Dreamscape [Sign Up Thread]

Name: Alice Branwen

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: In the real world, she is intelligent, clever, and kind. She wants to help others and will do whatever it takes to accomplish that feat. Alice believes that everybody has good inside of them, no matter what crime they have committed. But even with a caring and compassionate nature, she will stand up for somebody in need, despite her physical setbacks. She is NOT the kind of person to get walked all over, and is a take-charge kind of girl. Now….in the dream world…..she’s a bit different. Well, a LOT different. Though she remains intelligent, she becomes much more harsh and fierce. She is cunning, blood-thirsty, battle ready, and amused by others pain. She is tricky and decisive when need be, but still loyal and honest to those she feels deserves such things. However, she is not heartless and will aid those who require her help, still pertaining to traces of her original kindness. But in a fight expect no mercy. She toys with her opponents and enjoys nothing more than striking fear into their hearts before tearing them apart. And, well, while here, she may be considered generally insane. She’s still the take charge person, the type who always goes solo but when need be will lead the group. But lately her dream self’s personality has been creeping into her real life personality, something which ash caused great worry to poor Alice.

Real World


Dream: Her dream begins with her alone, in a dark room, where it is freezing cold. She’s naked as a newborn and cannot find her wheelchair, so Alice is completely immobilized on the chilly ground. All around her she can hear nothing but a high pitched whistling sound, a noise which brings immeasurable pain to her ears. Her eyes follow the sound, and she finds that it is coming from a large, metal door, slightly opened and revealing a streak of eerie red light. Then a voice, terrible and frightening, commands and ushers her to go to the door. But each time, she refuses, and the voice grows angry. Suddenly, the is closed even more, though the sound remains. It’s such a terrible sound, it drives her mad. She demands that the voice make it stop, but the voice insists that only she can do it. Infuriated, Alice makes a pitiful attempt at crawling to the door, as though she was fighting for her salvation. Yet the voice only laughs. It tells her that she amuses him, and it is only because of that that she is alive. Before she can reply, however, the solid floor violently shakes. The noise becomes louder and more unbearable, and it is only then does she know that it is indeed a violin note. The ground continues to ripple, like a liquid, and she immediately starts to sinks into it. Only when she is half inside the liquid, so far down that the pressure doesn’t even allow her to struggle anymore, the girl realizes it is blood. She realizes that more importantly, it is HER blood. And no matter how hard she swims, how fast she flays her arms in a desperate attempt to get away, it only pulls her closer and closer to what she knows to be the jaws of the voice. The door grows further and further away, opening and closing, slamming shut and bursting open, allowing her glimpses of dark marble stairs. The voice taunts her, laughs at her, demands that she does what it wants. She shouts at it, in return asking to know what it wants. Yet she doesn't get her answer, only more laughter. The dream ends when she is surrounded by fire within the blood, only seeing the glowing red eyes of the great dragon as it consumes her completely.

Dream World

(EDIT: She does not have claws on her hands, only on her feet, and they appear at will)

Abilities: Being that she is (clearly) half dragon, her abilities come as so. She can fly, can engage incredible strength and speed that go beyond that of a normal human, her visual perception is much more advanced, her skin, though not completely covered in scales, is smooth and much harder to penetrate then it would be if she was human. This relates to her advanced healing abilities and regeneration powers. Small wounds like cuts or bruises would be adjusted to a healing point instantly, though if she broke a bone or lost a limb it would take far longer then that (varying from a few minutes to a few hours depending n the wound and her current levels) She can commit to shadow manipulation, but not on a grand scale, only just enough to have that
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Posting in the hopes that you're still accepting people.

Name: David Aldern

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality: David has always been slightly withdrawn, soft-spoken and reserved. This stems from a desire to reflect competence, and he fears that revealing too much of himself will have the opposite effect. He has a job working at a law firm as a paralegal, where he only does enough work to keep himself from being fired.

Real World

Looks: David looks fairly unassuming, short brown hair that curls if he lets it grow out, brown eyes. He stands at 5’11 and is about as tan as one could expect a paralegal who spends most of his time indoors to be. He’s accustomed to wearing his cheap suits, which he has to put on for work each day.

Dream: The dream is never quite the same, but it always centers around a few key motives. David is out in the wilderness. He’s wearing his regular work attire, but is standing in front of a makeshift campsite. He needs something, whether its a lighter, a tarpaulin, or just a water bottle. He goes through a pack which he seems to have always had, but the one item he needs isn’t there. He struggles, searching the site for it. He knows he had it at some point, but he can’t seem to find it. He steps away from the camp, searching some trail to lead back to civilisation. As he steps into the underbrush, he always awakes from the dream, in an inexplicable cold sweat.

The site represents David’s small little comfort zone, his only little bubble. The wilderness is the world pressing in on his space, foreign and threatening. His unpreparedness shows that he can’t stay in his bubble forever.

Dream World


His posture straightens, and a few pockmarks and acne scars disappear from his face. His cheap gray suit is replaced by a pressed black suit, like what a partner would wear at the firm. Otherwise, he remains largely unchanged.

Abilities: Preparedness. In contrast to his dream, David always seems to have the exact tool for the job, and the knowledge of how to use it. He's not sure where they come from, but he doesn't want to question it.


I am still accepting, but I do have to warn you. Your abilities and powers are going to leave you vastly outmatched in the Dream World with the other dreamers and the Nightmares where there are monsters that can fly and breath fire.

This is the Dream World, don't you want to do something more, out of this world. It's the Dream World, you can do anything you want! We have half-dragon girls, robot warriors with energy sabres and blasters, archers who can teleport, half-mermaid pirates, vampires with blood spells, etc.

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