dream world : the story


Senior Member
(outside of dream) you are all strapped into a chair and hooked up with wires all over your body. all of you are in a row as a man in a white lab coat steps in front of you all and says with a loud voice.

"welcome and thank you for helping us in a very important mission. you are now all hooked up and ready to enter the dream world. remember it is your mission to locate and capture Zack so that we are able to wake him in the real life. we will be monitoring your progress throughout your time in the dream. "

the machine on each of your chairs start to activate and a dome shaped metal piece lowers onto your head.

"before the machine puts you into Zack's dream i must warn you once again!" the man said in a very strong tone. "if you die in this dream your life is as good as over. we will do our best to keep Zack's body and mind calm to make sure nothing happens but when you are in there use the utmost caution."

the machine starts to light up and a medication is put into the iv that is inserted into your hand. you start to feel dizzy but sure enough you quickly fall into a state of sleep.

all you see if black for a minute but soon after a light appears and a world opens up around. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs37/300W/i/2008/274/6/a/A_Dream_World_by_karanaero.jpg

the land spreads far with long grass and the sky full of large planets and stars your partners beside you and your own body have changed into that of dreams. before you have a change to see or explore anything else a man shows up in front of everyone.

his back showing to everyone looking to the moon. "why are you all here." he said in a voice that seemed to echo in your mind. as it echoed he turned his head to the left without moving his body and all you could see was the side of his face and his eye looking at everyone.

the instant you see his face you know that this is the man named "Zack"
Steven smiled,as if he were straight out of a cheesy slasher flick. "You must be Zack. We've been brought here...For the express purpose of bringing you home. Do you wish to...Co-operate?"

He secretly wished for Zack to fight against their efforts. Steven always wondered if you could dream in death.
Standing there, much smaller than all the others, and hidden out of sight behind them. Stood jack, hat tucked down over her eyes, and coat keeping hidden all but her mouth and feet. Studying the others from behind, she had to wonder which one was hers, and which ones to avoid. Very easily, only could choice to befriend all, learn names, and play it safe. But Jack liked knowing who she needed, and when she needed it, and exactly what she could do with it. Always had. Hearing someone respond to the man, she could tell from the start was Zach.

Peaking around the legs of the people, she choose a spot completely hidden from his sight of view and sat there, shrinking from 3'7 to about 3'3 with the motion. Raising her hand, she whistled loudly and clearly.
Traverse blinked, mind numbed from the change-over, and looked around. His gaze stopped on the male, and he immediately sneered. "Zack," he growled, lips curled. Thrusting a foot out, Traverse shifted his weight to the side, barely glancing at the beings next to him. Lifting a hand, he curled a finger towards this 'Zack' boy, "Come, come. We don't have all day." When a shrill whistle ripped through the air, Traverse started and looked around quickly for the source. "Eh??"
before anyone else had a chance to do anything in the blink of an eye zack disappeared all you heard was an echo in your heads "you should leave this place if you know whats good for you." the worlds sky went a blackish red beautiful yet disturbingly scary the grass at your feet turned crimson like blood and the world seems to warp into something esle
Traverse jerked back in surprise as the boy disappeared.

Cursing to himself, Traverse stared in confused upset as the world changed around him, lifting one leg at a time as he stared to the ground as if it were trying to grab at him, "This'll be a lot harder than I thought.."
Lorne woke up to a world that was perpendicular to the one she fell asleep in, instead of the dreary room they had just been, she was outside. The surroundings were a field which the entire group was standing, with the target only a few feet away, back facing them. She decided she would let them deal with the nuisance, as she was busy looking at the fact she was missing her left arm. Although, it should come to no surprise as most of the group was very different from the little time she saw them.

"you should leave this place if you know whats good for you."

She absolutely hated the way his voice echoed her mind, and looked around panicked as the sky turned a maroon color, then the grass, the same as blood.
Morgana stared at the palms of her hands and the darkblue skintone, she felt power rush through her body and for a moment it even blurred her mind 'till Zack's voice rang through her mind. No time to get caught up in her dreampowers, she was on a mission.

Her voice came out louder than she normally would've spoke in the actual world.

