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Fandom Dragon Ball X



Draco Knight
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Another peaceful day on Earth...

Whistling of a falling object... BOOM

A farmer's lunch was interrupted by something landing in his field of carrots...

"Hmm, Why isn't this planet Destroyed? Where is Kakarot?" A figure flying through the sky stopped to tap a device covering his eye. "Hm. There seems to be multiple power levels that are showing up that could be his, odd. Guess I'll head for the closest one...
The figure flew towards a nearby valley where he saw what looked to be his target. "That's not Kakarot, but they might know where he is. I can always beat it out of them if I have to." Floating down towards the small forest in the valley, he landed in front of someone that seemed dressed quite oddly, even to him, who knew nothing about this planet. "You there, where is Kakarot?"

Orlock would notice the guy had what looked like a tail wrapped around his waist, possibly some odd belt, and hair that looked a lot like Ramune's. On his face, covering just one eye, was some device that the guy was currently reading something off of. Not in any language Orlock would know even if he could read it from the few yards away the man stood.
Ramune could be found relaxing along the beach of Kami house soaking in the sun, one perk of the turtle school being the private island beach after all. Propped up a reclined sun chair, she slowly breathed in and out with the waves lapping against the sand, her own Ki seeming to be going in tune with both. The woman focused on her body core as she breathed, reviewing and refining her training in her way.

'The energy called Ki is composed of Energy from the Body, Heart and Mind, each being unique to the person and even if similar, the combinations and ratios of combinations are endless to create countless Ki Signatures. So how can i sense it from the sand, stone and water? Is it something else inside those that has it? or is it the other way around?. Hmm, that must be just physical energy right then? but....it feels like Ki just different so am i feeling Ki? or just part of it?...the former would mean it has a Heart and a Mind though. Maybe its just not in the way we normally define those?. What actually makes the energies unique though? are they made up of even smaller parts? or are those just different wavelengths and frequencies?.'

As the wind and waves continue to move, Ramune keeps playing with the concepts, allowing her Ki to flow consciously rather than unconsciously while extending her senses outwards. Trying to pick apart the questions to come up with something new while at the same time trying to find some new facet to her own Ki flow that could help her figure out more.

She was broken from her musings however by slowly building sensation crossing the horizon far above, farther above than even the lookout? and it was getting closer. Sitting up proper she looks out in the direction it was coming from, it was strong, stronger than anything she had felt before. A growing grin formed across her face as she leapt out of the chair and dashed towards her clothing laid out on the sand, throwing the Under-suit, Gi and the rest over the top of her Bikini and taking off with a short shout towards the house "BigEnergyGoingToCheckItOutBringBackHetapOkThanksBye!"

A sudden explosion of sand would signal her final departure before she quickly vanished across the horizon in the direction of the signature. "Huh? Is that Sparkles? Whats he doing over there? He better not be stealing my idea I really want to check the thing out too!"
Bisket was enjoying a t-bone steak bought with the final bit of money he had left from his latest adventure when he sensed a powerful source of energy. He briefly wondered if it meant he had finally found Master Roshi but quickly decided that was unlikely, from what he heard the turtle hermit was about equally as strong as Master Shen and whoever it was that Bisket sensed was way more powerful than his old teacher. Curious he quickly finished up his meal and after turning his house-wagon back into a capsule flew off in the direction he sensed the power coming from.

As Bisket got closer to his destination the energy seemed to increase all of the sudden before he realized he was sensing multiple people all at the same location. "Guess I'm not the only curious one." Since he didn't know if he was dealing with a whole group of powerful hostiles Bisket decided to just rush in. Instead he used his Tri-form and sent his two copies flying ahead while he landed and followed them on foot.

The first of Bisket's copies didn't even try to hide himself and just landed near the strange armored man with a tail. Not knowing the situation he was more distrustful of the vampire and kept an eye on Orlock while not paying as much attention to Ramune and Raditz. "What is going on here?"

The second copy meanwhile kept his powerlevel low and hid himself in a tree but pointed a finger in the direction of the strangers ready to charge up a dodonray if anyone tried something. Of course the real Bisket was also watching everything, but he was a good distance away from the tree his second double was in.
Orlock stood beneath the thick canopy of the forest, his pale-blue skin contrasting starkly against the shadows. The distant sound of something crashing into the earth had caught his attention, and he had sensed the approach of a powerful presence soon after. Now, he watched as the stranger descended from the sky, landing with a thud that shook the ground beneath his feet.

