• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern DREAM BIG - DREAM HIGH

All that time, Shin had most certainly not been asleep. He buried his head into his sweatshirt and shoved his face into his knees.


His headache was overwhelming, as the sounds of the practice room elevated. He groaned softly and squeezed his eyes shut tight. He did not want to know what was going on outside the folds of his baggy gray fabric, he did not want to see a bunch of amateur stretching that could make a normal person uncomfortable, and he most certainly did not wan-


A large Unidentified Object plummeted on to his back. He was shocked out of his hungover daze and ready to straight up slaughter whoever had done th-

”I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry! I’m so sorry-”

Slowly, he uncurled himself from his position and pulled the hood off of his head. His hair fell out in a mess, frizzy from being covered by a hood. This slow unfurling of the hungover Shin flower likely would've looked menacing to anyone watching, but frankly he was just too cramped up and tired to move quickly.

"I get it kid. Just shut up for a second." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. And in yet another action that looked somewhat shady, he pulled the bottle of ibuprofen from his sweater pouch and dry swallowed yet another.

"Third one of the morning, I'm on a roll." He muttered. Finally he turned his dark circled gaze to the rookie again, placing his foot on top of his head in an attempt to push him away.
This is what we get for rookies? What a shitty day this is going to be, but at least this one isn't mine ... I think.

"Now unless you're a fan, which I honestly doubt you are, my music's too cultured for you teenagers, beat it."
Not that I actually want you around if you really are a fan.

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Chiasa Honda
As everyone was beginning to finally get here Chiasa couldn't help but become a bit fidgety. Although she met the other members of her brother group d:fi, she wasn't all too close with them. They were only from the same company and since their schedules didn't correlate as much and the slight age difference she is not close with any of the members except the leader who had helped her with korean during her trainee days.

She also recognized many of the idols from various shows. Especially with Hana, or Hyeshin since they were close to her age. But seeing as they were about to check out the rookies this was probably not the time. She wondered if there would be any one which would catch her eye. There were also a lot of girl rookies too, she couldn't wait to get to know them. Hopefully they wouldn't get scared away by her enthuisasm, or maybe her strange quirks as many would like to call it. Getting tired of standing up she sat on the floor and began to stretch, and crack her neck to be ready on concentrated for the rookies performances.

Once she saw the first rookie get up she took notice of the others light bouncy steps. *Oh, could he also be a morning person? This is great, it's all so boring when everyone is dead in the morning.* Pursing her lips at the thought. Maybe she won't have the same old mornings playing by herself. Cheering him on she let out a

But right off the bat, an accident happened.
"Ohh, fatality..."

Chiasa murmured as she observed the rather fun rookie topple over someone. *
Ahhh! He should've just stayed on top of him longer...should i push him back down?* With such thoughts she immediately began to approach the two in gods speed, sliding down the practice room. "Hey are you ok?"

She asked monotonously as she rubbed the fallen rookie's head.The rookie being ok was not her utmost priority after all. Only when she was about to say what she was really excited for did her voice become a bit more chirpier with a twinkle in her eye.
"Cut the kid some slack Oppa. Now c'mon, it's not like he didn't mean to fall on you. Now let's just hug and get on with the other's performances. We don't have all day now!"

Practice Room


Shin @Ambivalence


Mentions;Some people

Dialogue;bold = japanese.

underlined = english.
Outfit; x

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Practice Room


Tired , Annoyed



Hye-Yong let out a sigh , thankful that no one was looking before he started dancing again. The mumbling of the lyrics slowly switched into real singing and occasional rapping as he submerged himself in his own little world that contained only himself and music. Once he stopped be plopped down on the ground and pulled out his ear phones and heard the commotion.

He could help but roll his eyes at Shin and the boy apologizing to the man. He let out a sigh at slowly sat up , pushing his hair out of his face. He stood up and walked over to the boy grovelling on the ground and crouched beside him " Actually look at your surroundings and never dance in the centre of the room like that , find a corner or somewhere off to the side. " He said , standing up and walking back to his spot.

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Pyo Daehyun

| the practice room | mature & riled up | @alotofpeople

| @Ambivalence @Kawaii @tinygrassisdreaming
@LastRomeo @Aes [/center]

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Hyeyong eyes flew open as he turned to face Daehyun. With a sigh he fold his arms behind his back and stared Daehyun right back in the eye but didn't say anything. He nodded before to JJ , a straight line on his face. " I'm sorry for disrespecting you. " He said , the word disrespecting made him fill him more upset.Slowly he stepped forward so everyone could begin forming the circle as he gazed at the floor. His eyes stayed glued to the ground as he ridiculed himself.

"Stupid Idiot , I'm such a dumb idiot. " He thought , biting his lip.

' Why am I so stupid, i should have kept my goddamned mouth shut. I only ever wanted to give the guy advice. " He thought , a knot forming in his stomach that left him feeling uneasy. ' I went through so much , fighting and training only to anger someone who could kick me out on my ass. " He thought , shaking his head causing his hair to cover his face. The more he thought about getting kicked out the more the knot in his stomach grew.

' Calm down , calm down and don't let them see you upset. " He thought , his lip trembling before he took a deep breath. He schooled his facial expression into a fake convincing smile and looked up , pushing his hair back into the its original position. He had to admit his acting had gotten better as he glanced into the mirror although the slightly trembling of his lip would give him away.

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Underlined || English

Italicized || Thoughts


Practice Room


Worried/Hoping to make a new friend. Excited to start the introductions.


Mentions || Chiasa @Ambivalence , Daehyun @SociallyAwkward123

Interacts || JJ

Jung Haemi

Amy gave a big frown when she had read the message her best friend Melanie replied to her. Melanie was not cooperating with Amy's need to know the details of the date, and Amy was obviously getting upset over it. She continued to message furiously with her friend trying to at least convince her to send a picture of the guy. Amy was beyond curious to see the guys face, although she was for sure he wouldn't compare to the handsome faces of the men in the practice room. After a few minutes of messaging each other back and forth, Amy decided it was about time to give up. Melanie's profanity level went through the roof in her last message and Amy was starting to get scared, even though she was on the other side of the world and far away from her best friend.
'Language!!' she quickly messaged and placed her phone in the small bag she brought.

Amy sighed and leaned back into the wall. She didn't really pay attention to the people coming in after her, and so she decided to inspect the new faces. She of course recognized the idols and assumed the faces she didn't know were rookies like her. In the corner of her eye, Amy noticed someone started to dance. She quickly looked over to watch the dancing boy and then became absolutely mesmerized. Well, that was a bit exaggerated, but Amy was definitely watching his every move. Amy is not very knowledgeable in everything in the dancing category. That's why she doesn't consider dancing as a part of her specialty, but she was a break dancer, and so she appreciated the art. She was watching intently until the boy had slipped and fell onto another idol, who she recognized as Shin. Amy was shocked to say the least, but it then shifted to a feeling of concern for both the boy and the idol. She was going to step in, but decided not too after another idol and a rookie started speaking. When the rookie spoke, Amy found his words harsh, but understood his point.

