Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Dreamtique said:
Earl waThto the guild after some travelling. He was standing in front of the guild, slowly, he raised his head up and looked at the majestic building.
"Dragon's Roar...I still don't get why...What can I find here?" He asks himself in a churlish tone.


That day he met him......

"But promise me one thing......Find a guild name Dragon's Roar...and YOU, will continue my journey there......"


"You will find things that are precious to me and you there, to every soul....."


He still didn't get it, all he did was follow what he promised the man.

"Maybe...I could find out more about this guild? " he walked into the guild, straight to the library.

He walked around and scanned the library for any book that might more or less give him a big picture of the history of the guild.

@Light (You decide whether he can find anything regarding the history of the guild or maybe even some useful information that you want him to find. It is okay if you need time to prepare the history of the guild xD , just don't let him find it ;) )

( I'll think of something. )

GingerBread said:
(So again I have next to no idea what I've missed, So If i get things wrong I apologise. But damn you guys are active when I'm asleep. Is it because I'm English :P )
Vance stood where he was when the Zeus mech blew up and just watched, ignoring everyone else. Even after everyone else had started leaving Vance stayed, unsure what to do now or even in the future As much as I hate this guild, It's sort of given me something to do, even if I do break more bones in a day than a normal person has in their life Vance thought as he began walking towards a nearby shadows and using it to teleport to the guild.

But Grimm still confuses me, is he a part of dragon roar? what affiliation does he have, the scythe he gave me was extremely powerful, so he must have that much power, if not more. Vance started the slow walk towards his room So why does he interact with us? He doesn't seem to help much in direct combat, so what's the point? Vance thought as he slowly entered his room. Vance sat down on the bed and dragged his hands down the length of his face as he sighed And He also had pictures that looked like they were of me as a child and he said he was my father, I'm sure that's bullcrap.......But how did he get the pictures? Vance was rapping his fingers on his hand absentmindedly "Hey, Grimm, you there? I want to talk to you. Now" Vance wasn't even sure if he could contact Grimm this way, but it was worth a shot.

"I'm always here!" Grimm was sitting on his shoe in the form of a small sour patch kid. "What did you need?" Grimm knew exactly what he needed and exactly what he was going to say in response but asking was the normal way if doing things.

LokiofSP said:
Fola looks at the assalint and begins to laugh, he goes on and on, clapping and putting his hands on his knees. He looked at Morgana, struggling to catch his breath, "Really? You were afraid of this? He's tiny enough to LITERALLY get crushed under my boot!"

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
"Yeah go ahead and laugh." She rolls her eyes and folds her arms over her chest. "Ass."

Lotusy said:
"Whoawhoawhoa there, no need to-MMPHF! OW!" Malren staggers backwards as he's hit with a pillow and smacked by a belt. "H-hold up, Kinz! I'm not trying to hide anything! It's not real!" He shielded his face with his hands, glaring at Christina. "And the only reason that... well... happened, is because she started it! I couldn't have done it before because you were my master, not my girlfriend!"
"Oh? So you didn't even know her and you still do that with her and I'm still not considered to be your girlfriend when she is?! Malren your a piece of shit you know that?!" She continues to strike Malren with her belt.

Christina shakes her head and frowns. "You know if you had just said something other than that she wouldn't be mad at you. I set everything up for her to be ready for you. You could have had a go with the both of us but noooo you just continue to make things worse. Just say your sorry and tell her she does mean a lot to you. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll handle the rest." She whispers to Malren.
"What?! You cannot deny it's at least a bit funny..." (!) Fola looks at the small thing in front of him and spits at it. That's right he spit on it...Which wouldn't be much if he hadn't LITERALLY spit fire!

