Dreamscape [Sign Up Thread]


Dragon Knight


The Dream World is the world where all dreams come together, it is a world constructed by imagination filled with the most vivid of people's ideas. Dreams exist in this world as small, cute creatures who appear when their Dreamer sleeps and disappear when he awakens.

However a dark presence has drawn it shadow over the Dream World and Dreams have been evolving into Nightmares, terrifying, larger and more powerful versions of themselves causing destruction and mayhem.

The Sandman, charged with looking after the Dream World decides to bring enlist the help of Humans, bringing them into the Dream World and making them Lucid Dreamers with extraordinary powers based on their own dreams to help fight the Nightmares, transform them back to Dreams and discover the cause for this chaos in the Dream World.

You play one of the many humans recruited by the Sandman to help defeat the Nightmares. You may lead an ordinary life in the day, but as soon as you sleep you become a defender of the Dream World. You fight for your own personal reasons, but the Sandman promised each Lucid Dreamer if they helped him he would help stop their recurring Nightmares.

Everyone who joins is already a trained Lucid Dreamer who has been doing this for a while and knows how everything works.


How to Join

To join is simple, firstly create a Character Sheet according the skeleton posted below and post it here. If I ask for changes, change and once it is accepted and on the list you may join in the RP. In the actual RP, you can do a short or long post about your character living some day to day stuff before they go to sleep. Then once your character falls asleep you automatically appear in the Dream World as a Lucid Dreamer and can continue your mission to help the Sandman fight Nightmares.

You must also read the Story Thread, link above. It contains vital information on how everything works! Seriously, I'll know if you don't read it, by your lack of terminology and boot you out!

This works as it allows you to immediately join or leave a battle as necessary, you just need to wake up to leave or fall asleep to join.


Character Sheets

Character Sheets will have two parts, your regular human self and your dream self. Please try to follow the skeleton and fill out all details.



(Please try to keep as similar as possible)

Name: (Ordinary human name)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Age: (Obvious)

Personality: (Small description of your personality)

Real World

Looks: (Tell me how you look in the real world, remember normal. Pictures are allowed)

Dream: (Here you tell me about recurring dream that will form the basis for your power as well as let us know about your history.)

Dream World

Appearance: This what you look like in the Dream World, you should look like your original self but with add ons. Anything from new clothes which can be futuristic, medi-evil, feudal, magical, elemental, etc. You can also have new limbs or stuff like extra arms, wings, a tail, markings, different hair, different eyes, more etc. Go wild, only rule is, you should look like you originally did if all the add-ons were removed. It must also be based on your recurring dream, in a sense this how you dream you would be.

Abilities: Here you explain your powers and abilities in your Dream Form, you can have any power, ability, etc. Just don't over do it and they can get stronger and evolve with time. You can also include any weapons you may wield here and what they can do, again they can be weapons from any time period, or magical. This is the Dream World!


My Character Sheet

Name: The Sandman

Gender: Male

Age: As old as time

Personality: The Sandman is a mysterious being who has existed since the dawn of time bringing sleep to the world and watching over the Dream World. He is kind and caring, wishing to protect all Dreams, but he can stern and knows his duty is to keep the Nightmares at bay. He can get quite frustrated with Lucid Dreamers and their all too human nature. He loves to speak in riddles and being vague is his speciality.

Appearance: He looks like a man made completely of sand, he wears a sandy brown coat that covers his chest and reaches down to his knees with a high collar. He also wears a sandy brown stetson (cowboy hat) that is pointed at the top and flops back.

