Dragons of Rayalden [Inactive]

The Incarnate

New Member
The Incarnate submitted a new role play:

Dragons of Rayalden - dragons and riders

The planet is named Rayalden, the country most of you will be role-playing in in the country Annoly. Annoly is a older country who despises the use of technology the other countries have taken a likeness to, it doesn't help that anything electronic, or made by electronics, fall apart if they are taken into, or near, Annoly. Annoly is also the home for dragons, which may explain its lack of electronic use. On the plus side, almost everyone in Annoly has learned magic in some way, whether it is...
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Janli sat quietly in the middle of the orphan children. half of them were girls, the other half where boys. She played monopoly with half of the boys and life with the others while the girls played with her hair and and the make-up she brought. She'd been here often. Annoly had the only orphanage in all the cities that the King ruled. More kids came here everyday as the King's henchwoman took out potential enemies. The dragoness only allowed the kids to live. Kids who would grow up with hate for the king in their hearts and revenge on the brain. The lucky ones were too young to remember, but the older ones plotted together in the basement on the orphanage. Janli would sometimes join them, pointing out what would be hard to manage and what would be easiest. Sometimes she could just talk them out of things that would lead to their death instantaneously, other times they were set and those on the group didn't return.

Janli was tired of seeing the children disappear. Children younger than her by three years or more. At least ten have left and never returned. Going out to look for them never proved useful, they were gone, and if she found any of them at all, it was their clothes in shreds. whether Lorian or the King did it, she didn't know, but it made her hate the Monarch even more.

At nightfall Janli left the orphanage, her hair in an array of hairstyles. She'd have to brush it out later.
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Sinju sits on a corner in the faded brown, herb stained, rag of a robe he kept on so his enemies wouldn't find him. With the hood over his head, he looked like any old beggar on the streets. He sat cross-legged with a hat in front of him. There lay a few coins passersby during the day have dropped for him. It would help pay for the herbs needed for his latest patient. It wasn't much, but any little bit helped. He'd fallen asleep half an hour before dark, but started awake as Janli passed him. It wasn't her that startled him though, she'd dropped a pouch as usual. She always dropped some herb or other. The stains on his robe gave away the fact he was an herbalist of somesort, though it took a keen to spot that. He took the pouch and opened it. The rich spicy smell of Esarn hit him like a wall. He closed the pouch and waved his hand in front of his face. How did she get her hands on a rare herb like this? He quickly stowed it away. Interesting.

(Share posting. :) )
Janli continues to her home, tired. Just a normal day of course, nothing new, but she still hand to pray before bed. She should pray for the children as she always did, perhaps even for the Mrs. Harp, the caretaker of the orphans. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. First she had to make it home, then worry about what to pray for. Maybe just have a half asleep conversation with the goddess. She saw very few people out this twilight, some of them she knew, few of them she trusted. With a quiet sigh she bought some flowers from sleepy Martha at her flower stand before heading to the Temple. She would sit in the one of the pews and pray, then go into the quarters and find an empty bed to sleep in.

The Priestesses all shared what they had as is the goddess' way, but little quarrels broke out every once in a while when someone forgets to put a robe or hairbrush back in the place they found it at. Often things get misplaced or lost entirely, and they left it to Janli to find. She cleaned the quarters every other day almost, so whatever was lost would magically reappear where it should be. honestly, Janli was getting tired of playing maid and disliked the fact the others let her do the cleaning all by herself. She never asked for help, but it would be nice for some of the girls to help without being asked. That's really why none of them have moved on the Arch Priestess like Janli had. She did things without being asked and didn't ask for help. Some people might call that pride, Janli thought of it as necessary.

The Temple is a large building, the largest in all of Annoly even. Made of skillfully crafted marble, the Temple was 40 feet tall, 80 if you count the steeple and the towers. The goddess, depicted in gold and ivory, stands on the steeple, arms uplifted to the heavens, head back, hair tumbling down to her waist. Janli had never seen the goddess' face, but assumed that she smiled up at the stars. The steeple doubled as the bell tower, hundreds of bells lay there, waiting to be rung by the ever elusive bell ringer, who never showed himself to anyone. No one was allowed to go up to the bell tower because of the bell ringer. if the bells ever don't ring, then it'll be safe to go up there, to see who the bell ringer was, and to replace him or her. The Temple proper is a sort of cone shape that is bulky at the bottom and slopes inward and up, like a huge cup with a horn sticking up from it, but curvy in it's transition. There are four towers at what would be the four corners, it it had been a square or rectangle. All four towers held libraries, the enxtensive history of Annoly and the world was kept there. There are few such Libraries across the world. One is Gaoli in the far west, one in Abgyn east of here, and then one in in the Fortress of Ticuni the Necromancer. Okay, so four such libraries. Janli had never been outside of Annoly, but when she decides to leave, she will visit each of the libraries, even if that last one is the death of her.

Inside the Temple doors are rows of pews sitting in front of the three step rise that bore the goddess' alter, the podium currently pushed to one side, and the grand organ than the hymns demanded at times.