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
Light said:
"I'm always here!" Grimm was sitting on his shoe in the form of a small sour patch kid. "What did you need?" Grimm knew exactly what he needed and exactly what he was going to say in response but asking was the normal way if doing things.
Vance looked down at Grimm "First off, were those photos you showed me actually of me? If they were, how the hell did you get them?" Vance was almost desperate for an answer

LokiofSP said:
"What?! You cannot deny it's at least a bit funny..." (!) Fola looks at the small thing in front of him and spits at it. That's right he spit on it...Which wouldn't be much if he hadn't LITERALLY spit fire!

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
The little rodent stood there, staring at Fola. "Oh this how it is now? This how it is? You too Hollywood for your old friends you gonna spit on us now? Real shit cuz? Real shit? Aigh I feel you. No loyalties. No respect. You musta forgot where you came from. The money and fame changed you dawg. It changed you." The squirrel shook his head disappointedly

djinnamon said:
Sage rolled his eyes when Morpheus disappeared he smiled at the kitten. " Hi little guy , its ok I'm not going to hurt you. " he said in a calming voice.
@DizjayDeathPride @Lucas Stello
The little blue kitten no more than 5 inches tall, trembled, hiding in the woman's neck. Down the hall there was a rumbling. Like a powerful hoard of scurrying coming towards them
LokiofSP said:
"What?! You cannot deny it's at least a bit funny..." (!) Fola looks at the small thing in front of him and spits at it. That's right he spit on it...Which wouldn't be much if he hadn't LITERALLY spit fire!

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
DizjayDeathPride said:
The little rodent stood there, staring at Fola. "Oh this how it is now? This how it is? You too Hollywood for your old friends you gonna spit on us now? Real shit cuz? Real shit? Aigh I feel you. No loyalties. No respect. You musta forgot where you came from. The money and fame changed you dawg. It changed you." The squirrel shook his head disappointedly
"Is this guy your friend Fola?" Morgan tilts her head and sets her left hand on her hip.

GingerBread said:
Vance looked down at Grimm "First off, were those photos you showed me actually of me? If they were, how the hell did you get them?" Vance was almost desperate for an answer

"Yes, they're actually of you. I've always had them since the moment they were taken. I'm always watching everyone. I can show you more of yourself if you'd like."
Light said:
"Yes, they're actually of you. I've always had them since the moment they were taken. I'm always watching everyone. I can show you more of yourself if you'd like."
"Why the hell do you have them?" Vance asked, confused why Grimm would have pictures of him for any reason "You know what I want you do with all the pictures you have of me? I want you to make a big pile, I then want you to pour gasoline over them. Then I want you to set them on fire and let them burn until they're nothing but ashes. Then i want you to take those ashes and completely incinerate them. Because No one should have any pictures of me as a child. Or pictures of me at all"

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"No! I've never associated with animals ever! Now excuse me one moment..." He turned to the squirrel, "You gotta understand my point of veiw though! I'm moving on to greater things, and you still stuck in the past! I can't play no more kids games, I gotta look after mine, and only mine..."

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
(Ugh, guys so much posting. xD well then I will meed to do some catching up. Also @Light whats rank up points. I am sure that I get none because I didn't fight but I still would like to know. I looked around but didn't see anything. There is the chance I just overlooked something. )

Brundyn was overjoyed when they saw the distribution of the mecha Zuse. "Finally, I can collect my prize. Eh, I might not deserve it but whatever no one will be needing this." Brundyn began to focus an eminence amount of power. Thats when one of there drones flys down to Brundyn. "Did you get the specs of the Mecha Zues before it got destroyed?" They ask and it displays the information that it gathered. "Good, now lets get to work." Suddenly they unleash the power that they gathered in order to teleport the mecha Zeus to there interdimsional space. They used up all the power that they had left. They collapse to the ground there tophat falling off and there disguise fading away. They lose consciousness and the light fades out of there eyes.