Amy shifted her gaze towards Daehyun when he spoke up. She felt relieved that someone was taking action and leading the group. When Daehyun started lecturing the group, Amy was feeling a little upset. She was the type to cry easily, so Amy didn't really do well with being lectured, whether it's given directly at her or not. After he finished, Amy lightly hit both her cheeks to pull herself together.
Don't be sad! You did nothing wrong, she thought and immediately moves over towards frightened boy that fell on Shin. "Um are you okay?" she asks in a worried tone. She knows she should probably go help form the circle as Daehyun instructed everyone to do, but she just wanted to make sure if the boy was okay first. If she has to she'll apologize later. Getting a closer look at the boy, she notices how he looked of mixed heritage. Amy just had a hunch that he was and she did hear him yelp in English before he fell. She was always searching for someone besides her family and old friends to speak English with. She was fluent in Korean and had a fun time with the new friends she made, but she sort of missed speaking the English language with someone her age. "I know this is random, but do you by any chance speak English?" she asks switching between the two languages with ease. She didn't even leave an accent when she spoke. Amy was feeling a little nervous. The boy, well, all of them had just been lectured, so Amy didn't know how the boy was going to react to her question. She didn't know if it was the right time to be asking such questions, but she decided to just try and see what happens.
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Diaochan Sun

Location ? Practice Room

Mood ? Content/Excited

Outfit(s) ? @tinygrassisdreaming ][/color]

Underline ? Chinese [Mandarin]

Bold ? English

Italic ? Speaking

OCC ? Diaochan is just ignoring everything else

Diaochan was suprised when Leifu took hold of her hand and came in close. However, Diaochan was oblivious to flirting kind and was very understanding in situations like these, so she instantly smiled at compliment and replied, "Aww, You're so sweet! But you're very pretty yourself, I'm serious." She said, with her warm and feminine tone. As said before, Diaochan is described as an ideal type with bright personality and equally as bright and pretty appearance. However, she was oblivious when it came to noticing her beauty and honestly thought herself as average, and even below than it sometimes. So, she was known to be clueless when it came to her looks and high key flirting.

As she heard a loud crashing noise, Diaochan shrieked and turned around as she saw two males on the ground, upon eachother. She thought it was pretty cute and wanted to help them, but became aware that others were helping. Still wanting to help, she shouted out,
"Be careful!" with a motherly tone. The thud was followed up by a speech by one of the older idols which eventually led to a speech which was only half listened to by Diaochan. Well, there goes another basket of apology,

As Leifu uttered another compliment, Diaochan realized that Leifu spoke Mandarin, she started speaking Mandarin and said.
"You speak Mandarin too? Awesome!" She said as she smiled and hugged her then let go. Honestly, Diaochan was too sunny for her own good.

practice room




Sunsoo had sat down on the floor and was having a casual chat with Bo-Ra. His gaze shifted from his partner to a rookie when he he had blurted something out, and bashfully wiped the food off of his lip. The idol paused mid-sentence for a moment as he realized that this bright boy was the rookie that was assigned to him. A smile made it's way across his face, Sunsoo was glad that he was going to be working so closely with someone much like himself. He continued his chit-chat with Bora, occasionally glancing between his current partner and his future partner. Sunsoo found himself unable to continue speaking. Now, Jaejung was dancing and Sunsoo couldn't take his eyes off of the boy. Feelings of excitement and pride flooded through him as he grinned brightly, eyes focused intently and watching every little move. The grin dropped with his jaw, before Sunsoo knew it, the rookie and another idol were both splayed out on the floor. Sunsoo's wide eyed expression of shock morphed into a smile and he couldn't help but let out a loud, insensitive laugh as the rookie apologized over and over. It wasn't as if his intent was to make fun or pick on the rookie, he simply found that blunder quite hilarious and couldn't hold in his laughter.

It stopped short once he heard Daehyun shout out in anger, Sunsoo whipped a hand up and smacked it over his mouth. He held it there and looked around at all of the other rookies and idols as Daehyun lectured everyone in the room. For some reason, he found this funny too, and struggled to keep his laughter supressed. All of the expressions of the rookies as they each felt like they were being scolded, when in all actuality they had done nothing wrong amused him.

Sunsoo let himself relax once Daehyun finished speaking. He stood up and walked over to Jaejung, holding a hand out for him. When the rookie accepted his hand, Sunsoo used his strength to lift the boy up off of the ground and stand him up. "You're a good dancer," he encouraged with a smile, giving him a playful pat on the back that was strong enough to knock him off balance in an attempt to cheer him up. The idol walked away to stand near Daehyun, facing the other idol who he towered over with his hands in his pockets. Sunsoo's eyes followed Bora as he got into position as well.

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L O C A T I O N: Practice Room

M O O D: Excited; high on sugar

T A G S: Fuck it I'll tag tomorrow

C H A R A C T E R S: Daehyun, Shin, Hye-yong, Amy, Chiasa, Sunsoo

O U T F I T: X





B O L D: Speaking Korean

U N D E R L I N E D: Speaking English

I T A L I C S: Thought

A N H, J A E - J U N G


JJ slowly looked up from his position on the floor after he heard a familiar voice grumble in irritation. Yikes, that was indeed an idol. JJ did have terrible luck this morning after all. Hr gulped knowing he wasn't fully forgiven quite yet. Thank god he didn't crush his mentor at least. That would have been a bigger disaster and might, just might have gotten him kicked from the program. Sigh, JJ started to get himself riled up over nothing. Shin was an admirable solo artist on stage, and JJ had to be honest that he admired his voice and talent. It was just this pill-popping hungover man was a lot more frightening than he seemed onstage. JJ's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he felt a push on his forehead.

Of course, the first thing he does in retaliation is pat his hand against the foot.
"H-highfoot?" he responded nervously, tears of fear gathering in his eyes. He knitted his eyebrows in desperation hoping he could redeem himself. He had no idea what to do and the best thing at the time was to give him a high-five(foot?). The poor sunshine child had limited options and that was the one his brain decided to generate. No he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least he was putting in an effort to make peace between the two. After all, poor, grumpy Shin didn't deserve to have a giant puppy fall on him in the early morning hours.

"Now unless you're a fan, which I honestly doubt you are, my music's too cultured for you teenagers, beat it." JJ squeaked, feeling very frightened and hella embarrassed. He opened his mouth to respond, thought about it, and then closed it again. He was at least smart enough to not give a stupid response as Shin seemed to hate teens like an old grandpa. JJ made a neutral, though fidgety face, as he sat on his stomach holding Shin's foot away from his face from his seemingly failed high-five.