" What's the plan? "
Jack grinned darkly, standing up as the world changed. "What a pleasant man." Her voice was eerie, coming from a little child. Looking at everyone there, she laughed. "Names...Please. We're going to be stuck here trying to get him out as it stands. We might at least have names."
Steven's smile widened,and it shown far more teeth than truly nessescary,lending him an uncanny aura,similar to the Cheshire Cat. "I'm Steven. Pleasure to meet you all. Now...I suggest we hunt him down. Small groups,of three at maximum. Cover more ground that way. That,or we could just charge off in random directions."

During this entire time,some part of his body was twiching,and the body part always changed. One moment it was his eye,another his little finger,and another his neck and shoulder. His eyes were sunken deep into his skull,and it lent him a devilish look.

"Anyone else?"
"I'm Steven.

The rest of the words died down. So this was one of her partners then. Looking him over from underneath her hat, her dark grin widened. He was perfect for this...
Well then, that was a waste of time... Traverse grumbled in his mind, the initial shock of scenery change retreating. "Eh?" Trav looked down at the short being, his face twisting into a scowl; really? Running a hand through his curls, tugging out tangles, he answered this dwarf of a person, "Traverse, as far as it concerns you."

Still combing through his unruly locks, Traverse took this time to survey his 'teammates'.

.... What a bunch of twisted scum. But, he mused, they seem interesting. Best to be civil. Sudden pain exploded through his combing hand, causing him to cry out and rip said hand away. Staring in confused horror, Traverse turned his new hand over as it pulsed with pain, his fingers already long and flattened, connected up to the middle knuckle where they branched out like a...rake. With a flat tone and pursed lips, Traverse observered quite smartly, "My hand is a freaking rake."
Laying there upon the ground, Scott listened to everything but did not respond to anything. Rubbing his hand upon the grass, he felt a strong connection to what seemed to be the ground. Who knows what it meant. He sure as heck had no idea what it meant. Heck, Scott was in another person's mind after all and everything that he is experiencing was the creation of another person. Everything that he is seeing, is not from himself, but from a third party. Through out his whole life, he never had to sit 'back seat' through any of these weird situations, but for the sake of this man, Scott just had to deal with it. Staring off into the sky and looking at all the planets, Scott lost track of time and spaced out as everyone introduced themselves to each other.
" The name is Morgana, the game is manipulation. We need to manipulate Zack into subduction or cooperation, either way, we need to come up with a plan. Merely tracking him down will result in the same result as just now. He is able to disappear at will, this is his mind after all. "

She lowered her eyes and took in her surroundings. The gloomy red surroudings didn't appeal to her at all. " Change of scenery anyone? "

She didn't await an answer as she stretched out her arms to both sides with her palms pointing at the sky as she started to levitate slightly and a blueish white smoke started surrounding her hands and dissapated in the direction of the sky.

The grass started to turn green, trees, bushes, flowers, rocks and even a small lake appeared slowly.

After changing her surroundings to her pleasing she stopped levitating and for a brief moment staggered a bit.

" I need to get better, faster, stronger. " She mumbled to herself.

" We're in his mind, the area to cover is endless. We need a way to track him down ... and kill the Zack in his mind. " She stated, not even sure why she said that but it felt like it was the only option. If the Zack in his own mind was able to disappear at will there was no way of subduction and he clearly wasn't planning on cooperation.
"Names Kotaru and im only 10 haha im only here because i am a half demon and tracking is one of my specialties...well that and fighting" just then Kotaru Summons a wolf the same size as himself. "So where are we going?" Kotaru stated clearly not understanding much of what is going on.

"Why do we kill him i mean if were in here wont that kill us in the process! i mean this realm would go unstable and it would take a big risk to get us out! we are better off getting him to cooperate"

Kotaru lied on the grass on his wolf "you can just call me Kota" Kota gave everyone a strange look of suspicion. "I'm not sure if i trust you all ye-" Kota was distracted by Steven's scent. Kota growled a bit and tried to avoid eye contact with everyone. "this place is massive where do we go?"
as the party (the rp'ers/group) gathered and introduced them selves to each other the dream was slowly changing from a peaceful landscape into something else.

the world shook for a minute and the ground 50 meters to the west of the group opened up, out of no where sky scrapers and towers and large buildings came out of the ground and the vast open plain become a huge city in the matter of a minute.

as muh as they could see the city was empty. there were very few cars sitting around (3 or 4 per a block) the buildings streched as high as you could see and in a straight line as far as you can see. http://www.bigbtv.com/Images/RealityTV/Apprentice/Apprentice2/final/j20.jpg (cut out the water and put in the grass and thats what you see)
“Lorne” she noted towards the smallest of the group,

The 2-D effect she gave had her reeling, trying to peer around to the other side. Idly, Lorne listened to the idea of Steven and heard another character introduce himself as Traverse. The conversation continued without her input, as Morgana explained they couldn’t just chase him around. She changed the environment somehow, with the blood red grass turning green and trees sprouting up from it.