Abilities: The Sandman is made of nothing but sand so he can break down into sandy puddle, flow like sand. He can also change his shape or size to certain degrees. He can also form his sand into hard compressed rocky like weapons or tools for a myriad of uses.
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I like were your going with this and it sounds good but i wont be completely dedicated is that a problem
Name: Ava Allison Daniels

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Developmental

Real World


Dream: Ava is sitting at a piano in a dark room. The only things she sees are the piano and blank sheet music sitting on the ledge. No music plays and Ava goes to press one pf the pristinely white keys, but someone- or something- beats her to it. Music begins to play and notes are being written on the sheet music by an unseen hand. Ava knows the song but dares not sing the words that bring her so much pain aloud. Instead, she sings them in her head 'Two little doves sit upon a window ledge. Singing the songs pf the morning. Why must the birds wake so early?' Ava pauses to swallow back salty tears. She misses a few verses and then begins again. 'Little child opens the window and pushes the two birds down, down, down!' Ava realizes she had her eyes shut and opens them to find herself in her childhood room. Sitting on the window ledge are two doves, one is pristinely white, the other covered with specks of red. Ava, uncontrolably walks to the window and pushes the white one down. The bird falls to the ground and when it hits it is the body of her twin brother. Ava pushes the specked one down and when she looks it is her own body lying there. A flash, and the dove body is back but now covered in the blood of her brother but alive. The dream ends there.

The dream is taken from a childhood memory. Her twin brother had been born to be a musician and played and composed well. Ava was jealous. The white dove represents her brother's innocent five year old self and the speckled one her jealous self. The song was one her brother had composed and she had made the words. A few minutes after they had finished the two were playing and sitting on Ava's window will. Ava, jokingly, pretended to push him but he slipped and fell four stories down. There was no saving him and Ava took silent pleasure in her brother being dead but mourned him as well. She takes guilty pleasure in the memory every time she thinks pf it. At the end, when her dove-self falls it is representing how she should have fallen and died too but didn't.

Dream World


Appearance: But with fangs

Abilities: Vampiric abilities, can summon blood red doves to attack and form shapes and hypnotic singing/music (Like the Greek Sirens)

Name: Raelden Nokov

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Carefree, free-spirited

Real World


Dream: Rael is playing video games, his favorite activity. The game he is playing is Mega-Man, his favorite game of all time. He reaches the final boss, but instead of fighting Dr. Wily, a small 8-bit version of Rael's father is there. No matter how hard Rael tries, even with his mad Mega-Man skills, he can't defeat his father, and he loses all of his lives. "Game Over, Rael!" appears on the screen, and the controller in Rael's hands shakes and shudders by itself. Rael drops it. The TV screen goes black, and a skull appears on it. The television comes to life, using the controller cords as arms, and reaches out for Rael, and the skull on the screen laughs. He tries to run, but his feet are tangled up in cords, and the television drags him to the screen, and pulls him into its depths, and he falls into blackness. The dream usually ends there. Rael's father was a video game designer, but he got too sucked into his work and deprived himself of sleep and nutrition. He eventually came down with a terrible sickness and died. The dream symbolizes how, even with Rael's greatest efforts, the memory of his father's death always overpowers him. Rael loves video games, but he constantly worries that he will suffer the same fate his father did. But, despite this fear, the comforting feel of a controller in his hands is too alluring for Rael to resist.

Dream World


Appearance: This is Protoman, Rael's favorite video game character ever.

Powers: As Protoman, Rael has access to all of the capabilities and weapons Protoman has in the Mega Man games. These abilities/weapons include:

Protoman's shield, extremely durable, can deflect projectiles

Arm cannon similar to Mega Man's, but more powerful and is equipped with several different types of shots

A Z-saber, red energy blade

General badassery

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I love Megaman! Ok fandom over.

Technically that is Protoman.EXE, also you will stick with the name as you don't change names in the Dream World. You don't actually become Protoman, you just change apperance. The powers are good but I'll have to nix the weapon absorbing ability. I know it's a Megaman trademark, but it's too gmy. Remove that and you will be fine. 
Ok, accepted. However the RP has not opened yet. We were waiting for people, so I will open the RP when someone else joins or tomorrow. Whichever comes first!
Name: Brock Fahliil Doors

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: A strong headed person who will go out of his way to help anyone he cares about

Real World

Looks: A male who has blonde hair blue eyes. he is fit with a swimmers body. always wears his favorite clothes which includes a blue shirt and jeans with boots.

