Dreams of the Second Age - Neutral Characters


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Game Crunch

Everyone will be Established Exalts from DotFA, as either a Solar or Lunar.

The Established Solar begins with 9/7/6 Attributes, 45 dots of Abilities after Training Abilities, 20 dots of

Backgrounds, 35 Charms, five dots of Virtues, Essence of 4 and 35 bonus points.

The Established Lunar begins with 11/9/8 Attributes plus two dots to spend in Caste or Favored Attributes, 38 dots of Abilities after Training Abilities, 15 dots of Backgrounds, 30 Charms and/or shapeshifting Knacks, five dots of Virtues, Essence of 4 and 35 bonus points.

Backgrounds are going to be tricky. You can only get points in stuff that will have survived the 1500 year downtime of your suspended animation, so no Backing, Contacts, or other items like that. I have already cut the number of background points down to represent that, but I will still nix anything that I feel won't work for the game.

Absolutely no Flaws. You are First Age Exalts of Essence 5-7! What Flaws would you have? Merits will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

A house rule that I use regarding Sorcery/Necromancy is that you get a free spell of the particular level with the purchase of the Charm.

The upper end of your ages should be the 200-250 year range as Exalts.

Experience costs will be base on the Solar standard, with the cost of Caste specific stuff (Knacks and Colleges) being pulled from their respective books.
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Rine, Reality Engineer

Twilight Master of Essence​

Motivation: Fix what's broken, keep the stuff that still works, working.


Strength 3

Dexterity 5

Stamina 2

Charisma 4

Manipulation 1

Appearance 4

Perception 4

Intelligence 5

Wits 3


Martial Aarts: 5 (F)


Integrity 5 (F)

Presence 5 (F)

Resistance 5 (F)

Twilight (Caste)

Craft 1

Investigation 5

Lore 6

Occult 6


Athletics 1

Awareness 5

Dodge 5 (F)

Stealth 5


Bureaucracy 3


3rd Excellency

Temptation Resisting Stance

Elusive Dream Defense

Integrity Protecting Prana


2nd Excellency

Irresistible Salesmen Spirit


Ox Body Technique x3

Durability of Oak

Iron Skin Concentration

Spirit Strengthens the Skin

Adamant Skin Technique


1st and 2nd Excellency

Divine Transcendence of Lore

Chaos Repelling Pattern

Wyd Shaping Technique

Wyld Cauldron Technology

Shinmaic Communication

Shinmaic Calibration


2nd Excellency

Spirt Detecting Glance

All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight

Terrestrial Sorcery

Celestial Sorcery

Solar Sorcery


2nd Excellency

Surprise Anticipation Technique


Shadow Over Water

Seven Shadow Evasion



Summon Elemental

Infallible Messenger

Raising The Earth's Bones


Summon Greater Minion of the Eyeless Face

Whirlwind of Fate

The Faithful Ally


Invoking The Eyeless Face

Solar Sanctuary

Pressed Beyond the Veil of Time

Essence 7

Willpower 10

Compassion 2

Conviction 2

Temperance 3

Valor 2

Personal Motes: 31/31

Peripheral Motes: 68/68

Join Debate 8

Dodge MDV 10

Join Battle: 8

Dodge DV 8

Soak: 2B/1L + 12B/12L w/ Durability of Oak

Health Levels

-0: O



-4: O

Incap/Dying: OOOO


Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 3B, Defense 6, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Defense 4, Rate 3

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Defense 5, Rate 1

Wealth 4

Arsenal 4

Panoply 4

3 Hand of The Great Maker

4 Metasourcerous Phylactery

5 Gem of Perfect Mobility

XP Gained: 10

XP Spent: 0

XP Banked: 10

XP Expenditures:
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  • Name: Zen-Aku; Endless Blades of the Sun

    Caste: Dawn

    Motivation: To ensure the birth of a new, uncorrupted, Solar Deliberative

    Age: 254, but appears to be in mid 20's to early 30's

    Intimacies: Allies (Cautious Trust), Isli (Friendship/Affection), Sol (Cynical Distrust), Slavery (Absolute Hatred), Desus (Absolute Hatred, Disgust), Lilith (Regret, Friendship), Ahlat (Comradeship)

    Anima Banner: Three pairs of ethereal wings composed of swords


    Personality: Zen was never fond of displaying his emotions and extremely restrained and disciplined even outside of the battlefield. His rage is a cold thing, and he is merciless on the battlefield. But he has a natural charisma that inspires men to battle, and a hidden but unshakable loyalty to those he calls his allies. His will is unshakable and although he does not seek to rule nations like his peers do, he is more than willing to teach and to instill skill and discipline in others around him. His trust is hard to earn, but his loyalty is second to none.

    Languages: Old Realm, High Holy Speech, Riverspeak, Sea Tongue

    Coming Soon
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Araneus, The Obsidian Spider of Yu-Shan

Chosen of Endings

Motivation: To ensure the continued existence of creation through population control

Age: 450 (Appears approximately 25)

Intimacies: Gold Faction (Sympathetic) - Chejop Kejak (Intense dislike) - While The Ax Falls (Awe)

Anima Banner: A wave of violet and black energy splays out from his back in the form of large spider legs that appear to come from his back.

Appearance: Araneus is a tall, lanky fellow whose features would almost appear to be that of a young, skinny, and utterly weak man. His hair is jet black, and hangs in thick straightness to his shoulders, often covering his face unless it's pushed out of his eyes. When that happens, however, if you're in the know, you would realize that his features are a lie. His eyes are almost perfectly violet in color, with flecks of color spread throughout them. His grin is almost creepy, almost always a perfect white smirk.

