Dream Weavers










What campus? (Dream or Nightmare):




Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:




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(Glad to hear that you're interested, means much to me.)

Name: Wade W

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human

Height: 5'11


Appearance: He has light brown skin. He wears only a black t-shirt, white hoddie, and blue jeals with black shoes.

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Nightmare

Personality: He is a calm and moslty shy and quiet person. He only speaks when people talk to him or they start the conversation. He deeply hates being yelled at and negative criticism though.

Bio:Being socially akward in his life. Wade was the outcast mostly in his life, only to have friends in his imagination. This caused him to be sent to the Academy due to some nights where his parents seeing (strange shadow creatures). He was one of the first students, and one of the students to be sent to the nightmare campus. He was unaffected at first by this, but he started to kick in after a fight against a dreamer that permanently damaged his Nightmare of the Mind. This lead to him to have a reason to go up against the owners of the Academy, so that finally this backlash can finally stop towards him and the fellow nightmare users. He is now one of the commanders for The Nightmare Campus, and helps out as much as the others need it.

Extras: He tends to talk short from time to time thanks to a disorder he has, but he usually listens in on what is going on and such. He also likes seeing other creations made by the fellow Nightmare Weavers. As well he is secretly a fan of the ones that look like living toys, preferably the ball jointed doll variety (he never admits this seeing he may get picked on by this. He just likes them because they are 'pretty'.)

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind: (Name: Princess) Princess is the oldest of Wade's three Nightmare Creatures. Princess takes on the form of a human size ball jointed doll wearing a gothic lolita and princess attire with her hair being long and red in a single drill pigtail on the side. Due to an incident both of her glasses eyes were permanently destroyed and has a small crack from her forehead to her lower jaw while maintaining a demonic grin. Her combat mostly relies on possessing other nightmare and dream creatures and making them do her dirty work while she sits down and watches the show.

Mana: (Name: Tower King (or just the king)) Tower King is the youngest out of the three. The king takes on the form of a wingless gargoyle wearing a broken crown and has a tower like totem strapped onto his back with his arms being massive and having to use them as his way of moving around. He is able to stun and lockdown the enemy dreamers with his totem that summons chains to detain his enemies.

Body: (Name: Noface, hoody, or walking death). The middle of the three and the last of Wade's Nightmare Beings. Noface takes the form of a headless humanoid like flesh golem (he wasn't beheaded he just has no head) that wears a tattered cloak and uses the hood to hide the headless torso to make it look like he has a head in that never ending darkness. His arms are replaced with giant boned claws. He carries a chained scythe that he uses to hook and drag his enemies towards him to give them a pummeling they deserve.
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Skylar (Sky)




17 (Almost 18)


Elf (There’s some dwarf mixed in there.)


5’3 (She’s part dwarf, so she’s shorter than normal.)


102 lbs.



What campus? (Dream or Nightmare):



Sky is outgoing and social, and feels like she belongs at the Dream campus. She likes to make spontaneous decisions and ask for forgiveness rather than for permission. Sky’s a kind of silent rebel, just breaking out of her shell.


When Sky was born, her mother had depression and anxiety. Even though this happened, Skylar was still born a dream weaver rather than nightmare. Skylar started when she was 16 at the Dream campus. Within the year, she realized that there were such things as Nightmare Weavers, and is now quite acquainted with the fact that she may have to face them at some point.


Every time she weaves a creature, a small lock of her hair turns silver.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:


(Name: Sylvannus) Has the ability to banshee scream, making her victims unable to move due to the amount of pain they're in.



(Name: Stalk) Has the ability to lengthen limbs, and manipulate people using their shadows.



(Name: Queen of Hearts or Queen) Has the ability to rip someone's heart out using her bare hands, beheads people with her sword.


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Name: Amy Sevarer

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Human

Height: 5'6

Weight: 135



Campus: Dream

Personality: Amy is very kind, she always tries to help people, and she is very selfless. She always tries to do the morally right thing and sticks closely to vows and promises. Amy is easy to get on with, and is rather calm and quiet. She can get very protective of her friends, though. Ever since the fight, Amy has stopped feeling so kind, she sees flaws in people and sees the glass half empty side, whereas before she saw the glass half full side. She desperately holds on to the old version of herself, her new facade. She is very insecure now and finds it difficult to trust people. She usually cries herself to sleep and tries to ignore the monsters she always thinks are there.