Dream: Brock is walking through a hallway of sticky notes feeling like someone is chasing him. He starts to run just in case until he sees a note that must have fallen off. He recognizes the writing immediately. The writing is that of his 12 year old sister. it reads "Why must it be our dad who hates us I mean first he kills our mom then he threatens me. Tomorrow we run." He remembers this day as he closes his eyes and the next thing he knows is he is in his old bedroom with his sister and they are packing their bags because they are running away from their abusive dad. Then their dad walks in and is immediately angry because he knows they are running away from him. Dad goes and is about to smack my older sister and I step in the way of him and he slaps me hard enough to knock me out but I still see it all my dad approaches my sister as he get closer my sister backs up toward the window as she approaches it she tries to open it but my dad won't let her. As my sister is against the wall my dad punches her in her face and keeps punching her than she falls down and he starts to kick her repeatedly until she is no longer breathing . Then he walks over to where I was the last time he saw me but I was no longer there I had ran when he was kicking my sister. He closes his eyes again and he is at the police station telling them what happened and one police officer just laughs and said do you expect us to believe that then they all join in laughing. I run out yelling "WHY DON'T THEY BELIEVE ME?" as I run away. As I am running a car pulls over and it is my dad he tells me to get in the car. I just run and run as fast as I can, but as I cross a street a car runs my leg over and the person in the car is my aunt she yells at me saying that I should have been stronger for my sister. She said that it should have been me and she was right I was the one supposed to die not my sister.

Dream World

Appearance: The same as above but with black highlights and a bow across his back

Abilities: Teleportation and Telekinesis
((I don't mean to be rude, Mage, but I think you need to work on your run-on sentences :P ))
Sorry about the run-ons I kinda get in a writing mood and don't remember where to put all the grammer things. And to Pyro ok I am perfectly fine with the teleporting being limited.
Name: Marika Loveson

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Personality: Adventurous, bright, cheery, and kind.

Real World

Looks: She looks like she does in the dream world except she has regular clothing. (Look at picture in dream world section for reference)

Dream: Everytime Marika goes to sleep she dreams of being the captain of a large pirate ship with a small but strong crew. She is strong and agile and works well with a sword. She can also control water and wind. She goes on an adventure with her crew but every time she faces the Captain of the pirates they fight her dream ends and she is sucked into a whirl pool.

Dream World



She also sometimes has a mermaid tail, but she can decide when she wants to switch to having a mermaid tail.

Abilities: Marika usually uses a sword but she can also control the elements wind and water.
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I'm sorry but it does need to be a recurring dream, that is part of the plot and how your powers work. I can't accept it unless it is a proper recurring dream and not a simple copy of what we are doing in the real world. You can only control a dream as Lucid Dreamers, before that you had the recurring dream you can't control. It's part of the reason each member joined the Sandman.
PyroWarriorZ said:
I'm sorry but it does need to be a recurring dream, that is part of the plot and how your powers work. I can't accept it unless it is a proper recurring dream and not a simple copy of what we are doing in the real world. You can only control a dream as Lucid Dreamers, before that you had the recurring dream you can't control. It's part of the reason each member joined the Sandman.
Ok I'll fix that
This looks interesting and I think I might join. :)

It may take a bit, however; the dream description has me stuck.
keizerin said:
This looks interesting and I think I might join. :)
It may take a bit, however; the dream description has me stuck.
Yeah it had me stumped for a bit too, but I made it I'm not starting to rp till tomorrow because I gotta go soon.
Hey Pyro, long time no see. I hope you're doing well. Hopefully this character is OK. I'm not sure whether his powers would be OP or not but I've tried to keep it balanced. Lemme know if it needs changed.

Name: Jerry McShane

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: 'Shy and introverted' describes Jerry well - he doesn't like to talk much. He thinks a lot about things but tends to keep his insights to himself for fear of being misunderstood or shot down. Nonetheless, he's keen to make friends and help them out when they're in trouble.

Real World

Looks: A tall, lean figure with pale skin and sharp, angular features. He has short, sandy blonde hair and stubble, with piercing blue eyes. His usual, unassuming attire consists of a white vest, a light brown jacket, blue jeans and brown leather boots.

