dream world : the story

Jack's mouth popped open at the woman before breaking out into a smile. "Your pretty lady." She said giggling, reaching out one hand as if trying to touch one of her wings.
Morgana was happy she was allowed to team up with the mysterious Lorne when suddenly a dragongirl came down from the sky.

With the concept of ' looks can be deceiving ' Morgana glared at the woman cautiously.

She didn't reply her formality nor did she care, she just wanted to know what she was doing here.

" Oi, why you here? " She asked rudely and tactless. Not here to make friends she couldn't care less about her behaviour.
Steven quirked an eyebrow at the dragon woman. "Unless you can tell us where Zack is,please begone. We have a search to do."
the woman smiled at the one who said hi and took a step back from the one who tried to touch her "i will not say where zack is and i will not begone" she took a small ball of fire into her hand and throw it toward the sky. "i am here for one purpose only. i am here to rid you from this world" as she said that meterors the size of a human started to rain from the sky and the impact was strong enough for a small explosion as they hit the ground leaving small craters in the ground -three of wich were headed straight toward the group-
The small one tried to reach up and touch the dragon-woman’s wings and Lorne quirked a brow unsure of what they were doing. Both Morgana and Steven answered her rudely though, and she seemed to shoot back just as bad.

In a literal way, as the woman managed to gather a fireball in her hand and shoot it towards the sky, where it formed meteors. Her eyes darted in between the groups positioning and the meteors in the sky, trying to calculate if they’d hit them.

“Oh crap” she noted, as three of them seemed on the perfect path
Still lying there on the ground, Scott felt the earth beneath him shake but it was only slightly. What was it that he felt? He would not know until he would survey the land. Pulling himself into a sitting position, Scott looked around the area and seen a large city off to his right.

Well, that is weird place for a city. He thought in a not so smart manner.

As he thought to himself, he face palmed himself at the thought. He was kinda dumb, for cities are always cluttering up the beautiful terrain. As he removed his hand from his face, he seen something moving through out the town that surely did not fit. Wondering what it truly was, Scott stood up and started to run towards the city. As he ran, he could feel the earth beneath his feet flex and rebound with every step. As he felt the earth rebound, his strides were getting longer and it felt as if he was not using as much energy as he should have but he was stumped at this situation. Reaching the border of the city, Scott started to run of the paved roads. Once his feet came into contact with the surface, his running speed started to slow down.

Well, that is truly weird. Scott thought as he slowly ran through out the town trying to find that large moving object.
Steven smiled,and said to Jackie, "Hold on. Very tight."

Then,Steven fell to a low,savage crouch with a pained groan. Suddenly,dark purple electricity was arcing from his body to the environment around him. His eyes were pure black;they were almost like two,ovoid stones of Jet. His fingernails grew longer and thick,almost consuming the bottom of the fingertip. He smiled a toothy smile that radiated pure,sadistic malice,and then lunged at the dragon-woman.

He got only half a foot of air,but the forward force was immense. He reached the woman,and dug his left claws deep into her left shoulder,so his forearm was across her collarbone. His right claws struck almost instantly afterwards,digging deep into the side of her neck,with his arm behind her neck.

He used her body as leverage,and spun himself over her head,and landed behind her,facing her back. He unburied his claws from her flesh,revealing ten very deep,perfectly smooth wounds;if this woman survived this assault,she will bleed out before she healed. If this dream world obeyed such laws of medicine. Steven then grabbed fast onto the base of each wing,and planted a foot at the small of the dragon woman's back,and yanked with his arms,and pushed with his leg,forcing the wings out.

The woman's screams filled the air;a keening of pure agony,a shrill,elongated scream that would detonate eardrums and shatter windows. But,oddly,Steven was laughing. His laughter,somehow,pierced through the din created by the woman's screaming. It wasn't a triumphant laugh. It was the laugh of madness. A laugh of sadistic glee. His laughter subsided,his mouth set in a sinister,crooked smirk.