Bio: When Amy was young, she lived in a family that had several dysfunctions, due to bad choices of who they married, so most people had many dysfunctional genes. Amy was spared from these and by some miracle she was 'perfect' compared to the rest of her family. Her talent became obvious when she was young, because she tried to comfort everyone in her family and make them happy with themselves. She was snatched up by the academy and placed in the 'Dreamer' School. She never really liked the Nightmare group, but she still tried to be kind to them. One day she got in a fight with a Nightmare and both ended up severely injured. Thankfully they recovered, but the next time Amy weaved, she decided to create a beautiful creature. As she created it, several cracks started appearing in it, thinking it was just a coincidence the frightened Amy finished the creature. As she finished, the cracks repaired, and as the last one filled in, it shattered, revealing a grinning monster. Afraid, Amy has never weaved again, frightened of losing her Dream and turning Nightmare. The Dream school is still trying to get her to weave again, but she won't.

Extras: She now despises the Nightmare group, thinking that they caused this change in her.

Dream Creatures: Amy likes her creations to be humanoid so that she can talk to them, these ones were all her imaginary friends when she was younger and she used to always converse with them, even when she was too old to have imaginary friends.

Mind: Justaroe is a female, who is tall and long legged, she has glossy brown hair that hangs to her waist. She always wears her hair with a cloud clip holding it back from her face. Her clothes consist of a puffy shirt that stops just above her belly button, and sleek pants that cover her legs. She wears running shoes and her belt has a cloud on it. She has the ability to make rainbows and create storms and rain, though she specializes in rainbows and is horrible at controlling the weather, so she doesn't because she would cause as much damage to their side as the other side. But she has various ways to use rainbows, and can cause a fair bit of damage with them.

Mana: Tarou is the main attacking force in Amy's creatures, the only one that can completely control her ability and has the focus to use it. Tarou is a girl as well, and she is the same height as Amy and a bit more slender. She has various flower and plant tattoo's that are located on her arms and legs, she likes fluffy vests and warm scarves as well as comfortable and warm pants, no matter how hot it is. She has the ability to create small minions and manipulate them, she is very skilled at this, but she has to create them with her own power and often gets very sick afterwards, causing her to be almost permanently cold, and Amy is afraid she might disappear one day. She was her first creation, and the most frail.

Body: Romiet is a male cupid that has the ability to shoot two people and make them confuse each other as the enemy and turn on each other. Unfortunately, he often gets carried away and starts shooting everyone. This often makes her plans backfire, so she only uses him as a last resource. He also has a love potion which makes people fall asleep if they drink it, but since you have to make them drink it, it is not very effective. He is slightly smaller then Amy and he has dark black hair and he wears clothes with a black base with pink and red hearts. He has a bow slung on his back and is a gossip, which often results in him getting distracted from the fight, so he is really useless.
Name: Suki

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: Demi

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 95 lb.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mlv15pwOHP1s8k0rgo1_500.jpg.c8c0ddb1ba71f35211d3feacfe6065d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mlv15pwOHP1s8k0rgo1_500.jpg.c8c0ddb1ba71f35211d3feacfe6065d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Dream

Personality: Suki is a novice Dreamer. Through all her years at the academy, she hasn't learned very much. She's awkward, sometimes clumsy, and very dependant on other people. She isn't very intelligent either, and asks a lot of questions, but her creativity level is high and she's quite optimistic. Usually, she's half asleep, so she's not really paying attention, and gets easily distracted. She is one of the younger students, and she looks up to the others. To her, they are like family.

Bio: To be decided.

Extras: To be decided.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind: To be decided.

Mana: To be decided.

Body: To be decided.

(I'll finish this whenever I get the chance.)



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Name: Gerald Vermeersch- loves nicknames and is happy to go by whatever you choose to call him.

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Human

Height: 5'10

Weight: 146

Appearance: Gerald has dusty brown, rather fluffy hair that goes down to his nape, a mole under his lip, and brown eyes flecked with hazel. He has light smooth skin and is normally seen with a kind smile set upon his face.

