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Fandom DragonBall Neo


Confidence is Everything

1. No godmodding, every character must be beatable, also, every character must be about the same power, read the overview for more information.

2. Multiple characters are allowed, as long as there's a clear distinction between each of them.

3. Everybody is allowed to change the flow of the story, as long as it doesn't change the setting too much

4. No herassing of other participants

5. Have fun ^^

I will notify everyone that has signed up when the RP begins.
The winds blew lightly as Garuk sighed, he looked at the dragonballs, and thought of King Kai's prophecy, this 'ancient evil' he was speaking of seemed like it wasn't something to be taken lightly. After some more staring in the distance while pondering he snapped back to focus "Shenron, I call upon you for your help!"

The skies turned dark as the eternal dragon emerged from the magical balls, turning many heads of the people in the nearby town. "I am the Eternal Dragon, state your wish and it shall be granted" the dragon spoke, his voice low and deep as always, Garuk felt a little uneasy about this but he had to do this "Almighty Shenron! I ask you to bring me the strongest fighters of other worlds!"

The serpent-like dragon's crimson red eyes glowed "Your wish has been granted, there are two things I should mention however, one, the warriors will have their power greatly reduced, two, some warriors will have a delayed arrival, that is all..." and just like he appeared the dragonballs scattered again, brightening the day back to it's former, sunny skies.

Tundra was meditating in his fifth form, when he suddenly felt uneasy 'What's this?' he thought to himself, but before he knew it, he was taken away, away to Earth.

He woke up, lying on the ground, in his first form, and felt a huge drain in his power.

((Do note that everyone, as stated in the overview, has been blown back to the powerlevel of Raditz when he arrived to Earth, this is to make sure none of us are too OP from the start))

@Xylanthius @bloodydaimyo @Natevess @KuaWolf
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Myouu soared through the skies toward South City, smiling to herself as the wind blew her hair in every direction. She dipped through the clouds and flew low, letting her hand skim the clear waters of the ocean. On a whim, she spun in the air and ground to a halt just inches above the water. She poured ki into her hand, then whipped it our before her, sending the ball careening across the surface of the ocean where it exploded, sending water rushing upwards. The urge to practice overcame her as she watched her little display, and so she spun again, executing a combination of kicks and punches at the air, working herself into a light sweat. All of that was fine, she knew, but she needed to push her body to its limit, and so she began to pour ki into her body rapidly until she felt her power grow. Satisfaction blinded her to the change that was occurring, and when she was whisked away to another place, it took a moment for the confusion to set in. But when it did, it hit her like a train. "What in the hell?! Where am I? Who're you?! And who is -that-?!"
Taylor jumped of the roof of a very tall building,"maybe I can find someone to fight today!" He said with excitement. Taylor then bounced off a building doing his everyday training.
(yes i am i hope its ok if i can use a different race



transformations:none yet


clothing:a piccolo cape and adult gohan shirt,pants, and shoes.

has been dead twice

loves to fight

trained by piccolo

raised on namek

will do anything to protect his home planet
Negi sat alone by a river bank, watching fish swim slowly through the clear waters. They payed no attention to the large, purple warrior on the rock beside them, swimming around his submerged feet. He loved watching animals. They were just so... peaceful...

The fish were alarmed and darted away as the skies darkened and the wind picked up. Negi looked up in time to see the great dragon, Shenron appear from the clouds.

"Negi, one of the few Majin left in this universe... You are the strongest force your reality has known, and now, a warrior from beyond your time and realm calls for your help! He has found the Dragon Balls, and his wish was to gather the strongest warriors from time and space. You are one of the few I have deemed worthy of being called the strongest." The dragon boomed, his voice commanding as always.

"Shenron, why does he need Negi? Is his world in danger?" Negi asked, his voice low and reserved.

"Yes, Majin. His world is plagued by a great evil, much stronger than anything you have seen before... Are you prepared to help this warrior?"

Negi stood up, cracking his neck, giving the dragon a wicked grin full of sharp teeth as his eyes flashed brightly.

"Yes, Shenron. Negi will help."

"Very well. I must warn you however, you will be significantly weaker than you are in your existence. You will have to train hard with your new partners to be as strong as you are here."