"The coup de grace..." he muttered,as a tiny sphere of deep blue light appeared between his forefinger and thumb. It radiated some sort og power,and it arced blue lightning to the air around itself. "The Prankster Bit." Steven then begant to walk slowly to the downed woman,who was on her hands and knees,eyes wide,gasping for air.
Jack frowned as she hung onto Steven tightly as he did. Seeing he was going to hurt the lady more, she frowned. Waving her head in front of his face, "Steven..." She whispered, "Leave the pretty dragon lady alone now, kay?" She asked innocently, despite the amusement of the whole thing.
Morgana looked at the brutal scene unfolding itself while keeping one eye at the sky. Those 3 meteor balls could cause some serious damage to them if they hit head-on.

" Let's move out of the way of those wannabe meteors, no? "
She asked with a finger pointed at the sky and a dumb expression on her face.

As she started to run she slammed her hands together and a swamp was rapidly growing at the location she was earlier.

" Better keep up. "
She said smiling.
Steven quickly replied to Jack, "The Prankster Bit cannot be withdrawn. It must be unleashed when summoned. Besides..." He glared at the downed woman. "...I'd hate to be cruel."

The last word was uttered with sarcastic emphasis,although his words were true;it'd be cruel to leave her alive in this state,dream projection or no. He reached the downed woman,and rammed the Bit into one of the holes left from ripping out the wings.

Suddenly,the woman's screams were renewed. The Bit electrocuted her,from the inside out. Her body convulsed violently,and then,seconds later,her torso exploded in a sphere of blue lightning. Four white streaks then shot into the back of Steven's head,who was now running full tilt towards the city,attemting to outrun the meteors.

Purple lighning was no longer arcing from his flesh,and his eyes were normal. However,he was panting heavily as he ran,and was sweating profusely. On top of all of this,his running was staggered,and lopsided. The Bit obviously exhausted him.
Lorne made sure to hurry along, uncaring that Steven was badly hurting the dragon lady or that another member of the group had run off. It seemed like the four of them were the only ones left, and she made sure to keep note of what type of people each one was. After of course, she got out of the pathway of the three meteors, that is.

“Why’d you do that” she asked Morgana,

Looking back at the swamp that was created by her and then to her. Lorne kept moving though, as she wanted to separate from the crazy guy and the little one that seemed enthralled with him.
all you heard was a laugh coming from the sky as the dragon woman summoned a fire cage around steven completely immobalizing and depowering him. "did you think you could kill me that easy" she said as the body he saw killed simply disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "that was simply for my amuzement. you couldn't hope to kill me in a hundred years"

the meteors still fell from the sky and some of them were twise the size now. the dragon woman simply flew above the groupd about 50 odd ft in the air

(steven's char is now useless in the cage and cannot do anything and cannot be broken till i say. it will end at the end of this battle) side note: riddle talk to me after about this
Kota was still running from the dragon knowing in his mind he couldn't kill it alone. he was wondering why it could keep up with him so easily then he caught someones scent. "maybe i can get help.its worth a shot" Kota began to dash towards the one who just entered the city.

"i just hope this isn't a trap" Kota said panting. Kota was alarmed when he found the exit of the city seeing someone in the distance get put in a cage. "they are in trouble but i got my own battle to win," he turned around still looking for whoever enterede the town.
Catching glimpse of the person running, Scott picked his run up and ran towards him.

"Hey! What are you running for?" Scott yelled as he ran towards the person.
"Hey! What are you running for?"

Kota came to a stop and turned to see Scott. "I'm being chased by a dragon!" Kota was yelling and took out his blade. "we stop it here. Names Kotaru but you can call me Kota," kota was standing there ready to finally fight the beast he was running from.

