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Realistic or Modern Dream Eater: Of Hopes and Nightmares

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Location: Wing Z, UNMRAS Headquarters, Los Angeles - Safe Zone
Time: 0830

While Casey was explaining the modalities to both the new and old members of the squad in the classroom, Angélique swiped at her phone, tapped a few words to some old partners, looked through the forum boards she managed, checked if the radio station was still up and running with music while she was away. The Head of Dreamers' words were nothing new to her. Just how many times did she hear his introductions and hopeful speeches? Over the years, multi-tasking and establishing a network of contacts and friend had become quite taxing mentally, but she would be damned if she would shy away from the responsibilities she made for herself and let down the community she built in this shit hole of an academy.

And despite she came to see him like a big brother, by God she hated what he stood for. This bureaucratic nonsense and fake diplomacy between the Dreamers and UNMRAS.

A girl's voice formally addressing Angel right next to her made Radio's bubble burst in a flash, pausing her mindless droning over her phone. Now whether she truly went absent-minded there or the girl was quiet as a mouse, Angélique could not tell, but one thing for sure, she was surprised nonetheless by both the statement and the sudden arrival.

"O-oh ! Nah, don't worry about it, I was talking about those two knuckle-heads over there." She nodded in the direction of the pink mohawk, its oversized familiar and... huh... Rai left? She didn't even notice Deva exiting the room. Even more surprisingly the door didn't slam on her way out.

Angel's brow raised in suspicion. They clearly haven't met before, she would recognize someone looking so exotic, yet the girl knew her name. She wasn't aware new students were briefed on their comrades, unless protocols changed with this special unit. And the way she spoke and acted... was a tad bizarre, moreso from a Hopeful.

Nonetheless, the girl was a Dreamer, and while most of her info were classified, Angélique never shied from meeting new peers and bond with them. Unity was indeed very important to survive in this hell, or at least it made the world make a bit more sense to her.

"Kamaria, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. Sure, I don't have anything right now, let's talk." the raven-haired young woman replied, pocketing her phone back in her pants. "I don't think I've seen you around before, have you just arrived here?"

OoC: Bluffly Bluffly we can bring this conversation in DMs if you'd like Kamaria to have a lengthy conversation with Angélique.

Soon enough after Casey noticed no one had any question for him and some students were filing away from the classroom, the young man dismissed class early and left the students to their own devices. Under normal circumstances, the group would be restricted to this classroom and forced to remain within the classroom's walls until periods were over, but Casey had taken special measures for this new squad. So long as they were not causing troubles and they would attend team exercises classes, they were allowed to skip classes and focus on themselves instead. Indeed, Special Unit they were, he had to at least give them some privileges.

They would need it. This squad was about to be put to the grinder sooner than later.

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Location: Director's Office, UNMRAS Headquarters, Los Angeles - Safe Zone
Time: 1030
"I don't know what it is, but there's clearly been something unnatural happening tonight. Well, I mean, unnatural as unexpected from the usual Dreamer business."

A frown was etched on the Director's face. This was the kind of stuff she didn't like hearing. Surprises. As if dealing with a lot of wild cards and volatile students in this academy wasn't enough. "I'm quite aware of it. The Oracle did mention of 'dark clouds surfacing'. A coming crisis, they believe."

Casey huffed slightly. Clearly, for someone who is not a Dreamer, Lang sure id know a lot about stuff that shouldn't even make sense to a normal human. The woman was a sharp one however, he'll give her that. "Right. So, I've done some digging on some students. Talked to Angélique before the rest of the class arrived as well."

Lang remained silent, a brow perked up with interest.

"There's something out there for sure. I can confirm what the Oracle and some few theories amongst Dreamers. There's an entity directly opposed to the Dream Eater, and it came to try something this night."

There was an uneasy silence in the room once more. The Director leaned on her closed fists resting on her desk. There were hundreds of questions spinning in her mind right now, but within the blink of an eye, her focus returned. She locked eyes with her Counselor. "What of the students?"

"They are special for sure, that's certain. I felt something different about them. Every single one of them. They are not like the other students for sure, as the Oracle has seen."

Director Lang sighed. Now this was an interesting development, one that she would require to watch closely. "Sounds like those kids are caught in the middle of an unseen war. If what I've been told is true, then it is of the utmost importance you monitor them to the best of your ability. The kids might just be the key to these new events."

