Dragonblood [sign-up]

Name: Dai Satari

Age: 190 (19 in Human years)

Race: Elf

Appearance: Dai's Looks

Character history: Dai was born of the High Elf class and showed exceptional skill in sword fighting and in light Magic. He always uses it to its best ability and for good.

Specialization: Light Magic and Sword fighting

Magic: Can produce Lightning effects and light

Name: Niwa Hitachi

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: Niwa's Looks

Character history: Born among the wealthy class, Niwa always could strive toward greatness. He always showed incredible Stregth in sword fighting and in some magic although never openly used it. Niwa uses his necromancy for good when he can but without revealing what his power is.

Specialization: Sword fighting and Secretly Necromacy

Magic: Necromancy *secret*

(my characters will know each other)
Name: Draco Ben Will

Age: 18

Race: Human


Character history: He was just a normal human till his dad saw him pick up a sword. Soon he was sent into trying and being an exelent fighter he soon caught a few eyes. Once he finished his training he hasn't done much but work on his fathers farm. Till the farm was attacked, he put his training to use and fought off the raders. He has protected the provence since then. WHen he was discovered to be one of the best fighters there could be he has been known as the hero of his town. Although most have not heard of this underdog his talents are well known for those who have.

Specialization: First aid.

Magic: None

Name: Odkurvi Dottïr

Age: 85 (should be just under 30 in human, methinks)

Race: Dwarf

Appearance: Odkurvi is a squat dwarf; sure, all dwarfs are short, but he's more compact in a way. His face is practically creased into a perpetual frown, and his eyes are shifty. His clothes are always immaculate, but old. His hair is black and so are his eyes; "like coal," his father, and his father's father, and that one's father had always said.

History: Odkurvi's family was never rich, but neither were they poor. They were proud workers, all of them, and Odkurvi was expected to follow that tradition. He was not content with the work his father- or, for the matter, his one brother and two sisters- did, however. He began to talk with those slightly above his rank, in the gruff way of his, and weasled money from a few of them and promises from others; and backed many into a corner until he got his own gain, in wealth and importance. He worked his way up the ladder of society until he was found in the heiarchy's upper ranks, advising the rulers, with no on knowing quite how he got there. Odd indeed he was, and perhaps a little curvy. If anyone thought to call him dotty, they kept it to themselves. He had a strange way of bringing punishment down on his enemies without lifting a hand.

Specialization: Silver-tongue. Or, if he was asked to put it, a tongue of rough iron. Ignoring his gruff voice and seemingly prosaic way of talking, Odkurvi can talk his way anywhere- which is how he became so important. He cannot slip behind defenses and weaken enemies from emotional troubles, no; but he can batter at minds with well placed facts, timing, and questions. His deceipts are indistinguishable from his truths, and his way is the only way. If you wander a different direction, he always has a stone wall blocking your path. Because of his many different positions, from humble miner to ruler's advisor, he is competent in many things but skilled at few.

Magic: None.
Fire of Hearts - Try to beef up your character a little, a last name and maybe another sentence or two to your history, and you'll be good.

Blackwind1kaze - The only thing left to tweak is the age of your elf, at 150 they're equal to about 20 as a human. So just change the age to 140s if you want them at around the equivalent to 19.

Nivrad00 - 85 is just over 30 actually. At 100, they're equal to human 40, at 50, they're equal to 20; so 75 is exactly equal to thirty.

Or in other terms:

Almost Approved, Approved, and Approved again! (In that order)
Name: Dolkar Gartod

Age: around 43

Race: Dwarf

Appearance: http://www.wallpaper4me.com/images/wallpapers/tmp/1329329194_wallpaper_world_of_warcraft_trading_card_game_11_1680x1050_849455.jpeg

Character history: Dolkar was in an expedition with his father at a young age, when the cave collapsed. Dolkar was trapped alone on one side, and the others on the other side. Armed with only a pick, and a warhammer from his father, he ventured on his own and began to survive away from dwarf culture. Last year, he finally came back in contact with other dwarves, and they were surprised he was still alive. He decided he no longer was like his people and left for the settlements above ground. He makes his own way, and is determined to change the bitter resentments he never came to learn.

Specialization: Weapon Mastery - Warhammer

Magic: none
Name: Grand Inquisitor Marit Lage

Age: 247

Race: Elven

Sex: Male

View attachment 1929 Replace those tacky robes with this armour View attachment 1930 The image on the left. His weapon,a skyhook,is a scythe with a straight shaft,and the blade is on a hinge,which only allows for 90 degrees of rotation. The inside and top of the blade are edged,and the tip sports an inward facing spike. Attached to the shaft are two straps,to keep the weapon in the user's grasp. When the blade is down,it can be used as a poleaxe. There is a tiny,barely-sharp blade where the spike would meet the shaft,just in case the user doesn't properly use the weapon to slice a wing. Originally designed for unseating airborne cavaliers.

