Dragons of Rayalden [Inactive]

Naomi smiled at Majesty, and bowed, keeping eye contact with the mare. "They are beautiful, truly. ...Hey! Wezzle, get back here!" She called as the ferret jumped onto Sinju, and clambered onto his shoulder.
Sinju smiles and scratches the ferret's head, "Hurry now, Lorian will have already sensed us, and i don't want to find out if I'm her target this time." Grace turns around and paws the ground. Majesty nudges Naomi with her large head.
Naomi climbed on Majesty gracefully and gave a weird look to Sinju. "I'm ready.... But what do you mean, this time?" She stroked Majesty's mane and shook her head. "You're not really a hobo , are you."
"No, I'm the last of my kind, you might remember the first war against Serconin. Imperial elves, humans, snow elves, volcane elves, and dwarves all banded together to fight and they still lost. Serconin's attacks might seem random, but he's really eliminating the elven and dwarven kind that stood against him. I was only a month old at that time, but I'm still on his black list. my only consolation is that Lorian hasn't found me yet." Sinju nudged Grace towards the mountains, "Let's go, you can ask more questions when we reach safety.
Naomi nudged Majesty with her heels, and followed Sinju in silence. Awkwardly, she said "um, sorry for tripping on you back there."
(Now this is what I've been waiting for!!)

Lorian senses the magic of the Imperial and wonders if she should pursue without orders to do so. Serconin's voice sounds in her head and she signs inwardly. Time to hunt. She grows out her wings and flaps once, twice, three times and took off over the house tops.
Sinju shudders as he feels Lorian partially transform into a dragon. "She's coming for us, faster Grace!" Grace puts on an extra ounce of speed, followed closely by Majesty.
Naomi frowned. "Lorain?" She asked, leaning over her horse to gain speed. "How can you tell these things?"
"I'm an Imperial, I'll explain more when we're safe. We can't stop at my house, we'll have to go farther, into the caves of Saint Janstruen." Sinju shivers, "if we can get there the dwarves will hide us underground."

(And now I'll be back in half an hour at most. I've got to help my grampa plant stuff.)
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