They wake up back at the sky as there power has returned. "Well that too more out of me then I thought it would." Brundyn is surrounded by there repair constructs. Looking over to there right they see there psionic familiar, they reach out and pat it even though it has no solid form. "Thanks for telling them to look over me back." It seemed happy with the praise it was given. "Have any of the preparations been made? Are the reprogramming of the other mechas going well?" The familiar just looks at Brundyn talking to them telepathically. "Alright good." They sit up and look around. "How many days was I out?.......oh, just one, faster reboot then normal." They get up warps in his tophat putting it on activating there disguise. They start to think "I proububly should thank that guild for the help. Without them I could't have gotten my prize." @anyone
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DizjayDeathPride said:
A blue Teddy bear crawled from under his pillow, its voice deep and cartoony. The moment he was in sight, Theo's memory was altered to believe this had been his closest companion since birth "aww what's the matter sport?"

Decimus nodded and walked up to Gazelle, extending his hand. "You'll always have my support. Just ask"
Theodore looked at the teddy bear. "Nice try Morpheus I had a brown Teddy Bear. Now stop messing with my head." He got up and walked out.

Gazelle saw that this was going nowhere. "You're clueless." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and filled him with oxygen so they wouldn't have to stop.

Light said:
Alice unfolds her arms and rolls her eyes. "By now I should be able to feel where you are. I'm not stupid y'know." Alice yawns and looks around the area. "Sorry about earlier. I know how desperate you get for my attention." Alice flashes her usual grin.
Ashlyn nods her head and continues painting. "Sorry if I seem so distant. Just working on this. What do you think about paintings though?"

Morgan gets up and rubs her head, feeling it slowly heal. "Seriously? This is what I was afraid of?" She traps the squirrel in a box of witch mana. "What's your deal? Why are you following us... well me."
Jackson sighed and laid down on the freshly fallen snow. "Sorry my favorite person in the world likes to disappear without a word then reappear out of no were then be gone just as fast. And I don't get desperate I just worry I was in the space in the shadow of the moon for literal hours when I found out you were taken by Lucifer and tried to follow. It hurt. A lot."

Juliette looked around. "They're amazing I love them when did you learn how to paint.

The rest of the rodent squad attacked. Tiny little arrows where shot into Morgan's arm and Fola's cheek. "Leave our leader alone!"

The fat one attack with the mace at Fola's ankles. "I'll kill you!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-19-06-20-59.png.e0c66e9ce6b7862217d05d87c991afa3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Screenshot_2016-01-19-06-20-59.png.e0c66e9ce6b7862217d05d87c991afa3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Screenshot_2016-01-19-06-20-59.png
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djinnamon said:
Sage casted a sad look at kitten before he heard the rubbing. He looked around cautiously.
Tiny meows echoed the hall. And the sounr of charging energy. Around the corner came a hoard of equally tiny kittens, their eyes glowing red and shooting lasars through the walls. The tiny blue kitten shrieked and the swarm set their lasar sights to him.

Kitten Morpheus hopped off and ran down the hall, chased by the swarm <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c733e05e1_6B13121C1E1C38991AC424EE7C1FDE7089B491DC8D56132015pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg.d3c00a5d2320d90a18f77cea4871e7b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100099" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c733e05e1_6B13121C1E1C38991AC424EE7C1FDE7089B491DC8D56132015pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg.d3c00a5d2320d90a18f77cea4871e7b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at the teddy bear. "Nice try Morpheus I had a brown Teddy Bear. Now stop messing with my head." He got up and walked out.
Gazelle saw that this was going nowhere. "You're clueless." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and filled him with oxygen so they wouldn't have to stop.

Jackson sighed and laid down on the freshly fallen snow. "Sorry my favorite person in the world likes to disappear without a word then reappear out of no were then be gone just as fast. And I don't get desperate I just worry I was in the space in the shadow of the moon for literal hours when I found out you were taken by Lucifer and tried to follow. It hurt. A lot."

Juliette looked around. "They're amazing I love them when did you learn how to paint.

The rest of the rodent squad attacked. Tiny little arrows where shot into Morgan's arm and Fola's cheek. "Leave our leader alone!"

