Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
(Im not part of Dragon's Roar.....I never made it to them, So I think Im technically out of this loop and my character knows nothing.)
Light said:
( @Lotusy )
Itami just stares at them all. "I'm sorry... my name is Itami Van Fen'rir. Son in Law of Grimm, father of Ashlyn, son of Lucifer. Now that I know you know we both know who I am. I'm wondering why I'm in this reality... This can't be a dream. I, Itami should not be hearing this since everything in the world should be fine. My daughter should be here, not with Lucifer." Itami seemed extremely stressed out by Sage's answer. "Though I'm sure I'm not asleep... So remind me again. What did you say?!"
(Alright, since @djinnamon decided not to speak to Itami, I guess I'll will try to salvage the sotuation, since we need Itami.)

Since Sage disappeared before giving an answer, Malren decided to pipe up in his stead. "Itami, sir. He said she's been taken by Lucifer." Since all of the other guildies had decided to leave, Malren was the only one talking. "Look, man, Lucifer is destroying the world. I don't know what happened down here, but apparently they lost Ashyln to him too. It's not a dream!" After speaking, he opened up the channel from before, sending out a mental message. "Hey, whoever it was. You know the man you told me to get? Well, he's down from the mountain now. Where do you want him?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Once they all gathered, Lucifer appeared in the center alone, Ashlyn left behind. He walked around, his hands behind his back. "Well. Well. Well. Its so good to see so many of my finest here at once. How's it going?" Some of the official trembled violently, their bodies shaking uncontrollably. The ones that sold their soul to him. They screamed in pain as they died. Lucifer chuckled. "My name is Lucifer. I'm sure you educated people know why they just died. The stories are truuuue!!" He fake whispered. "Yes! That's it! The stories are true! Now. I'm not here to kill you. Oh not yet. I am here to speak to you all privately for one thing." He stood and faced them all. Using his Absolute Telepathy to control them. "Fight. For whatever reason. Kill each other senselessly. Now." He flicked his wrist and activated that, giving them the desire to argue and fight over every single thing.
To the few supernatural who could resist, he turned to them. "Now as for you..."

Ryan was watching Vance train with the full intent to kill him. His hatred for the man having reached its highest point. But when Vance MISSED... He just had to see. He watched him, analyzing. When Vance left he could only assume where he would have gone. Ryan felt a sense of... Pride. He sighed and turned back, going with Legion to plan

Vance landed in the center of Paris, France. The Gate of Hell had opened above the Tower. Counties bodies laid torn, beaten, burned, maimed, and so much more. Vance could barely image what thousands upon thousands of Demons had done to these people. What lives they could have had. Bodies floated in the water, the river completely blood polluted. On the Gate, Vance could see a figure

The Knight looked away from her and she could breathe again. It had nothing to say. A giant demonic creature charged at followed by hundreds upon hundreds more. The Knight had turned all of this opened Gate to her

Reed could see a red light up ahead, the demonic screams.

Derek and Jasmine too

This Gate for some reason didn't have anything coming out of it. It was silent. Empty.
Juliette slowly stood back up. "Thank you." As the demons charged for her she hummed. She took out a leaf and used it to make a calming noise. The demons all started falling asleep. "Why are you trying to hurt me?"

Reed kept walking.

Jasmine and Derek circled around watching the seal.
shadowz1995 said:
(Im not part of Dragon's Roar.....I never made it to them, So I think Im technically out of this loop and my character knows nothing.)
(Yeeeah light just told me to @ everyone so I did it to everyone. Don't get killed accidentally c:)

GingerBread said:
Vance found himself in paris, ignoring all the corpses he looked around to see if Sage was here. He noticed a figure on top of the gate, he created shadow tendrils using the nearby shadows to create a impromptu staircase to see who or what the figure was "Oi! you, you seen a good looking guy who's full of himself?"

The Knight looked down from his mirror and to Vance. "Why yes indeed I have. He's right here." And pointed to himself. "I am the best looking Knight there is. The Knight got a closer look and saw. "Ahhh the boss told me bout you."