With that, the Majin was blinded by a flash of light, and suddenly, he was standing in a strange place, two Saiyans and a Frost Demon standing around as well. He noticed the blue haired Saiyan, looking more confident than the rest. This must be the warrior that summoned him.

He bowed to the Saiyan respectfully.

"Majin Negi is here to help!" He said cheerfully, although his voice was still rough. "Who are you?"
Settled into a collage of rocks, a majin lays lazily, zapping a nearby toad into a chocolate toad. She wasnt feeling very excited, or even very imaginative today. The Majin in question, Allyssa. Felt bored out of her mind. In this planet, there were no humans, nothing interesting. It was survival first, survival last. She had survived, and now she merely existed. Allyssa would grab the chocolate toad, and take a bite out of its head. She'd at least enjoy the taste of chocolate, before something primal of a majin awoke inside of her, causing her to throw the frog in anger, and roar. "There's nothing to do!" she would fit about. 'most' Majin didnt like being alone, especially when you are the last of your race due to a virus created by a certain species killing off most of your kin. Even your parents. You accepted this in stride however. This is survival. survival first, survival last.

However she noticed the sky beginning to darken. She'd assume threatened, and panic, exploding her body and sending it around the surrounding area and waited. Wondering what was going to happen. She would notice a very large dragon descending from the sky and with a clear booming voice it would acknowledge her "You have been deemed worthy in this strife. A young lad has called for your aid to destroy a great evil- "

She reforms during this time. Hearing this and not understanding or letting shenron finished she intejected with "forget it. Allyssa not helping any race that helped kill allyssa's race off" she huffs, sitting down stubbornly

Shenron would however add quickly "this is no warrior from your timeline, majin. This is a warrior from in fact, an entirely different universe. This evil could destroy multiple races, and even all if not challenged"

Allyssa would sit down and think. Her normal majin instinct was to of course, say yes. Strong fight, saving people. Yes. all is good. However she struggled thinking about seeing That Race... She would accept, if only to see if this universe is more lighthearted. Bright flash of light, and slowly she would realize two things. One, She felt considerably weaker than she originally was. Two, she saw a few new species. She gleefully cheered and ran up to the warriors, grabbing garuk's arm and observing it. "Allyssa doesn't know this species!" she excitedly added. She'd see the fifth form of a frost demon, and with awe, would run up to this one as well looking at the sleek armor like substance. However she'd stop dead cold seeing negi. Is that what her species looked like in another universe? she wouldnt think about how this one was from another universe as well, though as she was jumping with joy, maybe it was for the best. Allyssa would also see Myouu, and she'd also lose her mind with joy "what is this species?! Allyssa think it's adorable" she would proclaim "Allyssa, here for surival first, and survival last! Allyssa Majin!
Garuk was startled at the wide variety of warriors, even Frieza's race was called here, and a few Majinns as well... When Allyssa tugged his arm, he could sense her incredible energy, although it was sealed away for now, seems like even Shenron has his limits. He was hesitant to speak to the summoned warriors, but that feeling quickly disappeared as he flew up a little "Everyone!" he shouted "I have called you here because you all are among the strongest in all worlds, a great evil is awakening and I needed able warriors"

Tundra sighed 'Couldn't this eternal dragon pick someone else' he looked down at himself, and noticed his short stature, he had been reverted to his first form "Great..."
Allyssa stopped marveling at everyone and stood by tundra, looking up at garuk almost as if awaiting instruction. [allyssa wants to fight] She thought to herself. Her spirit being sealed making her even more anxious to fight. As if restraining it only made the thirst for battle grow in her. However there was also another urge. An urge to explore.
Tundra was feeling a little uneasy, this majinn next to him was a little too energetic for his taste, he didn't pay much attention to her though, as his first form wasn't that powerfull anyway, and transforming now would draw attention to him anyway...

Garuk waited a little, he wanted to see what everyone's reaction to this was, and if none of them had any grudge against him foe basically taking them here against their will.
Negi watched as another Majin showed itself, this one yellow. Intrigued by the odd coloring, he came towards the newcomer, nodding at her.

