must of been very important to the girl, and she seemed to particularly like the topic of someone helping her find him. Whatever got the girl happy and calmed down Alisa was fine with, she enjoyed helping people after all. She arched a brow at the description she was given, it wasn't really much to go on at all. There were lots of nice tall people with curly hair, the description was the equivilant of a tall caucasian male with blonde hair. Or a Russian man with a beard.

She was about to say something when the notebook was thrust into her face. She shook her head slowly and chuckled, a small smile on her face. "Uspokoysya(calm down), don't worry. Ya will help vy find him." She replied. "Ya hasn't seen him though." She added. "Maybe ya has..Can vy tell ya what he wears?" She asked. Alisa was completely un-aware that Pan wasn't exactly completely real, but she was determined to help her regardless.
Concrete clapped against the bottom of his boots as Rori, not expecting to be lurched from the gateway, stumbled into the next world. Transferring between worlds continued to be a work in progress, especially when it came to departing the portal. Though there was some means of surface to catch you it didn’t necessarily promise the ground below was even and sure footed. On the startling occasions, Rori had even found himself dropping for a frightening second or two before his feet hit the ground. Or heated rocks. Or a stray puddle. There were some things the DreamWorlds excused you from but a wet pants leg was not one of them.

Still, having intended to visit the botanical peace of The Forest, it was somewhat unexpected, if not perplexing, to find himself stepping onto smooth pavement rather than the lush emerald fields. Thinking back he had pictured the right World just before conjuring the portal. That tended to help the process, and certainly played a big role in how he would depart from the gateway. But this was something entirely new.

Partly amused at being transported elsewhere, the gateway standing behind winked shut, glad to be relieved of its passenger. “My mistake…?” he supposed with a smile, tapping his shoes to rid them of dust before raising his face to the city.

Metropolis was not an area that he frequented often. It reminded him too greatly of his bustling, home capital back overseas. When he had first chanced upon the area, the glistening infrastructure and constant reel of transportation speeding down the roadside had felt all too real. Rori had probably spent less than half the time compared to others, choosing the most ostentatious of billboards and street names as markers in case he ever decided to revisit.

At this very moment in time it was quite obvious that his previous efforts had been in vain. Metropolis, like its neighboring worlds, was wealthy when it came to size. Due to the sheer mass of dreamers vacationing each night, the regions had bypassed the notion of rebuilding themselves each time and simply expanded their regions to impossible size.

What Rori had attempted the first time of his visit seemed laughable now as he realized just how much he'd underestimated their power. The only object he recognized now was the stalwart skyscraper glimmering miles in the distance. It caught his attention, unexpectedly, and forgetting his previous opinion of the city Rori started in its vague direction, not knowing that only empty streets and equally abandoned buildings awaited him.
Valora gave a start when an unfamiliar voice spoke up behind her, and she spun around to catch a glimpse of a girl ducked behind a tree. But the one who spoke was not her. Valora's eyes focused on a boy with dark hair in front of her. He was standing in plain sight, but for some reason, Valora found it hard to see him clearly. But he obviously knew more about the DreamWorlds than she did.

"Where is everyone?" She demanded, thinking he had something to do with these mysterious disppearances. "And who are you?" She added as an afterthought.

She felt a warm hand slip into hers and glanced down to see Julian standing by her side protectively, eyeing the boy with equal mistrust. Valora gave her brother's hand a reassuring squeeze, then faced the boy again, who was observing them with an amused expression on his face.

Even though he hated to admit it, Ryan was a little creeped out by all the people puffing out of exsistence all around him, but it wasn't enough to make him wake up. He wandered around the Metropolis, keeping his ears tuned for any sign of human voices.


Ryan instantly swung his head in the direction of the voice, and even though it might've been his own imagination, he ran towards it, his footsteps loud in contrast to the eerie silence. Eventually, he caught sight of a human's sillouhete, slightly unsteady. Ryan squinted, and faintly made out the outline of a boy near his age, looking like he'd just fallen out of a DreamLink portal.

"Uh, hello?" He said warily, keeping his distance from the sole human being.

Observing the others, who seemed to not have taken notice of her yet, Nicole simply kept peeking around the tree at them, observing all she can while she had the chance. All of a sudden, another boy appeared, entirely out of the blue. He seemed to materialize, simply standing there as if he'd been here and not appeared here now because he fell asleep. After speaking up towards the others, seeming to confirm the younger boy's grim guesswork, Nicole's eyes widened as he suddenly turned her direction and stared right at her. She found herself gripping the hilt of her weapon even tighter, turning around and putting her back to the tree, hoping he didn't notice her and nothing had happened. The ominous boy who had seemed to materialize out of thin air hadn't paid Nicole's presence any true heed just yet, whether he had seen her earlier or not.

A few moments had passed since, with a rapid heartbeat and frantic thoughts, Nicole barely managed to catch the other girl's very astute questions. What should she do? Run away? That was her first thought, but... this boy, as suspicious as he was, seemed to have answers. Somehow, he knew more about the dreamworlds' current state than Nicole and the other two. Could she let this opportunity slip by her. 'No... no I cannot,' she finally decided. Keep it together Nicole... breathe... put on an air of confidence, then show yourself. It will be three against one. You shall be fine.'