( ! ) And in a flash his foot connected with Vance's chest, cracking his ribs again. "Sorry boss said do it one more time."
The Knight Flashed again and grabbed Vance, letting him down on the ground. "You aren't fast enough to stop me, are you man?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/8af961ddaaf7f0414c597200e1a1dd2a.jpg.e61d9bc83f82005ce131c38818cc0561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/8af961ddaaf7f0414c597200e1a1dd2a.jpg.e61d9bc83f82005ce131c38818cc0561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tazmodo said:
Juliette slowly stood back up. "Thank you." As the demons charged for her she hummed. She took out a leaf and used it to make a calming noise. The demons all started falling asleep. "Why are you trying to hurt me?"
Reed kept walking.

Jasmine and Derek circled around watching the seal.
The Knight spoke, his voice booming past hers, breaking her spell. "They're demons. They do what they want. Leave or die"

The Knight of Hell seemed to be swinging her legs on the entrance, letting the demons go free

( ! ) The Gates opened but a whip went around Jasmine's neck while demons poured out, slamming into them and pulling Derek from her.

The whip pulled h
er back into the Gate with strong force but demons continued to grab her, trying to pull her down, griping and slipping off, jerking her around



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DizjayDeathPride said:
The Knight looked down from his mirror and to Vance. "Why yes indeed I have. He's right here." And pointed to himself. "I am the best looking Knight there is. The Knight got a closer look and saw. "Ahhh the boss told me bout you."
( ! ) And in a flash his foot connected with Vance's chest, cracking his ribs again. "Sorry boss said do it one more time."
The Knight Flashed again and grabbed Vance, letting him down on the ground. "You aren't fast enough to stop me, are you man?
"You're fast? so you're boasting that you don't last long?" Vance wheezed as he clutched at his chest, feeling his ribs and deducing that not that many were broken this time and the one's that were broken hadn't hit anything important yet "And if you think you're good looking, you need to get a better mirror"

(!) Vance sent hundreds of shadow shards at the man most of them aiming for his torso while 80 or so were aiming at his neck, Vance disappeared into the darkness as soon as he fired the shards, muffling himself at the same time.

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GingerBread said:
"You're boasting that you don't last long?" Vance wheezed as he clutched at his chest, feeling his ribs and deducing that not that many were broken this time and the one's that were broken hadn't hit anything important yet "And if you think you're good looking, you need to get a better mirror"
(!) Vance sent hundreds of shadow shards at the man most of them aiming for his torso while 80 or so were aiming at his neck, Vance disappeared into the darkness as soon as he fired the shards, muffling himself at the same time.

(Build up! Whoooa instamurder I wanted to be friendly :'()

The Knight teleported away and went back to the Gate. "WHOA! Yikes that was almost bad." He felt a sharp stab in the back of his neck as his teleportation had broke a shard off by his neck
DizjayDeathPride said:
Once they all gathered, Lucifer appeared in the center alone, Ashlyn left behind. He walked around, his hands behind his back. "Well. Well. Well. Its so good to see so many of my finest here at once. How's it going?" Some of the official trembled violently, their bodies shaking uncontrollably. The ones that sold their soul to him. They screamed in pain as they died. Lucifer chuckled. "My name is Lucifer. I'm sure you educated people know why they just died. The stories are truuuue!!" He fake whispered. "Yes! That's it! The stories are true! Now. I'm not here to kill you. Oh not yet. I am here to speak to you all privately for one thing." He stood and faced them all. Using his Absolute Telepathy to control them. "Fight. For whatever reason. Kill each other senselessly. Now." He flicked his wrist and activated that, giving them the desire to argue and fight over every single thing.
To the few supernatural who could resist, he turned to them. "Now as for you..."
The few supernatural left in the room decide to turn tail and run, leaving the meeting room to head for the landing strip to leave.

shadowz1995 said:
(Im not part of Dragon's Roar.....I never made it to them, So I think Im technically out of this loop and my character knows nothing.)
( I did point out where to go through Itami running past you and you were tagged so when you do finally make a post of arriving there, at least you as a person will know what's going on. So it will make it far easier for your character to understand once the situation is explained to them. )

