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Fantasy Drawings of the Soul (Interest Check)


The Royal Phoenix
An rp idea I have and would like to see if anyone else likes.

A castle, centuries old, sat in a forest that was untouched by man but people came here for school. The stone looked worn but still held strong. No crumbling structure or misplaced shingle on the castle roof. What was unique about the castle was it was re-enforced with runes. The castle interior seemed empty as the head mistress walked the halls, gazing at the portraits of previous head masters and mistresses. All had one goal in mind, look for children that use runic magic. She sighed before snapping her fingers, runic symbols for teleport appeared, and she appeared in her office. Spacious and comfy but woefully inept for the academy. She had to make several arrangements to the castle so it could house almost all beings, except gods. On her desk was a pile of letters waiting to be sent to potential students. Abnormal students would get a runic stone, inscribed with the runic symbol for disguise on it. More humanoid would get one as well, to hide any odd appendages they may have.

'Dear student,

You have been qualified to attend Drawings Souls academy. This academy welcomes all, humans and otherworldly creatures. But since humans are here for reasons different than your own, any person of otherworldly origin caught without their stone of disguise will be held in their dorm room for the remainder of that day. People's memories will be erased of the incident but three times of this happening and you will be taken back to your normal life, memories of Drawings Soul academy erased. I do hope you enjoy your stay at this academy.


Seacan Gaia.

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Yea add as much information as possible

The more information you add the more players have to go off of and can understand more of the rp. Therefore in the end they know what your plans are and it gives them a sense of direction on whether or not they want to do something with the idea or not.
Yes, many differences. You can use a set of runic rocks to perform runic magic but the real magic happens when you use runes with your hands.
Our posts came in exactly at the same time with nearly the same words. e.e



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