History: Marit Lage's grandfather always talked about the legend of the Dragonbloods,even with his dying breath. He told Marit that he was better than those around him,not because he was an elf,but because he was Dragonblood. Marit dismissed this;the Dragonbloods were a legend. Nothing more. He grew up in Lorekeep,and joined the military as early as he could. He rocketed through the ranks,and eventually became a Wyvern Rider,and specialized in air superiority. During this time,he trained in the use of Wind magics,and the sykhook. Later on,when the Inquisition started to become more heated,he was asked to become an Inquisitor. He accepted,and,like before,he rocketed through the ranks and became the Grand Inquisitor of the jurisdiction of Linton,the human capitol city. During this time frame,he began studies in the arts of Mental magicks; a dangerous line to tread.

Specialization: Weapon Mastery - Skyhook

Magics: Wind: Adept. Mentalism: Novice.

Theme Song (Just for lulz) : [video=youtube;cyUeD5gT2cg]

Now, what Rid has included in his history, about the human and elven capitols, even the wyvern cavalry and skyhook; are all canon information. I've been discussing this rp for the past couple days with rid over msn.

Name: Lloyd Kreiger, The Keeper of Light

Age: 25

Race: Human


View attachment 1931

Character history: Lloyd, ever since birth, was destined to be a great warrior, for both of his parents were great Knights to the humans at the capitol of Linton. He started his training at an early age, which was 4, beginning with magic. Strangly enough, he wasn't really attuned to anything, except light magic which he was highly Adept especially for a 4 year old. He began his official "Knight" training when he was 10, training on how to ride a gorse, how to use a weapon of his choice (which was a greatsword), and finally, combat. His teachers were surprised at Lloyd's skill with a weapon, and Light magic, some say he already surpassed his parents at age 16. When he was 18, he finally finished his Knight training, and has decided to travel as a diplomat to the humans in an attempt to unite the 4 races together instead of the senseless fighting.

Specialization: Inspiring Presence

Magic: Light - Adept
Name: Valeria LeCross. - Age: 140 (19 in human years) - Race: Elf - Appearance: Valeria has long, striaght, white hair. Her eyes are ice blue. She prefers to wear white or light blue dresses and will sometimes tie her hair up in a blue ribbion. - History: Valeria was born into a wealthy family. When she was a small child, she became very ill and for years was bed ridden. During that time she taught herself healing magic. She also read books about the differnt species. Feeling better now, she plans to travel and learn what books cannot teach her. - Specialty: First aid - Magic: Healing magic.
Both Approved!!

Though Sage, I'd appreciate if you'd reformat that post so that it's multiple lines; just to make it easier to reference later.
Name: Det Jout


Da'khor (Coyote genetics)


View attachment 1933 (It's damn hard to find decent images for these guys!)

Character history:
Det is still young, and has little time to learn more than how to survive on his own, and deal with anything that may mistake him for easy prey. The pup has barely reached adolescence, and still carries the mentality of one. This youngling has been hired on to assist an inquisitor in his journey; and his family seeing it as a good opportunity for him to learn more of the outside world in relative safety, has sent him along.


Let's see... how about practice in the procrastination school?

Beyond that, the rp should be starting relatively soon.
Name: Seeva Ka-Arikia

Age: 14

Race: Da'kor

AppearanceView attachment 2080

Bloodline: Arctic Wolves

Character history: Born to a gatherer and a hunter in her tribe, Seeva has been fighting since she was small, her smaller body granting her the speed and agility to defeat males bigger than herself, as she grew, she became a better and better warrior and hunter, not once reaching her "limit"

her prowess not only as a hunter and warrior, but the fact no male had bested her, means she still has no mate, and the fact that she managed to beat the chief 2 years ago, makes her a prime target, and so long as she isn't killed, she is proven to be stronger and stronger.

over the years, she found a strange contradiction, her people are so resourceful, yet so wasteful, discarding valuable tools and supplies to rot when they move on, and from many spying runs on elven and human towns she found humans and elves tend to make other work for them, this gave Seeva an idea... maybe if they dont just kill all their enemies and instead put the weak to use, too use the weak to serve the strong, to enslave those she conquers instead of just killing them all... this would not only remind others of her superiority over them, but would give them extra hands to carry more supplies when they move on, and in the colder areas, would give them something else to eat.

as she grew, she faced not only dwarves, but humans as well, it is there she got her first taste of going up against magic, and it scared her to the bone, this fear has led her to not only hate, but also see magic as cowardly and dishonorable and all who use it are cowards and weaklings, and the weak are only good for serving the strong, and if they are weak and use magic, they are worthy only of death.

when she realized how different she was form the other tribes, Seeva decided to go one further, now her tribe takes 1/10th of all human and elven survivors as slaves, for purposes that range from cleaning tents to more "personal" needs of the tribesmen and women.