Lotusy said:
(Alright, since @djinnamon decided not to speak to Itami, I guess I'll will try to salvage the sotuation, since we need Itami.)
Since Sage disappeared before giving an answer, Malren decided to pipe up in his stead. "Itami, sir. He said she's been taken by Lucifer." Since all of the other guildies had decided to leave, Malren was the only one talking. "Look, man, Lucifer is destroying the world. I don't know what happened down here, but apparently they lost Ashyln to him too. It's not a dream!" After speaking, he opened up the channel from before, sending out a mental message. "Hey, whoever it was. You know the man you told me to get? Well, he's down from the mountain now. Where do you want him?"
( Sorry about holding you back. :/ )

Itami was about to respond when a woman whom was Ashlyn's age, not a year younger, shyly stuck her head from around the corner. She had a dark shade of ginger hair and matching gold eyes to Itami. Her face holds dazzling features but her facial expression screamed shy girl with zero confidence and zero capabilities in making decisions on her own. "Okay... uh... thank you. I-I don't know what to say." After she stuttered the first time with I, she hid behind the wall causing her words to be slightly muffled. "I'm just happy he's done but concerned about Ashlyn. Thank you for your assistance... I'm worried about her well-being but I don't think I should or could do anything. Maybe you could though... hopefully my father will help you too." After that, the girl behind the voice ran away and teleports. She was happy to see her father but in terms of public display, that was all she could handle. She would have to see him privately.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Build up! Whoooa instamurder I wanted to be friendly :'()
The Knight teleported away and went back to the Gate. "WHOA! Yikes that was almost bad." He felt a sharp stab in the back of his neck as his teleportation had broke a shard off by his neck
(You just attempted to break his ribs, that's like 3 times in a day D: )

"I didn't come here for idle conversation. Do you know where the person i asked for is or not? He's my boyfriend and i need to make sure he doesn't get hurt" Vance stayed in the shadows but made no more attempts to attack "And all those shards, were warning shots, don't make them have to be anything more, You'll also need to close this gate. The dead people are something i'm meant to stop from happening, so.... yeah close the gate, I'm not really in the mood for a fight"

GingerBread said:
(You just attempted to break his ribs, that's like 3 times in a day D: )
"I didn't come here for idle conversation. Do you know where the person i asked for is or not? He's my boyfriend and i need to make sure he doesn't get hurt" Vance stayed in the shadows but made no more attempts to attack "And all those shards, were warning shots, don't make them have to be anything more, You'll also need to close this gate. The dead people are something i'm meant to stop from happening, so.... yeah close the gate, I'm not really in the mood for a fight"

( @DizjayDeathPride )

For once, Grimm decides to step up and take charge. He decides to grant Vance a gift so his ribs wouldn't break anymore and harm his body. He makes Vance's ribs turn into jello, the cheap kind since Grimm couldn't afford the expensive deluxe kind.
Light said:
( Sorry about holding you back. :/ )

Itami was about to respond when a woman whom was Ashlyn's age, not a year younger, shyly stuck her head from around the corner. She had a dark shade of ginger hair and matching gold eyes to Itami. Her face holds dazzling features but her facial expression screamed shy girl with zero confidence and zero capabilities in making decisions on her own. "Okay... uh... thank you. I-I don't know what to say." After she stuttered the first time with I, she hid behind the wall causing her words to be slightly muffled. "I'm just happy he's done but concerned about Ashlyn. Thank you for your assistance... I'm worried about her well-being but I don't think I should or could do anything. Maybe you could though... hopefully my father will help you too." After that, the girl behind the voice ran away and teleports. She was happy to see her father but in terms of public display, that was all she could handle. She would have to see him privately.
(Not a problem, wasn't your fault anyways.)

"Whoawhatthehellwheredidyoucomefrom?!" Malren jumped, talking incoherently as a young girl popped up from around the corner, spooking him. "Oh... ok." He laughed awkwardly, trying to deflect attention off of his embarrassing outburst. "I'm just glad I completed my mission, that's all. He was a bugger to fight, that's for sure!" Malren nudged Itami playfully. "Eh? Eh? Okay." He noticed that the girl was acting super shy, and piecing two and two together, he knew when he wasn't needed. "Okay, okay. Just make sure to give me the upgrades or whatever." He walked out of the building, sitting in the snow for a while.

