Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

To Sam

"Good answer." It's hard to tell if her tone is grudging, teasing or genuine. It could be all three.

The Drop-Inn, with its faux log-cabin exterior, pulls into view, its glass doors opening and shutting frequently, propelled by caffeine-addicted students recovering from all-nighter cramming sessions and/or all nighter parties. The smell of coffee wafts around the establishment's tiny parking lot with a mind of its own, rich in cinnamon, brown sugar and, perceptibly, human weariness. Inside you can see people nursing French-style mugs of frothy cappuccinos.

Sam grabs an empty table near the window, and pulls out a seat for Denise before sitting down himself. "Now. What can I get you?"
To Sam

She answers you as she deposits her books in the chair beside her, not looking up. "Coffee. Black."
The Alarm went off in a loud buzz that awoke Jason from his slumber. 1PM. He use to be an early riser until his return from the Well. Now waking up at one in the afternoon was as early as he was able to do. The Darkness is what he crave. Even the act of walking out in the daytime became a chore to Jason. Not being fully functional during the day severly limited certain activites.

He went online to check up on the day's news on The Huffington Post. Afterwards He headed for the shower.
You should head all your posts with your character name, Nightstorm, like this "Jason"
To Jason

As you're getting out of the shower, your phone will start to ring.

West awoke in a box. More impotantly, West woke up in a box with something in his teeth. Seemed the creature he'd dragged back with him from that thorn place had a thing for bones. ... ... ... He jumped up and threw the bone across the room with a start, frantically wiping his tongue clean and kicking the cardboard "nest" to pieces.

The dingy appartment finally came into question and after a once-over was happy enough to find only the kitchen was a mess... beyond a mess... but no one was dead. He resolved to save till later the question of how he managed to get hand-prints on the ceiling.

Where had he put that damn Phone. Cranking his ear to find where the tone was coming from Jason raced across the room and answered the phone.

As Sam waves the waitress over and orders, he surveys the girl before him. She really was a looker. Maybe this didn't have to be just business...

"So. While we wait for our coffee to arrive, Denise, what shall we talk about?" Again with the smile.
Nalani Appleblossom

Was this what someone wanted her to see? Nalani rubs her warm cheeks with the sleeve of her hoodie, the thick cotton soft against her skin. Odd that she'd be led here to find such...interesting wishes. She tries not to stare at the last wish she read, hoping the mental image of that doesn't linger too long. Well she certainly can't do anything about the various wishes she found. At least she didn't think she did. Being the Winter courtier at a Spring revel wasn't something she particularly liked.

Maybe there was more to this. After all, why the secret message? She scans the pieces of paper again for anything she may have missed, surreptitiously glancing around the park for anyone the might be watching her. She did have a knack for eavesdropping, something that others have found quite handy before.

Wits + Investigation roll:

Results for 3 dice: 2 successes [ 0 1 8 ] (TN: 8)

Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 7 ] (TN: 8)
To West

Hmm, what to do? You could always stay and clean up...or you could scarper and run free outside?

To Jason

Heavy breathing. Ragged. A woman? Silence. And then the phone goes dead. What? Dial-tone...

To Sam

"Hmmm. Movies? Current affairs? Other varied and worn out inanities?" Despite her tone, she smiles. "I'll cut you a break, since the caffeine fumes are getting to me. What're you doing here? What's your major?"

To Nalani

...words rise from the scraps of paper.

End of frost approaching near

Skies above abiding clear

Revive the earth 'neath ruling throne

A sacrifice to blood and bone.

There's a date, and time. The Revel, right before midnight..?

Sam grins. Abslutely seriously, he responds "I'm not a student here at all. I'm actually a quasi-magical being imbued with the eldritch capabilities of the fae, looking for an unwitting mortal to enter into a mutually-beneficial paranormal arrangement wherein I guard over their dreams whilst they sleep in exchange for siphoning off some of their emotional energy to fuel my bizarre and inexplicable powers."
To Sam

"Well you know you should really report to security, they like to know when they have visitors, mortal or otherwise. They're talking about bringing in a pass-system, you know."

Sam laughs. "Ok, so maybe I wasn't being totally honest with you. I'm really not studying here though. I work in an ice-cream parlour in town; I just like coming to campus for walks. It's so beautiful, don't you think? I did my degree in world mythology a couple of years back. Minored in Astronomy." He suppresses a shudder.
To Sam

She nods. "I take a few of the same classes. Lots of crossover there. So this dream-thing, you running a pyramid scheme or is this a really, really roundabout way of trying to get into bed with me? Oh, coffee." The waitress returns.

"Well, it's more or less something I say to people to break the ice. They either laugh or think I'm crazy. Of course, every so often someone agrees."
WTF? whatever. Jason layed the phone down and went into get a shower thinking about what he had to do today.
To Sam

"Pretty novel ice-breaker, I'll give you that. The paperwork must be a bitch, though."

Sam shakes his head. "Nope, not at all. All you have to do is shake my hand and agree that I watch over your dreams for some specified period. Usually a month. I can't tell anyone what I see in your dreams, and in exchange for my service I get a little energy in return. It's a pretty sweet deal really. And no paperwork involved."

He sips his coffee.

"So, are you from here?"

Free running seems nice enough, besides why clean today what won't start to stink for days? He threw on a ratty pair of shoes and head out to hit the streets.
To Sam

She shakes her head. "Knoxhart View, originally. The commute's a bitch, though, so I moved here on a more permanent basis. Thinking of leaving the dorms next semester, though. I hear the Old Quarter is nice." She shrugs.

To West

You're near the Docks, in the eastern part of town; to call it a dive is going far too far, but compared to the rest of Ivyvale it's seen better days. Mayor Gable's last campaign promise involved much talk about cleaning it up, and he might even follow through on it; old Freddie is weird like that, he's a politician who actually...does...shit. Or something. Ugh, too hard to think. What to do today? Breakfast? Breakfast sounds good. Need to start thinking about what to do today, too.

Sam nods. "It's a nice spot. I'm living on Main, personally. Not so pretty, but keeps me central."
To Sam

"Mmm." She puts down her mug (drained) and picks up her bags. "Well Mr. Lightfoot, it's been a truly fascinating conversation." She shuffles her books, suddenly, into the crook of her left hand, in order to extend her right. "I expect I'll see you soon enough. I need my beauty sleep, after all."

Breakfast does sound good. He knew of a coffee shop not far from here and he got the feeling his stomach was going to eat *him* if he didn't sate it fast. As far as what to do for the day? There was an 80s camero that still didn't run that had his name all over it... if nothing else it passed the time.

Coffee, food, then grease.

Sam stood, offering to take her hand. Grinning that infectious grin, he says "Have we got a deal?"

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