The figure before him was an odd sight. The tail wrapped around his waist, the wild hair that reminded him of.... Her.... and the strange device covering one eye—all of it spoke of a strange warrior. Orlock’s sharp eyes took in every detail, his mind already at work dissecting this new threat.

The stranger wasted no time, his tone demanding and impatient. “You there, where is Kakarot?”

Orlock tilted his head slightly, his expression unreadable. The name meant nothing to him, but he was not one to reveal his ignorance easily. His voice, smooth and deceptively calm, cut through the silence of the forest.

“Kakarot?” he repeated, allowing the unfamiliar word to linger in the air. “I’m afraid I don’t know of anyone by that name.”

Orlock’s gaze shifted to the device on the man’s face, noting how it seemed to be analyzing him. He was intrigued, though not intimidated. This visitor was powerful, that much was clear, but Orlock had faced many powerful beings before. The real question was what this one wanted and how he could turn it to his advantage.

“And who are you to come here, barking demands like a lost dog?” Orlock continued, his tone polite but laced with cold menace. He took a step forward, his movements measured and deliberate, like a predator sizing up its prey. This stranger's power wasn't lost on Orlock. He was strong. Frightenly strong. But so was his former mentor, and he fought him for decades, but he was God. Whoever this was, was not god and that did not bode well in Orlock's mind.
Mia was taking a quick break from training when she felt a huge power level descending from space. "Who the heck is that?" Getting up from the couch, she went outside before sprinting off towards the edge of the forest she lived in, stopping as she noticed the power level was moving towards an old adversary. "That's a bit suspicious, but I doubt he actually has the means to contact someone that strong."

Mia once again began dashing towards where she now also felt others gathering up. Being the farthest away it took her longer to notice everything and she preferred running over flying. She was faster on the ground and it took less stamina than flying. Having to go around obstacles didn't worry her either, as she could jump smaller ones, like houses or small lakes, and mountains she just climb with multiple jumps. Oceans and larger lakes were her only issue; it took less Ki to fly over them than coat her feet in enough that she wouldn't disrupt the water with her speed. Arriving at such an obstacle, she sighed and jumped before letting her Ki push her forward over the lake. She could see a valley with a small forest on the other side of the lake, and could feel everyone's Ki coming from there.
Landing at the edge of the lake, she continued her sprint until she could see the clearing. Slowing to a walk, Mia could hear Orlock answering someone, but couldn't quite make out what he was saying yet. Noticing Bisket behind a tree as she walked into the clearing, she realized that it was most likely a clone, as there was another Wolf guy in the clearing. Bisket was probably hidden even farther away somewhere. "Am I late to the party? Oh, I didn't realize Ramune had a long lost brother; Is that what the party's for?" She knew there was no way, but couldn't help making a quip; The resemblance was too similar.
As Ramune flew she started to pick up more and more people joining the scene ahead of her, a small pout crossing her lips "Well, I guess if it's a party, fashionably late works".

'Let's see...Littlest Hobo is feeling even smaller and spread out. Trying to be sneaky, 2 thirds means there's another somewhere. Sparkles is facing up to him and....Oh Cherry showed up too'

Shrugging to herself the Amazon finally landed skidding along the ground followed by several short hops before coming to a full stop to finally take in the new arrival.

"Oh Hey every....." she stopped and blinked at the man taking a few steps closer curiosity mixed with genuine surprise, crossing her arms with a head tilt "Ok firstly, nice hair, eyebrows could use some plucking and maybe some bangs to hide those ears but still. Secondly...You didn't happen to see a guy looking for milk up there in space? Would explain a few things but if your looking for him down here trust me I've tried"
Raditz, growing less and less amused as more people who weren't who he was looking for showed up, finally snapped after being in shock for a split second at seeing Ramune. He didn't completely understand what she meant, but the joking tone and striking resemblance to himself gave him enough of an idea to infer a bit. "No, I'm not looking for my father, he's been dead for years now. I'm looking for my brother, Kakarot. But at this point, to hell with that. I'll just destroy this planet myself."

Raising his hands, Raditz shot two Ki blasts, one at Bisket's clone hidden behind the tree, and the other at Ramune, who was currently the closest to him. Not bothering to check if they were finished off, Raditz rushed forward to attack Orlock, throwing a punch to his stomach and sending him flying towards the trees before spinning into a roundhouse kick at Mia, missing this time as her speed coupled with having time to react allowed her to lean back onto her hands before somersaulting away from him. He ignored the Bisket entirely as he wasn't even strong enough hurt him.