The fat one attack with the mace at Fola's ankles. "I'll kill you!"

View attachment 222390
Decimus melded into the kiss, holding her face. His heart slowly began to race, speeding up after every beat. He was losing himself in the passion, giving in ever so quickly before pulling back. He had no words, just looking into her eyes and smiling

LokiofSP said:
"No! I've never associated with animals ever! Now excuse me one moment..." He turned to the squirrel, "You gotta understand my point of veiw though! I'm moving on to greater things, and you still stuck in the past! I can't play no more kids games, I gotta look after mine, and only mine..."

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
The squirrel laughed at the assault. "I brought the whole crew!"



  • ^6B13121C1E1C38991AC424EE7C1FDE7089B491DC8D56132015^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
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djinnamon said:
Sage yelped before trapping the swarm in an unbreakable dome of enchanted ice that also couldn't be melted. He watched the blue kitten run away with a sigh.
The leader kitten teleported out, looking at Sage. It tilted its head and squinted. It let out a quiet menacing "meow" before the whole crew appeared behind him. They all sat, lasar eyes, staring at Sage. The leader stared him down, raising its right paw, and touched the dome. It shook violently then turned into a dome of unbreakable and unmeltable candy. The leader put his paw back down, still squinting at Sage. Then the group melted into the ground, seeping away
Sage stared right back with a menacing glint rifle ted in his eyes ,as if daring the kittens to try something. He smirked when they disappeared. " And never come back. " he said.

LokiofSP said:
"Yeah whatever man. Fuck the crew! I'm out..." He began to walk away...
@DizjayDeathPride @Light
The squirrel watched fola, jaw dropped, clutching his chest. The heart break was throwing him into cardiac arrest. It was hard to breathe. His left side numb. He barely whispered out "Fo..la..." Before he started to cough violently

He looked over to Morgan. "You better watch your back... Witch. You don't... Know who to... Trust" And the squirrel's heart stopped

@Light @Tazmodo
Sage hears a little bark and sees a little puppy walking up to him.

djinnamon said:
Sage hears a little bark and sees a little puppy walking up to him.
The blue kitten Morpheus appeared in a poof, landing on Sage's head. It hissed at the dog, swatting him away. It would protect Sage from this beast of Biblical proportion
GingerBread said:
"Why do you have them?" Vance asked, confused why Grimm would have pictures of him for any reason "You know what I want you do with all the pictures you have of me? I want you to make a big pile, I then want you to pour gasoline over them. Then I want you to set them on fire and let them burn until they're nothing but ashes. Then i want you to take those ashes and completely incinerate them. Because No one should have any pictures of me as a child. Or pictures of me at all"

"I have them because I've been watching you since birth. I've been watching everyone since birth. I know your future, present, and past. I know everything about you. I am the only being that's truthfully there for and with you throughout your entire life. I've watched your failures and victories. The same goes for every living and non living thing like plants and objects. I see and know all! I am the Deity of life, death, torture, and all things related after all. Even if you burn them I can still make more. That's why I tell everyone I'm their father, because in a way I am and I am always watching my children. You have no secrets to hide from me, I know more about you than you ever will. If I were you, I'd keep a protective eye over Ashlyn." With that, Grimm bursts in confetti for a disappearance.

TheMADQ said:
(Ugh, guys so much posting. xD well then I will meed to do some catching up. Also @Light whats rank up points. I am sure that I get none because I didn't fight but I still would like to know. I looked around but didn't see anything. There is the chance I just overlooked something. )
Brundyn was overjoyed when they saw the distribution of the mecha Zuse. "Finally, I can collect my prize. Eh, I might not deserve it but whatever no one will be needing this." Brundyn began to focus an eminence amount of power. Thats when one of there drones flys down to Brundyn. "Did you get the specs of the Mecha Zues before it got destroyed?" They ask and it displays the information that it gathered. "Good, now lets get to work." Suddenly they unleash the power that they gathered in order to teleport the mecha Zeus to there interdimsional space. They used up all the power that they had left. They collapse to the ground there tophat falling off and there disguise fading away. They lose consciousness and the light fades out of there eyes.