Fieldcraft, Fleet of Feet.

Magic: despises magic, magic users are killed on the spot and are not taken as slaves.

Just add the canine bloodline please ^^'

Da'khor are descendents from all different types of canines: dogs, wolves, foxes, and coyotes to name a few examples ^^'
Name: Haru Kumakazi

Age: 29

Race: Human


Character history: Haru Kumakazi, at the age of 15, in his home kingdom, Neosia, there was a major consul group or "The Elders", who were the soul leaders of the kingdom and its inhabitants. There were ten of them, one specifically was one of the most powerful of them all. Over the years, the elder who will forever be known as, Sethos, became corrupted with evil and pure power, and soon, he over threw his fellow elder brothers, and brutally ravaged the kingdom and its villages of Neosia. Sethos, who has known Haru's father, killed Haru's family right in front of him and his older brother, Yakuza. That monster left Haru's family to rot in the burning infernos, and completely left Neosia in ruins. The few that survived the brutal onslaught left the kingdom, and scattered across the out skirts of the further and near by villages, in search of a new beginning. But Haru and Yakuza left Neosia, bent on revenge. Over the years, how ever, Yakuza began to want to join Sethos in his campaign to become ruler of all kingdoms, so he betrayed Haru. After the betrayal, it had lead Haru to become more silent than how he really was, and more serious, as of being aware of the people he comes across. He then spent most of his time training his weapons mastery of the sword and continued to master the dark magic that he has, making him to be a skillful man. Now, 29 years old, Haru Kumakazi is still on the search for Sethos, and to hopefully bring peace across the lands, through revenge..

Specialization: Weapon mastery of swords

Magic: Dark - Adept
Name: Yssil of the Bloodlotus

Age: 27

Race: Human


Character history: Yssil was born in an outcasted family who have had to live their lives in shame aswell as away from their settlement. She grew up as a nomad and as a wilderness survivalist. After her family got killed by Da'Kor, she was forced to live on her own. She hates the Da'Kor for what certain brethren of them have done to her family. She only survived the encounter because she was scouting ahead for her tribe/family. If she had been present at the moment of battle, she would have been killed no doubt. She too realizes this, so she took her time honing her skill instead of running to the capitol and starting a new life. Due to this she has become well-versed in several aspects that are required in order to survive in the wild. After nearly a year of surviving on her own, she encountered a shaman who taught her shamanistic magic. Armed by how she lived her life, she went to the human capitol, in search of a goal.

Specialization: Weapon Mastery - Sword

Magic: Experienced: Shamanistic Magic (Enhancing magic) / Limited: Druidic Magic (Shapeshifting)
Name: Soren Morogh

Age: 180 years old (24 years in human equivalence)

Race: Elf

Appearance: View attachment 2125

Character history: As a youngling of only 60 years (equivalent to 8), Soren was a precocious child, bubbling with laughter that seemed to spring almost endlessly from within: however, that boy’s happiness was shattered in an instant when, on a diplomatic mission from the city of Lorekeep, his noble family’s traveling entourage infringed upon a clan’s territory and was ambushed by a hunting pack of Da’khor. Witnessing his family and friends being slaughtered by nightmarish beasts, Soren thought his fate was sealed, but a Dwarven outpost near the area had a traveling battalion that managed to stave off the ravenous Da’khor. As the last survivor of that raid, he was left an orphan, but one of the soldiers in the battalion, the blacksmith Baradin Morogh, took the child in and brought him back with him to the underground city of Aelburn. Soren grew up in his fathers forge, working with his new foster father to make weapons for the Lords and soldiers of the Dwarven community. The Morogh clan took him into their home and hearts, and Soren treasures their acceptance of him. He was an outsider in the city it was true, however, he worked his hardest to fit in with the rather closed community. Though the other dwarves felt he stuck out like a sore thumb, Soren didn’t feel limited in his perceptions by race, and tried to incorporate himself into his new Dwarven lifestyle as much he could, and slowly, he felt as if he belonged more and more.

Specialization: Brute Strength: Hours upon hours spent working in his fathers forge has hardened his muscles; Soren is far stronger than the average Elf. This complements his natural elven nimbleness, giving him an added advantage on the battlefield. Though he has very little formal blade-training, Soren manages to naturally wield his blade in combat with a ferocity and reckless abandonment more suited to a dwarf than his own kind.

Magic: Fire magic (Very limited in his knowledge of it, due to no formal schooling in it past the age of 8)

More hate for the da'khor? What could possibly go wrong? XP

On a more serious note; dwarves actually teach fire magic, so Soren can have more than a grasp of the basics if you want it.

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