"Hmph, aren't you a quick one? Didn't think Earthlings were supposed to be so strong, but I guess there are always exceptions." Saying this, he didn't seem in that worried about it, nor did he seem to be in a hurry to finish them off.
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Her confusion grows with his response "Wait, so you land, don't find what you want straight away and so escalate to destroying a planet?... Real disproportionate response, It's a big place......" She was cut off by the sudden Ki blast, condensing her Ki around her stomach on reflex before being launched backwards, rolling several times before landing on her rear patting her stomach with a small hiss before carrying on "Guess Patience is a virtue that's Alien to you. It would have been far easier to search for this Carrot Cake guy by asking nicely and a group searching for the 1 guy out of 8 Billion, of which you kinda have a good chance of killing on accident if you go crazy"

Kicking herself up to her feet she throws her hands into her pockets "Came here looking for a nice chat, maybe a cultural exchange sort of deal and getting to know each other as foreplay before we got into the real fun. But sure we can skip straight to the heavy petting"

Stamping the ground an explosion of Ki sends her rocketing towards the Alien, glittering orange trailing in her wake before she sticks her tongue out at him just before getting into range of his fists. "Nyah" a small marble of ki forming on the tip and exploding in a flash to send her into a flip, converting all the momentum into an axe kick to the top of his head.
"I'll just destroy this planet myself." Mia was about to respond to that with a quip on how that would be counter-productive if he wanted to find someone, but had to dodge instead as the guy suddenly attacked the four of them. "Yea, OK. Doesn't seem like the guy cares too much about that anymore, Ramune." Mia follows up after Ramune, and despite being a brief second behind, managed to form a pincer attack with her due to her speed, hopefully landing a flurry of blows on the guy.

She noticed the guy was completely ignoring Bisket's clone despite firing a Ki blast at one earlier. Either the guy was cocky, and was showing off his prowess by showing that he could waste Ki on a clone and still ignore the one right in front of him, or the guy just didn't feel like dealing with sneak attacks. Maybe both. Orlock was gut punched into the trees earlier, but Mia couldn't care less, Orlock had taken stronger hits than that before and survived. Mia could also tell the guy wasn't being serious yet in the slightest, another reason she wasn't worried about Orlock. Plus, she doubted he'd be okay with her babying him.
Orlock watched the scene unfold with a cold, detached interest as more figures arrived, each one adding a new layer of chaos to the gathering. His eyes narrowed when Ramune landed, that irritating, infuriating woman who had humiliated him in the past. The sight of her, with that same mocking grin and easy confidence, was like salt in a centuries-old wound.

She bantered with the Saiyan, her tone light, dismissive even, as if this entire situation was a joke to her. Orlock’s jaw clenched. He had always despised her flippant attitude, the way she seemed to glide through life untouched by the darkness that clung to others. And now, here she was again, making light of what should have been a deadly serious encounter.

The Saiyan—Raditz, as he had finally identified himself—was growing more agitated by the second. Orlock could see the tension in his muscles, the way his aura flickered with barely restrained rage. When Raditz snapped and launched his attack, Orlock’s eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction. Good. Let them tear each other apart. Orlock didn’t flinch as the Ki blasts tore through the air, one heading directly for Ramune. A part of him reveled in the idea of her being obliterated by this Saiyan’s fury, but another part—colder, more calculating—knew it wouldn’t be that simple. She was annoyingly resilient.

As Raditz turned his attention to the others, dispatching them with brutal efficiency, Orlock felt a surge of dark anticipation. He could sense the rising energy levels, the clash of power that was sure to come. This was his element—a battlefield where only the strongest would survive. But he wasn’t content to merely watch from the sidelines. No, this was an opportunity. The Saiyan was powerful, yes, but also impulsive, easily provoked. Orlock could use that, could turn this raging beast into a weapon—one he could direct against Ramune and anyone else who stood in his way.

Orlock stepped forward, his presence an icy contrast to the chaotic energy swirling around the battlefield. His eyes locked onto Raditz, who had just finished launching his attack. There was a darkness in Orlock’s gaze, a promise of violence yet to come. “Destroy this planet?” Orlock’s voice cut through the noise like a knife, smooth and chilling. “You overestimate your power, warrior.” Before Orlock could say anythingbelse, he get punched in the stomach by the Saiyan.