"Ah, what a stupid mistake, aigoo..." JJ mused to himself, crying internally. He couldn't show weakness.

"Hey are you ok?" came a sweet voice, knocking JJ from his thoughts. There wasn't much feeling, but she had a very nice voice. JJ tried to look up, noticing Chiasa Honda, his bias from diverse. He smiled back, sheepishly with a bit of a wince. He closed one of his eyes as she rubbed his head. It wasn't as if he had been seriously hurt--as Shin broke his fall. It felt nice that someone cared, though. JJ smiled brightly nodding a bit as she continued to pet him. He heard Chiasa say something to Shin whose foot relaxed a bit, causing JJ to sigh in relief. He couldn't believe the all beautiful Chiasa swooped in like an angel to save his sorry ass.

JJ looked up a little to see a pair of feet walk into his line of vision which was limited seeing his unfortunate position. A striking face came into view with a seemingly annoyed expression.
" Actually look at your surroundings and never dance in the centre of the room like that , find a corner or somewhere off to the side. " said the fair-haired idol. Talk about ouch. JJ felt that sting for a minute as it was a reminder of his blunder. JJ would suppose it was helpful advice, though. Although he had a slight feeling of mockery or condescension in the rookie's voice. JJ bit his lip and hummed a yes in response.

JJ's mood was dampened and you could see it in his facial expressions and mannerisms. He twiddled his fingers together from his place on the ground. Aigoo, how embarrassing? Immediately, JJ's eyebrows formed a kit, as he puffed out his cheeks and looked angrily at the ground. This surely was not a good way to start his training. Suddenly JJ heard Daehyun's voice speak up. He sounded angry but stern and controlled. He had made it clear to Shin that JJ had meant no trouble, and he silently thanked his new seonbae. He also called the rookie from earlier out, saying he needed to respect JJ. He slowly nodded his head, eyes towards the ground (oh a dustbunny!). Daehyun further explained how to treat other rookies and idols whether you were of the same age or not. To be truthful, JJ found it refreshing and reassuring. It was nice to know that someone had his back in the harsh world of idols and rookies.

JJ attempted to get up when he met the gaze of the rookie who made a snippy comment. He plopped back down.
" I'm sorry for disrespecting you. " he said with a straight face before looking away and joining the circle. With everyone around, JJ didn't quite see his face after. He smiled a teensy, tiny smile and nodded as if to accept the apology. JJ would usually shout his acceptance, but he didn't feel too up to it at the moment. That little scare did numbers on his enthusiasm. His small slowly grew into a happier one, JJ beginning to rejuvenate his mood. It was ok, he was going to get through this just fine. Deep breathes was it, deep breathes. JJ inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly.

Suddenly a tall figure walked up to JJ. Suddenly a hand entered his line of sight and JJ took it. A sudden jerk of power lifted JJ up like he was nothing.
"Holy wow, this guy is super strong," thought JJ as he met the stranger's gaze. Immediately, JJ's jaw dropped as he realised who he was talking to. It was Sunsoo, dance master extraordinaire (as JJ called him), of COSMEX. God was JJ overwhelmed today. There were so many famous idols that JJ felt he was still dreaming. Thoughts of all these famous stars made his head spin and got JJ's mind racing. His thoughts were suddenly broken once again.

"You're a good dancer," said his future mentor as JJ just realized. Sunsoo pushed him, almost causing JJ to loose his balance. His cheeks glowed as he smiled and bowed quickly. Hype, hype, hype, hy- was the only thing racing through JJ's mind. Golly today was pretty exciting already. At this point, JJ didn't know how to react to anything. Everything was just perfect and everything he imagined, minus the part when he crushed Shin.

"Um are you okay?" came a concerned voice as JJ brushed himself off. He looked down to see a female rookie. She looked cute and was obviously concerned for his well-being. She also seemed to examine his own face with intensity. JJ shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it as most people did the same thing. From when he first moved to Korea, people always either admired his mixed features or despised them. It was so common that Jj grew used to the compliments and criticism.

"Me, a big doofus? Yeah of course! Thanks for asking," JJ responded, smiling brightly and nodding furiously. He didn't want to worry anyone after all.

"I know this is random, but do you by any chance speak English?" the girl asked suddenly. Jj stumbled back a bit, surprised by her effortless English. JJ hadn't met many people who could transition like that. The girl seemed nervous and JJ could understand. When first coming to Korea, he was a bit scared of ever speaking English again. Many already judged him on his mixed appearance.

JJ smiled and responded in unaccented English.
"Heck yeah I do! Wow! This is so cool, I don't meet many people who speak English. Where are you from? I moved from New York to Korea when I was eight haha." He was so happy to find another English speaker. JJ took her hand suddenly and dragged her to the circle before sitting down next to her. It was so nice to meet someone who could speak his first language. It was funny seeing JJ happy again. It was a complete 360 from his sour mood just minutes before. What a strange nut?

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Minki Chu
Leaning his head to the side he waited for one the the rookies to come up. Although he wasn't all too interested in their performances he had to at least pretend to care. Like usual. He wasn't expecting much since they were rookies so the bar of his expectations were an all time low. Besides he guessed everyone of them would do generic dance, singing, or rap performances.

When the first person to be judged by him came up he didn't have much thoughts. Considering dancing wasn't even his specialty he had no right to judge. Although it seemed the kid had some skill the only shameless thoughts cropped up in his head of being able to do better. Though it might just only be in his head.

Just as he was boosting his ego, the fun he had been waiting for appeared. The rookie had royally fallen, and and that was not all. He had to fall on top of probably the worst and most entertaining person to fall on top of. Without being prepared for this his mouth curved into a big smile as he let out a snort. Knowing this was not something he should laugh about he turned away and covered his mouth suppressing his snickers. *
Ah this is great. Maybe joining this wouldn't be too bad. *

But since he was such a responsible adult he had to make sure things don't get a little bit out of hand. Coming towards the so called "cultured" idol and patted his back saying in a carefree manner.
"Now now, don't sweat about small things Shin. Let's just hurry up to finish this and go get a few drinks later."

But things still were still far off from being peaceful as another rookie went to add oil to the fire. *
Ahhh, let's just stop or else...* However it was too late. His pink haired hyung had begun opening his mouth. *Great another lecture.* Having been exposed to this hyung for mostly all days of the year he knows very well about his lectures. Though it seems those who might have experienced this the first time might find it rather frightening compared to his usual self. *Ah, uncomfortable.* He couldn't really stand tense atmospheres.

Trying to lighten the mood up he went back towards his hyung's side from behind and squished the older males cheeks, whispering in his ear.
"I think they get it now hyung. No need to scare the rookies now any further. Let's leave that for later."