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Dream

Personality: Gerald is gentle, approachable, polite, and rather determined. He's a pacifist, and despises fighting, yet despite this can lose his temper quite easily. He thinks of himself as a rather average person, not too good at anything in particular, yet he's comfortable about it, though he secretly fears others will find him boring and dull. He has a large appetite and is often seen eating a snack, especially when working on anything, as it helps him concentrate. He tries to think things through before acting and always tries to avoid any kind of conflict.

Bio: Gerald lived a fairly normal life up until he discovered his ability for making dream creatures and went to the academy, his parents divorcing at an early age. He was a little shy in the beginning stages of his life, but soon became much more confident after making a close group of friends, and has stayed friendly ever since. The only noticeable event in his life was one of the main factors resulting in his hate for violence. It was when he was 18 and joined a gang, pulled into it by two of his friends. Things started out fine, it was really all just a bit of fun in the beginning, but soon that all changed. Things got more serious, there were gang wars, and people got hurt. Then, in one fight, one of Gerald's friends got gravely injured and died. It was only then that Gerald backed out, promising to never participate in that level of violence again. But as time goes by he's beginning to realise he may never get that luxury.

Extras: He hates rude and/or blunt people with a burning passion, and has a very clear definition as to who he thinks those kind of people are. Has a noticeable and fairly thick Belgian accent.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind: Puck, a small sheep-like spirit with wispy wool, rather demonic horns and a second pair of eyes above the first that are normally closed, who acts as a familiar of sorts to Gerald. However, underneath her coat lies exactly nine hungry and devouring mouths, so it's best not to attempt to pat her. She's often seen settled on top of Gerald's head and will snap at anyone she doesn't like. She has a rather strange ability, as each one of her mouths seems to be some sort of a dimensional portal, all leading to a few constantly cycling locations.

Picture: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b524/Lumijara/Puck_zps4f15b2e6.jpg

Mana: A large (as big as one's torso) koi fish type creature called Kazuki. Kazuki is loyal and wise and can travel through the air just by swimming in it. He uses his own body as a form of physical defence to protect others, as he's able to harden his soft scales to that of the tough material around his head. Offensively, he can create balls of pure mental energy, that don't actually physically hurt. Instead, if they pass through a living being, they fool it's brain into thinking it's in immense pain akin to that of being burnt alive, however, this can only be used in short bursts with a fairly long recharge time between them.

Picture (Not inserting because it takes up too much space):

Body: Wosret, a massive insectoid being, as tall as an ordinary one story house, and just as long, if not longer. Worset is usually buried underground in an completely unresponsive state, seeing as it would take far too long to summon her normally, only emerging in times of desperate need, meaning not many people have seen her, since she's used only as a last and final resort. She has no special powers and only abilities attached to her being, an example being her ability to spray highly corrosive acid from her 'mouth.' Wosret is aggressive and will attack any living creatures around her, including Gerald if he gets in her way, which means using her is a huge risk, as the amount of energy used to keep Worset in her reactive state completely immobilises him, keeping him rooted to the spot. The only thing that allows Worset to reciognise Gerald is his accent, as it sends different vibrations through the ground compared to someone without an accent like his.


Update! Drew a crappy picture for Puck. (If anyone wants a quick drawing of one of their dream/nightmare creatures, just ask! Though note that I might not be able to do it.)
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Race:Demi (Fox)

Height: 5'5

Weight:128 lbs

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/535882-bigthumbnail-1.jpeg.45dbaa949ea5cc863d33f0c124985185.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/535882-bigthumbnail-1.jpeg.45dbaa949ea5cc863d33f0c124985185.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Nightmare

Personality: Shes quiet and honest. When around strangers, she hides her ears by blending them in with her hair. Since she doesn't talk much, she tells to express herself through facial expressions. She is also easily embarrassed.

Bio:Sayuri was raised by her older brother after losing both parents At the age of 6. Her brother taught her how to create nightmares And how to use them. She joined the academy after her brother was killed. Since then, she has kept to herself.

Extras: She doesn't like being active because she gets easily tired.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind:(Name: Aiji) Aiji uses his orbs of blue fire to confuse or distract his enemies. Aiji is also Sayuri's first creature.

Mana:(Name: Simon) Simon uses his cards to collect information in a certain area.

Body:(Name: Spade) Spade likes to kill his enemies as brutally as possible, be it torturing them to death or ripping them apart limb from limb.