Orlock staggered back as Raditz’s punch connected with his stomach, sending him flying into the trees. The impact splintered wood and sent debris flying in every direction, but Orlock recovered quickly, landing on his feet with a snarl curling his lips. The taste of blood in his mouth fueled his rage, but he forced himself to remain calm, his sharp mind already assessing the situation.

"How delightful..." It wasn’t the first time Orlock had been underestimated, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. He wiped the blood from his mouth, his eyes narrowing on Raditz as the alien boasted about his strength. Patience, Orlock reminded himself. This creature is strong, but strength alone won’t save him.

He watched as Ramune, ever the insufferable thorn in his side, rebounded from the Saiyan’s attack with her usual flippancy. Her resilience was infuriating, but Orlock couldn't deny that her spirit was impressive. Still, she treated this like a game, her playful banter and teasing demeanor only serving to irritate him further. When she launched herself at Raditz, her energy trailing behind her in a glittering display, Orlock saw an opportunity. He knew better than to jump into the fray without a plan; instead, he would let Ramune wear Raditz down, gauge the Saiyan's responses, and strike when the time was right.

As Ramune’s axe kick descended toward Raditz, Orlock's eyes gleamed with dark intent. He had no intention of simply standing by. No, he would turn this encounter to his advantage, as he always did. Orlock's mind raced, calculating the next move. Raditz was powerful, but raw power had its limits. The Saiyan's arrogance, his impulsiveness—they were weaknesses Orlock could exploit. And Ramune, with her incessant need to provoke, was the perfect distraction.

Perhaps while Raditz was distracted by Ramune’s playful assault, Orlock could deliver a blow that would make the Saiyan realize he was dealing with more than just a group of Earthlings. As he prepared to strike, Orlock’s lips curled into a predatory smile. This Saiyan would learn soon enough that underestimating Orlock was a fatal mistake. The vampire gathered his ki and his eyes begin to glow red, preparing one of his favorite attacks: Sousamen. Orlock planned to release the beam as soon as Ramune and her allies got Raditz open for attack.
Bisket was really glad he had used Tri-form before confronting the others, given how easily the alien destroyed one of his doubles he doubted he would have survived an attack even if he was at full power. The fact that the copy actually involved with the others was ignored hurt a little, but at least it meant he could run interference if necessary.

While the alien seemed distracted by Ramune the real Bisket repositioned himself just in case the alien somehow knew where he was. He kept his powerlevel as low as he could, but hid a lot closer to the action, and ended up pretty close to where Orlock was punched too. Since Ramune and Mia were both fighting he wondered if he should join as well when he spotted Orlock powering up. Bisket instead decided to have his double move in between the vampire and alien in hopes of either keeping Raditz seeing what Orlock was up too or at least make sure he wouldn't get punched away again. At the same time Bisket followed the alien's movements with a finger, ready to prepare a dodon ray the moment his second copy was destroyed.
"Doo Doo Doo just jogging!" Carthu could be found with his headphones on and a pep in his step and a smile on his face. His legs pumping themselves against the fresh ground and his voice singing in a high enough tone to let anyone within a 50 ft radius know about the blondish brunette. As he would be strolling he would sense a strong presence. A group of people it seemed. He'd jump out excitedly. "Hey-o! This a party, or what?"
Raditz just smirked at Ramune. "I have no real need to find Kakarot. If he is so weak he can't even destroy a planet like this than we have no need for him." He casually blocked the axe kick before grabbing her leg and swinging her around to smash her into Mia who was coming up behind him, sending them both flying. "And you, don't think I don't see you powering up over there..." Raditz turned and shot another two Ki blasts at Orlock and Bisket.

"Weak. You're all so weak. How did Kakarot die on such a weak planet? Perhaps his pod never made it? Such a thing has happened before, so it's possible." Raditz stood there, arms crossed, chuckling. "No matter. At least I get to have some fun toying with you. Better than showing up to a boring planet with nothing but rocks and dust." Just than, his scouter beeped at him, and a few moments later some guy with headphones appeared asking about a party. "Hmph, yet another weakling. At least my toys have increased. Breaking one or two might be a good idea though. The room is getting a bit crowded with all these new toys..." Laughing, Raditz lunges at the newcomer, showering him with Ki blasts as he approaches. "Which toy shall I break first?! Not you, of course-" He laughs as he continues showering Carthu with Ki blasts; he doesn't really aim them, causing most to miss or be easily dodged. "-you're my newest one, after all!"
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Smashing into Mia, Ramune grabs her before rolling up into a ball, flinging out a mass of the orange shards of energy in his face before bouncing away, unfurling and skidding to a halt "Guess he's going a little more literal for the whole Smash or Pass. Guess need to play a little harder".