“What the-” Lorne trailed, looking around at the new area,

It was only for a moment, in which one of the last of the group introduced himself and his plan to the others. Then the ground quaked underneath their feet, and a city rose to the sky in the west, glancing at the group she decided to put in her two cents.

“Well, let’s start there…the scientists…or whatever, just said that we have to find him, so I don’t think they’d be very happy with us killing him” she noted.
Kota glanced at Lorne. "Who are you anyway i don't think you introduced yourself?" Kota raised an eyebrow at Lorne.

[/u][/b]“Well, let’s start there…the scientists…or whatever, just said that we have to find him, so I don’t think they’d be very happy with us killing him” she noted.[/u][/b]

"doesn't it seem strange to anyone the town is so clo-," Kota was shaking like mad. "can i catch up with everyone later," Kota obviously didn't mean it as a question because before anyone could respond Kota ran towards the town. He shot a glance back at them to assure nobody moved and began to move faster. Before anyone knew it he was in the town and out of sight.
" I don't think killing the Zack in his mind will effectively kill the Zack who's in a comatose state in the real world. If anyone has a better way of stopping him I wouldn't mind going with that plan. "

" It's a gamble but one I'm willing to take. "

She said as she watched the wolfdemon-boy ran to town at lightningspeed.

She looked around a bit and noticed the 2D-colorless boy called Steven and the mysterious woman called Lorne.

" If you don't mind, I'll team up with you two. My powers are no good on their own. My offensive abilities are very limited, I'm more of a 'control'-magician. "
Jack held up a hand, before pointing towards the man addressed as Steven. "I'd rather stick with him." She said stiffly. Padding her tiny feet over to the thing called Steven's side, she smiled up at him, before holding up a hand for him to shake. "Jacqueline Jack Thomas, pleasure to meet." She said quietly, quite rather keen on only having him know who she was.
Steven looked at Jack,and smiled. "Why,hello there,little one. Very well,we're partners. C'mon,let's get going." He picked up Jack,so their pace would remain constant,and whispered into her ear, "What would happen if someone called you 'Jackie'?"
Jack rested her chin on the man's shoulder after she was picked up, and frowned. "I'd hurt them." Her voice was a very serious tone. "Horribly."
as the young wolf boy entered the city he was disturbed by a huge roar not far from him. the roar shook the very earth for miles as the roar ended a giant dragon walking on its back legs came crashing around the corner with his large body (about 50 ft tall) http://msp273.photobucket.com/albums/jj214/Sigia13/DemonDragon2.jpg

as for the others (steven and lorne and whoever is with them) a dragong girl appeared infront of them with a large fire surrounding her http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/197/9/c/Dragon_by_PjBottoms.jpg "hello and welcome to zacks dream" is all she said as she watched the group
At Morgana’s suggestion Lorne looked her over, trying to figure if she’d be an asset in battle or not and looked at her replacement arm. Having no idea how to use it yet would probably make them an awful team but upon the seconds denial she spoke up.

“Yeah, but I’m not much of a fighter either…despite appearances” she noted, motioning to her gun-arm;

As the other two talked, she shifted uncomfortably, not one to start conversations with other parties. She was saved from failure though, as another being appeared in front of them in a burst of flames and she looked over her details, including her wings

“Hi” she greeted back
Kota ran into the city and heard a roar "uh-oh" as the dragon crashed around the corner kota was startled

"alright then first thing is a dragon" Kota thought out loud

kota pulled out his blade "theres no way to negotiate with a dragon is there?"

"the others better be okay cuz i cant win this alone" kota began to run around trying to find the way out of the city to find the others.

"i guess i have to fight this thing tsk.alright you make the first move" Kota readied his stance to dodge

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