Dreams of the Second Age

This would have been a lot easier if I made Leeatya one of my allies. Is it possible to do so now? I do have more than 3 dots out of my 20 to work with.
Its a little late for that right now. If you had thought of it before going to see her, I would have ok'd it.
"Leave plan making to comrades" *Two Sidereals come up with a plan that explodes so intensely that an entire city never existed* "Soooo..that went well. Right?"
It's not so much that a certain number triggers it, so much as the more there are involved, the more epic the disaster it causes.

And I see that Aredin has inherited our ability to make disastrous plans :D
What on earth would make you say that? <innocent blink>
PirateLexi said:
And I see that Aredin has inherited our ability to make disastrous plans :D
I've actually thought it through very thoroughly. The instant hostile action takes place I can just leave, since I have a multitude of escape tools. If I am by myself I can present less of a threat and have freedom to express sincere concern as a fellow Exalt. As long as I can actually speak to Filial, and tell him that I am trying to ensure that his mind is his own, I may be able to talk the crazy out of him with Hastening the Night's End. If it fails, I learn a few things about how they operate. I actually consider it a win-win.
In another game, I had a character that had a set of dolls from the First Age; one of Desus and one of Lilith. One player made the joke of, "Does it come with wife-beating kung fu power?" Pretty sick stuff when you look into it.
Zen's compassion 1 makes him very anti-social and it's hard to form emotional attachments. But his conviction 5 makes him really loyal to the few attachments he has. It's pretty much how I work in real life so I can RP with him very well.
When you guys make a post, would you please include the name of your character as a heading for it? It saves me the time of having to hunt around to see what name I need to reply to IC, and with all of my games I have running, it would just be a help.
Yay XP. And sorry for the lack of posting, I just really don't have much else to contribute until the rest of the solars jump in with a plan.

XP is still the core book, right? I didn't see anything in Dreams about it
Correct. All Xp costs are also based on the Solar chart, expect for Lunar Knacks and Sidereal Colleges. They are from their own splatbooks.

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