Cracking her neck a little, Ramune stares at Raditz's response with confusion "Ok now that's just stupid, Firstly? He could have decided he liked it here and chilled out. Secondly? Destroy a planet? What do you get out of that? Conquer it sure you get resources, workforce, tech and the like...but destroy? You're playing up the Caveman approach. Even Sparkles knew that much. Guess he didn't have room up top for any modes more than Smash or Insult."

Throwing two quick spin kicks and wide jabs, Ramune flings her weights from her hands and feet across towards Radditz, before taking a deep breath and popping her weighted top off as well to crash into the ground. Taking a new stance, she extends a hand towards him with a two fingers pointed out. "Well i suppose i can join in on the insults since we are doing it that way...." her lips purse as he tries to come up with a good one before going with the first thing that comes to mind "Let's dance you.....Filthy Monkey?"

Two Marbles form on the tip of each of her fingers, before two are launched at high speed towards the man. The first impacts the second to create a directed explosion in his direction. The attacks keep coming out at a rapid-fire, some sailing past him only to be hit my another blast and explode in his direction from a new angle.
While seeing his second double wasn't unexpected it did make Bisket worried since he had no more back-ups, honestly if the alien hadn't been talking about destroying the world he might have ran and leave the fight to the others. Instead he had to hope that whatever attack Orlock was charging would end things, and thus make sure the vampire lasted long enough to use it.

Bisket abandoned any plans he had of remaining hidden, since with Ramune in a melee fight he might hit her. The instant her second marble hit he rushed out from his hiding spot, charging at full speed at Raditz. He stopped right before impact and tried to use his velocity to hit Raditz in the stomach, hoping to deal some damage despite the armor.
Orlock snarled as he watched Raditz turn his attention toward him once more. The Saiyan’s dismissive attitude, the way he casually threw Ki blasts as if they were mere toys, only served to stoke the flames of Orlock’s fury. He had been on the receiving end of Raditz’s strength once, and that was more than enough. As Raditz’s Ki blasts hurtled toward him, Orlock reacted swiftly, his mind sharp and focused despite the chaos. He sidestepped one blast, then raised a hand to deflect the second, his own Ki flaring in a burst of black energy. The explosion rocked the ground beneath him, but Orlock remained unshaken, his eyes fixed on Raditz with cold, calculated intent.

Orlock could feel his energy swelling within him, the darkness of his Ki twisting and turning as he channeled it into his attack. Sousamen. The thought of unleashing his full power on Raditz filled him with a savage satisfaction, but he wasn’t about to waste it carelessly. No, he needed to time this perfectly. Ramune’s relentless assault on Raditz provided the distraction Orlock needed. Her rapid-fire attacks, the explosion of energy marbles, were enough to force the Saiyan to divide his attention. This was his chance.

Orlock’s eyes blazed with a deep crimson as he gathered the last of his energy. The air around him crackled with power, dark and oppressive, as he raised his hand, fingers curled into a claw. The Sousamen technique was one he had perfected over centuries, a deadly beam that could pierce through almost anything.

With a final surge of energy, Orlock unleashed the attack. A pair of searing red beams shot from his eyes, cutting through the battlefield with terrifying precision, aimed directly at Raditz’s chest. The beams moved with blinding speed, their destructive force honed to perfection. “Fall,” Orlock hissed, his voice laced with malice.

