Dreams of the Second Age - Neutral Characters

I have not given out any xp yet. Let us change that. Everyone gets 5 points to use as you wish.

For everything but raising your Essence, we won't worry about training times; just have fun with it.


    Name: Mask of the Tranquil Waters in Heaven

    Caste: Night

    Motivation: To destroy enemies of the new Deliberative by deception

    Age: 17

    Intimacies: Ithicas, God of Silent Stealth (Mentor), Gold Faction (Ally), Pyter (Acquaintance)

    Anima Banner: A pair of almost ethereal white-gold wings fly from his back, billowing out like a cloak in size and length

    Appearance: Almost appearing unarmored from the waist up, only a scarf that looks to be made of onyx that covers his mouth, is slung around his neck, and billows out into a cloak that ends in tatters with black gems embroidered into it, covers him. His hair is a mess, a dark blue frizzed out shoulder length insanity and often falling to cover the intensity that are his black oceanic eyes.

    His arms are covered from wrist to shoulder in bracers that almost seem organic, but are obviously painted black with chips in a few places that show miniscule amounts of orichalcum under it. He wears loose black pants and not much else, with what appears to be a short daiklaive attached loosely at the belt until he gets ready to head into action.

    Personality: Despite his name, Mask is young and brash, and having been procured early and given much power due to his place in Fate by certain gods, has little to no understanding of how his actions can affect others and is definitely a wild card.

    Languages: Old Realm, Riverspeak, Foresttongue

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And the skies open up and the Unconquered Sun gifts you with 5 more xp! Yeaaa!

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