Practice Room.

" Prince

Shin @Ambivalence

Daehyun @SociallyAwkward123

no slide
no slide no slide no slide
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Bora was grumbling something about beating the hell out of Sunsoo for treating his food disrespectfully he arrived in the room. He sighed as he noticed the people in the room , sighing before putting on a smile as he made his way to the centre of the room before chain of events began. A annoyed sigh escaped as he watched the whole situation unfold , the two people dancing , one of them falling on Shin before proceeding to grovel and everything else that lend up to the lecture.

He watched as everyone asked if the boy who fell was ok and as said boy proceeded to talk to someone in English. Slowly his eyes went to the boy a little over from him but he could clearly hear the self hating mumbles. He walked over slowly , the boy raising his and putting on a fake smile. Bora might have believed he was ok if the boy's lip was trembling. He stood in front of the boy , resting his hand on his shoulder as Hyeyong looked at him stunned.

"I'm going to assume you are regretful for what you did and you'll be more careful with what you say next time" Bora asked , a neutral expression on his face as Hyeyong nodded dumbly because he didn't trust his voice. " Good. Now tell me why you are pretending to be happy , your trembling lip and self hating mumble gave you away. " Bora said , cracking a small smile as Hyeyong blushed. " Actually like you're ok isn't going to help , you're only hurting yours if you do that. The fact is you made a mistake and you regret it and I'm sure you've learned from it. Your heart was in the right place when you talk to that boy. " He said gesturing to JJ with a hand. " Ok?. " He asked causing Hyeyong to nod , making Bora smile. " Good ,now I want you to put a real smile on your face cause only those kinds of smile belong on your pretty face. " He said , squeezing Hyeyong's shoulder before walking away to stand beside Sunsoo.

As he stood beside he remembered what what Sunsoo did. " Dumbass. " He said as he hit the man over the head for laughimg at the boy who fell earlier. "There is more of where that came from at the dorm." He said menacingly.


Shin watched the kid fumble awkwardly under his scrutiny, and had to ignore the pang of guilt that rose like a bobbing boat on dangerous tides. For the sake of his image in front of the crowd that had assembled to observe the spectacle, he cut his eyes to the side in irritation and slid his leg back into his chest. Fortunately the irritation was somewhat real, as he felt it at his sympathy for the poor kid.

"Cut the kid some slack Oppa. Now c'mon, it's not like he didn't mean to fall on you. Now let's just hug and get on with the other's performances. We don't have all day now!"

Shin stared at her with an unamused expression.

"While he didn't mean to fall on me, as a rookie he should be at least somewhat agile." He responded mercilessly despite his recurring regretful feelings.

"Now now, don't sweat about small things Shin. Let's just hurry up to finish this and go get a few drinks later."

He grunted appreciatively at the words from the di:fi member, adjusting the strings on his sweatshirt.

"Drinking is the last thing on my mind. But after today ... probably not." Shrugging slightly, he cast a ghost of a glare at the assembled rookies that were consoling the clumsy rookie.
He's fine, you have to get used to downfalls in this business and if he's like this all the time, him especially. The expression clearly meant disperse.

"Yah! You are all being quite rude right now. Shin-ssi, will you please try and forgive the rookie properly please? This is a program that helps these rookies become idols and frankly being upset in the corner and not properly forgiving him isn't helping this."

Shin clutched his head, fingernails digging deep into his cranium in an effort to relieve himself of the headache that was mounting due to the elevated amount of talking around him.

"Yes. I am upset in the corner because I am hungover from a night of heavy drinking. But, my apologies, you probably don't know what a hangover is do you?" He snapped, his head rising slowly to meet the eyes of the other di:fi member, the volume of his headache and irritation getting the best of him. He assumed that his begrudging apology for the rookie would come much later in a more private setting. Climbing to his feet like a stiff wooden doll, he brushed past the crowd and joined the circle with a blatant scowl on his face.
I could use a cigarette right now.

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Chiasa Honda
*Nooooo, but...they haven't hugged and made up yet.* The twinkle in her eye soon dissipated back into the usual dark brown, as they had ended up even being lectured by her sunbae. She was even ready to take a picture...She stopped the urge to click her tongue at the missed opportunity. After all what her oppa is lecturing them about is respect. Totally not a good time to do so now. *For now let's pretend like I know what he's going on about and nod. Ugh what does that mean in korean again!!*

After the speech was over she could only stare at the others wondering what to do. Her expectations were thrown out the window, and she needed something else to do to keep her busy. She must be doing something whether it's playing with her hair or making weird sounds if not she'll be a bit uneasy. Since she was not all too close with anyone here when they were told to sit in a circle she pondered over where she should be in the circle. At first she thought of the d:fi members but after looking how close they were she opted out to and kept in her mind to look at them in the distance thinking. *
Could they actually be...Ah not good, I can't go on and have a fantasy right now.*

Wanting to continue observing them she decided to sit on the opposite side. She was glad to find a few rookies already there, and they seemed to be the same age which was even better. There were two in which she had already knew, her rookie Amy, and the unlucky boy from before. As she was just about to approach, she stopped herself as her mind began to ponder. *
Hmm is it alright to interrupt them? They look cute together. Rookie x Rookie pairing doesn't sound bad. Although in reality it might be impossible considering they are aiming to become idols, but that's the lure. Viva forbidden love!* Once again her habit of fantasizing relationships have surfaced again. You could say she's read a bit too many shoujo manga.

Alright this sunbae will support you if you ever spark feelings for each other, fighting!* With the other two clueless of her, she had made yet another reckless vow. With this in mind she didn't want to disturb them and looked over a girl who had an empty seat next to her. *Target found!* Skipping her way towards the her target she put on her biggest possible smile. "Hey, mind if I sit here?"

Practice Room






Dialogue;bold = japanese.

underlined = english.
Outfit; x


Underlined || English


Practice Room


Extremely happy


Interacts || JJ

Jung Haemi

Amy was beyond happy to meet someone who can speak English with her, besides her parents. She had her old friends that she still keeps in contact with, but it wasn't the same. Yes she often called them, messaged them, and even video chats with them, but she still missed human interactions. A weird way to put it, since it's not like she doesn't come in contact with other people. Amy just missed speaking English with her friends. English was her first language, and so she felt a little weird not speaking it as much as she used to. It's only been a year since she left the United States. She has grown used to speaking Korean on a daily basis, but speaking English was like something natural to her. Amy has had a bunch of times where she would start speaking English just because she wasn't paying attention, and trust me, that led to some people awkwardly trying to respond to her in English when they barely know the language.