(Putting Malren on standby for now.)
A Turn of inconvenient Events

Safe from what could've been a disastrous collision with the creature, Zalgo's many pieces began to gather itself on the same spot he had been standing on before. Instead of re-manifesting his physical body, a gaze struck with horror watched the creature and it's rider--the entity that accompanied him all the way to the great mountain--crash onto the peak, only to then slide off it due to the momentum forced onto them by the raging winds.

A strained yell of utter distraught was dragged out of his throat, as the pieces of himself constructed itself to form his bodily vessel. The Deity rushed towards the edge that the creature fell off from and fell onto his knees to lean over to see where they would've landed...

" ...Unbelievable... " The single word sounded like a whimper. Pools of crimson contrasted against the black-blue rock-floors of Mount Everest, and ribbons of red were carving trails to allow it to drip down the side. As for the source of where life's red essence came from...

Zalgo's bandaged hands felt numb on the surface of the snow. Shuddering, he tore his eye away from the grotesque mess that laid on the rocks a long distance from the top. 'I...I could have saved them. Yet I was far too slow on reacting.'

He moved his numb hands onto his lap before tightly interlacing fingers; he was distressed at on the events that just had occurred, but his visage remained oddly neutral. He had only shown fear, shock and slight disgust--but not sadness or surprisingly any sincere guilt.

The feeling of dread that hung over him ever since Olivianna, "Sloth", answered his question, finally seemed to have left him. His thought of it ebbing away once he reached Mount. Everest was somewhat correct; at first, it still lingered strongly when he was at the base of the mountain and even at the peak--though he chose to ignore it. However, when the winged creature and the other entity had their lives taken away by the winds, it became...nothing.

Zalgo's pursed lips formed a crooked frown.

'Mother Nature has taken some life, to make even more. Perhaps...she had also assisted me somehow. Freeing me from the ominous...'

He furrowed a brow at that thought. They once held a comfortable air around them, and that he would forever remember, he enjoyed those few moments with them atleast.

Sighing softly, he turned his head to setting sun; its colour was the same as what the snow had become where the incident was left. At this moment, an odd tranquility overcame him--

Until a voice invaded his mentality and shocked him nearly off the edge.

Even though the speaker was explaining a certain topic very quickly, Zalgo managed to nitpick a few details from their speech.

Gates Of Hell (New term)


12 Seals

And names that were unknown to him.

He sat still for a few seconds, trying to grasp the entirety of the speech. There was an option that he could attempt on re-establishing a communicating connection with this Lucifer, but he knew only their given name not of their person. Though even if he did decide on contacting them, the Deity had a creeping assumption that it would bear no fruit of solution.

'How...how did this Lucifer know of my presence--let alone allow them to speak in my mind...?'

Zalgo slowly stood up, brushing off the snow that coated his pants and coat.

'Also, this plan of malice--they did state that...the summoned demons now roaming the Mortal Realm have a primary objective on executing "all of you". Yet, I do not know who are the 'all'...?!'

Suddenly he stopped his hands from flicking off remnants of white from his garments, as the overwhelming sense of dread returned to haunt him.

'Oh...am I...one of the 'all'? If so, then I have become a hunted prey.'

Zalgo blinked and shivered, not because of the cold, but of the fear on what the future would hold in store with this new appearance of a troubling situation. The Deity didn't budge from his position, even though he should begin heading off to find these seals.

All he intended to do in the Mortal Realm was recover figments missing from a few of his memory blocks, yet now he has to endure through these upcoming events.

He felt the stress pressing down his shoulders and fear swelling up in his chest. Was Zalgo ready? He would force himself to be.