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Name: Kain Elswin

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Half-Elf

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 142 lbs


What campus?: Dream

Personality: Kain has a charming but manipulative personality. Instead of being aggressive, Kain tends to be kind, flirtatious and sweet to people in order to lower their guard and gain their trust. He's not a bad person deep down, but feels he needs to do this to protect himself and because he doesn't seek out violence solutions. Kain tends to charm everyone but never gets close to people enough that he forms an actual attachment. The only people he is genuine with are his creatures. He often comes across as a positive and cheerful person and hardly anyone ever sees him truly mad or upset. Kain has deep trust issues and doesn't always notice when he is hurting people.

Bio: Kain was born into a dysfunctional family. He had an older brother and a twin sister who died when they were five. She ended up walking in front of a truck and was killed on impact. Kain claims he remembers nothing but sometimes he has dreams about watching her get hit and has repressed the memory. The death of his twin separated his family and he left with his father. He never saw his mother or older brother again and grew to resent his parents for not considering their children's feelings. Kain acted out a lot as a child and would cause problems intentionally but as he aged, he became more subtle. When he started to develop the ability to call forth the creatures, he spent more time with them instead of people. Kara often was seen by his side and it is said by his father that she looks almost exactly what his actual twin would look like causing him to realize how disturbed his child is. Kain has been attending the school for a few years.

Extras: Kain hides his elf ears and few people know he is half-elf.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures

Mind: Kara. Kara is often mistaken as Kain's twin or sister and they are eerily alike. Kara manipulates space causing people to think they are farther or nearer to something, make people/self seem invisible, or make it appear as if their surroundings have changed.

Mana: Hiro. Looking like a magician, Hiro has the ability to summon small objects and send them flying at people or objects.

Body: Lamia. Lamia looks like a naga with the lower body of a snake. Her scales are an acid green and muddy brown color and she uses her snake part to trap and squeeze people to death. Her fangs are also poisonous.
Name: Fletcher Crassus

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Race: Human

Height: 5'8

Weight:55 kg

Appearance: Fletcher has striking red eyes and snow white hair that lies in thick, uncombed bangs across his forehead. He has a calm complexion and somewhat pale skin. His features are well rounded and his bodily proportions are neat and ordered. His attire never changes. Fletcher always wears a high collared, immaculate white shirt that is covered by long, also immaculately white trench coat. He always wears black formal pants which, due to the length of the trench coat that Fletcher wears, is barely shown. His shoes are always black dress shoes that are often polished to a nice shine.

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Dream

Personality: Fletcher is reserved and not exceptionally sociable. His conversations with strangers are strained and often end in awkward silences. Due to this, Fletcher avoids most conversations with people he does not know. And he does not know many people as a result. He becomes much more expressive and talkative with people he feels comfortable with. Fletcher upholds a zealous sense of right and order, to the point where the extremes to which he would take actions to enforce his ideals would be considered insane. This does not mean Fletcher is an always good, goodie cupcake that is the paragon of justice. He is human, and his human mind is fallible. If one were to see Fletcher in an active battle or engaging in violence, one would be struck with an eerie emotion as Fletcher becomes detached from himself in battle, a cold and calculating being. One might say that Fletcher is taking himself away from violence, detaching his psyche, easing stresses. Or perhaps he is indulging his darker desires and showing a more primal nature of himself.

Bio: In another country, Fletcher was born into a tumultuous household of violence. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother a drug addict. Fletcher toiled in poverty and emotional stresses for eight years. He withstood the emotional stresses with his dreams. Always, in a recurring dream, Fletcher would look up at a bright, warm, and inviting light. Its rays would seep into Fletcher's very being, taking away all his troubles. He wanted to be with the light, to take it into his arms and cradle it. One day, after a particularly physically abusive session, he found his salvation: a church. It was on a winter day after his father had attempted to round Fletcher in his inebriated rage. Fletcher could stand no more so he bolted, left his home and searched for sanctuary. When he entered the church, it was empty. No procession was ongoing and the sheer silence of the large, imposing building left Fletcher awed in silence. The place had a warm and inviting aura to it, an aura that Fletcher felt rooted to his inner being. A priest found him and accommodated him. With that first meeting, Fletcher grew into a religious boy, considering the church more family than his degraded parents. Then his life went downhill again. When Fletcher was eleven, both his parents were killed in a car accident. The church was also largely destroyed by a crazed man who, with an armada of homemade explosives, killed more than sixty people and destroyed a large section of the home that Fletcher so cherished. Fletcher was left to the care of his uncle, who lived in the country he currently resides in.

