Dragonblood [Idea]


That guy who's not around much right now
Erathia is a world at unease. The locals of this realm don't seem to like one another much.

Dwarves have great distaste for most magics, and in fact hate it so much that sometimes they can inexplicably reverse it's effects.

Elves on the other hand, are keepers of magic, and the dominant species here, despite how slowly their population reproduces. Elves though, don't like magics that mess with the dimension or the natural cycle, such as necromancy, or summoning magics.

While elves may hate it, humans have no qualms with using any kind of power they can get their hands on. The natural greed of their species drives humans ever-forward to attain power over others.

While the Da'khor, hate magic in all it's forms, and weapons as well; at least for the most part. The feral beastmen live as nomads, traveling from place to place with no governing body. The Da'khor philosophy on life is fairly simple, if you can't carry it, it's useless, if you can kill it, it didn't deserve to live. They are on bad terms with all the other races, no exceptions.

(I go into more detail on these guys because they're an original creation of mine.)

Some recent events will be the focus of the rp, should it come up and running:

The elven inquisition is an ongoing issue in the world. Being the dominant species, Elves take it upon themselves to rule over the 'lesser races.' Of course not everyone agrees with that, and so humans have turned to 'dark magics' to overthrow the elven rule. Dark mages are actively being hunted down in an attempt to 'prevent the sundering of Erathia as we know it.'

The Dwarf Da'khor war is actively raging across the world. Being nomads, the Da'khor have no organized fighting force, and conflict is limited to bloody skirmishes.

Where do the Dragonbloods fit into all this? Dragonbloods are a global warrior caste, born with supernatural talents; from heightened learning to supernatural strength, they exist to prevent the races from tearing one another to pieces. Attempts at organizing the Dragonbloods has always surmounted to failure because of their differences, and instead they often end up as champions of their people on the battlefield.

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This one's a little more complicated, you see; leave your computer for a moment, and find either a mirror; or otherwise reflective surface... If you still get it wrong, you may not want to be part of this rp XP (sorry, I couldn't find a decent image)

Some Mugshots

and a more full-body image.
Now, to clarify a little more on dragonbloods since it was brought to my attention. A dragonblood is not a special species, it's just a term for an abnormally talented, strong, intelligent, et cetera human, elf, dwarf, or da'khor. Dragonbloods are members of a special warrior caste, set in place at the dawn of time to give the different people champions to defend their civilizations from harm. Not everyone remembers this though, in fact, almost no one does. Unfortunately, dragonbloods often wind up as leaders to their own people's armies; only thinking of their own species as all the others are 'inferior'.

Now, depending on level of interest, players will either all be dragonbloods, or no one will. Dragonbloods are not recruited, they are born, and not by lineage; by chance. I thought I'd clarify that last bit for future signups ^^'
the dragonborn thing reminds m of skyrim. also i love how it os not the humans as the domient species.
Well, first of all, I'm gonna say that I'm pleasantly surprised that one of my idea threads got this much attention so fast.

But I'd also like to say that there's no real ties to skyrim in the rp; dragonbloods don't have the ability to use an ancient language of power, and they're not running around to kill dragons all the time XP

They were basically an order set in place to defend the world's inhabitants, but the goal of this order has been lost, and though they still use the name, dragonbloods aren't te heroes they're supposed to be anymore ^^'

If there are any questions, feel free to ask them.
Well once I make the signup of course XP

I'll probably post the signup either tonight or tomorrow
I was completely taken aback when I clicked the link and found out that the Da'khor were wolves. I was all "GAH wolves whoa," just not aloud, and not as wimpy-sounding.

Oh, yeah, I'm in. 'Course, the character sheet thread might be up already and this post irrelevant, but whatever and good day!
I would have been of the first to post if i had seen this earlier because you know i love D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) with is one of the best races in there, plus i live Dragonborns in general.
Dragonborn are in NO WAY involved in the rp, as I'd mentioned in my earlier post ^^'

The da'khor are closest to werewolves that can't change shape. They're not exclusively wolves, but they are exclusively canines. The images I posted were the best ones I could find ^^'
Blackwind,these people are Dragonbloods. Individuals chosen at random at birth by destiny to be the perfect representations of their people. They are not related,in any way,to dragons,nor to the Dovahkiin of Skyrim. They're simply Ubermen.
Hey guys! I've got a character bio all set up and stuff, but I was just wondering if you're taking new characters? If so, I'd love to join the thread and get going
Yep, just head over to the fantasy character sheets to find the signup. The rp has already started, but it hasn't gone far yet so feel free to join.

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