DragonBall Neo


Confidence is Everything
Name: (Your character's name)

Age: (You can be any age, but keep your race in mind)


Race: (Please try to use races that are normal to the DB/DBZ/DBGT universe, hybrids are not allowed, except for Human/Saiyan)

Appearance: (A picture is preferred)


Background: (preferred but not needed.)

Theme Music: (You can post a theme for your character if you'd like, you can leave this blank if you'd rather not.)

Signature Attacks: (If any)
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Name: Tundra

Age: -unknown-

Gender: Male

Race: Frost Demon (Frieza's race)



Top: 1st, 2nd and 3rd form

Bottom: 4th, 5th, Berserk and Ultimate form


Tundra is an a confident though unsocial person, a lone wolf, if you will. He's not used to working in a team and would rather fight on his own. He could care less about his pride or his status.

Although he does have a soft side to him as well, he won't fight anyone weaker than him under any circumstances.


originally created by Dr. Gero in an alternate universe instead of Cell, he is not an android, rather a mutated form of Cooler, Frieza's brother.

He was designed to kill Goku, instead he went his own way, and killed the androids on himself, he helped in the defeat of Kid Buu alongside with Goku, but then went his own way again, as he did not care about the Z-fighers at all. With the resurection of Frieza, and the awakening of his ultimate evolution, Tundra quickly went after Frieza after he defeated Goku and Vegeta easily, because they were not able to go super saiyan in their god form.

After a long battle between the two, Tundra was able to awaken his own Ultimate evolution, overpowering Frieza and killing him.

Not short after that he was summoned away from his dimension, sealing away every one of his forms but his first.

Tundra is usually seen in his fifth form, but when he's out of energy he'll revert back into a previous one.

His fighting is gracefull, he wields the Frost Blade, which is essentially just a named longsword made of an unknown alloy which reacts with his ki.

Theme Music:


Signature Attacks: He is able to fire ki at subzero temperatures alongside his normal ki blasts, capable of freezing his enemies.

Shredding Wave: ki is gathered around the Frost Blade, when it is swung at full charge a wave with similar cutting power to the destructo disk is fired off of the blade.

Absolute Zero: ki that is at temperatures well below -100°C is flung out at every direction, freezing all things around, sometimes this includes Tundra himself as well.

Orb of Ruin: an attack similar to the Death Ball, the Orb of Ruin is much smaller and has an icy blue colour, it's basically a condensed Death ball, with the same destructive power.
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Name: Cryo

Age: Unknown, but in his prime for a Frost Demon

Gender: Male

Race: Frost Demon

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00001.jpg.539a554892ed34d8dcd1ff68f14a375b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00001.jpg.539a554892ed34d8dcd1ff68f14a375b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00004.jpg.390d45be68a582a26ba034e17d8e8a1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00004.jpg.390d45be68a582a26ba034e17d8e8a1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00002.jpg.e6c65942c5557a0f518ff93afae488b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00002.jpg.e6c65942c5557a0f518ff93afae488b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00003.jpg.fc6ccb8631acefa55c07cb68cdc6005f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-20_00003.jpg.fc6ccb8631acefa55c07cb68cdc6005f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> From left to right, First/Default form, 2nd form, Final Form, Ultimate Evolution.

(Note, Cryo hasn't obtained the Ultimate Evolution yet. That is just for future reference.)

Personality: Cryo is cynical, sarcastic, and sometimes outright mean. However, he also loves to joke around and just cause mischief in general. He can be empathetic towards others, but not often. He can always find time to crack a joke. However, he can also be mature when the time calls for it, his personality doing a complete 180 at some times. In other words, he's the asshole friend.

