dream world rp: sign up


Senior Member
name: (any name/ nickname he uses)

powers: you can have two main powers or physical abilities (try to keep them strong but not invincible, if you have an uber strong power make sure to have a set back to balance it. anything normal power you don't need a drawback)



personality: (tell me about your dream char and how he/she usualy acts, like is he always a hero or maybe just an adventurer or is he bent on destroying things)

appearance: go wild O.o lol it is a dream after all so have fun with what you wanna look like xD (if you want a transform go for it)


the person you are trying to find !!

name: zack C.

powers: total manipulation of the dream world. and unknown powers

height: 6 ft

weight: 160 lbs

personality: random, always changing.

appearance: normal body type, short blonde hair blue eyes, pale skin. (im not putting clothing since he can change it)
Name: Steven A.W. Ridley

Powers: Psychomancy (the power to create manifestations of your psyche) with the cost of personal sanity,Empathy Linking (the ability to link to the emotions of others,and potentially share and/or feed off them) which acts to stabilize the sanity loss of Psychomancy.

Summons: He only has one summon,and it's the ultimate representation of his mental state. The Prankster Bit is a tiny,floating ball of blue light that speeds around the area erraticaly,and it simultaneously electrocutes and drains the sanity from anything it approaches. After five seconds,the Bit explodes,and all absorbed sanity is sent to Steven. Using the Bit causes great exhaustion,and is not to be used in rapid succession.

Height: 5 foot 8 inch

Weight: 145 lbs

Personality: Undoubtedly insane (grows more insane over time as well),shows shades of phychopathy and sociopathy.

Apperance: Broad shoulders,compact muscle structure,angular and bony face,brown eyes and hair,unibrowed. Can stick the cartalidge of the left ear into it's hearing tunnel.
name: Jacqualine "Jack" Thomas

powers: Summoning. First and Only power she has.Can only summon one at a time, and it makes her sleepy.


Slender Man (look it up, if you wish to know what it does)

A large white Crow (just used for quick travel)

An Ogre (Steroe typical, big muscle, no brain)


weight: 50 lbs

personality: Moody, childish, hyper, easily distracted, straightforward and honest for the most part. When required to be serious, takes on the tone much like that of a mother lecturing a child. There is something with her, not exactly wrong, but not exactly what someone would expect from a child, especially one who seems to be so angelic.

appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/115/1/3/Paper_Child__Cristo_by_Momogirl.jpg (looks like, well, a 3d paper drawing. No colour whatso ever, just lines and shading. Taking off her hat or jacket reveals there is nothing underneath.)
Name: Kotaru

Powers: Half wolf demon, stronger than the average person

Summons: wolves (size of a human on all fours)

height: 4"5

weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Childish, hyper, loving, short temper, can be mature, random at times

appearance: pointed ears (neko ears), tail, short, normal otherwise. i'll draw it and post the link here later

weapons: claws, sword, fangs
kotarukun approved : alos if you guys have a pic for your char to it would really help me visualize your movements xD
Name: Morgana


- Can manipulate flora and fauna

- Can create illusions that seem absolutely real but when touched are revealed to be ethereal. ( Not solid )

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 65 kg

Personality: More of an optimist than a realist or pessimist, passionate, friendly, gets excited fast, ...


Weapons: A staff and a dagger
kagu is approved <3

--- Merged Double Post ---


just make a char and then in story after approving just teleport to a partner. (ill probly be on to tell you where you can start)
name: Just call him Traverse!


Dissipating/melding through objects. *thumbs up*

Mild Shifting; only one part can change at a time, into any form (Finger into a key, hand into a hammer, etc, etc), but it causes great pain as the muscles, tendons, and bone have to break or dissolve/re-form to the new shape, so it's done at sparse intervals.


5'5'' at average, can change it at will.


133 lbs


Sharp-tongued and full of irritated scowls, and it worsens as his eyesight and memory diminishes; his way of coping is to be a total jerk when he's afraid. Blunt, doesn't like to be touched unless he plans on seducing yo--er, doesn't like to be touched, and finds a tang of delicious amusement at other people's harm.


Brown curls sit atop his smug head, unkempt. Stands mostly with one hip cocked out and a palm on it or with his pelvis thrust out, hands at his lower back as he stares to the side in irritation. Tawny eyes often stare with a bored contemption, turning a dark brown brielfy when powers are in motion. Clean black dress shoes hide under black slacks. A white, buttoned-up dress shirt sits neatly under a grey vest adourned with black and dark grey swirls and move and stretch at his motions.

Powers: Telekinesis, but this causes great pain, even though she can use this power at any time without a strength drain. Enhanced sense that someone is watching, and can use force of will to alert people close by of pressing danger.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 129 pounds

Personality: Dry sense of humor, loyal, sometimes quick to assume, but always well intentioned. She's a little bit mysterious on where she came from, but she doesn't feel the need to share negative bygones.

Appearance: Tall with auburn hair falling about her lower shoulder blades, slightly wavy. She has fair skin which is highly sensitive to heat, and purple-blue eyes that become blind-blue when she's upset. She wears whatever is comforatable on any given day, normally a vest over a dress-shirt and beaten jeans. I'll post a picture later. :)

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