He watched with predatory focus, every fiber of his being attuned to the outcome of his attack. If Raditz was too distracted by Ramune’s barrage or Bisket’s sudden charge, the beams would hit their mark, delivering a crippling blow. And if they didn’t, well, Orlock was prepared for that too. As the beams raced toward their target, Orlock’s lips curled into a wicked smile. He could already taste the impending victory, the sweet taste of vengeance against not just Raditz, but Ramune as well. If his attack succeeded, she would know that it wasn’t just Raditz she had to worry about.
“Nice eye thing!” He waved at the man, before hearing him talk about breaking toys and weaklings, before he was showered with ki. He quickly flew up, firing a blast of his own “Hey everybody! My name is Carthusian! Isn’t it just sooo much fun that we get to practice against someone this powerful!” He would lazily fire a few beams, not taking the battle seriously at all. He would however fly up to raditz, blasting a powerful ki blast to his face and plucking the scouter off before the beam hit his chest, quickly flying up to avoid the wrath of the Saiyan and fondling the scouter carefully, taking a great deal not to drop it.
After having his scouter taken due to the distraction of the explosions and having to dodge the laser eyes from Orlock, Raditz was starting to get pissed off. Especially since having to avoid the lasers caused him to be punched in the stomach instead, which surprisingly hurt a bit. Though he didn't budge in the slightest, he did bend a bit from the hit. Growling, he grabbed Bisket's arm and tossed him at the guy calling himself Carthusian. "Alright, no more games! Time to end this!"

Throwing two Ki blasts out - one at Ramune, the other at Orlock - he failed to notice Mia due to his anger. What he did see was a fist suddenly a bit too close to his face, and then a few stars as it connected. Mia didn't hit very hard, but a sucker punch to the face would stun just about anyone, which allowed her to easily get in a flurry of blows, all aimed at Raditz's face, before attempting a roundhouse kick.

"ENOUGH!" Raditz flared his chakra to shake off the dizziness before catching Mia's leg, breaking it with a chop to her knee - causing a pained scream to escape from her mouth - and then ruthlessly giving Mia a roundhouse kick of his own; Raditz's kick connected, unlike MIa's earlier attempt, causing her head to twist unnaturally and sending her flying into a tree, her body laying their lifelessly. "I'm done toying with you all. I'll just destroy the planet and be done with it!" He flew up, far above the trees, and began charging a Ki blast. It was definitely going to destroy this whole area, and any being nearby aside from himself, but his goal was to destroy this planet anyway, so it didn't matter.
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Bisket hadn't actually expected his attack to deal any serious damage to Raditz but that the alien stopped him that easily was just insulting. He wasn't even seen as enough of a threat to be seriously hurt and was just tossed aside unlike Mia. Even worse his plan to distract him from whatever Orlock was doing had failed as Raditz had easily dodges the vampre's eyebeams. Just about the only good news so far was the appearance of the newcomer as they would need all the help they could get now that Raditz was planning to just destroy the planet.

Not wasting time to hink what to do next Brisket simply moved away the newcomer he had been tossed into and fired a Dodon ray at Raditz, hoping it would somehow work out better than his previous attempts.
Facing down the oncoming Ki Blast, Ramune would jab towards it with a flat hand, the energy flowing along the top and up her arm with a flexing motion redirecting the blast to shoot off into the horizon. Whatever she was about to say following up however came to a sudden halt with the sound cracking noise resounding from Mia's form.

Freezing as her eyes widened, trying to process what just happened as Ramunes hair seemed to flatten while looking at the motionless body the man had just kicked away. Energy crackling at her hands, she forms several small marbles and has them violently detonate while flying directly at Raditz, each explosion shifting her course but building up speed in his direction from behind in a violent tackle.

Those more familiar with Ramune would immediately note the change of character, no screaming, shouting, no witty banter as her muscles bulged grabbing Raditz under the arms trying to constrict him.....then proceeded to clamp down on his neck with a bite while her Bokki Body was locking her body into place.
Orlock’s eyes blazed with fury as his Sousamen attack narrowly missed Raditz, the beams slicing through the air but failing to deliver the fatal blow. Worse still, Raditz had turned his focus back on him, and the Saiyan’s enraged Ki blast came barreling toward him. Orlock had no time to waste. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he materialized a thick black barrier of Ki around himself. The blast slammed into it, sending a ripple of energy through the barrier and forcing Orlock to dig his heels into the ground, but it held. Barely. As the energy dissipated, Orlock stood, his lip curling into a snarl. This was growing tiresome. He had been toying with the idea of manipulating Raditz, letting the others wear him down, but now... now, the brute had pushed him too far.