Extras: (None)

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind and Mana:

Grail of Light

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Lightwell.jpg.430f3ec74a65128637fbf445aab28752.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Lightwell.jpg.430f3ec74a65128637fbf445aab28752.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fletcher manifests a brilliant, golden, chalice one and a half meters tall with the cup part taking up around four feet of the height and having a diameter of two feet. This chalice spews forth incredibly bright light from it in the form of a beam shooting upwards. Additionally, light radiates from the chalice itself in such brightness and quantity that it is blinding. If one places his hands or any part of his/her body into the chalice where the beam of light radiates from, rapid healing will occur. This healing ONLY applies to those that Fletcher deems his allies, friends, and whatnot. Minor lacerations will become sealed near instantly and injuries like broken fingers will be righted in around eight seconds. The chalice can be destroyed but not tipped over. Additionally, the chalice's support will slowly create an expanding circular area of bright light which covers the ground it expands upon. The light envelops terrain and does not override it, causing the irregular features of land to be present but glazed with light. The maximum area of the light field has a diameter of seven meters. Any person that Fletcher considers ally, friend, etc.. will have their stamina constantly rejuvenated in this field. However, expanding this field causes the chalice to stop concentrating its healing light in the cup itself, making Fletcher lose the ability to regenerate physical injuries until the area of light is retracted back into the chalice. Destroying the cup will make it spill out a massive quantity of light, basically an explosion of light that will blind anything in its large vicinity for four to five seconds as well as disorientating them if they see the light. Once destroyed, the chalice cannot be manifested again in a short period of time.


Guardian Angel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/lightspawn.png.3ac0db72064958ccbd706ace5e7a6b0d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/lightspawn.png.3ac0db72064958ccbd706ace5e7a6b0d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This creature can only manifest within the field of light mentioned above. The being's size is around two meters tall and with a bulky build as suggested by the image provided. This creature also CANNOT move past the area of light also. This creature can teleport any location within the field of light. This creature is not organic and protects Fletcher or an ally he chooses within his field of range. To compensate for its crippled range, the creature itself is very powerful. It's physical strength is overpowering and superhuman and the creature can create weapons out of the light that it stands upon and use it to proficiency. The being's mass is also incredibly durable and because he is completely composed of it, slashes or physical trauma to it is greatly reduced. The creature can also project searing or piercing beams of light which cannot move out from the light area or cause tactical confusion such as blinding flashes to disorientate enemies. Damaging this being will cause it to lose chunks of mass, for example, a sword slash could cut off its arm or something. The being feels no pain and ONLY protects. It there is no aggressor, then this being does not do anything. The being can however prepare for an attack on the one it is protecting by forming things like a shield or readying an attack in preparation. Additionally, this being regenerates slowly on the field of light, regenerating more rapidly the closer he is to the person he is protecting and instantly regenerates all damage at the cost of becoming inactive for ten seconds if it teleports to the chalice itself. Basically the ultimate protector, aptly named Guardian Angel.

NOTE: Although Guardian Angel might be really strong, it has its obvious stated restriction and Fletcher's dream power in general has one massively crippling defect to it that I will be proud if someone figures out.



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Finally finished!

Name: Jamie Sivan

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Race: Human

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 140 lbs

Appearance: Jaime has wavy, light blond hair. He has large, round eyes that are a very pale blue in colour. They are his most notable feature. Jamie has light skin with a few faded freckles that go over his slightly crooked nose. All of his features are rather soft and curved.

What campus?: Nightmare

Personality: At first glance, Jamie doesn’t seem like he belongs at the nightmare campus. Somewhat shy and sweet, he seems entirely harmless, and entirely incapable of producing a nightmare. Based on appearances, he gives off an air of innocence and fragility. He seems all together too breakable. However, Jamie can definitely handle himself. He’s a lot stronger than he lets people on. He holds everything inside, controlling his emotions effectively. But it’s very true that he’s fragile. If you push him a little harder, he might just let go of everything and break apart.

Bio: Jamie had an isolated childhood. His parents were divorced, and lived on different continents. He would move back and forth between North America and Europe almost monthly. As a result, he never had much time to grow close to either parent, much less make friends. Thus, his head was his home, and his dreams were his friends. When he was thirteen, Jamie was taken into the Dream Academy.