His chest is covered in a tight, sleeveless black shirt, that presses against him almost as a second skin, and a large spider tattoo covers his upper right arm, a very dark violet arcane symbol on the body. The only other feature of note is a scarf that wraps around his neck and seems to swirl around him as he moves. It almost appears to be made of pure obsidian, and when activated, it grows into a large cloak that both obscures him from sight and protects him.

Strength 3

Dexterity 5

Stamina 3

Charisma 2

Manipulation 4

Appearance 3

Perception 4

Intelligence 5

Wits 3


Resistance OOO

Ride O





Investigation (F) OOO (Research)

Larceny O

Lore OO

Occult OO

Stealth OOOO


Craft (Water) (F) OOOO (Poisons)

Craft (Genesis) O

Dodge (F) OOOOO

Linguistics OO (High Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak)

Performance O



Awareness OO

Bureaucracy O

Integrity OO

Martial Arts OOOOO

Medicine OOOOO (Poisons)



Athletics (F) OOOO (Free-running)

Melee O

Presence OO



Martial Arts

Secrets of Future Strife

Flight of Mercury

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Joy in Adversity Stance

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Death-Parrying Strike

Metal Storm

Life-Severing Blow

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach

Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style

Flickering Moonsilver Approach


First Medicine Excellency

Peacable Conclusion

Smooth Transition

Terminate Illness

Deferred Wounds


Prior Warning


Burn Life


Soft Presence Practice

Blinding the Boar


Avoiding the Truth Technique


Efficient Secretary Technique

Research Assistant Invocation


Second Dodge Excellency


Dodge Fate

Avoidance Kata

Trouble Reduction Strategy


Ox-Body Technique x3


First Performance Excellency


Preservation of Resolve

14 dots


The Corpse OOOO

The Sword OOO

The Crow OOO

The Mask OO

The Key OO

Essence 6

Willpower 9

Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 1

Personal Motes: 21/21

Peripheral Motes: 49/49

Join Debate 7

Dodge MDV 9

Social Attacks

Investigation: Speed 5, Acc 6/8, PMDV 3/4, Rate 2

Performance: Speed 6, Acc 2/4, PMDV 1/2, Rate 1

Presence: Speed 4, Acc 3/5, PMDV 3/4, Rate 2

Join Battle: 7+5 auto sux

Dodge DV 11

Parry DV 6

Soak: 7B/5L/4A

Health Levels

-0: OOOO

-1: OO

-2: OO

-4: O

Incap/Dying: OOO


Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 3B, Defense 6, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Defense 4, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Defense 5, Rate 1

Mentor OOO

Artifact OO (Starmetal Wrackstaff, Speed 4, Acc 14/14, Defense +3, 13L/21B, Rate 3, Attune 5)

Artifact OO (Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers)

Artifact OOO (Cloak of Obsidian Obscurity, +4 to all Soak, +2 to stealth, Attune 4)

Panoply OOO

Salary OOOO

Savant OOOO

Celestial Manse OOO (Precision of Form Gemstone, Hearthstone OOO)

10 Vials Coral Snake Venom

10 Vials Arrow Frog Venom

10 Vials Essence Spider Venom

Rank 1:

Golden Flame

Traveller's Staff

Flask of Refreshing Waters

Rank 2:

Starmetal Mask

Chalcedony Chamberlain's Flute

Wave Stepping Boots

Compass of the Four Winds (Mimics Yellow Path charm once a day for 3m)

Rank 3:

Ultimate Document

Illusion-Shattering Mirror

Essence 6 (14)

Willpower 9 (8)

Dexterity 5 (4)

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach (4)

Flickering Moonsilver Approach (4)

1 to Backgrounds

XP 1/5

Stealth 4 (2)
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  • Name: Aredin

    Age: 247

    Sex: Male

    Caste: Eclipse

    Concept: Lax Bard

    Motivation: To remedy the corruption that plagues the Exalted

    Anima Banner: A gold and silver Falcon rises into the air, feather quills rain in a circle, their tips etching flowing scripts of light telling many tales in many languages



    Old Realm


    Dragontongue(High Holy Speech)




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Characters are looking good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in action.
Looks good, though I'd recommend filling out arsenal and panoply just to buff up those defenses a little. Behind the lines twilight is an awesome idea, but you still wanna make sure you can take a hit or two.
Between the shaping defense, social defense, extended to action long perfect dodge, surprise negation, and AoE dodge I don't think there is much space left in the build for further paranoia personally.
Everyone looks good. Feel free to post in the IC thread.
Nah it's still good, I looked at the errata, I just missed the Throne Shadows tag above those three >.< I might have been drunk lol.
I really like it personally. It's definitely geared for the people who like the manipulative Sidereal in the shadows theme.
Go for those whacky shenanigan charms you were talking about earlier? Unless you really want to replace them with more combat charms, maybe more SMA?
Thank you. I do try to put together a good game.

  • Name: Nikola Trotsky

    Age: 250

    Sex: Male

    Caste: Twilight

    Concept: The Architect of Genesis

    Motivation: To build equality through the mass evolution of all creatures into superior beings.

    Anima Banner: A red flag rises up behind him, bearing on it the golden symbol of a crossed hammer and scalpel as the multitudinous voices of his evolved people shout a battle cry in unison.



    Old Realm

    Dragontongue(High Holy Speech)


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We have a lot of people with Sagacious reading of intent so I don't think you'll need it. And yay! we have a solar craftsman. The valor 1 is disconcerting though...

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