The fallen one has avoided on retreating back to the black. Yet only to remain in that withering Realm to chase after pieces that can no longer be recovered. Falling fool, with a mind that's bright, their existence is dim. Now they must deal with an unexpected. Ridiculous.
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Light said:
The few supernatural left in the room decide to turn tail and run, leaving the meeting room to head for the landing strip to leave.
( I did point out where to go through Itami running past you and you were tagged so when you do finally make a post of arriving there, at least you as a person will know what's going on. So it will make it far easier for your character to understand once the situation is explained to them. )

( Sorry about holding you back. :/ )

Itami was about to respond when a woman whom was Ashlyn's age, not a year younger, shyly stuck her head from around the corner. She had a dark shade of ginger hair and matching gold eyes to Itami. Her face holds dazzling features but her facial expression screamed shy girl with zero confidence and zero capabilities in making decisions on her own. "Okay... uh... thank you. I-I don't know what to say." After she stuttered the first time with I, she hid behind the wall causing her words to be slightly muffled. "I'm just happy he's done but concerned about Ashlyn. Thank you for your assistance... I'm worried about her well-being but I don't think I should or could do anything. Maybe you could though... hopefully my father will help you too." After that, the girl behind the voice ran away and teleports. She was happy to see her father but in terms of public display, that was all she could handle. She would have to see him privately.
Lucifer chuckled. "Last step." And disappeared

GingerBread said:

"I didn't come here for idle conversation. Do you know where the person i asked for is or not? He's my boyfriend and i need to make sure he doesn't get hurt" Vance stayed in the shadows but made no more attempts to attack "And all those shards, were warning shots, don't make them have to be anything more, You'll also need to close this gate. The dead people are something i'm meant to stop from happening, so.... yeah close the gate, I'm not really in the mood for a fight"


"Negative I got no idea who that is. And no sir can not close the Gate" Demons continued to pour out, ravaging the city. Helicopters all around tried to film the events but were attacked and destroyed

LokiofSP said:

In the depths of the Gate, a little girl was curled in a ball, trembling

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6e78b6d9edc720697bffa564eb9e94d3.jpg.1eabf6c7bb7e8dfccbd8628311fd00b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/6e78b6d9edc720697bffa564eb9e94d3.jpg.1eabf6c7bb7e8dfccbd8628311fd00b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
For once, Grimm decides to step up and take charge. He decides to grant Vance a gift so his ribs wouldn't break anymore and harm his body. He makes Vance's ribs turn into jello, the cheap kind since Grimm couldn't afford the expensive deluxe kind.

Lucifer finished his final step, appearing on the center ground of the White House. He used his illusion powers to hold up a copied body of Ashlyn. He made both of them appear to be damaged. "Everyone! This woman here is the reason all of this has happened! She has been making deals with the devil and has unleashed Hell upon the Earth!" He threw out pages of pictures. Pictures that displayed Vance, Sage, the interior of the guild. And the external location. He knew this would cause the full force of the military to swarm to the Dragon's Roar base. He threw the body down and looked at the camera. "There are more. Working with her." Lucifer disappeared



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DizjayDeathPride said:
"Negative I got no idea who that is. And no sir can not close the Gate" Demons continued to pour out, ravaging the city. Helicopters all around tried to film the events but were attacked and destroyed
"Is there a way I can convince you to close the gate? If there isn't I'm going to have to kill you" Vance felt his ribs change density and start being able to support the pressure of his chest forcing him to breathe out. As Vance's ribs had been changed they no longer the strength to expand his chest and allow him to breath back in to get more air, causing him to slowly suffocate.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light (Well Vance is going to suffocate because he has no ribs anymore D: )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer finished his final step, appearing on the center ground of the White House. He used his illusion powers to hold up a copied body of Ashlyn. He held up the body all of the characters. He made both of them appear to be damaged. "Everyone! This woman here is the reason all of this has happened! She has been making deals with the devil and has unleashed Hell upon the Earth!" He threw out pages of pictures. Pictures that displayed Vance, Sage, the interior of the guild. And the external location. He knew this would cause the full force of the military to swarm to the Dragon's Roar base. He threw the body down and looked at the camera. "There are more. Working with her." Lucifer disappeared

(Most of the world probably already want Vance dead with him being an assassin and all and considering he rarely shows his face in public, this isn't going to change much for him
xD )

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Fola sheathed his sword nearly instantly, ignoring any part of him that put him on edge as soon as he saw the girl. He rushed over to her and got on one knee so he wouldn't appear so big or threatening. A soft look appeared in his eyes and his voice took a softer tone, he put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her, "Hey! Hey there little miss, you okay? What's wrong?" Something in the back of his mind told him to be wary of the girl, but he ignored it. After all, what kind of monster would ignore a child?