She was surprised that he took her hand and lead her to the circle, but she wasn't going to fight the action. It was, in a way, comforting. Amy was the kind of person who loves skinship, so she is practically open to any physical contact, ranging from being hugged to giving them out. Once she was seated, Amy was eager to answer the boy's questions.
"It's so nice to meet someone who can speak English fluently! I don't see many people who can speak English either." she says enthusiastically. Hearing that he moved to Korea when he was eight, Amy started to imagine what the boy has went through throughout the years. He was of mixed heritage, and Amy could guess that it wasn't easy for him. She was luckily to be born from both Korean parents, so the transition for her was relatively easy since she didn't look different from everybody else. Not wanting to seem like she took pity on him, Amy kept a smile on her face. Deciding that she should just be happy to find someone her age to speak English with.

"I'm from Seattle. Lived there my whole life! I moved to Korea about a year ago so that I can make my dream of being a singer come true." she says with a bright smile. After hearing it come out of her mouth, Amy thought she sounded a little cheesy and was a little embarrassed by her words. Amy covers her face with her hands in embarrassment. "Oh my gosh, that sounded way less cheesy in my head." She didn't really need to state her dreams of being an idol, since people can assume every rookie here wants to debut, but she couldn't help but say it. It was her dream and her passion, so there was no way she was going to keep quiet about it. It made her happy when she was talking about the things she loves.
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Location: practice room


Mimi did her best to tune out of the English conversation happening on the other side of the room. The main reason was if she was caught listening, then she'd be pulled into English conversations and be forced to participate. Because, as any reasonable person would argue, why wouldn't she proud of be bilingual? Besides, she liked having her own personal secret, a secret weapon. Still, it was so hard to not listen when she understood their conversation, as it was with any Korean conversation, but she didn't really care what they were talking about and wasn't about to get herself invested. She had already kept her gaze away from them. Now she just needed a distraction. She reached in her bag and tugged the earbuds out of her phone, just in case she needed quick access to them.

Then the sound of skipping caught her attention, a much needed distraction from the rookie conversation. She wouldn't have registered the sound if it weren't coming closer to her. She tensed subtly, a movement no one who didn't know her would pick up. The skipping stopped right by her and she relaxed. The skipper was probably just going to sit by her. Her guess was right...sort of. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" It took her a second to realize that the person was talking to her and was standing up by her. She looked up in mild surprise, her mind immediately registering some familiarity as she realized the speaker was an idol. She wasn't familiar idol names but knew their faces pretty well. The speaker's bright smile also caught her off guard. Personally, her first impressions were never so bold. She seldom smiled widely at a stranger, giving it her all. Her aunt claimed it was what made her mysterious and alluring, but she refrained because she felt odd reaching out to strangers in such a way. Nonetheless, she commended others for putting the effort in. It just wasn't her type of image and she respected it being theirs.
"Oh, no, of course I don't mind. Please sit," she replied, managing what she hoped would be a sweet, friendly smile. If anything, she hoped she seemed mannered to the idol. Keeping a good reputation with the rookies was important, but having a good relationship with the idols was crucial too. She even scooted a little over, a purely superficial movement that was meant to make more room for the idol. In reality, it didn't have much of an effect especially with everyone crowding around to form more of the circle. However, she also moved her bag which was actually a little in the way of the girl's seat. She placed her bag on the other side of her, pressing it closer to her so that the person on her other side had room as well.


Pyo Daehyun

| the practice room | Daehyun-like | Minki @Ambivalence @Kawaii @tinygrassisdreaming @LastRomeo @Aes[/center]

Minki Chu
Seeing his hyung obediently nod, he could only be relieved as there was no sign of the older male going to lecture him either which was good. Relaxed he let out a cheesy grin, scrunching his face, and grinned showing off all of his white teeth. Relaxed, he was about to release his grip on the others cheeks, to join the circle. But as soon as he loosened his grip, the other didn't hesitate to use this chance to attack him. "Hey hyung that's not fair! At least tell me before hand if you're gonna hit me!"

Rubbing his are he let out a whimper, though it did not hurt that much he at least needed to put up an act. Who knows if he might get hit again.
"Besides, at least I tried not to laugh. If I can't laugh what am I suppose to do all day? Stare at the wall like I'm dead?"

Letting himself be dragged by the munchkin he pretended to sulk throughout Daehyun's introduction until it was finally his turn to shine. Putting an arm around his fellow group mate he introduced himself as well.
"Well as some of you might already know, I'm stuck with this guy as a group mate. Just like him I was a trainee for one year before debuting. I'm the main rapper, the face, and even if some disagree, I am the real visual of d:fi, Chu, Minki. I just turned 22 this year. Hmm what else was there..."

After a short pause to think he continued on.
Oh yea, I am also known to be called as Prince Charming by my fans. Why do you need to know that? You don't. I just wanted to get it out there. Other than that I'll say specialize in focusing on anything involving rap including writing, tone, flow and all that, but most of all confidence. Of course there are other things I can help you in such as music composition, and of course how to be charming, like me."

Ending off with a wink he looked to others in the circle who would like to go next.


Practice Room.

" Prince

Daehyun @SociallyAwkward123


no slide
no slide no slide no slide

Y O - H A NxxS T A T U S
LOCATION: Eunho’s house > Practice building (dance room)


OUTFIT: [ x ]

TAGGED: Ju Eun, Jae-jung, everyone

OTHER: underlined is in English

kai, yo-han

Yo-han opened his eyes and squinted against the bright morning light leaking through the curtains. He sat up and stretched his arms towards the ceiling. The sunlight pooled around his shoulders, turned his hair gold, and collected in his lashes. Birdsong filtered in from outside. Suddenly, he heard the sound of someone's thundering up the stairs. A young man, short of stature and sporting bright purple hair, slammed the door open, effectively ruining the peaceful scene. He strode over to the bed and roared, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?!” into Yo-han’s face. Yo-han stared at the other with a dead look in his eyes. Just because the phrase had been said in English didn't mean he didn't know what it meant. He reached up and flicked the man on the forehead, grinning and jumping out of bed when the man fell to the floor dramatically.

”I probably spend more time at your place than mine,” Yo-han observed as he pulled open one of the drawers of the dresser in the corner of the room and rummaged around in it for an outfit to change into.

“It scares me knowing that there's a stranger sleeping in my bed,” came the reply. Yo-han slammed the drawer shut and gestured at the piece of paper taped to the front of it. Printed on said piece of paper were the words
for my yogurt child.

”I literally have my own drawer here,” he said, slowly, in a long-suffering way. ”I’m practically your son.” It was at this exact moment that he remembered that the alarm clock, which was supposed to have woken him up, had not woken him up. ”Eunho,” he began. Too calm. Too quiet. ”What time is it?”

“Uuh… 7:15?”

“OH MY GOD!” Yo-han yanked the drawer open and rummaged with renewed vigor. ”I don't know exactly how late I am but I’m late enough that I can't waste time doing the math to figure out just how late I am.”

