Drake Nevan - Potions Professor and Head of Thunderbird


The Milk Man


Drake Nevan





House Request:



Wand Request:

View attachment 194283

Walnut Wood

"Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability. A note of caution, however: while some woods are difficult to dominate, and may resist the performance of spells that are foreign to their natures, the walnut wand will, once subjugated, perform any task its owner desires, provided that the user is of sufficient brilliance. This makes for a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wizard of no conscience, for the wand and the wizard may feed from each other in a particularly unhealthy"


Dragon Heartstring Core

"As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental."


Potions professor and Head of Thunderbird


Drake was born and raised in England and attended Hogwarts as a proud Slytherin. He spent most of his spare pulling pranks on his fellow students and most of the time would get in trouble, but honestly he didn't care as his pranks gave him a lot of reputation and he was one of the most popular students by  the second year. And he still miraculously got good grades. But while Drake was at living happily at Hogwarts, back at home his parents started getting into silly arguments. Those types that are over nothing and theres no point to them. To them this was a sign that they weren't happy with each other so they got a divorce. Drakes dad got custody over him and they both moved to America. Naturally he wanted Drake to have the best possible education so he singed him up to Ilvermorny immediately, but it was nothing like Hogwarts. Here the teachers were much more strict and the lessons much more dull. The only good thing that was here were the students. When Drake arrived at Ilvermorny he was overwhelmed by the oppening ceremony. The statues of the four beast were nothing like the simplicity of the sorting hat, so when he got chosen by the Horned Serpent and Thunderbird he was certain that there was a mistake. Uncertain of what to do he put it to a random decision and joined the Thunderbirds. And he was always creeped out by the Pukwudgies always walking around guarding the school. At home things weren't going great either. His dad was always lonely after the divorce and became an alcoholic. Of course Drake had no idea about this until he came home for the summer. He tried to help him but since he did not have his wand, he had no way of getting through to him as his dad always kept him away with spells and charms whenever Drake tried to help him. Then one day he lost it. The week that Drake was supposed to return to school his dad drunk too much and tried to kill them both. Drake somehow survived but was left with a scar going across his stomach and he would never forget the image of his father dying. The authorities tried to return him to his mother but they could not come into contact with her. When they tried to look for her it turned out that she was missing and she still hasn't been found to this day. Drake was now an orphan and while he was still attending Ilvermorny like usual he was also up for adoption but nobody ever adopted him. He started getting random panic attacks which affected his daily life. Later on he was diagnosed with PTSD and had to be sent to therapy. They offered to erase the memory of his father dying but he refused saying that he wanted to remember him for who he was. Eventually he learned to control his feelings and everything just got better from there. He graduated from Ilvermorny and then became a potions professor as it was always his best subject. He vowed that he would make this school a better place than what it was when he joined. And after years of working here he got promoted to the Head of Thunderbird and became popular among the students.


He never mixes his personal life with his job, that way he managed to always stay focused during teaching. He always tries to make learning fun and is considered one of the cool teachers, at least for those that behave. Most students know not to get on his bad side as he can make their stay at Ilvermorny a living nightmare. Most of the time students don't realise that he is angry at them as he can easily hide his emotions. He always encourages students to push themselves further and beyond their limits. 

Class Ratings:

1.) Potions

2.) Charms 


4.) Defence against the dark arts

5.) Care of magical creatures

6.) Intro to Wizard Transportation/Flying/and Portkeys

7.) Astronomy 

8.) Transfiguration

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However, I get a very Horned Serpent feel from his scholarly-ness, so perhaps (just a suggestion) make a note that more than one house of Ilvermorny wanted to accepted him?

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