Background: Cryo's heritage is a mystery, but he is said to come from the same royal bloodline Frieza comes from, but nobody really knows exactly what position he's in. What most of the known galaxy does know is that Cryo inherited the Cold Family's empire after the demise of its 3 former leaders. He wasn't a coldblooded tyrant like his predecessors, and learned from his ancestors' mistakes. For one, he left Earth the hell alone. No really, he avoided that shit like the plague. For two, he didn't trade planets and wipe out species, but rather, he turned the Planet Trade Organization into the Galactic Merchants Guild. Many protested his decision, mostly the few that enjoyed working under Frieza and Cooler, such as Frieza's son Kuriza, but most were happy with it. Cryo has been praised as a savior by worlds that were next on Frieza's list to be brokered, and damned as the one who ruined an empire in a few short years by those who benefited from the organization's genocidal past. Sometime in his rather short reign, a small insurgent group left the Guild and went on a quest to resurrect Frieza. Cryo only caught wind of this after Frieza had been revived and pursued him. Cryo's pursuit led him to, much to his disdain, Earth. Once he arrived he found Frieza and his forces battling the Z-Fighters. He helped as much as he could, but his strength simply didn't add up to that of Goku or Vegeta's. After Frieza transformed he was easily beaten and the fate of the world was left to them. After the debacle with Frieza was taken care of, Cryo went back to managing his empire, but he occasionally took trips off to visit Earth and train with the Z-Fighters over the years. And then he was whisked away one day by Shenron.

Theme Music: [media]

Signature Attacks: Death Beam: While Cryo resents his evil ancestors, he does admit to admiring their attacks, such as the Death Beam, which he believes is a simple and efficient move for defeating the opponent quickly.

Supernova: The technique is so common in the Frost Demon's bloodline it is almost inheritant. Cryo resents the attack's representation and has never needed to use it before.

Kamehameha: One of several techniques Cryo picked up in his training with the Z-Fighters

Destructo Disk: One of the several techniques Cryo picked up on Earth

Solar Flare: One of the techniques Cryo picked up on Earth.

Star Barrage: Cryo launches 7 moderately sized orbs of energy which follow his opponent around. He is able to do this by locking on to his opponent's energy, another trick he learned on Earth

Blade of Reform: A bright green blade of Ki. It's Cryo's signature technique.

Grand Cannon: Cryo creates two orbs of energy on either side of him, then launches a beam of energy as large as he can make it. The orbs then begin to launch energy into the attack, creating a swirling vortex of ki around it.



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Name: Myouu

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Personality: Myouu is at the surface arrogant and prideful. She is always ready to prove herself the strongest or fastest among her peers, and will take every step towards becoming more powerful. Beyond this though, lies a deep desire to protect those around her, her efforts to become stronger defining a clear need to take on all the hardships of the world on her own.

Background: Born in West City, Myouu was destined to live the life of a typical human girl until her family was killed mysteriously. Alone, and accused of a crime she didn't commit, Myouu fled her home and wandered the world. She vowed to herself that she would become strong enough to find and claim her vengeance on who or whatever had changed her life so drastically. Eventually, as she grew into a teenager, she had begun to make peace with her past and her new way of life. She had, over the years, developed a talent for fighting, but it wasn't until she came across an old woman on an island. This woman had been all alone for the majority of her life, and was ready to shoo Myouu away, until she sensed some deep inner power within the girl. Unexpectedly, she offered to train Myouu and more unexpectedly, she accepted the old woman's offer. It was during this time that the girl learned of Ki and to control her energy. Flight, energy blasts, and using Ki to increase her power were all lessons she learned from the old hermit woman, and from them a whole new world opened up to Myouu. She was urged in her 16th year to travel back to society and enroll in the World Martial Arts Tournament. She had learned all she could from the old woman, and after a final lesson where she was taught the old woman's secret technique, she took to the skies and headed for the city. In that time, she was blinded by a flash of light and when her vision returned, she was somewhere else, surrounded by a group of strange warriors...

Theme Music:

Signature Attacks: Lin Lin Rocket - Myouu charges a huge amount of ki into her fist then charges at her foe, slamming it into them, then releasing the stored up energy in a close range blast.

Raki-Seidan - With a small pinpoint of ki at the tip of each finger, Myouu spins a web of energy into a sort of net, which she then launches at her enemy. As the net travels it quickly expands to twice the size of a normal person. If the net reaches its destination, Myouu will close her hands together, wrapping the net of ki around her foe, trapping them.

