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Fandom Dragon Ball X (Character Sheets)



Draco Knight
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
(Try to keep character ages below 40, as outside of our possible one Namekian, everyone else will age semi-normally. I say semi-normally because I'm BSing a bit and making it so that everyone's aging slows down a tad bit due to getting so strong and having such strong Ki in their bodies. Of course, that only means you're pretty much guaranteed to live to 100, maybe 110 or so, but you'll still be a weak old man when you do.
This means that if any of you are too much older than 40 or so when we start, if we do get all the way to super, you'll be at least 50 or 60 or so when we get there. You'd just be a stronger Roshi by the time Super come around and not by a huge amount either due to aging. Remember to Delete anything in parentheses before posting your finished CS. WIPs are fine.)

Race: (Mostly anything you'd see on Earth in the Canon Story. Humans, Three-Eyed Human like Tien, the Humanoid Animals, etc. Exceptions to this are races like that Dragon/Pterodactyl mix like guy Goku fights as a kid during a tournament.)

(Idc where you get the picture from, but use cartoon/anime style. Add any extra descripts below (such as if your character has blue eyes, but the picture you are using has brown eyes, or maybe accessories that aren't shown in the picture), as I know it can be hard to find that perfect pic that is exactly how you want it. Throw in height too, if ya want. Or rather, please do. Even if you don't give exact measurements, a general idea of your characters height would be nice to know for fight scenes.)

Fighting Style: (For example, is your character an agile, fast hitting, yet not so hard hitting combatant? Maybe they rely more on setting up opportunities for their Ki Blast Techniques. Do they maybe fight while relying more on their muscles to take hits? What about a balanced fighter, dodging and blocking in equal measure, while also utilizing both plenty of physical and Ki Techniques?)

Notable techniques: start with three.

(So for example a crane student might have the Dodon Ray or Solar Flare, while Turtle students would have the Kamehameha technique; This is just what they are best at/are their stronger techniques. They can still do Ki Volleys and fight, but your Dodon Ray will be stronger compared to you attempting to use the Kamehameha. Purely because it's not one you've practice over and over. You'll also charge said Dodon Ray faster than you would a Kamehameha, and vice versa if you were a Turtle Student.
Even if you don't have a named Ki attack everyone is capable of Ki blasts. Flight counts as a technique, and it's 100% allowed for your character not to have learned how to fly, or do more than regular Ki blasts by the time they all come together to beat Raditz. For example, maybe your character never went to either the Turtle or Crane school, and managed to utilize Ki by themselves. This does mean, however, that they wouldn't have the control to do more than send out blasts of Ki in one direction; meaning no controlling it once it's fired, they would have trouble using a Ki blast that lasts more than a couple seconds, and would most likely not be able to charge very large blasts either.)


No one will have any to start with, these are for later in the story. Kaioken and Ultra Instinct are both examples of transformations possible to learn. I'm thinking of coming up with a few others to use/learn from Frieza Saga onwards. Voice out ideas on discord.

In general, keep it reasonable to the level of the Saiyan Saga for now. Your characters will train and learn more as we go after all.

Backstory: (As short or as long as you want. At least a paragraph or two though please. Use my CS as an example for a minimum length. Not much shorter than that please.)
(background history where your character and the others knock off goku's resume. "Destroyed red ribbon army" "pilaf an gang" "joined/won martial arts tournaments" etc)
(Background wise, you can choose to have your character be a Turtle or Crane student. Just remember that this is starting after the rivalry between the schools would have been settled; if you all wanna collab and have a couple characters do something similar to what happened between Kid Goku and Tien as part of your backstory though, go for it. In fact, you all will have met each other at least once or twice.)

Likes/Dislikes: (At least one of each, more is optional)
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Name: Ramune
Age: 18
Race: Human

An Amazonian beauty with a remarkable amount of deep bronze hair flowing down almost to the ground, Ramune's curved physique also holds a great amount of muscle at the same time standing at nearly six and a half feet. She can normally be found dressed in a modified turtle school gi with a tightly fitted black undershirt. She also wears weighted bracers, boots, brassier and belt.