"What in...." Is all Crimson can get out before a what looked like a girl sped past him carrying some form of beast along with her. He had heard some curious noise behind him but he had no idea it was basically a bullet on legs. With a growl, Crimson takes off after the girl with blinding speed of his own though nowhere near that fast. The lycan did not need that speed though. The scent she left behind more than sufficed. It was quite unique after all. After a minute or so, Crimson comes to a grinding halt in what appeared to be a gathering of some sort. All individuals powerful in and of their own right. Before Crimson could speak, he noticed that they seemed to be talking to someone but not each other and they seemed terrorized by whatever they were hearing. He decides not to announce himself even though they probably see him standing a few meters away and merely observes the situation unfolding. Planning and tact were needed because if these people turned out to be hostile, Crimson was outnumbered and maybe out classed by a few of them.

@Light Yeah I know but I declaring that im not part of DR. So my character obviously didn't get that telepathic messages you know?
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GingerBread said:
"Is there a way I can convince you to close the gate? If there isn't I'm going to have to kill you" Vance felt his ribs change density and start to collapse under the pressure of his chest forcing him to breathe out. As Vance no longer had ribs he couldn't breathe back in to get more air, causing him to slowly suffocate.
@DizjayDeathPride @Light (Well Vance is going to suffocate because he has no ribs anymore D: )

(Most of the world probably already want Vance dead with him being an assassin and all and considering he rarely shows his face in public, this isn't going to change much for him
xD )
The Knight flashed and was in his face, raising an eye brow. "You? Kill me?" He turned and chuckled. "Thats funny kid"

(The point isn't to ruin your reputation silly. Its to raise your notoriety with the human world now. He threw DR on high alert with the whole planet)

LokiofSP said:
Fola sheathed his sword nearly instantly, ignoring any part of him that put him on edge as soon as he saw the girl. He rushed over to her and got on one knee so he wouldn't appear so big or threatening. A soft look appeared in his eyes and his voice took a softer tone, he put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her, "Hey! Hey there little miss, you okay? What's wrong?" Something in the back of his mind told him to be wary of the girl, but he ignored it. After all, what kind of monster would ignore a child?

The girl's face turned demonic and let out a blood curling scream, literally. The hand that touched her bent back, curling into a circle, breaking.

The little girl dropped the face and ran deeper into the cave, crying, tears glittering back as she ran. She dropped the Teddy and continued

DizjayDeathPride said:
The Knight flashed and was in his face, raising an eye brow. "You? Kill me?" He turned and chuckled. "Thats funny kid"
(The point isn't to ruin your reputation silly. Its to raise your notoriety with the human world now. He threw DR on high alert with the whole planet)
( I meant Vance is used to having to hide who he is all the time and having people who want to kill him, so this wouldn't change anything for him in particular)
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Vance was unable to reply as he had little to no air in his lungs and was slowly dying Who the fuck did this to me? I'd rather have broken ribs Vance thought as he looked up at the Knight.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light (Could i have my real Ribs back? So i don't die?)
Fola screamed in response, feeling a sort of pain he'd never felt before. He was left with his ears pounding as he looked in horror at his hand. He couldn't feel it, even worse was it was his preferred left hand, he could adjust but it still sucked. He bit his lip and attempted to stop himself from crying, he began to run after the girl, yelling, "Wait! I'm sorry for whatever I did! I-I'm a good guy, I won't hurt you!"

His feet pounded as he ran as fast he could, he clutched his broken hand, refusing to draw his sword still. Kids couldn't be evil, they were young, innocent, and could ALWAYS be changed. If this was an adult, he'd be chopping it's damn head off, but he felt like he'd done something wrong when he approached her. He called after her, "Please! I can help you!"