Reverse Ki - Myouu's ultimate technique, passed down from the old hermit woman. She powers up to her maximum, shifting her ki into a state which opposes her opponent's. She then delivers a blast or strike to her foe, pouring her ki into them. It is a double-edged sword technique, used to incapacitate her foe at the cost of her own energy.
Name: Negi

Age: Unknown, presumed to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old, although he has been in slumber most of that time.

Gender: Male

Race: Majin


His Ki is the same color as his eyes, and his pants are black, with a red version of the M belt that Majin wear.

Personality: Aggressive and simpleminded, like most Majin. Negi however, is different, in that he can make (somewhat) complicated sentences, unlike his brethren. He is extremely violent, and demonic in appearance, but he fights for good (Or what he considers good anyway...), and he won't ignore the chance to fight an opponent he thinks would give him a good fight, even if they are on his side.

Background: A good Majin that absorbed a demon, thousands of years ago. Although he had toruble controlling his anger and violence at the beginning, destroying countless lives, over the years, he learned to wipe away the demonic thoughts, becoming truly good again, despite his unsettling appearance. Not much is known beyond that (In other words, I'm too tired to write any more than I need to xD )

Theme Music: [media]

Signature Attacks:

Prosecution- He throws a fist-full of tiny ki balls, all about the size of a marble, but there are several dozen of them and they travel at very high speeds, ripping chunks out of whatever they hit.

Judgement- He throws a bolt of ki, much like a spear in to an opponent, and if it impales them, it explodes violently, expanding the wound massively

Penance- A rush attack, in which he charges a small ki ball in his fist, charges at them and uppercuts them in the jaw, and then releases it in a very short range but powerful blast, sending them flying.

Execution- He lets loose some ki while swinging his arm to the side, resulting in a long, flat, blade like wave that flies quickly towards his target. This is his ultimate attack, and as such, is incredibly powerful.

(Sorry if it's kinda crappy. I'm super tired and spent entirely too long trying to find those pics for him. I promise my actual RP is much better!)
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Name: Jynx Anvilfist




Appearance:a silvered haired looking ssj2 gohan

Personality:pridfull, quick to anger, always needs to be the best. thats on the outside, on the inside hes fragile and emotinal but he has to much pride to show it.

Background: it is shrowded in mystery, all that is know is a from a recored keeper of the sayain race from a distant planet that was discovered. a documents found of him on had this to say. "Kua is of royal birthright, but is a bastard son, which was made of incest". that is all that is known of his backround

Theme Music: Let the Bodys Hit the Floor

Signature Attacks: Pride_Beam:

a Blast/wave that can be put into anyform of attack. it is made up of him using all his pride and anger and putting it into a hit. as stated earlier, it can be anything from a punch to a wave.
Name: Allyssa

Age: No context of majin age, but supposedly of maturity

Gender: Female

Race: Majin


Personality: Rather engaging if not very intellectual. Doesn't really tend to use fancy words, and actually has a record of using actions instead. Otherwise often docile.

Background: Born between two unnamed majin, and grew up in a desert, thankfully skin tone matching background she flourished in such an area. turning much of what she needed to candy

Theme Music:

Signature Attacks
: Candy Beam (vets of the show would know this absolutely by name. Otherwise, turns any object or person to candy, regardless of power level (however if they are strong enough, the piece of candy can whoop some serious can)

Stealth Explosion (This is a personal made one, Allyssa will manually burst her body into tiny little bits, being able to track others, or stick to surfaces to thankfully flee. she will regenerate, although this is generally a last resort move)

Pan Slam (also a creation, this move is usually suited to help her cook, however it also works as a basic rush. She pancakes her hand, and keeps its surface tension well taut, while slamming the opponent with the giant appendage shaped as a frying pan. Goes for a good bout. Does moderate damage, although it is telegraphed only by the action of physically pancaking her hand.)

