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Fandom Dragonball Z: Our story


The crazy bitch you all love
Kakarot (Goku....I don't like using that name of his..idk why.) Laid on the beach in pain. He had no chance to defeat his older brother Raditz, his only son at the time Gohan squirming and crying out for his father as Raditz he'd onto him by his clothing. "You have by then end of the week to have 100 dead on this very beach. And don't get any bright ideas to fight me brother. You'll surely lose." With that Raditz flew away to his ship Gohan in hand.

That's where the original story stops and ours begins, we will still follow the story line a bit only when we run out of ideas.


• Don't be OP

• Ask me BEFORE you try to go super saiyan.

• Respect other players even if their the bad guys, you need to have respect.

• Also big one here guys. NO GOD MODDING

Here's the open roles.

Any cannon from the anime/manga


Vegeta~ me till someone wants to play him

Nappa~ me till someone wants to play him






And any others.


Saiyans~ because the race has so few already I'm allowing a few to be here

1) Viritiy~Me

2) Chris Abito~@chris533

3) Vex~@Crazycake


Humans~ This includes those who can and cannot use ki, these will be unlimited. As well as all the others below.

• Yuuno Kensuuka~@Naruyashan

Namekiens~ please excuse the bad spelling.

• Bayse~@zetrueking

Androids ~

Any other races you can come up with that still stay within the DBZ universe~

Here's the link to the OOC/CS


Love....is over rated
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chris533 said:
ill be a saiyan named chris abito
Yo..go make a cs on the cs page the lino is above...thus is meant for the rp only))

Love....is over rated
Around the campfire Viritiy sat next to Nappa unfortunately, (she'd rather be next to Vegeta) listening in on Raditz's blabbering. "Is he really that stupid?" She commented, breaking the silence between the three of them.

Nappa chuckled "I couldn't tell Viritiy."

Vegeta scoffed without a single word. Insolent fools....all of them. he thought angrily as usual.

Whilst on earth Raditz was flying back to his shop with Gohan under his arm.

(This is Viritiy as she is before joining the good side on earth)


Love....is over rated
The sky looked rather nice and calm, while these saiyan warriors sat amongst themselves. Though, there appeared to be one bright star, that seemed to become brighter and larger as time we-!

A flaming ship smashed into a mountainside upon the planet. A surge of energy burst from the impact, expanding out from the crash site. From the flames and wreckage, a form emerged, walking steadily out of the catastrophe. A figure, wearing rather damaged and bloody battle armor stood just outside the range of the wreck. His steely gaze surveyed the his surroundings, as another explosion erupted from the ship, sending up smoke and flames into the air. Vex sighed, looking upwards at the disaster.
Viritiy jumped to her feet as she heard the sounds of the shop exploding. "What the hell was that!?" She yelled, her tail tightly coiled around her waist, her hair blowing in the wind/shock waves of the explosion. Nappa just looked behind him, as for Vegeta he leapt into the air, hovering there as he gazed upon the smoke rising. "Vegeta...what do you say? Let's go check it out..." Viritiy started.

Vegeta turned his attention down to her. "Nappa! Go with Viritiy and find out what this is." He barked.

Nappa obliged. He and Viritiy jumped into the air and started off towards the crash. Viritiy relied on a scouter just like the rest of them, as the two flew she instantly went to check of there was high power level coming from there.

Love....is over rated
As a gust of wind swept up some of the smoke, Vex was revealed, laying on his back a few feet away from the flaming wreck. Slowly sitting up, he spit, shaking his head of silver hair and chuckling. The grey skinned figure stood up, rolling his shoulders.

"Well that was quite..... disappointing...." Smiling at the flames, Vex clenched his fist starting to power up once again.... but something was wrong. Blinking in disbelief, his scouter suddenly blipped, showing two other life forms near-by. His hand moved to his side as he hissed lightly, looking down ward and kneeling as if in pain.
"There was..... an attack" Spitting out blood, Vex groaned, slowly getting back up to his feet. The nearby fire reflected in his shiny platinum eyes as he turned to the cadet. " I'm.... not even certain what it was. Possibly an asteroid, or a rogue solar burst. " Licking his lips, the saiyan slowly looked upwards, questioning where the other power signals might be.

His hands opened and closed absent mindedly as he took in a deep breath, exhaling very slowly. Although he did not plan on crash landing, it was good that this planet was not uninhabited.
Nappa and Viritiy made their way to the crash, both their scouters ringing as a sign of life blinked on the screen. "Damn...I knew it!" Viritiy snarled under her breath. A second blip appeared.

"What the hell?" Nappa exclaimed. Viritiy only clenched her fists. "Do you think that Vegeta will get pissed if we get in a fight?"