Likes: Fashion, Theatre, Dancing, Saunas, Fried Rice
Dislikes: Cucumbers, Horrors, Coffee, Laundry, Waste

Fighting Style:
Keeping a clear head, Ramunes fighting style can almost be seen as playful, talking to a great extent and attempting to throw opponents off with her unserious demeanour and quips to exploit the lack of focus. Despite appearances though she seems to have keen insight into people, often reading them via body language in order to predict actions, baiting attacks and whittling down an opponent so she can counter with decisive blows. Ramune appears to possess incredible endurance and Ki control, allowing her to operate with high efficiency and little waste of energy, which is further enhanced by her high Ki reserves. She seems to have an academic-level understanding of Ki and its underlying mechanics, this combined with keen Ki perception aids in her learning new techniques or breaking them down to be repurposed and combined into new ones. Ramunes Ki and aura is bright orange.

Notable techniques:
-Ara Ara Marble: Showing remarkable skill at Ki control, Ramune is capable of compressing an incredible amount of energy into a single point no bigger than a marble upon the end of her finger. She can use this to either perform a melee piercing attack or fire it off at great speed to detonate on contact.
-Kira kira Funsha: Ramune emits extremely bright particles of Ki while fighting, allowing them to both blind or impede vision in the distraction as well as delivering light cuts to opponents. The Glitter effect is commonly thrown from her hands or feet in swipes.
-Bokki Body: Condensing Ki into their body internally rather than externally, Ramune is capable of drastically hardening areas of her body. They have also been known to use this technique on their hair to create incredibly sharp points.

A young martial artist who initially took to the lifestyle in pursuit of fame and a movie career, as well as being drawn in by a natural love of adrenaline and combat. She displayed a remarkable amount of talent for the field, a unique perspective, and creativity allowed her to use unconventional methods to train and succeed.

She competed in several Tournaments, with her focus being more on showing off for the audience and learning from opponents than outright winning quickly. She does however believe she almost won outright once though against the legendary Jackie Chun if it wasn't for her disqualification for a wardrobe malfunction. She has since been taken in by the Turtle school.
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aka: Sakura
21 Year old Human
Appearence: Mia, or as she is known to the Martial Arts world, Sakura, is a normal human. Her natural hair color is a platinum blonde, but she dyes the lower half of it black. Normally she keeps it at about mid back length. Sitting at 5'9", she isn't short, but isn't incredibly tall either. Prefers to wear half-shirts or tank-tops with shorts. When forced to wear her Gi, she'll keep the top half off and let it hang down to her knees, while wearing a half-shirt. (Basically just a T-shirt with the bottom half cut off; idk an actual name for it.)

Fighting Style:

Uses speed and agility over strength when fighting. She doesn't hit as hard as other fighters, but she can hit you two to three times in the same time it takes others to hit you once.
Another downside is she can't take hits too well either. She prefers dodging over blocking or parrying blows, and while fast enough to do so, it makes it slightly easier to predict her moves as opponents will begin to realize this and use it to their advantage.

Her Ki blasts are Dark Pink in color.


Falling Cherry Blossoms (Ki):
Mia shoots a barrage of smaller Ki Blasts at her opponent in great number. More effective when done in the air; this allows for more Ki Blasts since the ground isn't in the way. (Size of each blast is the same as just a normal one handed Ki Blast but they have more Ki concentrated in them.)

Scatter/Sakura Blast (Ki): A variant of Galick Gun, Kamehameha and other similar blasts, Mia Charges up Ki in her hands before launching it forward. She can cause it to scatter, and each smaller blast can scatter once more.

Rush of Sakura Petals
(Physical Combo)

Sakura uses her agility and speed rather than strength to launch countless blows against her target. While each hit may be weaker compared to other Martial Artists combos, the sheer number make up for it; essentially burying her opponent in "petals"

Bio/History: Mia grew up in a family of martial artists in the countryside. She joined several tournaments but couldn't win due to being unable to utilize Ki. After losing a 5th tournament, she decided to seek out someone who could teach her how to utilize Ki. While searching, she came across several Red Ribbon army units that picked fights with her seemingly out of boredom. Well it seemed that way to her. In reality she had beat up one of their commanders when he tried flirting with her and he kept trying to get revenge. Eventually he came across someone who mentioned a turtle hermit and it piqued her interest. She wanted to ask what else they knew but some guy declaring they'd rule the world appeared and nabbed them before she could ask.
After having a bit of trouble against the robots they sent at her when she went to beat the guy up, she eventually found out where this turtle hermit was and went to find him. There she also learned the name of that guy who was trying to rule the world. Apparently the guys name was Pielaff or something. She didn't really care about the guys name much.
After a few years of training she was able to use Ki effectively and ended up helping some others fight off some green guy named Lord Picasso or something before returning to the country side to continue training for the next tournament only to be told to head off to Kormin's or something's tower by the Turtle Hermit. His name was Yoshi, right?