The young man ran a hand through his long locks of brown hair. "No rest for the wicked, huh? Very well."

the woman's voice was grave and the most serious Casey swore he ever hear of her. "By any means necessary. By all the resources available. We must prepare them for what's coming. Yesterday's battle was just the beginning."

Location: Training Grounds, UNMRAS Headquarters, Los Angeles - Safe Zone
Time: 1500
The sun was quite high in the sky by the time the teamwork exercises for Special Unit A arrived. For today, Casey had cleared up the classes and the activities that would be taking place on the field, next to what the students had dubbed "Wreck Town".

A mock town that served as training grounds for all the Dreamers, and especially for the Nightmares that would need to blow off some steam and demolish some stuff without fear of wrecking UNMRAS property. At the strike of midnight, the town would be restored to its pristine appearance, for reasons unknown. A speculation was that of a ghost of a Hopeful remained in this quaint little plot of land, subjecting the area to a complete reset every night. The delinquent students who somehow manage to slip away from the curfew and be in this place at night would find themselves waking up the next morning somewhere completely random on the campus instead of the training grounds, with no memories of what happened that night.

When all the students would arrive on the field, Casey would greet them with open arms.

"Guys, welcome to today's exercises ! Now, I know you are used to train with your powers during these periods, but in the spirit of training you for battle and work as a team, I've set you up for something different today." The Dreamer Counselor walked to each student and handed them three flags of a color, from two sets of color in his hands. "Now, I expect you guys know the concept of flag football and capture the flag? Don't worry, I'll explain the rules of the game."

A portable white board hand already been planted on the field. With the flags distributed to the students, Casey took a marker and wrote down the names, separating them into two teams. Team Red and Team Blue. "Alright, so the main objective of the game is to capture the other team's flag, hidden somewhere in the town. Except, the flag in question is one of your teammate. See, this exercise does not solely involve taking the offensive, it's about defensive maneuvers as well. Let's see if you can coordinate to defend your allies as well as take the fight to your opponents."

Casey directed the attention of the group towards some marking on the white board. Scores. "To eliminate an opponent, you must take away all three of their flags. Each flag is worth three points. So in total, if your team eliminates all the other players, you will earn a total of 27 points. If your defensive objective is captured, you lose 10 points. If you capture the objective, your team earns 20 points." Two circles with a flag of each color were painted on the field. "You must bring the objective to the circle with your team's color. The objectives can fight back to prevents their capture, but..."

The Counselor, noting to the others the absence of Angélique and Nicholas from their ranks. "The objectives are not much of fighters. They will try their best to hide and contact their team, but they won't put up much of a fight compared to you guys. Team Red, Angélique is your objective do defend. Team Blue, Nicholas is yours. Look for them inside the city and bring them back to your team's goal to secure them. They know which team they belong to, but not who their teammates are."

"Game's over as soon as one team is entirely wiped out, objective captured or not. You guys can use your abilities, but just try to not hurt each other, yeah? Questions?"

OoC: Check the spoiler below for game rules.

Alright, so it's time for a little team-building competition. Here are the teams:
Team Red: Alvaro, Norah, Giyoshi, ***Angélique***
Team Blue: Rai'Shauni, Miyami, Kamaria, ***Nicholas***
LatinKnightz LatinKnightz Prior to the team exercise, your character will be meeting with Casey Smith for him to understand the rules of the game and will be escorted to Wreck Town's pharmacy, where your character will start off during the event.

The three little flags carried by your characters are velcro'ed to the chest, the back and the hips. Somehow, they carry the same magic-cancelling property as the ankle cuffs, so they can't be interacted with using your abilities.

Lose all three flags, you're out of the game. You will be escorted off the field and into a camper with snacks and screens to monitor the game.

The game's boundaries are set within Wreck Town and the training field next to it, so no leaving or else you're automatically out of the game.

Team Red starts off at the northern most entry point of the town. Their defense objective, Angélique, is located inside a jail somewhere or the northern part of town.

Team Blue starts off at the southern most entry point of the town. Their defense objective, Nicholas, is located inside a pharmacy somewhere on the southern part of town.
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Rai'Shauni - 'Ms. Devastation''


After Working out...

It would be a lie to say that she was absolutely fine.

Both sets of fingers worked away, applying the new bandage just below her hairline. The white fabric at the side of her head would be the most noteable injury sustained by the Nightmare Dreamer. But it was not the only one.