Viritiy only shrugged. "I don't care"

Love....is over rated
Breathing heavily, a woman lifts something, swat beading down her face. Unfortunately, she is bench pressing a 5-ton boulder.

Fortunately, she can handle it. She lets it rest closer to her chest, and inhales. She pushes it up, and exhales. Over and over again, in a monotonous rhythm, she lifts and lowers the rock. Of course, it's right as she is lifting it that she senses the large ki source that seems to be approaching. "What the-OOF!" In her surprise, she drops the rock on herself. Wheezing and cursing in several languages under her breath, she rolls it off of her and gets up. She limps over to a case full of capsules, spawning a shower as the power passes by the cave she is using as training grounds.

After cleaning up, returning the shower to its capsule, and recovering her breath, she dresses in more form-fitting attire. Battle attire. 'Better safe than sorry...' She muses before spawning a hover-car from another capsule, the vehicle modified for maximum speed. Noting that the power and another power had battles, she heads towards what appears to be the next destination of the threat. However, she only arrives in time to see a battered man laying on the beach. "Are you alright? What happened?" She asks, worry creeping into her voice as she contemplates this. Given the man's hairstyle and obvious strength, she assumes that he is Goku. His current state did not make her very optimistic about the enemy's capabilities...

Yuuno listens intently as Goku details what happened, before sighing. "You sure you aren't high, mister 'Alien'?' She smirks when Goku gives her an odd look. "High?" He asks, before shaking his head. "No, that doesn't matter right now. You're strong, so I have to ask: can you help me?" Yuuno takes a step back, surprised by his earnest request. "...Fine." She grumbles. "Let's get you in combat shape, partner." She withdraws a pouch of Senzu beans, and Goku gives her a look. "What? You think you're the only one who trained with Korin?" She asks, before tossing him one. He eats it quickly before jumping up. He gives Yuuno a nod. "Let's go, then." He replies, dead serious. "NIMBUUUS!" He calls, leaping onto the cloud when it arrives just as Yuuno steps into her car. She represses a wide grin. Imagine- fighting with the boy- well, man now, who has been her lifelong idol! They speed off, arriving at Raditz' location in mere minutes.
Raditz sat cross legged beside the massive crater of his ship landing. His arms crossed, spiky black head of hair turned down, eyes closed. He seemed perfectly at ease, possibly dosing off a little.

Then a little bug, buzzing so far away, started buzzing closer and closer. A blip came to his scouter. Two blips now. The large male sighed, uncrossing his arms and rotating his shoulders. The bug finally arrived, driving one of those historic earth vehicles. Letting out a chuckle, Raditz hopped to his feet. His head tilted upward, seeing his so called brother flying about on a cloud. " How intimidating.... "

He flat out laughed now, leaning back and belting out a roar as the two appeared closer. The saiyan warrior hardly cared how they found his whereabouts, liking the idea of obliterating the inhabitants of this planet all by himself, more and more.

A charcoal brow slowly lifted as he witness the driver of the vehicle. " A teenage human?! AHAHAHAHA!" Holding his sides, he nearly weep, having a howl at how pathetic this all was.
As soon as they arrive... this 'Raditz' starts laughing, particularly at Yuuno. Normally, Goku would've talked to Raditz, trying to get his son back. However, as a tick mark forms on Yuuno's head and her eye begins to twitch, he realizes that most nonviolent methods have bee thrown out the window. Her power level seems to rise a little. "OI!" She shouts, glaring daggers at the spiky-haired saiyan in front of her. "This human's going ta kick your ass, Mr. Compensator." She smirks. "I mean, you have to be compensating for something, with all that hair. She steps out of the car, and Goku hops off the nimbus. "...You sure that was smart?" Goku begins tentatively, knowing from experience not to pies a woman off. Yuuno pauses. "... Eh, we can handle it." She replies. Goku sighs, settling into his oft-used fighting stance. He couldn't help but note that she didn't actually answer the question.
Bayse was sitting on an island meditating when he sensed a powerful ki. He would jolt up, "Who could have such power" Bayse muttered, and he went out to find who had such power.
That huge head of black spikes shifted back ward, as the saiyan warrior blinked confusedly at the humans words. Slowly lifting a hand up to his scouter, he scanned the female and...... began to howl. " HAHAHA- I- HAHA- I CAN'T BE-HAHAH- BELIEVE SOMETHING SO WEAK COULD EVEN TALK!!!!" Nearly bowling over, Raditz noticed his brother shift into a fighting stance. His howling simmered to a few chuckles, as he wiped some salt water from his eyes. " Ah ha... ha.... haaa......" Patting his chest, he appeared to- well - not give a single shi- CARE, to the two figures. " You know, my offer to join us, still stands, brother. You would do well among your saiyan kin. Learn the ways of your people, fight and grow strong with us, with your true kind. " His hands opened up as if a sign of peace. Then, he pointed towards the girl. " Simply kill this one human. Show me you are capable of true saiyan might. " He stared at his brother, looking absolutely serious.
She could take being mocked a bit. Fine. But this man not only threatened the son of her idol, but had the gall to spout that prissy bull****?! She inhales. Exhales. Then her power skyrockets, a red aura forming around her. "...You done goofed." She spits before blurring out of sight, the force of her movement leaving a small crater in the ground. Leaving an Afterimage, she circles around and forms a Kiernan above her, hurling it at the saiyan. Goku, initially startled by the powerful, recovers quickly before charging, trying to get Raditz to expose himself to the deadly blade using pseudo-guerrilla tactics.
Raditz tensed up as the blip on his scouter read an impossible power-level from the girl. Crouching down as his brother charged he was caught off guard as an energy disk zimed right past his head. Arching a brow, the saiyan warrior casually stood up, looking around and spotting the female. " You......" His hand lifted up as a white energy collected in his palm. " BE GONE!" blasting a white wave at the girl, the force of the attack caused..... the tip of his long glorious mane of hair, to detach and fall to the ground. It seemed that the although the primary attack had missed it's mark, it still managed to do some..... form of damage.