At first he seemed like the ideal dream weaver. His creations were clean, soft, beautiful. However, as time passed, people began to notice that something was always…off. Jamie had never made anything horrific or ugly, but his creations often straddled the line between dream and nightmare. And so with his extreme unpredictability, he was sent away to the Nightmare Campus, just as a precaution. He has yet to produce something that is a true nightmare.

Extras: He doesn’t really take a side when it comes to the whole Dream vs. Nightmare campus.

Dream/Nightmare Creatures:

Jamie typically has human-looking creatures, which are almost always exquisite or beautiful.

His creatures are known for being physically alluring.

Mind: “Persephone”


She is Jamie’s oldest creation. Quiet, and hidden most of the time, she appears silently and swiftly.

Persephone is able to disable a nightmare/dream weaver’s mind momentarily, putting them to “sleep.”

However, this very mentally exhausting for Jamie to do, so she is not really used.

Mana: “Dareios”


He is the youngest. Much of his potential is unexplored. But his main purpose is defensive.

He protects Jamie’s mind. With Dareios around, other dreamers are unable to produce mental attacks on Jamie.

Body: “Apollyon”


Once again, Apollyon acts more defensively than aggressively, which makes sense because of Jamie’s personality.

He is capable of producing attacks, but is rarely used that way.

Even though Apollyon is a defender, he tends to “suck up” the attacker’s energy.

Every time an attacker touches Apollyon, a bit of their energy is drained away.
Name: Leo Sampson

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Elf

Height: 180

Weight: 55

Appearance: Dark gray skin with narrowed blue eyes. His ears sharper than an average elf. He has several scars across his face from uncontrolled nightmares. His hair is a glossy black which flows down to his mid back. He wears a dark blue trench coat with sky blue buttons and edges. His pants are black formal pants. His wears blue socks and black runners with blue laces.

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Nightmare

Personality: Mysterious with a slight streak of cunning. He blends in with the crowd and stays there. He like to be in complete solitude and will often find a silent corner so he can be by himself.

Bio: Leo was born in a nice small family. He had a twin sister, who he always pkayed with all day, everyday. When he was ten he was playing with her in a playground and a group of bullys camr along. "Ohh look at Leo the sissy." They would say. "Always playing with his sister. " Leo just ignored them and continued to play. But for just a dmall moment he thought how cool it would be to summon a creature from one of his nightmares ti come and rip them apart. That's all it took. That one thought to release a beast. It went on a rampage killing everyone in the area. Including his sister. His parents sent him to the school for control. And for counselling.

Extras: Musical.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind: Reva. Is a human conductor. With her batton she can move people or objects into walls . She wears a red dress and with puffed up shoulders. She has long beautiful blonde hair and blood red eyes, which always look like they are staring into your soul.

Mana: The Seer. Dispite his old and wrinkled appearance. He is one of the most usefull. He can see into the past and has vast knowledge of most creatyres in the universe. His clothes are the type you would seen in an old movie.

Body: Rainton: This demon, this monstrosity, this foul creature is the soul reason of Leo dispare. With it's murderous habits, this beast is very hard to control. It's Dark red skin and large jaws and claws can cause grief for many people at a time. He has a height of two meters and is very bulky. He is slow. But can pounce onto people.
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Name: "Teach"

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Human

Height: 6'1

Weight: 201

Appearance: Teach was a man that stood slightly above average and about average weight. When you looked at him, his appearance was nothing out of the ordinary. He had brown hair and eyes to match. He had very few noticeable scars. His attire was the of a professional; Khakis, dress shoes, button ups, and a pea coat. Why so modern when you are at academy full of other creations and races. Well he was born that way and that was the root he was going to stick with.

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): Nightmare

Personality: Very bold and straight forward type of man. Graduating from grade school presumed a very easy challenge and he now has a boasted ego from it. He enjoys fighting, honestly if he could he would fight just about anyone no matter the consequences. He has a sweet spot for girls though, especially elves. He likes to mess and tease with dream campus students. Making them mad was his ultimate goal. Mischievous, rude, and bold. That sums it up.