“Oh, is this about your idol thing? Bruh, you should just leave now. What if they kick you out because you get there too late?” Yo-han spun around, now holding a navy button-down and a pair of jeans, and dropped the clothes on the bed before he began peeling off his sweatpants. “Boi. Can you warn me before you start taking your clothes off?” Eunho whined as he left the room.

Yo-han shouted after him,
“It’s not like you've never seen– and appreciated– this peach-emoji ass!” There was no way he could just leave wearing what he was wearing. For fuck’s sake, he was wearing The Little Mermaid socks. He struggled into the clothes he had picked out and replaced his socks with a more socially acceptable pair. Then he shoved his feet into the shoes he had worn last night and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Eunho tossed him a piece of toast without even looking up from his phone.

”Can I borrow your skateboard?” Yo-han asked. ”I don’t want to run there and be all sweaty.”

“Hell no. I have a date with Cora in half an hour. She loves the skateboard.”

“Eunho!~~” he whined.

“Absolutely not. There’s something else you can use in the basement.” Eunho chuckled ominously.

Two minutes later, after a considerable amount of struggling and facepalming, Yo-han was out on the road with a piece of mostly uneaten toast between his teeth. His hands were clenched tight around the handlebars of a Razor scooter. One foot rested on top of the deck, the other propelled him across the cement. If his mouth had been unobstructed, he would have been shouting
OUT OF MY WAY MOTHERFUCKERS (maybe not “motherfuckers,” there were some actual schoolchildren passing by as well), ANIME SCHOOLGIRL PROTAGONIST COMING THROUGH, but it didn’t seem like luck was on his side that morning. And luck really wasn’t on his side because as he made a sharp right turn, he crashed right into someone.

J UxxE U NxxS T A T U S
L O C A T I O N: Practice Room

M O O D: Pissed; understanding

T A G S: Eh too lazy, you know who you are

C H A R A C T E R S: Yo-Han, everyone

O U T F I T: X X X

B O L D: Spoken

I T A L I C I Z E D: Thought

U N D E R L I N E D: English


Ju-Eun opened her eyes immediately as the beginning beeps of her alarm started. She turned the alarm off and checked her clock to see that it was the lovely time of day known as hell hour when the sun was not yet out and the birds were silent. The Daily Routine™ was about to begin, the only reason she woke up early. After all, her daily routine was not a small feat after all and required several hours to finish. It wasn’t like she woke up in the morning already looking fierce as fuck. She sat up in the blanket cocoon she had wrapped herself in late last night after her recording session lasted much longer than she anticipated. Especially since she grabbed a few drinks with a close friend that had a surprise visit afterwards.

”Shit,” Ju-Eun said, rubbing her head from the slight headache she had. She wasn’t too hungover but it would definitely slow down her morning routine. The walls of her room finally focused, and Ju-Eun slid out of her cocoon and into her bunny robe and slippers. A badass can still enjoy cute things ok? She walked to her drawer pulled out her clothing for the day. The first article of clothing Ju-Eun chose was a simple white sweater. ”I gotta scare some kids today,” she mumbled, and went into another drawer and took out her trusty leather joggers and four inch boots. Intimidation was her strong factor and she wasn’t about to let anyone tell her otherwise. Satisfied with her outfit, Ju-Eun went into the bathroom to shower.

Originally she planned to shower for fifteen minutes, but fifteen minutes turned into thirty minutes which turned into an hour. With a puff of steam, Ju-Eun opened the door and sighed. That shower cleared the side effects of her headache and left her feeling refreshed.
”Much better,” Eu-Jun said to herself rubbing her hair with a towel as she walked to a mirror. Her phone started beeping excessively. Texts poured in from her manager. Shit what time was it? Ju-Eun’s eyes widened as she realized how late it was already. ”Fuck,” she cursed under her breath, throwing on her clothes in a frenzy. She laced up her shoes in record timing and almost left her room. Make-up.

Ju-Eun was plenty pretty without any makeup, but she wouldn’t allow herself to be seen like this.
”Aigoo! I’ll be late at this point, damn it.” she yelled to herself. Well she weighed her options. Did she was to look like shit in front of the rookies or did she want to give off a good impression? ”Fuck it, I’m wearing make-up.” she finally decided as she reached for her foundation.

Thirty minutes later, at 7:00, Ju-Eun finished and admired her handiwork. Her eyelashes fanned out, dark eye shadow, and that classic bold lip. She popped in green-blue contact lens for a little fun, too. Ju-Eun could kill a person with a look. She laughed to herself and checked her phone. Shit she was going to be very late, but luckily her driver wasn’t afraid to break some traffic laws. Ju-Eun quickly marched out of her apartment, donning sunglasses to hide her appearance, some-what, and hopped into the car.
”Hurry please. Today is very important,” she said as the driver sped off. Ju-Eun decided to update her Instagram, took a bomb ass selfie (aegyo on point), and put the caption, “Time to break in the new rookies”.

With a harsh stop, Ju-Eun arrived at the training room, ready to face the day. She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the doors.
”WHAT THE FUCK!” cursed Ju-Eun as she found herself on her butt on the sidewalk. She rubbed her head as her headache started again. Oh who ever ran into her was about to die. Ju-Eun opened her eyes with a scowl on her face.

Yo-han looked up and was met with a pair of sunglasses covering what was undoubtedly angry eyes. His mouth fell open, and the toast landed in his lap. “Oh shit,” he said smartly. ”U-Um, sorry, lady. Should’ve watched where I was... scooter-ing.” He picked up his toast and got to his feet. When the collision happened, the scooter had knocked against his Achilles (heel? tendon? what the fuck was it called) in that way Razor scooters did, and he found himself limping over to the woman he’d just knocked down and holding out a hand to help her up.

”What an idiot, thought Ju-Eun. He was barely decent looking, with crazy hair and a dumbfounded expression. Was that toast? Couldn’t even finish breakfast this morning, hm? Wait, she didn’t even eat anything. She sighed deeply when he opened his mouth. Scooter-ing? She watched as the boy limped over to her and extend his hand. The fuck was this? Ju-Eun looked at his hand and back at his face. Maybe this was an opportunity to mess with this kid. She had a fucking headache and was in the mood for some mischief. Completely expressionless now, Ju-Eun grabbed the kid’s hand and brought him falling forward to look her in the eyes. With a perfectly manicured hand, Ju-Eun lifted her sunglasses. ”I’m not lady first off. Oh Ju-Eun, kiddo, show some respect for this lady please. Just watch where you’re going, k? she said in a playful voice laced with ice.