With her semi-successful attempt at self-reassurance spurring her, Nicole stood, back straight, head held high, then with a deep breath came out of hiding behind the boy. ""I daresay we'd all like to know. I certainly do." Once she'd caught the others attention, she used all of her practice in stressful situations in the real world to keep a composed, regal look about herself as she spoke further. "While you're at it, if you can tell us why we're here, what's so special about people like me and those two, it would be much appreciated." Staring the man down as convincingly as she could manage, Nicole waited anxiously for his response. She had a feeling that whatever he knew, he'd prefer not to reveal it so easily though. She kept an air of caution about her, hand gripping her swords hilt firmly though still pointing it downwards nonthreateningly.

Kellen wandered aimlessly in the Metropolis. Her ears perked to voices, ones that she couldn't hear.

The black haired girl spoke. "Hej?" (Hello?)

The echo of her voice was omnimous. Giving off an eerie vibe that chilled her to her bones. Being alone in the Metropolis was impossible. It was highly populated.

A flush of memories came back to her when the other girls at the Academy locked her in the storage room at school. The memory was fresh as it was her last day at Emily Ross's Private School for Girls.

She remembered her voice going hoarse from crying. Eventually she was let out by the Janitor. He seemed baffled to the young girl.

But the Dreamworlds were nothing like reality. The complete opposite indeed. Kellen was determined to find somebody.

She called out again in the Metropolis.

"Hej! Er her nogen?"

(Hello! Is anybody here?)
A striped shirt, and pants! And a mole on his left cheek. Nina looked up as if the information she gave was a national treasure, her eyes glittering in hope. I want to see him again, I really want to see Pan again! Nina smiled brightly at the thought of seeing pan again, scribbling down another message in her notebook. You promise you'll help me? She looked up nervously at Alisa. She had been lied to before to people so said they would help her find Pan, they all turned out to be bad people. Alisa though, she seemed like a good
Ryan paused mid-step, swinging his head around to face the other direction. A few seconds ago, there was not a single person in sight, but now, there was another voice calling out. "Hej! Er her nogen?" The voice sounded like a girl's, but it wasn't any language Ryan understood. For a second he froze, caught between the strange boy a few steps away from him and the other voice that echoed from the other side. He kept his gaze trained on the boy, even though his ears awaited a second call from the foreign girl.

@thistle @Lunar Lunacy

Right? Ah, so many choices.

Possibly forward, since the very notion of altering directions was proving to be a hard concept to grasp. Going backwards was entirely out of the question because clearly there was a building there. Unless he wished to retreat five steps back and be met by solid, clear glass, then Rori had three other options to choose from.

“When it comes to the overall picture,” he concluded while tapping his bottom lip in thoughtless fashion, “it doesn’t quite matter which way I take.”

He wasn't delusional. Based on the elephant in the Metropolis, Rori was only trying to make light of things before eventual panic set in.

After venturing from where the portal had spat him out, it had quickly become apparent that things were…off in this world. More specifically that there was no one here. At all. Not a waving hand or chattering mouth in sight.

It ruined all plans of people watching, but that was beside the point.

What should have been swarming with life and creativity, pieces of scintillating code dancing in the air to service the wish of a next dreamer, was entirely gone. All that remained now was a city waiting to be occupied, wishing to be used.

Oddly enough it did little to dampen his mood. Was the current situation strange? Of course. To witness an area that had most likely been booming with activity the night before and suddenly be wiped clean of people was bizarre. But Rori felt the same void in the Metropolis as he did in his vision in real life. It was lacking, and though he knew there was something that needed to be filled, there was nothing he could do.

He had to admit it was a strange parallelism to draw but it explained why it didn’t affect him as it should.

As a result, rather than waiting for uncertainty to set in, Rori had opted for finding a distraction, which in this case had been figuring out which part of the city to explore.

The idea of direction wasn’t so important as finding a vantage point, Rori decided. Right as he turned to go up the path that sloped upward a faint call arrived, tapping him on the opposite shoulder.

“Oh?” He swiveled, lightly turning on a single heel to face the other direction, arms swinging loose in the open space. As he did so, he thought he had spotted a lithe figure passing between the space of two shops, dark hair trailing from its skull. But it was fleeting and the momentum of his turn carried him around to face downhill, where a figure remained.

Too far to make out the exact expression on the stranger’s face, Rori started in their direction, steps purposefully light to show he intended little harm. Then, when he thought himself close enough to hear without shouting, a hand was placed to the side of his mouth, Rori throwing his voice loud enough to hear.

“Having a hard time figuring out where to go too?” he asked, assessing the boy with a tilt of the head. “Or were you merely seeking company like a normal person would?" Rori noticed a reaction from the figure then, the blonde head turning as though something else had caught his attention. "...Ah! I wasn't imagining it. You saw her too?"

@JayfeatherRaven @Lunar Lunacy
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