Autonomous: Liquify (Her body naturally acts as a normal majin, therefore she is actually able to liquify her body and move about with relative ease. This is a large favourite, as it tends to freak out tourists. She can be a bit of a prankster)

Majin Beam (this was a creation of hers, as prey would get a bit fighty, and if she got in a sour mood she tends to forfeit having it as candy, and roasting it instead by blasting the enemy to smithereens. It does fairly weak damage, although it has a tendency to burn things)
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Thought i'd try to be a little out there yaknow? not a lot of people chose majin, well except us (v w v)

So do I wait to be accepted or...
@Flashko accepted, sorrt if I'm a little late in my replies, I have exams and it's a littlz hard to find timz for everything, I'm done tomorrow so I'll be fully available then ^^
Name: Samuel

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Taiga_Hood.png.f3410e0f37419522cc386225cb13b1bc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Taiga_Hood.png.f3410e0f37419522cc386225cb13b1bc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Samuel is a rather large, well-built man with distinct purple/pinkish hair. Typically, he wears heavy dark attire, which represents heavy-weighted clothing; his gloves, boots, undershirt, and baggy-pants weighing 100 lbs each amounts to a total of 600 lbs (272 kg). His eye is a pale pink color.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f93f0c2_Taiga_Hood2.png.125cba6dd506532fb680ec86259d2712.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f93f0c2_Taiga_Hood2.png.125cba6dd506532fb680ec86259d2712.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Samuel typically remains in a neutral state that is considered weak for the standards of a powerful fighter, such as a Super Saiyan. However similar to the turtle hermit, Master Roshi, Samuel is able to give himself an incredible boost of power that reveals his true strength that was suppressed in his base form. The essence of this power-boost is so immense that it disintegrates the dense and heavy material of his upper attire. This transformation is considered to be far greater than that of a Super Saiyan's, because the user even sheds a slight amount of muscle mass, heavily increasing their speed. Also similar to the Super Saiyan transformation, this technique shocks the user's hair upward. This technique is known as "Super Human".

Note: Samuel will not have access to this power initially due to his power level being lowered; upon reaching his former base power will Samuel be able to unlock his transformation technique. It is also possible for pseudo stages of this transformation to occur.


Samuel is generally referred to as "Sam", which is a rather ambiguous name, but he doesn't care. Sam is a reserved man who doesn't take a social standpoint in public; he's a rather quiet man. However, due to Sam being so quiet and reserved, people can't ever tell what he's thinking or planning to do.

Sam will absolutely refrain from any battle unless certain conditions are at stake. Most other fighters see him as a pacifist, and believe him to be weak because of such behavior; despite his odd tendency to avoid battles, during battle, Sam is intensely focused to destroy the target or enemy. In order to make up for the lack of battle experience with other fighters, Sam trains much more intensely on his own to make up for it, which takes up a lot of his free time.


As a child, Sam was mocked for the color of his hair and eyes. He grew to ignore what others thought about him. However as he progressively got older, he was picked on and bullied; he even wound up in unfriendly encounters with gangs. Consequently, Sam pushed himself to new limits of strength in order to overcome the meager challenges that awaited him in the past.

Later on in Sam's life, he has had encounters with various alien races that have come to his planet. Being one of the only strong fighters in his timeline, Sam had to push himself to even greater heights to protect his planet.

After being introduced to the outside realm of the universe through hostile alien races, Sam decided to venture off a bit into the universe in hopes of attaining greater strength. Upon this quest, Sam was lucky/unlucky enough to encounter the God of Destruction of his dimension. Being a relatively calm and un-fearful person, Sam gained the trust and friendliness of the God of Destruction, who taught Sam how to unlock his full potential through a human transformation which Sam refers to as "Super Human".


Sam typically knows his opponent's generic fighting-style, most-likely because he had the opportunity to observe and deduce the information beforehand. However if he has no prior information to his opponent, he is usually forced to think on his feet.

(Speaking of feet, it's not easy to move Sam off of his feet effectively with all of that extra weight on him.)

Like his hair, Sam's ki color is a distinct pink/purpleish color.