Yo-han was suddenly yanked down to eye level with the woman. Without her sunglasses in the way, he could see that she was wearing contacts and her eyelids were laden with dark makeup that intensified her already piercing gaze. He gulped and drew back slowly.
”Hey, Ju Eun-noona!” he greeted once he was a good distance away. “While this has been a delightful experience for the both of us I’m sure, I’m really late to something.” He picked up his fallen scooter and looked around the street. Oh. ”Guess I’m in the right place, then...” he murmured to himself.

Ju-Eun almost laughed. The boy sure was rattled already. She smirked instead and sat herself up. The kid mentioned about being late to something and looked at the practice building. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise as she thought the kid was just out on a joy ride with his...scooter. A feline grin spread across her features, a rookie huh? This would be more interesting. She was wondering why else would he have passed this way at this early in the morning.
”You are a rookie, yes?” she asked suddenly as she stood up. Yo-han nodded and gulped again (what the fuck how does she know). Ju-Eun studied her nails to make sure nothing was scratched up and when she was satisfied, she looked up at the sky. ”That would make you late, kiddo,” she said, suddenly looking him dead in the eyes. Pray for the boy, Ju-Eun’s voice was deadpan and serious. Yo-han felt an animalistic urge to turn and flee. Before he could act on it, she growled ”Come with me then,” and grabbed the collar of his button-down.

”Hey, this is Egyptian cotton!” Yo-han protested weakly. Was it actually? Probably not. He just wanted her to let go. She kicked open the doors to the building and dragged him inside. There was the distinct click clack of her heels that resounded throughout the hallway to the practice room. Upon entering, they saw a circle of people standing in the middle of the room. Very cult-ish. Yo-han stuffed the toast back between his lips so that he would have an excuse to not speak. Ju-Eun unceremoniously dropped him onto the floor.

Ju-Eun sighed and looked at the poor rookie who looked scared shitless.
”Don’t sweat it kid. At least your mentor isn’t me,” she said pushing her hair back, sexily. Yo-han sent her a shaky smile– past the toast– and crawled away on his hands and knees. He approached the circle of people and slid next to the least imposing person he could see, a boy with a bright smile that he was drawn to. His friendship sixth sense was tingling.

Once the boy scooted away, Ju-Eun rolled her eyes but smiled a bit. Well, he was adorable but probably terrified of her for the rest of his life. Ju-Eun walked around the circle to see Daehyun and Minki of d:fi, some of her favorite people. They had come a long way from their debut and were now very impressive. She came behind the two and threw her arms around their waists.
”Excuse my lateness! How are my two favorite people doing?” she asked with renewed vigor. She looked at the other children and idols (or they’re all children) and took a deep breath.

”Hello! My name is Oh, Ju-Eun but you might recognize me as Tigress. I’m 25, but that’s not important. I spent two years training until my debut at age 18 as a part of the group, Lovely♥Ladies which has since disbanded back when my hair was still long, haha. I once specialized in only rap, but I have dabbled in everything now that I have started my solo career. People like to say my singing voice is soulful and my raps are often fast paced. Dancing is something most idols need to know, but I’d say I’m an expert in dancing in four-inched heels. Hmm, that’s about it. Oh yeah, I was chosen for my experience in the k-pop industry and my rapping. If you guys have any questions, about me or your training, I’m all ears! I look forward to our time together,” Ju-Eun said, taking time to look at each person in the circle. So many new faces, so much potential, was all Ju-Eun could think. Sure she was mean on the outside, but she had a heart of gold.

Shin crumpled to the ground, exuding a paper thin breath from his lips. Frankly he felt as though he was back in kindergarten, and questioned hopefully if they were going to have nap time later under his breath. His legs criss crossed with some effort, and Shin felt as though he was a doll. What was I doing last night? He questioned, dropping his head into his hands. The only fortunate factor of circle time was that only one person could talk at a time. His headache petered out to a dull pounding that kept a morbid rhythm in the back of his head. His head was cushioned by his hands, and therefore buried into the clean soap and cigarette smell that clung to all of his clothes. He watched with disdain as the di:fi member launched into an introduction.


Shin winced, his hand drawing back to pull the hood back over his head. She was late, but undoubtedly full of energy that morning. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, as Oh, Ju Eun made her raucous entry with a poor rookie in her clutches. He let out a breathy snort at the kid's rough treatment and went back to his attempts at being invisible.

"Am I getting paid for this?" He asked under his breath. When it was finally his turn, he drew one arm away from his face and rolled his head sideways unto his hand so that he was staring at the rest of the group. And what a stare it was, he drifted over the heads of rookies and idols alike, lackadaisical irritation simmering softly beneath the surface of his indifferent expression. Despite this, anyone could see in his eyes that he did not enjoy this particular activity.

"I'm Shin, 23, soloist, vocals." He began shortly, his gravelly voice portraying a sense of irritation.

"However, I might be better known as the human pancake." His gaze settled for the skip of a heartbeat on the boy who'd fallen on him, and he was back to canvassing the rest of the group with his eyes.

"I won't bore you with the entirety of my musical career, because who cares?" He asked rhetorically, his tone flat and careless. He would not go into depths for such a ridiculous activity.

"After this, I'm going to have a cigarette. Don't make eye contact with me and we'll get along just fine."

[ [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]x[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px] ] [ [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]x[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px] ] [ [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]x[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Josefin Sans'][SIZE=24px] ]

Chiasa Honda
Hearing the other agree, even scooting a bit to give her more room she held her fist up in accomplishment. "Alright!"

Quickly sitting down next towards the girl it seems like everyone was finally in a circle. Beginning introductions was of course the ever so reliable oppa, Daehyun. Then it was the other member of the group Minki.
Ah not this again!! Focus Chiasa! Now's not the time to ship!* As she was fighting her urges she lost the chance to introduce herself next. It would've been great timing as she was a part of their sister group too.

But she was not down, after all the one who came was the Tigress. Originally she thought Daehyun had been the eldest and most experienced idol here. Guess she was wrong. She was happy, maybe she could even ask pointers from her. Even though they were both idols she nearly doesn't have as much experience as this unnie. It was about time for her to find a good mentor to guide her and get a power up like those protagonists in those novels.

Of course, the younger prey the Tigress brought with her did not escape her eye. Alas even the great sunbae could not escape from her fantasies. It seems the fact that the rookie was thrown in front of her didn't seem to register in her mind as scary. *
Older female and younger male couples are just too cute. Especially since Ju Eun unnie seems to be a little bit like a tsun!! I'm glad I didn't drop this.*

After giggling from her own fantasies she was brought back to reality with the mention of pancakes. *
Man, I could really go for some pancakes right now...I'm hungry.* Knowing fully well the faster they introduced themselves the faster it was for them to go out for food. "Oppa, don't forget we're all going out to eat later. We don't have time for your cigarette break, we have to get there as soon as possible or I'm gonna starve."