Bio: Born to two humans that had no magical gift what so ever. So how did he get this gift of weaving? One night something sparked his ambitions, so he began training in the darkness. Nightmare was more accepting and you didn't have to be born with this gift. It was his most valid option and it is what he stuck with. He himself is a manipulator that the same as his mind creature. Now to raise and grow he is ready for the academy cocky as ever.

Extras: Doesn't like males who try to tower over him.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind:The operator, this creature took the shape of a small orb that hovered over Teach. The operators goal was to posses and reprehend other enemies. Now this could only happen if he was allowed to be undisturbed for extended periods of time. Now this became very useful it could be casted, but there always has to be a back up plan. He was able to manipulate small items surrounding him creating foot soldiers, the foot soldiers weren't very large or strong or smart for that matter, but they made as quick shields and decoys for when the true power is coming out. The operator represents the controlling mind that he developed as a kid. This would be the closest representation of himself.

Mana: Proxy, a very mechanical and smart bot. Proxy was able to create fortifications and blockades to protect "The Operator" and "Tsi" He stayed around Teach most of the time. Conjuring up fortification that were pretty much unbreakable except he doesn't have the capability to make a fortification the completely engulfs the entire group they are only in one direction. As for the offense well there isn't much of an offense unless you count the damage the enemies due to there self from recoil and things like this. Proxy represents the defense mechanism Teach put up as a child and through his adult life trying to keep all the "Positive" influences out.

Body: Tsi, a very agile creation of some sort that bounces around the battlefield. Delivering quick and painless blows before returning behind proxy. His main ability was stealth, he made up for the lack of defense with his offense. Poison flowed through "veins" Any blow delivered would inject a harsh poison even to creatures not just humans. The poison had different affects depending on what kind of creature you were which will be explained more when the time comes. Tsi represents the anger that Teach has held within his entire life. He is not a force you want to deal with.
Name:Nicole Douglass

Gender: female

Age: 14

Race: human

Height:5 foot 4

Weight:8 stone

Appearance: she has short blonde hair with straw hat with Greasy white t shirt with a long skirt and Wellington boots

What campus? (Dream or Nightmare): dream

Personality:she is loud , boisterous and out going , but can be rude and pushy, but feels like a outcast a lot due to her past. She can be sort of protective toward's plantlife

Bio:in her She is a talented gardener who wasn't accepted by her peers due to her loud boyish nature. being in a society who was big on gender roles. This hurt her self confidence so to distract herself from this, she took up gardening

Extras:likes cabbage and the colour teal




What campus? (Dream or Nightmare):

Mind :hyme

A bug warrior with a giant stick spear can create two duplicates of himself


A robe wearing scare crow carrying a huge horn o plenty that shoots giant foodstuffs , he uses this to prank people a lot


A young warrior girl with green skin and a red bejewelled that can turn plants into weapons
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126 lbs.



What campus? (Dream or Nightmare):



Whitney is very straightforward and enjoys leadership. She can be a bit bossy, especially when she is excited about something. She likes to be creative and do things that others are too embarrassed or too scared to do and will call them out on it. She always gets annoyed when people don't do things like they're supposed to or don't do anything at all. She likes to think of herself as useful but sometimes she messes things up which upsets her because that would point out the fact that she is a hypocrite. Secretly she is a little self conscious but doesn't let ANYBODY know.


Whitney was born into a rich family who cared for her. She was an only child and so was always spoiled by her parents. One night, her happiness created a strange creature which fascinated her parents. They would watch from afar as their daughter created these incredible beasts that moved and sometimes spoke. They were supportive of her gift and sent her to the academy so she could learn more.


Has a sweet tooth.

She is very weak when it comes to creating dream creatures.

Dream Creatures/Nightmare Creatures:

Mind:Luna- One of the first of Whitney's creations. Luna represents Whitney's inner child and her wish for more friends when she was younger.(as she spent a lot of time alone) Luna can sing a lullaby and lull people into a tired state and sometimes to sleep, making enemies lose their concentration and motivation.


Mana:Sayren- Sayren resembles a ghost fox that can create light where there is darkness. She can also change the color of her fur to blend in with the surroundings and disappear from the enemy's sight.


Body:Sam- Sam is the strongest of Whitney's dream creatures. He simply takes one form but is quick with his swords and is very agile. He can summon a wall to protect Whitney, as his defense isn't the best but the wall can only protect Whitney.


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