Dream: Jerry finds himself in the middle of a forest wearing a simple white robe. Wisps of blue fire swirl through the air in slow motion. The sunlight is so bright as to give the trees a bleached appearance, forcing him to squint his eyes. A robed figure floats into the clearing, unaffected by the time distortion slowing Jerry and the wisps. The man is Jerry's father, whom he has not seen for sixteen years. His mouth doesn't open to speak, but his voice pierces through the air in perfect clarity:

"Hello, son," It says calmly. His face betrays no expression.

"...D...Dad?" Jerry struggles to enunciate his words, which come out slurred. He can barely recognise him. The sharp features and lean build Jerry had inherited were present, but his full, graying beard and balding hair were distant from the man he remembered.

"I'm sorry I had to leave you and your mother. There was nothing I could do. But...Jerry, I want you to have this."

The wisps start to swarm in front of Jerry's father, creating a small whirlwind of blue flame. The flames dissipate to reveal a pristine long-sword floating in the air. The hilt of the weapon is forged to resemble a Celtic cross. Ancient runes are engraved along the blade.

" You'll need it for the challenge that lies ahead. It will be difficult, but I know you'll pull through. Never give up, son. "

His father floats backward, into the forest and out of sight. Jerry's attempts to call out to him fail as he struggles to open his mouth to speak. Left alone with the sword, he sluggishly reaches out to grab hold of it.

As his grip tightens on the hilt, the entire forest seems to fall away beneath his feet. He hangs on for dear life as he is surrounded by a whirlwind of blue fire. The storm buffets him until he is forced to let go and is pulled into the fire. At that moment, Jerry wakes up.

Jerry has no idea why his father disappeared sixteen years ago, nor does he know why his father would visit him in a recurring dream - if it even is his father. The volatile nature of the sword's power reflects Jerry's own emotional struggle.

Dream World

Appearance: In the Dream World, Jerry wears the white robe and wields the magic sword that his father gave him in his dream. His only adornment is a brown leather belt which holds a scabbard.

Abilities: The sword is bestowed with formidable arcane power. Through the sword, Jerry is able to create and control blue arcane fire. The sword also gives Jerry innate knowledge and skill in swordsmanship, the power of levitation and, in rare cases, mental projection.

This involves Jerry transmitting thoughts or emotions to other beings in the Dream World to either communicate or to attack their minds. However, this power is limited twofold.

First, the projection is strictly one-way - Jerry can't read the minds of other beings. Second, it is very draining for Jerry to use it, and he even risks being taken out of the Dream World when he does so.

Furthermore, the sheer power contained in the sword is difficult for Jerry to control, sometimes resulting in volatile outbursts of flame or outright failure to even produce a spark.
Name: Clara Bennett

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Clara isn't very good at talking to people in real life, but feels more open in the Dream World. She kind, caring, and protective over the other Lucid Dreamers, often going out of her way to help those in need, although she can be very stubborn.

Real World

Dream: Clara wanders through a thick forest wearing her usual "samurai" armor (shown below), trees blocking almost all traces of sunlight in the sky above. She isn't even sure it's daytime anymore. However, she knows she's not alone. People whose faces are hidden by the shadows surround her, and soon move in to attack. She uses her sword to deflect most of the attacks, but there are too many of them to defend herself. Soon, she's overpowers and thrown to the ground. The people are suddenly children, as is she. They are kicking, hitting, and throwing things at her while she lays on the ground, defenseless. The dream ends when Clara looks up to see one of the children getting ready to bash her in the head with a rock.

This horrible dream was caused by bullying that occurred to her at a young age. Although it doesn't happen anymore, it still haunts her. The beginning theme and dream appearance is inspired by a storybook hero her dad used to tell her about to cheer her up, whom she ended up idolizing. Since her father worked in a museum - his daughter's favorite exhibits being that of the samurai, of course - he made up a story of a young samurai that would try to help his village using his unusual strength, but constantly breaks things. In the end, however, his strength ended up coming in handy and the village finally gave him the recognition he deserved. Her appearing dressed similar to the character represents her wish to become strong like the hero in her stories.

Dream World

Abilities: Of course, she has the ability of unusual strength (although not entirely super) and speed. The blade of her sword is also very sharp, and can cut through almost anything.


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