"it should be here soon," Kota was now panting and began to shiver.
the dragon roared into the sky so loud that it broke the glass on the buildings around him. he then lowered his head and spit a large fire ball at the two who were infront of him (5 meters around big)
the dragon roared into the sky so loud that it broke the glass on the buildings around him

Kota knew he could dodge easily because he had the advantage of speed, but he did not know what Scott could do. Kota dashed out of the fire's range only hoping Scott was good enough to dodge the fireball.

"So what do we do now?" Kota yelled hoping Scott could here it as he placed one hand on the ground and said okkami yobidasu (wolf summon) and summoned 2 wolves.
I guess this is as far as i come. Scott thought to himself.

As the fire ball roared towards him, Scott closed his eyes and placed his hands together. Pulling his hands in close to his chest, Scott felt the earth beneath him shift. Smirking at the thought he just had, Scott opened his eyes as he thrust his hands out towards the fire ball.

"I'm sorry!" Scott yelled out.

Just as he was about to get engulfed in the flame, a road a few feet in front of him split. Out of the ground, shot out a 6 inch thick wall of earth. As the fire hit the earth, if heated the earth and deformed it into a dome that covered Scott.
Kylrian walked into her room, taking care to step over her scattered belongings on the floor. Her bed seemed inviting and she could almost feel a gravitational pull emanating from it. It was only as she was falling that she realized there was a small stack of books by it and then, after what felt like eternity, her head struck a wall, ricocheting like notes playing off one another in a symphony. On her way to the floor, the last thought that occured to her was the feeling of being torn... one she vaguely remembered now, that reminded her of birth. And darkness. Warmth. Motion.

Then... grass. Very wet grass... and heat. She stood, winded by sudden impact, shocked by what she saw ahead of her. Watching in the distance across a patch of wetland, she saw a great deal of activity and spun around to take in where she was.
Standing behind the cage that her 'friend' had been stuck in, Jack didn't know what to do. She was afraid, very afraid, and had a large wish for someone to help. Near tears, her mind started working without her knowing, and slowly, from behind her, a large thin suited man started forming.

As it looked down at Jack, it's faceless head seemed to frown, extending a long tentacle like finger, it moved it across the side of her face nearly making her scream. Turning, she looked up at the Slender Man, who pointed towards the Dragon Lady with a dark smile stretching it's albino white flesh where the mouth should have been.

Nodding her head getting what it meant, Jack watched it move away from her, looking down at the dragon lady before it's tentacle like fingers moved about, growing longer and longer.
" Don't know why I did that actually, I probably thought I could cushion the impact and sink the fireballs into the earth so the landscape wouldn't be too damaged. I care for nature, you see. "

She said as she kept running, after a while she halted and turned to face Lorne.

" What's our main course of action now? 'Cause I have little to no idea what to do. "
The lady kept at a distance in the sky as she watched the group do as they wished. she raised her hand to the sky and said a small incantation before a large phoenix was summoned and flew down from the heavens. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kQWVBsP_dPU/TO61gsxhJBI/AAAAAAAACTw/1Kf_WEhlFnE/s1600/phoenix.jpg it roared fire and spread its wings into the sky it was massive. the lady laughed at the group as she taunted them "now is the hour of your demise! DIE" the fire bird swooped down with a large roar at the group (its about 75 meters across and 50 meters big)


the dragon roared more as it walked toward the boy who made the stone shield. it threw a punch at the wall with enough force to not only break the shield but probably enough to kill anyone who dared get in front of it
As the dragon walked forward he sent one wolf attack the dragon hoping to distract it since it was heading straight for Scott.
Jack blinked a few times, before watching the thing she had apparently created move back towards her before wrapping down over her, covering her in it's long fingers. Though that scared her more than the bird, it was protecting her. If the bird should burn the man to a crips, the most that would happen to her was over heating.
as the dragon's punch collided with the barrier, it exploded into a large dust cloud. as the dust cleared, there stood a rock golem holding the claw of the dragon. Peeking out from the side of the claw, Scott spoke up.

"What did you think to accomplish by striking a man that could not even see you?" He asked with no intent of getting an answer.

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