A single stroke wiped away the condensation so she could see the face of the young woman in the mirror. She tilted her head, inspecting the application of the bandage and nodded. Yeah it would hold and yeah, it looked ready to be displayed proudly as a badge of honour. Both hands then reached high above her head in a fully arched back stretch-- a sudden wince. Both hands shot downwards, instantly rubbing at the white fuzzy fabric of her towel. Her ribs throbbed with a bit more than mild discomfort. Another stretch. Another wince. Left elbow. And neck.

As a double check, the big, brown, inked-up woman touched her toes before dropping into a set of squats. Well, at least her lower body didn't hurt. Peripheral vision instantly caught the soured look upon the face of the woman in the mirror. Blue eyes glared and locked on with the reflections gaze. A disdaining click. An upward chin nod,
"Stop being such a pussy. You heal fast. Bitch, manifest."

Both hands then grabbed several lengths of chestnut hair and began weaving away. She stared at the woman in the mirror again but without actually seeing her. Thrust into her mind's eye, she replayed the convos she had initiated in the Wreck Centre. So Dio was more, so much more, than she had initially believed. Would her knew sets of info about Angelique, confirmed or not, change the way she viewed or even interacted with the dark-haired dreamer? Several heartbeats longer she pondered before her vision returned to see reality in its present state.

Rai locked eyes with the woman in the mirror yet again. She had no answer. Only time would tell how this new info would affect her relationship with the telepathic dreamer. They were all just cogs in the UNMRAS grinder up in here regardless, so yes, Deva would still have Dio's back.
You damn right...

Once more she tilted her head as she stared into the mirror, inspecting her handiwork. Yeah, the twin dutch braids and her eye makeup were niiiiiine and looked proper on a righteous, kickass bitch. Another neck stretch illicited another wince. Maybe she should have skipped the weights and heavy bag today and just focussed on pilates or even just stuck to yoga-- Rai lifted up both tattooed arms and both bicep muscles swelled up, living large like a boss. Yeah, naw, I'm fine. Daaaaamn fine...

A small self-serving smile she had to cover. A sigh and a shrug followed a heartbeat later; eyo, she couldn't help it if the woman in the mirror agreed.

Feeling a bit more as if the heaviness lifted from her mind, chest and mood, Rai quickly dressed into her normally tight, athletic fit. It was time to head back to quarters and get her gear ready for 1500hr and hopefully avoid all interactions with 'The Stalker.'

Because maybe, just maybe, it was time to talk to (but not cuddle hah!) with a dependeble (and sooooo not tiny, loveable, fuzzy and adorable) guy that would actually listen to her (belly-aching and all complaints alike and make it all just go away).

Nicholas Parmer.

Nicholas was escorted to Casey Jones before the games began. He was even able to make some light conversation with his guards along the way. "-And rigor mortis is when the human body starts contracting which occurs around twelve hours after death-" Well, light for him I suppose. The guards hurriedly escorted him to Casey and almost pushed him through the door before quickly retreating away. "Huh, I guess they're not all that interested in forensic science. . . Hello mister Casey!"

"Ah, hello there Nicholas. Now that you're here, we can begin." Casey greeted the young man with a pat on the shoulder, glancing towards Angélique who had arrived a bit earlier to join them. "Alright, for today's exercise, I want to test the squad's ability to protect high-value targets, while also capturing and retrieving said targets. Think of it as some sort of capture the flag, but instead of flags, you two will be what the teams are trying to acquire." A scoff could be heard escaping Radio's lips. "Really? You're making us play games instead of training?" She was only met with silence. "Right. So, your goal in this game is to not let yourself be captured by any means. Angélique, you're with Team Red. Nicholas, Team Blue."

"oh. . ."
Nicholas had the honor/horror of being a target once. He didn't do so well, that was why he was in this school. He sighed and accepted that he was going to have to overwork his bad leg again. "Looks like you have the advantage eh?" He said playfully while tapping his leg with his cane. "Angelique? If I'm pronouncing it correctly?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. You can call me Angel if you prefer." She tilted her head to the Necromancer. "Meh, it's not like I can fight against any of them either. Not much of a runner either."

She held out her hand to Nicholas. "Dunno who we're with but hey, good luck man. May the best team win and hopefully we won't be seeing each other at the infirmary."