The people inside consist of the homeless that occupy the back rows, some sleep, some deep in prayer, some reading the hymn books. it's normal for them to be here, and the priests have long since stopped trying to ask them to leave so they can close up for the night. They've stopped closing the temple at all now. So the priestesses take the day shift, and the priests take the night. Since this if the temple of the Goddess Serenity, the homeless only ever really listen to the Priestesses anyway, and none of them have asked the homeless to leave. Neither has Janli for that matter, in fact as long as they don't cause trouble, she didn't care that they stayed here. She hoped they found enlightenment through the hymns and prayers.
Trivia walked down the muddy street quietly, her shoes barely making a sound as they hit the ground. She made eye contact with no one, she didn't have any friends, nor did she associate with anyone unless she had to. As she turned the corner she noticed a man in a ragged cloak. She sighed and pulled out three bronze coins and threw them on the ground next to him. "You can have them." she mumbled.
"THank you," Sinju said in a deep voice. He moved the coins into the hat and leaned back against the shop wall. "May the goddess bless you."

(There are many gods and goddesses in the world. The Goddess of Nature and Life is the dominant deity in Annoly.)
That may be so for human deities, Sinju thought to himself, but the gods and goddesses of my people have all the time in the universe to bless you. "You have been blessed." He says outloud, mostly to himself.
After her clean up and prayer, Janli tried to sleep. But she couldn't even dose. now she was much too awake too sleep. She gets back up and goes out to sit on the step of the Temple. it's beautiful tonight, the moon is full, the stars shine without any clouds in the way. She watched the sky.
As Trivia walked on she finally went to a small alleyway that was silent and dark. She sat down, her head against the wall behind her. She smirked. I must look like that elf on the street, sitting by himself, all alone. she thought.
(I swear, more people should start posting because three people isn't a Rp make. *sigh* Alright, I need to jump start this thing.)

Lorian strides down a back alley, a thick black clock wrapped around her slim body and covering her head. Like a shadow, she continues through the back allies, sniffing out her new target.
A chill fell on Sinju as he felt the presence of the dragoness. He quickly stowed the coins inside his cloak with his hat. He hurried down the street the way (Trivia) had gone. his hood fell back as the wind displaced it and let loose his silvery white hair. His ears pricked for the sound of magic not his own as frost climbed up his fingers.
Naomi yawned, stretching her arms and legs out. She sat up and bumped her head hard. Rubbing fur out of her eyes in annoyance, she crawled out from underneath the small wagon. The ferret unwound itself from around her neck reproachfully and sat on her shoulder like a bird. She patted it on its head, and swung on a cloak, making her way past people and shops, towards the forest on the far side of town. So busy focusing on getting past people, she didn't notice a hobo on the side of the road, and promptly tripped on him, landing hard on her bare knees and palms, her cloak flowing behind her.
"Good gracious girl! What are you doing on the ground like that. We have to go!" Sinju grabs her hand, pulls her to her feet, and bolts down the street. "Lorian is here, we have to move."
Naomi felt herself get pulled up, and her eyes grew wide with alarm when she heard the news. She ran after him quickly, and caught up to him within seconds. "Where are we going?"
"Away from here," Sinju says simply, surprised to find that alarm didn't raise his deep voice, but he did sound worried. "What kid of magic do you use?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Magic? I don't have any magic." She replied, stuffing an annoyed ferret into her jacket as a small lizard scampered up her arm.
Sinju gave her weird looks, "You're an elf in Annoly with no magic?" He looks forward, "I guess you can find everything here. So what do you fight with? A bow? That's long ranged, if we had to fight it would be a good option."
"I'm a half elf," she corrected. "And I fight with bow or sword. It's all the same to me."
"Half elf, what kind of elf? There are many different kinds." Sinju slows his pace and pricks his ears back. "The mountains will be the safest place for us. My home is there, just half a mile outside of Annoly."
Her slightly pointed ears drooped. "Dark elf," she muttered miserably, a small monkey climbing out of her backpack to check out the scenery. "That's why nobody trusts me."
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"Hmm, I dated a dark elf once, charming girl, taught me death magic." Sinju smiles and whistles, but the whistles doesn't fill the street, to shoots forward, then disappears. "The mares will be here shortly." he looks at her. "Only ignorant humans don't trust dark elves. Other elf species trust or don't trust depending on their political standpoint. As for my species, we get along with dark elves swimmingly."
"You know death magic?" She asked warily, letting a flamboyant parrot climb on top of her head.
"Yes, but it gives me a splitting headache so i don't use it unless there is no other option. On the plus side, knowing death magic made learning life magic easier." Sinju sees two black mares galloping down the street towards them. "There they are, aren't they beautiful?"
She gazed at them. "Yes, they are. Do you... Ride on them?"

The parrot kicked a piece of hair into her face, and she blew it out of the way, rolling her eyes. "Dumb bird."

Her ferret scampered up onto her shoulder and climbed down her arm, sniffing the newcomer curiously. It chattered and him.
"Yes, we ride," Sinju smiles as the two stop by him. They were powerful Clydesdales. He uses wind to give himself a lift up onto the left one. "That one is Majesty, this one," he pats the one he's riding, "is Grace. They'll take us to my house."

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