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Fandom DragonBall Neo

"I agree with the bubblegum person. Why are we here, and where is this so-called great evil?" Tempo said, looking at Garuk and crossing his arms over his chest.

After being pushed off, Samuel immediately fell back on the ground, creating another crater.

"Maybe... This weighted clothing wasn't such a good idea after all..." The human pondered. Shoving both of his fists deep into the crater, the human pushed himself up, starting to break a sweat. "The Frost Demon made it look so easy... Given he was pissed." After collapsing once, twice, three times now, Samuel became locked in a fierce battle with gravity. During this challenge of his own, he wasn't ignoring the others at all, no. He was listening to each and every person very carefully, even distinguishing between their voices.

"Let's see here," the human thought to himself while trying to push himself up, "we've got a scary-looking majin, an annoying-looking majin, either a tailess Saiyan or a human, a somewhat pissed Frost Demon, a lavender haired Sai- There go my hands!" The human fell to the ground once more. Getting slightly annoyed at his huge loss of power, the human locked his arms behind his back, and decided to start getting up on his own two feet. "They all seem nice enough to let me stand up on my own without pushing me down... Except for that one angry Frost Demon."

His hair partially drenched in sweat by this point, the muscular human clenched every muscle in his body to stand up-right. Weakness was the last thing that the human wanted to give off as a first impression, but within the two minutes that he's been here, he's been laying in two holes in the ground.

Trying to mask his discomfort, the human slowly edged away to the back of the crowd so he wouldn't be noticed too much, which didn't seem likely due to his height and pink hair. Already trying to guess what types of powers the individuals in front of him possessed, he looked towards the Saiyan in purple hair that he's deduced as _Garuk_, and concluded that he's the person who summoned him here. The man slowly put his hands in his pocket, trying to keep his balance, and listened to what the Saiyan had to say.
Garuk flew up again, so everyone could have a clear look at him "Listen, I know each one of you isnt' pleased with me wishing you here, but look at it this way, this danger is far greater than anything in your universes, it's been predicted to be a threat to the actual multiverse!" he said, closing his eyes "Even if I have taken you from your responsibilities, if I didn't, in a few months you wouldn't stand a chance once this evil reaches your universe..." he flew down, "So please, help me defeat this threat!"

Tundra had a very uninterested look, he couldn't care less about this, but in one way or another, he wanted to save everything, so he could return to his peaceful life once again, he looked at Garuk as he began to speak "I'm in, however I plan to return back to my universe as soon as this is taken care of"
"Hmph. Fair enough. But how are we supposed to battle this threat in the state we're in? If this thing can potentially destroy the multiverse, then how is the combined might of basically eight Saibamen supposed to stand against it?"
"As I've said, the longer you remain here, the more your powers should return, in a month or 2 you should have your original power level back." Garuk said as he looked to the group "In any case, we should begin training as soon as possible"
Yami was researching into methods of surpassing the limits of his race, before Sheron teleported him where Garuk and the rest where. The dragon at least explained a few things. Yami felt as his power dropped significantly. He heared the last few things Garuk said.

''I hope you have a decent plan , Saiyan'' he said bitterly.

Garuk shook his head "Unfortunately, I do not..." Garuk said as he faced the newly arrived Namekian "The only thing I know, is that in 4 months, the evil awakens, and we only have time untill then, it's been said to me that the evil presence will be felt everywhere, and we wouldn't even have to be in the same universe as it to locate it."

@Azure Sky

Tundra shook his head, this 'teamup' wasn't his favourite choice, but it seems like they don't have a choice, he sighed as he waited for Yami's reaction
Yami was cold and sarcastic, but not unreasonable. No use getting angry over it. ''Fine, we'll figure something out along the way. For the moment let's train to gain our former powers back'' he said.
The Namekian sat on top of a wall "whats that energy?" He jumped off the wall and looked around for the energy "If i can't find them then I can't fight them." the Namekian then flew up in the air, Searching for someone, Someone he could fight.
Tundra flew up next to the Namekian "Going somewhere?" he said in a cold tone, a little uninterested as well.
*hi sorry was in the hospital for two weeks im back though*

_I fired a beam at my enemy. I didn't know what is was. it had no power level i could detect, futhermore everytime i hit him with any type of my energy he absorbed it.

I appered behind him and threw a roundhouse kick at him.

He caught it. and just as he was about to kill me, i was suddenly someplace else. i was blinded by a light and when it dissapated i saw a numerous amount of people and i felt strange. i went to power up i couldn't and from shock that i couldn't

I passed out, the last thing i heard was a short guy saying somthing about an evil, and most powerfull fighters.

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