He stretched out his leather gloved hand while nodding."True. . . At least I still have the stick." He shook her hand as normal as you might expect."Best of luck to you as well." He smiled before remembering something that he probably had to ask."Oh before we start, do you have any particular phobias that I might need to know about? I'm sure you've read my file, I wouldn't want to enhance any of your fears any further than they already are." He turned to Casey. "On another note mister Casey, are we allowed to dig?"

"Nothing that I can really think of right now." Actually, she really had a fear spiders, but that was something she wasn't keen of admitting, especially if it left her open for pranks. "Why yes, you may." Casey replied.

Nicholas smiled. "Well, it looks like I won't have to run too far after all." He looked back at Angel. "Well, I hope I don't accidentally make one for you. I had bad habit of doing that apparently. . . My grandfather got the fear of moose which was quite unfortunately, my fault. . . Poor grampa. . . Anyway! Best of luck to you and I hope you're not afraid of spiders because those are, very very easy dead creatures for me to to access! Because fun fact! There's around a million spiders per acre of land! Isn't that just. . . wonderful! . ." He gripped his cane a little bit tighter with both hands. Nicholas was also afraid of spiders.

There was a long pause before he spoke up again. "Ok bye." He said before being escorted towards his position in the pharmacy.
The modest amount of time given to Casey's class to rest up and prepare for their exercise gave Norah little insight into who Miyami was, this person who she was apparently supposed to be bonding with, all so that they could look out for each other in battle. That was why they were paired up, right? To make special little relationships and become a good team that hopefully could survive more than one battle. Really, in that case why not give the group space in some army barracks or something? Still, the allowance of some basic, springy mattresses was certainly a sight better than sleeping in tents or sleeping bags or truck beds out in the wastes.

Or the rooftops and dark alleys Norah had to find shelter in back when she began living in the cities on her own, swiping necessities and delivering sealed packages for people who wanted their messages and other loot delivered clandestinely, using her gift to always stay a little bit ahead of whoever might be after her.

Where was "Miyami", anyway? She was probably familiarizing herself with the rest of the campus...they'd inevitably catch each other at some point. Unless...her gift allowed her to make herself invisible? Perhaps she could even be here...watching and judging silently?

Despite her...concern, she sat on the very edge of the bed of her dorm room, springing up and down a little as she looked across at the other bed. Anything Adelina had left behind was cleaned away for now...would make things easier if they decided to pull the plug on her. The few things Norah had were intact, however. She got up, sighing as she turned to the desk and picked up the bird's eye sketch of the campus from yesterday, taking a pencil in the other hand. She eyed the two tiny blobs that formed the guards that called up to her then. Positioning the pencil's tip on them, she pressed down, the blobs melding into a larger blemish on the paper as the graphite cracked under the pressure.

With a thoughtless "hm", Norah turned to the wall above her bed. A loose piece of tape hung there, left by some unfortunate prior inhabitant. She placed her drawing under the loose end, and then pressed it down, anchoring the paper in place. A mark of her presence, left in this place for now.

Why did she do that...?

Location: Training Grounds, UNMRAS Headquarters, Los Angeles - Safe Zone
Time: 1505...ish?

The little training exercise brought half of the class into a replica of a type of building that Norah had come close to seeing the inside of a few times, though she had avoided capture every time so far. Until now, she supposed. The prison was a little wider, and the shackles a little fancier. But they were the same thing.

She stretched, her head swimming a little. Since she had woken up, it had felt like...she was here, on earth, but somewhere else at the same time. A non-specific kind of somewhere, as if she could trip and fall into it at any moment. The sensation had only grown stronger throughout the day, and it was starting to feel like like she could never be rid of this strange sensation.

Even so, she put her usual indifferent face on it.

"Hello again, Gyoshi. At least your muscles are on my side this time, huh? Looking forward to seeing you in action." A head-on clash between her and Rai would be quite the sight. Oh sure, Rai was a showboat. But Gyoshi...she seemed to be the type to hold back. Norah looked forward to being pleasantly surprised.

"You too, Pinky." Again, her attention was more on "Leo". "If you've got a 'friend' that can fly...we got this, easy."

simj26 simj26 The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Brief mention: Ian Temero Ian Temero

Alvaro | Wreck Town, L.A.

‘She makes it sound so easy!’ Anima’s tail swished and with an approach towards Norah, she bopped her lightly with her snout. Ears angling up, one tilting to the side, head tilting, as if in request for another scratch like yesterday as she bopped her again with her head.

