Draw Distance


New Member
I'm starting my first game STing this weekend, and I'm kinda concerned about the tactics my players might resort to.

Currently, both of the ranged combatants can fly, and at a really good clip. one has a range of 400 yards, and the other 200. What's stopping them from just ditching the party for 3 ticks to dash, then raining down fiery death on the all their enemies? There's letting baddies automatically be able to shoot far enough to reach them, but with the wings, they'd be almost impossible to hit without coordinated attacks, which leaves 3 formidable melee fighters free to poke holes in the nasty baddies. Not to mention that it'll be annoying to have them floating somewhere 150 squares past the map.

Is there a better way to stop them from doing that?
Redcloak said:
What's stopping them from just ditching the party for 3 ticks to dash, then raining down fiery death on the all their enemies?
Coordinated attacks, as you mentioned.  Ranged spellcasting.  Terrestrial sorcerers that can cast flight spells.  First Age flying machines.  Spells, Hearthstones and Charms that resist archery.

Oh, and I missed the obvious one.  Indoor combat.
There is also something to say about a couple of damn good Wood-Caste archers  (and whether or not those bows they use are Jade is entirely up to you)...  Not to mention every Lookshy DB has Elemental Bolt.
Gigantic stone golems with skyrocketing soak values and midgets carrying essence pulse cannons in their hollowed out chest cavities.
PCs with strategy, it may make life difficult but it's better than the other extreme.

All you can do is include adequate indoor combat and flying opponents to threaten them, while admitting that they will be strong in the open.

Do remember that they can still be attacked by enemy's with less range, if at penalties.

My experience thus far has been that anything mortal will not be a threat, just accept it and include mortal combatants only to set the scene. Even squads of archers working cooperatively proved almost completely ineffective. If you actually want to threaten the PCs health levels you will need something with at least the power of dragon blood.

Ormseitr said:
Gigantic stone golems with skyrocketing soak values and midgets carrying essence pulse cannons in their hollowed out chest cavities.
I'm not letting EM make a character with an Essence Pulse Cannon in it's chest!
There is no shortage of charms for Dragon Blooded to counter ranged attacks.  I would suggest any of the following:

Whirlwind Shield form MoEP:DB pg 139

Vengefull Gust Counterattack MoEP:DB 139

Elemental Armour Technique MoEP:DB 139

(Possibly) Sense Destroying Method MoEP:DB 141

Element Protection Form MoEP:DB 147

Dancing Ember Stride MoEP:DB 152

Safety Among Enemies MoEP:DB 152

Elemental Defense Technique MoEP:DB 153

Terrifying (Element) Dragon Roar MoEP:DB 157

Dragonfly Finds Mate MoEP:DB 172

Seven Year Swarm Volley MoEP:DB 172

Sparrow Dives at Hawk MoEP:DB 173
What of the "wind hands gemstone", you know the hearthstone that allows you to apply your max DV to any ranged attack... no matter what? And never degrades?

I believe also that there are sorcerery spells to deal with ranged attacks. Also, shields work wonderful in upping your DVs.
Royal Warstrider

Flight System


Apart from that, flying is no big deal in exalted really. Most of the enemies can have means of flying, too, but there is one very important thing that you forgot: If it does not fit into your story, don't allow it.

The ability to fly can really mess up good story lines in the low essence branch. Travelling heroes should not fly. Or at least not half the party with ease.

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