-- @Naruyashan --
Yuuno extends her hands. "Roar of the Aether!" A brilliant, translucent beam-it almost seems crystalline- shoots from her palms. At first, the beam easily overpowers the attack, but she soon has to let down the Kaio-Ken. The beam weakens considerably, and while the ball dissipates, she is left panting heavily. "I ain't going anywhere!" Gathering what strength she could muster, she charges at Raditz, ki flaring around her, bolstered by her willpower. "SOLAR FLARE" Goku shouts, jumping in front of Raditz. They both head out to about 7 feet away from Raditz. They look to each other, nodding for a brief moment. "Ka...Me..." "Roar!" Yuuno forces herself to re-use Kaio-Ken, this time going to Kaio-Ken x3. "Ha...Me... "Of!" Clumps of dirt and rock float up, dust flying away from their combined energies. "HA!" "THE AETHER!" Twin beams of energy shoot from their palms, twisting and joining to form a gargantuan column of what might as well be pure destruction.
" RRAAHHHH!!!!" Blinded, enraged, and over all tired of this game, Raditz managed to calm himself enough to lift his fist out in front of himself starting to channel a white energy. His scouter suddenly started showing multiple blips and then exploded, as his vision became less clouded. Seeing the coming attack, he opened his hand producing a white ball of energy. The warrior dove towards the crater of his ship as the flash from the combined beams exploded towards him. The orb was flung upwards into the sky, as if the power of the waves caused the wayward attack to be pushed away. Something hit the side of Gohans cell, as he slowly looked over, seeing the upper half of his so called uncle. Leaning to the side, the child shrieked, seeing that the man's lower half was completely gone. Raditz gurgled, red splashing out from his mouth, as he slammed one bloody hand down on the front of his ship, it opening up to allow the screaming, crying, toddler freedom.



" I'm afraid I'm all there is to fight...." Moving out from behind a nearby tree, the silver haired figure, straighten up from his hunched over stature moving out into the open. Black blood stained the front of his ravaged armor, as his grey skin made him seem void of color in general. His eyes held an incredible amount of vigor, for someone in such a condition, as the glimmering spheres moved from the large bald soldier to the smaller, female warrior. Those eyes flashed with color for a moment, as a fuel cell from the ship exploded, adding more smoke and flames. "... unless whatever it was that hit us, is here some where. . ." A howl sounded from the forest, as Vex slowly turned towards the sound.

Viritiy looked at the large grey figure, her head slowly turning towards the howling.

Nappa hovered there a moment confused as to why they were looking in some weird direction till it finally clicked in his head that it was the howling that had them turning heads.

"I'd rather deal with what ever the hell that was first. Then I'll let Nappa waste his time with you." Viritiy's sharp tongue snapped at the what seemed to be saiyan. She wasn't one to be messed with, and she wanted him to know who was boss here.

(Wrong place for OOC, link is on the first page, but go right on ahead, I've just been occupying him & Nappa till someone would come along, Vegeta is yours)
Turning back to the two other saiyan warriors, he felt his tail bristle at the possibility of a fight, though he quickly calmed down, arching one silver brow at the female then placing a fist to his shattered breast plate. " By your command..." Bowing his head slightly, he managed to keep a smirk from appearing on his battered face.

Another howl, this time from the opposite side of the first, sounded over the area. I seemed as though there was more then one creature, as a third sound came; the dieing yelp of some sort of creature whom appeared to have crossed paths with whatever was in the woods.

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