Alvaro rolled his eyes. “Even if I did have a friend that could help it wouldn't be that simple.”

Finding Nicholas would only be easy if he or Anima could spot him. He didn't really need to see the others to know who was who.

He could pick out the feel of each person given enough time, but Rai likely wasn't about to give them any time and that Psydoll chick…he didn't feel like she would be taking it as easy in a competitive match either.

What was the bigger problem was if he split up with Leo, he would more or less have to fight with whatever was available and when they weren't together- truth was he was weaker on the whole. Sure he knew martial arts, sure he could hit hard, but compared to someone with super powered strength or reinforce skin or a person who could make shields from psychic energy? He wasn't about to be capable of doing that much. Not to mention if Anima got into a scuffle on her own, her filter would crumble quickly. Lack of instruction didn't do well for her in combat situations.

‘That isn't true!’ her tail flicked in annoyance.

It absolutely was.

Alvaro scratched his head. Hiding information from these guys was going to make using his powers difficult. Still he couldn't just tell them how his powers worked. He knew how that went. What person wouldn't be weirded out by a guy and his animal friend being able to read your actual emotions as clear as a book?

Alright,” deciding on his course of action. “Leo come here” pulling her attention away from Norah with those words alone, the massive big cat turned her attention to the adjacent building up ahead that Alvaro was pointing to. “You and I are going up there.” Directing his attention to Norah and Gyoshi he said: “I'll be able to tell how far away Rai and her team is, and might be able to get Leo to detect anything on the direction of Angel or Nich.

Pulling away from Norah, regardless of whether she had gotten her scratches in or not, Alvaro moved towards the big cat. Kicking a leg over the crouching massive beast to where he stood above it on its prone form, he considered asking the girls if they wanted a ride.

Then recalled Norah was essentially a speedster and Gyoshi's weight wasn't about to be something he would make Anima carry.

Without another word or signal, the jaguar rose to its full standing height and with her rise Alvaro rose with her, legs shifting into place as he leaned forward almost naturally, like he were riding a sports based cycle. Taking his shades off and slipping it into a pocket on his sleeveless jacket, Norah and Gyoshi could watch as ‘Leo’ paced in a circle around them, creating a wide berth of space, then without a signal from Pinky, they took off towards the building. She ran at a steady jog, then with a crouch, leaped, clearing the ten feet, climbing up to twenty in an instant, before smoothly stepping off a statue, propelled upwards then landing with Alvaro on the second floor roof of the building.

Dismounting and then jumping up, Alvaro could be seen from above for a moment before he vanished, then reappeared on the third floor of a smaller structure on top of the building.

Breathing in deeply he let out an exhale, then…felt for the others.

Anima stood below, watching silently, ears perked, extending his reach, also feeling. Like a sonar being sent, they searched for life-- and in the distance he felt Rai, felt someone else-- that aura felt cold, chilly, dull, Psydoll-- then he felt someone vaguely familiar. The signature was familiar at least, cool and perhaps tinted with a pinch of nervousness, he thought back to the signatures of the others the day before-- Nich? It felt like his.

He snapped back, feeling for a moment, shaken. Extending his range always did that to him. He shook it off, deciding to turn his attention after a few seconds to find Angelique.

Nicholas was somewhere in front of them, that direction was South. He hadn't picked up exactly where or what building but he had felt him. South. He nodded.

Let's go again.”

Perhaps to Gyoshi and Norah all it looked like he was doing was just standing there- staring off.

Technically, not wrong.

Again, a deep breath- like a sonar, they felt things flash to life. Again, just like before, the closest were Gyoshi, Norah-- Anima extended it, Alvaro searched.

Rai…Psydoll, they seemed in the same direction as Nicholas.

The range widened, Alvaro's face tightened in concentration. Seconds turned to a minute then two-- That's when he felt the flickering spark, the dancing glint of aura that reminded him of Angel.

Immediately he stumbled backwards, and from below he looked like a few steps away from falling off-- but, never in danger, Alvaro put a hand to his head and grimaced.

Found her.” He called to the two below. “Get up here, I'll explain the locations I sensed.” Not wanting to waste time coming down. Instead he jumped off where he was and merely landed beside the jaguar who offered herself as support when he stumbled.

Ugh…Hate doing wide sweeps like that.” He grunted, waiting for the girls.