They wake up back at the guild staring at the ceiling as there power has returned. "Well that too more out of me then I thought it would." Brundyn is surrounded by there repair constructs. "Ahhhh, so you guys brought me back." Looking over to there right they see there psionic familiar, they reach out and pat it even though it has no solid form. "Thanks for telling them to bring me back." It seemed happy with the praise it was given. "Have any of the preparations been made? Are the reprogramming of the other mechas going well?" The familiar just looks at Brundyn talking to them telepathically. "Alright good." They sit up and look around. "How many days was I out?.......oh, just one, faster reboot then normal." They get up warps in his tophat putting it on activating there disguise. They start to walk through the guild. "I should probably see if there is anything I can do around the guild before I start my personal work." @anyone
( Your character isn't apart of the guild yet that's why you didn't get a rank up. You're not automatically in once you join the thread, you have to find the guild and join them. )

Tazmodo said:
Jackson sighed and laid down on the freshly fallen snow. "Sorry my favorite person in the world likes to disappear without a word then reappear out of no were then be gone just as fast. And I don't get desperate I just worry I was in the space in the shadow of the moon for literal hours when I found out you were taken by Lucifer and tried to follow. It hurt. A lot."
Juliette looked around. "They're amazing I love them when did you learn how to paint.View attachment 222390
Alice pats Jackson's head with an apologetic smile. "Don't worry about me. Just admit you like the attention."

Ashlyn seems slightly embarrased at the compliment but still nods her head. "Thank you! This might take a while but I hope you can see it when it's done."

LokiofSP said:
"Yeah whatever man. Fuck the crew! I'm out..." He began to walk away...
@DizjayDeathPride @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
The squirrel watched fola, jaw dropped, clutching his chest. The heart break was throwing him into cardiac arrest. It was hard to breathe. His left side numb. He barely whispered out "Fo..la..." Before he started to cough violently
He looked over to Morgan. "You better watch your back... Witch. You don't... Know who to... Trust" And the squirrel's heart stopped

@Light @Tazmodo
Morgan pulls the arrows out of her arm and stares wide eyes at Morgan. "Are you really going to leave me?! Just like that? How could you, I still have a mile left to walk."
djinnamon said:
The puppy growled at the kitten and pawed at it before howling and a army of puppies appear. The blue puppy wanted to protect his future owner from the satanic feline.
The kitten meowed demonically and loudly, the grey hoard of kittens with lasar eyes returning. One sneezed and shot a lasar at one of the pups, vaporizing it. All of them looked to this kitten with horror. A tiny clone of Morpheus a foot high floated around the corner on a fluffy cloud, blowing a whistle and pointing to the murderous kitten. "Fowl Play! 10 points from the kitten team!"
Light said:
"I have them because I've been watching you since birth. I've been watching everyone since birth. I know your future, present, and past. I know everything about you. I am the only being that's truthfully there for and with you throughout your entire life. I've watched your failures and victories. The same goes for every living and non living thing like plants and objects. I see and know all! I am the Deity of life, death, torture, and all things related after all. Even if you burn them I can still make more. That's why I tell everyone I'm their father, because in a way I am and I am always watching my children. You have no secrets to hide from me, I know more about you than you ever will. If I were you, I'd keep a protective eye over Ashlyn." With that, Grimm bursts in confetti for a disappearance.
"Why the hell would I need to protect Ashlyn in any way? If someone is strong enough to attack and hurt her, I'm not going to be able to do anything, Am I?" Vance said, although Grimm had already left. Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before laying back onto his bed "So I've got a stalker now, Fantastic. Well I guess I've had a stalker my entire life, even better"


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