Lotusy said:
(Not a problem, wasn't your fault anyways.)
"Whoawhatthehellwheredidyoucomefrom?!" Malren jumped, talking incoherently as a young girl popped up from around the corner, spooking him. "Oh... ok." He laughed awkwardly, trying to deflect attention off of his embarrassing outburst. "I'm just glad I completed my mission, that's all. He was a bugger to fight, that's for sure!" Malren nudged Itami playfully. "Eh? Eh? Okay." He noticed that the girl was acting super shy, and piecing two and two together, he knew when he wasn't needed. "Okay, okay. Just make sure to give me the upgrades or whatever." He walked out of the building, sitting in the snow for a while.

(Putting Malren on standby for now.)
shadowz1995 said:
"What in...." Is all Crimson can get out before a what looked like a girl sped past him carrying some form of beast along with her. He had heard some curious noise behind him but he had no idea it was basically a bullet on legs. With a growl, Crimson takes off after the girl with blinding speed of his own though nowhere near that fast. The lycan did not need that speed though. The scent she left behind more than sufficed. It was quite unique after all. After a minute or so, Crimson comes to a grinding halt in what appeared to be a gathering of some sort. All individuals powerful in and of their own right. Before Crimson could speak, he noticed that they seemed to be talking to someone but not each other and they seemed terrorized by whatever they were hearing. He decides not to announce himself even though they probably see him standing a few meters away and merely observes the situation unfolding. Planning and tact were needed because if these people turned out to be hostile, Crimson was outnumbered and maybe out classed by a few of them.

@Light Yeah I know but I declaring that im not part of DR. So my character obviously didn't get that telepathic messages you know?
( Yeah I know. - Shadowz)

( As stated you did get Itami down from the mountain to visit her but he's truthfully leaving because of Lucifer. So I can't exactly give you Alpha as promised but I will give you Eta. You're currently Mu going up to Eta. You cool with that? - Lotusy )

Malren didn't notice the secret and Itami was relieved he didn't.

Both Crimson and Malren were outside the guild, Malren recently ranking up to Eta.

Austria said:
A Turn of inconvenient EventsSafe from what could've been a disastrous collision with the creature, Zalgo's many pieces began to gather itself on the same spot he had been standing on before. Instead of re-manifesting his physical body, a gaze struck with horror watched the creature and it's rider--the entity that accompanied him all the way to the great mountain--crash onto the peak, only to then slide off it due to the momentum forced onto them by the raging winds.

A strained yell of utter distraught was dragged out of his throat, as the pieces of himself constructed itself to form his bodily vessel. The Deity rushed towards the edge that the creature fell off from and fell onto his knees to lean over to see where they would've landed...

" ...Unbelievable... " The single word sounded like a whimper. Pools of crimson contrasted against the black-blue rock-floors of Mount Everest, and ribbons of red were carving trails to allow it to drip down the side. As for the source of where life's red essence came from...

Zalgo's bandaged hands felt numb on the surface of the snow. Shuddering, he tore his eye away from the grotesque mess that laid on the rocks a long distance from the top. 'I...I could have saved them. Yet I was far too slow on reacting.'

He moved his numb hands onto his lap before tightly interlacing fingers; he was distressed at on the events that just had occurred, but his visage remained oddly neutral. He had only shown fear, shock and slight disgust--but not sadness or surprisingly any sincere guilt.

The feeling of dread that hung over him ever since Olivianna, "Sloth", answered his question, finally seemed to have left him. His thought of it ebbing away once he reached Mount. Everest was somewhat correct; at first, it still lingered strongly when he was at the base of the mountain and even at the peak--though he chose to ignore it. However, when the winged creature and the other entity had their lives taken away by the winds, it became...nothing.

Zalgo's pursed lips formed a crooked frown.

'Mother Nature has taken some life, to make even more. Perhaps...she had also assisted me somehow. Freeing me from the ominous...'

He furrowed a brow at that thought. They once held a comfortable air around them, and that he would forever remember, he enjoyed those few moments with them atleast.