"My name Majin Negi! What's yours yellow?" He asked
Allyssa looked at negi and her body quivered a bit. "Allyssa thinks you look scary. That's good for survival! Allyssa Likes the look!" she gives him a smile, looking to the other two warriors with recent shown activity. She was a bit concerned of the frost demon, but kind of interested in garuk. He seemed to know what he was doing in her eyes
Tundra closed his eyes and sighed 'Two Majins and a Human, hmmm...' he thought to himself as he gauged their power, all of them were pretty equal, Tundra was a little weaker than them in his current form, he had his transformation, though sensed he'd only be able to transform to the second form, only giving him a little more strength than one of them, that form and the third were a lot more energy hungry than the rest though, so if a fight were to break loose he'd better leave quickly... he raised his head toward Garuk and opened his eyes, his voice was a medium deepness and had an uninterested tone to it "And what if I refuse?" his face as expressionless as his sentence.

Garuk frowned "I called you here for a reason! Even Shenron thought you were the best option, that includes you, Frost Demon!" he shouted, annoyed by the Frost Demon's lack of empathy.
Negi grinned wickedly.

"Dragon made good choice. Negi strongest in his universe!"

Despite his cheerful demeanor, he was actually bored out of his mind. He looked at Garuk.

"Where is big evil anyway? Negi want to fight!"
Allyssa frowned at tundra and walked over "maybe dragon made mistake, Allyssa thinks that maybe he is weak? So opposed to helping... either personal reasons, or scared!" she taunted "well?"
Tundra didn't even look in her direction "If you're trying to pick a fight with me, Majin" he stopped and then finally looked over to her "Then by all means go ahead, but it won't be my problem if your head is splattered all across the ground" even if it was meant as a threat, he still kept his uninterested look, although he was ready to retalliate if the situation called for it.

Garuk widened his eyes 'Are they... going to fight?'
"fight? survival? Why not spar? yes that's a good idea. Do you accept?" she asks curious. She did kind of want to test this ones power, also she felt it was imperative that she satiate that majin instinct of hers, at least even if it's non lethal. He was her comrade now love it or not, so she shouldn't hurt him. Though small bruises and perhaps maybe a few burns shouldnt hurt, right? "Majin want to fight this one, but it should be sparring. Do you accept??" she repeats hoping to have a nice answer
Tundra sighed "Fine" he began powering up, clenching his fists as he grew in size, untill he stood about 1,90 metres tall, his horns grew outward as his voice deepened "Come at me then" his tail flung from one side to the other in annoyance that he was giving in to this Majin.
Allyssa smiles, her body visibly shaking in fear "Survival first, survival last" she whispered, before she started powering up. Veins started appearing on her forehead as she tried reaching her best level, however it would be fruitless. Her Power was capped for now, however her stamina, was not something to dismiss alltogether "Allyssa is comming!" she shouts and charges at tundra.
"Let's see what you've got!" Tundra roared and charged forward as well, his speed was compromised in this form, his strength wasn't however, this form along with the third had the same raw strength as his fifth, only difference was speed, agility and ki output. He prepared to punch her as they closed in on each other.

Allyssa came into range of the blow, giving a risk to get nailed by a punch. She'd observe him, not knowing his speed or strength. She was malleable enough to take a few hard ones. Allyssa puts up her guard, hoping to block a punch if possible
Negi watched with a grin as the two started to spar, and his grin widened as the Frost Demon took his second form.

As much as he enjoyed fighting, he loved to watch a good fight as well, and he took a seat, watching the two go at it.
As the Frost Demon and Majin were fighting, another figure appeared as the others had. This time it was a young woman wearing a long-sleeved, black shirt with similarly colored pants. Her peach-colored hair was damp, suggesting that she had recently dried off. "Jeez, don't you just hate it when you're in the middle of a shower and suddenly the Eternal Dragon, Shenron, tells you that a warrior from another dimension needs your help?" Catina said to explain her lateness. She then looked around and noticed the two in the middle of combat. The sight of combat started to fire her up, but then she remembered why Shenron brought her here. "So..." she said in confusion to the people who weren't fighting as she pointed a finger at each of the fighters, "Who's the bad guy?"

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