With her matter of fact voice she crossed her arms.
"Now let's hurry and get on with the others or else we'll be locked up here forever." She then let out a cough to clear her throat.

"I'm Chiasa Honda. In total I've trained for five years before debuting three years ago as the maknae and lead vocalist for the group di-verse. Although I might have debuted before you don't fret in using casual language with me since I believe I'm the same age as some of you."

Practice Room




tbh I'm lazy.

Dialogue;bold = japanese.

underlined = english.
Outfit; x



• Practice Room • Happy & Relived • @everyonethere

Pyo Daehyun
Daehyun nearly choked when he heard the introduction given by Minki. Staring at him with wide eyes, he almost hit the male upside the head to tell him to stop telling the kids lies. And by lies he of course means that Minki is as charming as their fans think. Rolling his eyes, Daehyun allowed Minki to boast about himself with his muscular arm wrapped around the shoulders of the older male. Out of the corner of his eye, Daehyun caught the small and adorable girl from earlier who looked like she was about to fangirl right then and there. Chiasa was her name and honestly the pink haired idol had the urge to call her Chia just for kicks. But he kept those thoughts to himself as the idols slowly began to introduce themselves. The next person was going to go when the door to the practice room seemed to be kicked open.

Daehyun jumped and yelped in surprise as he stared at the sight before him. Ju Eun, ah he was really close to her. And apparently she wasn't shy about showing their closeness either. Arms were thrown around his and Minki's waist, drawing the two boys closer to Ju Eun's body.
"Noona~! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Daehyun said with a cute boxy smile and watched as the slightly older woman gave a long introduction. Giggling to himself, the fluffy male tilted his head to smile at Ju Eun and moved to whisper to her. "I'm glad you showed up. I had to lecture everyone because they were messing around. We should try and get some coffee or something more often" A smile played on Daehyun's features as he situated himself again, this time Ju Eun in between Minki and Daehyun. Though the pink haired male was slightly disappointed that he wasn't next to his friend, he made do.

The idols continued to introduce themselves and Chiasa even reminded Daehyun that they had a rookie and idol dinner planned. Running a hand through his pink hair, he thought about calling his manager and
begging asking if they had to go to dinner. Honestly he felt like something would go terribly wrong and everything would just crumble down and drama would start, again. That wasn't something Daehyun enjoyed. Plus he knew by the time dinner came around he or Minki would already have things posted on SNS since they seemed to keep their fans updated 24/7. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it wasn't. Daehyun would probably smack his head on a table repeatedly if he wasn't allowed to post on his SNS accounts. It would make him feel disloyal to his beloved fans.

Calling all rookies and idols

@Kawaii @tinygrassisdreaming @Ambivalence
@JenniPerson @LastRomeo @OwlMissYou

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Minki Chu
Wondering who would go next he wondered which idol would start after his great introduction. He believed it was flawless and felt the person after him couldn't compare. At least he thought they couldn't. The smile on his face twitched as he heard a particular voice. He turned his head back to reassure she was not in the room. However, after a few moments he began hearing certain sounds of heels going against the floor. *Oh god, she's haunting me during the day too.*

But he continued to deny it. *
It couldn't be her...I must be paranoid. After all she's never late.* he thought to himself hoping the door to the practice room wouldn't open. Although he knew he was being a bit too cautious he held onto his hyung a bit praying. *Please let this be my imagination. Or better yet this is just a dream.* While he was doing that the door was kicked open. He then pinched his cheek with his free hand. Feeling pain he only sighed with his head down. *Nope. Not a dream...dammit*

With lifeless eyes he gazed at his brethren who had flopped on the ground. *
Hello fellow traumatized soul.* He mentally said as the rookie crawled towards the safe zone away from her of course. Honestly he would've done that too. But the Tigress already had him in her grasp. *I'm done for.* He didn't even resist and let her do her own thing while monotonously let out the word. "Great..."

He would've loved to add *
Until you came.* But he valued his life more. If not he'll end up like that rookie. Playing the scene he unconsciously shivered. Only at times like these he admired his hyung who didn't seem to be afraid of her. They even seem to be good friends. *Yup, I don't get it. Probably never will.*

Well he did feel better after the human pancake had introduced himself. It made him feel better that his day was better than a certain someone. He recognized the next person, the maknae of their sister group, Chiasa. They were on ok terms, it's not boring when she's around. Although there are times where he noticed her giving him strange looks. But with her introduction he was reminded about the dinner party, and how he could really use a drink right now.


Practice Room.

" Prince


no slide
no slide no slide no slide


• Practice Room • In Awe • @everyonethere

Park Hyo-rin
Everything kind of went crazy honestly. People started introducing themselves after gathering in a circle and honestly Hyo-rin felt a bit awkward. But she didn't show it. Her fingers ran back through her short hair and she looked around the circle, eyes landing on each idol that spoke. Her lips parted slightly when she watched her two sunbaes Daehyun and Minki display such closeness so easily. Their skinship wasn't forced in the slightest way possible and was so natural. She sort of just stared at them, in awe of their closeness before her attention turned to someone kicking open the practice room door.

Raising an eyebrow and sitting up straighter, Hyo-rin tried to see who was coming into the room. Upon seeing the woman, her eyes widened considerably and she felt like she lost the ability to speak or even think. She just stared at Ju Eun walking over to the two males Hyo-rin had been staring at and wrapped her arms around their waists and pulled them close. Minki looked like he wanted to use Daehyun as a shield, while the weaker and older idol smiled and greeted Ju Eun happily.

When the woman introduced herself and her gaze locked with each rookie and idol, Hyo-rin felt her face flush slightly and she looked down at her ripped up jeans and shyly peeked back at the woman. From as long as she could remember, when Hyo-rin discovered Ju Eun she was in love with her talent and voice. Her raps were so powerful and full of meaning that it totally inspired Hyo-rin to try it out. She wanted to be more like Ju Eun. She was Hyo-rin's one true idol and honestly she knew that it would never change. But seeing her in person and so close, it was almost too much for her.

Hyo-rin's fingers ran back through her hair continuously as she shifted her gaze onto the other idols who happily introduced themselves. Or at least some of them were happy. On was a bit of a grump but Hyo-rin couldn't blame him. He had gotten squished by one of the rookies. But she pushed those thoughts away and listened respectfully to everyone speak, messing with the various holes in her jeans. Despite being dressed in a rather showy way, Hyo-rin didn't stand out in the slightest. She didn't catch the attention of anyone, much to her silent relief. She enjoyed blending in with the crowd when she didn't need to stand out. But when she needed to stand out, she'd go all out in order to leave a big impression.

Calling all rookies and idols

@Kawaii @tinygrassisdreaming @Ambivalence
@JenniPerson @LastRomeo @OwlMissYou @djinnamon

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