Orlock's gaze flicked briefly to Mia’s broken body, slumped lifelessly against the tree. The sound of her bones snapping had echoed across the battlefield like a death knell. For a moment, there was a cold silence in Orlock’s mind as he assessed the situation. Mia was gone. Ramune’s sudden, feral attack on Raditz was vicious, uncharacteristically silent and driven by a raw, violent instinct. He could feel the shift in her energy, and though he despised her, there was a dark satisfaction in watching her lose control. But this was no time to revel in vengeance. Raditz was charging an attack powerful enough to destroy everything. Orlock’s calculating mind clicked into place. The Saiyan had grown reckless, driven by anger—yet even now, he believed himself invincible. The fool.

Orlock’s fingers twitched, and his blood-red eyes glowed brighter as he channeled his Ki once more, faster this time, letting the swirling black energy gather within him. He stepped forward, his gaze locked on Raditz as he rose into the sky to prepare his final, devastating attack."You arrogant creature..." Orlock muttered, his voice a venomous whisper.

He would not allow Raditz to obliterate the planet—not before Orlock had exacted his own form of revenge. There was too much at stake, too many plans yet to unfold. He would not let some savage destroy it all. As Ramune grappled with Raditz, biting down with animalistic rage, Orlock saw his opportunity. Her ferocity was keeping the Saiyan occupied—long enough for Orlock to strike decisively. Without hesitation, Orlock summoned his dark power and sent another Sousamen beam shooting from his eyes—this time, aimed directly at Raditz’s head, intending to pierce his skull from behind while Ramune distracted him. The beam burned through the air with deadly precision, cutting through the chaos toward its target.
Carthu would watch Mia die, her broken body slump against the tree. His mood immediately dropped, and his mouth flattened. Did she just.. did he just watch her-. It reminded him of grandpa gohan. Waking up that one day and realizing he'd fallen asleep forever. Carthu would fly down and while orlock charged the beam and Ramune grappled the saiyan, Carthu would hold his tail down just out of the blast range. He'd grip the tail with all his might, pulling it downwards so even if he wanted to try and escape or retaliate against the human, he was severely crippled by the pain. Hopefully it would give enough time for the vampiric entity to fire. As raditz struggled, he struggled to keep ahold of the tail.the naturally slick hairs on it making it hard to hold. "DO IT! DO IT NOW!"
With Ramune holding him from behind, and Carthu having his tail, Raditz wasn't able to do much. At least until the Dodon Ray shot by Bisket nudged him enough that Carthu slipped off his tail, allowing him to regain his strength. "RAAAAAH!!" Flaring his chakra with scream, Carthu was knocked out of the air and into the ground, while Raditz slammed himself back first into ground in an attempt to knock off Ramune. Luckily for Ramune, her hardened body withstood the impact well enough for her to keep her grip, despite the damage she took. "Get off of me!" Now weakened after having taken a Ki blast while his tail was grabbed, along with slamming himself into the ground, he couldn't quite muster enough strength to throw Ramune off.

Even so, unless Carthu or Bisket rushed in to help hold him down, it was only a matter of time before the weakened Ramune was thrown off. Raditz continued to try and reach around behind him to grab at Ramune, along with trying to throw kicks at her feet to knock her off balance enough that she loosened her grip.
Carthu screamed and was pushed back by the ki. The blasts, they hurt less now, but they still burned. It felt like he was slammed against a wall. He stood up and took a deep breath in, letting the surrounding area dissipate into the background as he concentrated on one thing and one thing only. Get ramune to safety. Get rid of the Saipan. The orange aura around him flared to life as he charged up his Aura with a Kiai. Pure Progress worked through him, adrenaline running through him and telling his body to fight, pointing out weak spots and boosting him. His power level flared. 1500! Carthu charged up a super dragon fist in his palm aiming for raditzes stomach and screaming. “SUPER DRAGON FIST!!!”. If landed, it along with orlocks beam would rip two consecutive holes through ramune and the Saiyan, a shenlong like ki blast shooting through his chest cavity.
As she was being hurled towards the ground by Raditz's attempted slam, Ramunes jaw would let go as her legs slammed into the earth, taking a small chunk off while making a crater in the earth as she condensed her ki into her legs. Something was likely broken from the impact, but she did not release her grip and instead redirected as much force as she could, displaying her flexibility as she arced her back to Suplex the Alien she had held into the ground behind her before spinning her hold into a rear naked choke.

The Alien was a fighter, he had strength, but so far it had all been brute force without any real finesse so it was time to see how his ground game faired. Legs wrapped around his midsection and arms around the neck, she would leave him wide open for Carthus strike. Ideally she wanted to go ground and pound herself on the man but if she let go she had no idea if she would get again.

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