Death Lancer: Only able to be used in Super Human form, Sam focuses a monstrous and enormous amount of ki into a lance-shape, each end shaped like an arrow, burning off ki. This move takes an incredible amount of ki and focuses it into a small, wieldable weapon, which forces the ki concentration to be dense enough to destroy almost anything in its path. This move can be both far-ranged and close-ranged.

Vastor: Sam's signiture ki-move: after focusing a concentrated ki blast into the palm of his hand, he pumps all of the ki he can into it, causing it to overflow in his palm to the point where it's practically on the verge of exploding.

(Kinda got lazy whilst making this; viable to updates n' stuff; I'm pretty sure that I made a huge error in there somewhere, but I'll fix it later. By the way, seemed like a cool role-play, hope you didn't mind me signing up. ~Sammy)



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Name: Catina

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/latest.jpg.855cfbe2a0ba0db74ca69157d825f478.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/latest.jpg.855cfbe2a0ba0db74ca69157d825f478.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Catina is laid-back and has trouble getting motivated. Because she loves fighting, though, the thought alone fires her up. In fights, she usually waits for the opponent to make a move before making her own. When people claim to be much stronger than her or if their attack would "certainly kill her," it makes her even more excited.

Background: Unknown

Theme Music:


Signature Attacks: N/A



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Name: Tempo (I know it's stupid, just roll with it.

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Saiyan (yay for unoriginality!)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/my_dragonball_z_oc_by_rai1994-d4dgime.png.1472b1a1e681bd7e199beb7b814dc2fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/my_dragonball_z_oc_by_rai1994-d4dgime.png.1472b1a1e681bd7e199beb7b814dc2fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Being a Saiyan, Tempo is extremely cocky, and will extremely rarely back out of a fight. Whenever he loses, he will often have an excuse as to why it happened, i.e., the sun was in his eyes, he had a rock in his shoe, etc.

Background: In Tempo's universe, the Saiyans were never enslaved by Frieza, and subsequently were never eradicated. This led to the production of some of the most powerful warriors in that realm, and the Saiyans being held as the strongest race there.

Theme Music: Trenches-Pop Evil

Signature Attacks: Heat Wave- Tempo fires off a flame-like ki blast that scorches anything in its path.

Lightning Slash- Tempo brings his right hand above his left shoulder, and then quickly flings it out, sending a crescent-shaped blast towards the target.

Saiyan Slam- Tempo flies towards his opponent and punches them in the gut, then, using the momentum he gained from flying towards them, Tempo swings the opponent around and slams them into the ground. He then opens up his palm and discharges a burst of ki, doing moderate damage.

Megaton Hammer- A purple energy-sphere attack, Tempo brings one hand up and charges a ball that grows to about three times his size, and then sends it towards the target.

I apologize for any noobishness, this is my first character.

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Name: Yami

Age: 25

Gender: genderless, but male appearance (and voice)...just consider Yami a male

Race: Namekian (Super Namekian to be more precise)




Personality: Yami appears as the serious, sharp-tongued, bitterly sarcastic kind of person. Nevertheless, he is a kind one at heart and will never hesitate to help other people in need, if they gain his respect. He will not respond to taunts.

Background: Yami is a Super Namekian, from an alternative universe, who researched into ways of surpassing the limits of his race. He was close to discovering a way of becoming a Transcendent Super Namekian, which would increase his power level to extreme heights, but he was teleported by Sheron while he was doing his research. The reason he wants more power is for him to be able to face whatever type of danger that may come up his way and also to protect those he cares about.

Theme Music:


Signature Attacks:

#Antenna beam- a blast of electricity shot from Yami's antennae.

#Pistol ki blast- basic energy wave concentrated and released through his index finger.

#Inner quake- Yami concentrates enery through a hand or a leg. If the opponent is hit it affects their whole structure and they are shaken up from the interior.

#Breath of havoc- Yami generates an energy tornado through his mouth.

#Ergo hunter- A homing energy attack (in other words an attack that chases the opponent) of considerable power which takes the form of a dragon.

#Hyperactive demon outburst- one of his strongest attacks: he concentrates energy in one hand which then is released in the form of multi-directional beams. Especially useful against multiple opponents.
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