Sighing softly, he turned his head to setting sun; its colour was the same as what the snow had become where the incident was left. At this moment, an odd tranquility overcame him--

Until a voice invaded his mentality and shocked him nearly off the edge.

Even though the speaker was explaining a certain topic very quickly, Zalgo managed to nitpick a few details from their speech.

Gates Of Hell (New term)


12 Seals

And names that were unknown to him.

He sat still for a few seconds, trying to grasp the entirety of the speech. There was an option that he could attempt on re-establishing a communicating connection with this Lucifer, but he knew only their given name not of their person. Though even if he did decide on contacting them, the Deity had a creeping assumption that it would bear no fruit of solution.

'How...how did this Lucifer know of my presence--let alone allow them to speak in my mind...?'

Zalgo slowly stood up, brushing off the snow that coated his pants and coat.

'Also, this plan of malice--they did state that...the summoned demons now roaming the Mortal Realm have a primary objective on executing "all of you". Yet, I do not know who are the 'all'...?!'

Suddenly he stopped his hands from flicking off remnants of white from his garments, as the overwhelming sense of dread returned to haunt him.

'Oh...am I...one of the 'all'? If so, then I have become a hunted prey.'

Zalgo blinked and shivered, not because of the cold, but of the fear on what the future would hold in store with this new appearance of a troubling situation. The Deity didn't budge from his position, even though he should begin heading off to find these seals.

All he intended to do in the Mortal Realm was recover figments missing from a few of his memory blocks, yet now he has to endure through these upcoming events.

He felt the stress pressing down his shoulders and fear swelling up in his chest. Was Zalgo ready? He would force himself to be.

The fallen one has avoided on retreating back to the black. Yet only to remain in that withering Realm to chase after pieces that can no longer be recovered. Falling fool, with a mind that's bright, their existence is dim. Now they must deal with an unexpected. Ridiculous.

( Go Zalgo! Go! You can do this! )

The essence of Sloth passes over Zalgo, giving him the power of Sleep Inducement.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer chuckled. "Last step." And disappeared
"Negative I got no idea who that is. And no sir can not close the Gate" Demons continued to pour out, ravaging the city. Helicopters all around tried to film the events but were attacked and destroyed

In the depths of the Gate, a little girl was curled in a ball, trembling

View attachment 217271

Lucifer finished his final step, appearing on the center ground of the White House. He used his illusion powers to hold up a copied body of Ashlyn. He made both of them appear to be damaged. "Everyone! This woman here is the reason all of this has happened! She has been making deals with the devil and has unleashed Hell upon the Earth!" He threw out pages of pictures. Pictures that displayed Vance, Sage, the interior of the guild. And the external location. He knew this would cause the full force of the military to swarm to the Dragon's Roar base. He threw the body down and looked at the camera. "There are more. Working with her." Lucifer disappeared
Government security arrest the copy of Ashlyn. All of countries and armies, supernatural or human, get ready to annihilate Dragon's Roar. The slightest of armies were already on their way.

GingerBread said:
Vance was unable to reply as he had little to no air in his lungs and was slowly dying Who the fuck did this to me? I'd rather have broken ribs Vance thought as he looked up at the Knight.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light (Could i have my real Ribs back? So i don't die?)
Grimm notices that he messed up and gives Vance regular ribs back. He decides to give Vance his scythe. The scythe that could kill anything in existence.
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) The Knight chuckled as the ice melted before it got near him. The Heat of Hell completely evoporated. The movement of his laughter dropping ash off it's cigarette. As Sage could see it falling in the wind, a metallic foot connected with his face
The Knight kicked off, his thumbs holding his belt nonchalantly, a bored expression on his face. "Now now boy. Don't you just be going around hurting the innocent now. I ain't done nothing to you, ya hear? I'm just here following orders. You must be one of them there Dragon's Roars the boss told us to kill. Lucky me."

Julliete felt like her lung was being squeezed. The Knight remained silent, its magic slowly crushing her rib cage. It looked around to its trapped soldiers

Sage soared through the air but managed to stop himself before he hit anything. He turned his attractiveness up and gave the knight an alluring smile as a portal opened behind him. " Follow me " Sage said with a Chile before he flew into the portal.

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