Mentions: Vox Angelis Vox Angelis BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Ian Temero Ian Temero Bluffly Bluffly LatinKnightz LatinKnightz

Interactions: simj26 simj26 Nellancholy Nellancholy
Location: Training Grounds, UNMRAS Headquarters, Los Angeles - Safe Zone
Time: 1500

Like leaves on the wind, the purple-haired dreamer glided across the ground towards Counselor Casey. She hadn't been out to WreckTown and found it to be a wonder to behold, however, the minimal movement on her face never conveyed it. Her eyes glanced back and forth, looking for Rai. Their first interaction in the classroom was non-existent but their first exchange as roommates was...interesting, at least to Kamaria. From her observation, Kamaria assumed that Rai would be a few minutes behind her as the other dreamer detested moving on UNMRAS time.

Kamaria was scanning over WreckTown and the whiteboard attempting to figure out exactly what their objective would be before Casey could explain, but her thoughts were cut short when the Counselor began to explain. Competitive? Like electricity, the feeling of anticipation danced across her body at just the idea of their team winning, or was the idea of her being better than others? She couldn't tell but she knew she had a thirst for victory,"Hm.."With a quiet nod, Kamaria released her braids from their compact bun and readjusted her hair into two lower buns.

"Game's over as soon as one team is entirely wiped out, objective captured or not. You guys can use your abilities, but just try to not hurt each other, yeah? Questions?"

"No lethal attacks...Wipe out the other team...,"She glanced at her team and back to the other,"Either eliminate them or find our target...Got it!" The snap of her rubber bands pierced the air as she brandished a falchion sword in preparation.

Rai'Shauni - 'Ms. Devastation''


At the training grounds...

From around the corner she arrived near the congregation, pulling on her gloves' hem to tighten the fit.

Rai wasn't obsessive with being on time but no, you would never find her slipping; she made a point to never be late. In fact, the young woman was actually really early. She had been in the training ground ruins when she was still 18 and had learned that being complacent was nearly identical to being sloppy and ill prepared. There would be no surprises in terms of terrain as far as she was concerned. So this time around she decided to scout the grounds prior to commencing the group exercise.

This unpopulated expanse was rumoured to have a magical and surreal sense about it. Many in the stockade said that the place would regenerate no matter the pounding it took; even if all buildings were leveled. But to this Dreamer, walking past buiding after building, it had that 'uncanny valley' greasiness slithering all over it like an AI image feigning and failing to convey authentic vibes. Something about the dullness of the accoustics didn't sit right either; it felt like how it would sound inside an aquarium despite the open air.

But regardless she was here with the rest of the squad and listening attentively despite still seething at the D-grade she received-- which may or may not have been influenced by Casey's poor assestment of her abilities and worth. Speaking of grades... blue eyes slid over to Norah's direction. An upward chin nod she acknowledged the other survivor of the beach defense. Rai never got the opportunity to chit chat about their grades together but perhaps after the training they could compare notes.

The objective of the exercise was easy enough to follow and Rai liked the format. The thing she didn't like was when they broke off into the teams as directied. Rai stood directly in front of the other two young ladies, hands on hips, chin lowered. Blue eyes darkened and she just had to literally spit the distaste outta her mouth.

"Eyo, we are at a major disadvantage, ladies," they were well outta earshot but Rai still spoke low; she didn't know how sound truly carried in this fishbowl atmosphere, "not a single one of us is faster than Blinky. She the skinny kid with the twin piggytails and that chica is like a guaranteed flag or 2 minused from our side. And for real tho, it's basically 4 on 3-- and we can't even take out the 4th one since it won't be wearing any flags.

"Listen, once they have their objective retrieved, they don't need to communicate out loud, not with a telepath linking them. Not to mention our objective is really walking on only 1 and a half legs; so yeah, ain't no stealth with that damned cane drumming up more noise than necessary."

"No lethal attacks...Wipe out the other team--"

"Agreed, that's our best option," Rai'Shauni cut in as the violet-headed Kamaria stared off at their opposing team.

Blue eyes watched appreciatively yet calmly as her diminutive teammate willed a blade into existence. Rai inhaled then immediately exhaled, a boot stamping down with enough force to crack the concrete below. Brown face swivelled and tilted downward to glance at the other not-as-short but still short blue-headed female, Ian Temero Ian Temero
"What about you? Whacha gots?"

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