Likes: Sparring, Swimming
Dislikes: Pants/Restrictive clothing, Fish (Food wise)
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Name: Bisket (from both biscuit and Brisket)
Age: 23
Race: Humanoid Animal

Bisket is about 5 foot 7 and while he no longer wears the Crane school uniform the insignia is still visible on the back of his shirt. The detachable collar of his shirt as well as his gloves and bracers are weighted

Fighting Style: Bisket is very a jack of all trades, master of none style fighter. Instead of focusing on one thing, he prefers versatility at the risk of spreading himself too thin. As such he has decent speed and agility, as well strength and toughness and has a grasp on both melee and ranged combat, but is easily overshadowed in any aspect by a specialist. His Ki is green colored

Notable techniques: start with three.
1 Dodon ray: A superheated beam shot from one of Brisket's fingers
2 Crane Style Crushing Fist: Bisket runs at his opponent to build speed and acceleration, using his velocity and weight and placing all that force into his fist. Before colliding with his opponent, Bisket suddenly stops running while punching at the same time.
3 Tri-form: This allows Bisket to split himself in three copies, with one third of his remaining ki each

None yet

Bisket was scouted by Master Shen at a young age after he tried to fight off some Crane school student bullies. While Bisket lost miserably Shen was none the less impressed with the ten year old wolf's guts when he heard about the incident and offered to train him. Despite considerable effort Bisket proved himself to be an only slightly above average martial artist for his age who didn't excel in anything. However during Bisket's third year at the Crane School Shen advised him to generalize his training instead of focusing on one thing. With this new direction Bisket improved considerably, but he was still far from the best.

After an inter dojo tournament where Bisket lost to the crane school top student, one of the bullies, who went out of his way to humiliate the wolf he left the crane school and began wandering the earth at 18 years old. During this time he made a living by taking out bandits and gangs and either collecting their bounties or keeping a part of their loot and pawning it off. The only real challenge he faced during this time was a green demon calling himself Tambourine whom Bisket only barely defeated. After he recovered from the fight with Tambourine Bisket learned he was one of the sons of King Piccolo and set off to find the fighters who defeated the demon lord hoping they could teach him more.

Likes: Money, meat, traveling
Dislikes: Bullies, getting wet, chocolate
Name: (Count) Orlock
Age: 300+
Race: Vampire


Fighting Style: Orlock is a balanced fighter, predominately using fast, lethal strikes with his sharp nails and weapons. He prefers to out maneuver his opponents with blocks and parrys, and only putting in enough offensive to convince his opponents he's fighting seriously when he's really gauging his opponents' capabilities while wearing them out before hitting them hard. His Ki aura is Black

Notable techniques: start with three.
Sousamen - A powerful, red-colored Eye Lasers.
Telepathy - The ability to channel one's thoughts to another being.
Magic Materialization - The ability to bring out an object basically out of nowhere.


Backstory: Little is known about Orlock's time as a human, but what is known was that the aging Kami saw potential in him to be the next Guardian of Earth. Elated at the opportunity, Orlock accepts and begins training under Kami. While showing great promise at first, Kami began to notice his heart and demeanor began to change with the more power he gained from the training. Despite his best efforts in guiding Orlock on to the righteous path, it did not bear fruit. Fearing the worse, Kami ceased Orlock's training and banished him back to the Earth. Feeling slighted, he vowed revenge against his master but knew he wasn't strong enough to challenge him. Orlock travelled the world in search of a new mentor but found none who would train him. As luck would have it, he was found by Fortuneteller Baba, who offered to teach him all that she knew in favor of his servitude. Orlock reluctantly agreed as he couldn't afford to reject the promise for more power.

His training with Baba would lead him to the Demon Land, where he would begin his journey into becoming more demon than man, more dead than alive. As he fought many of the Realm' s strongest warriors, he soon found himself becoming their king and with his new army, set his sights on Earth. H waged his crusade upon the planet, it caused Kami to react by possessing a human to defeat him and his minions and sending them back to the Demon Lands. This back-and-forth, persisted for decades and since then, Kami had gotten far to old to keep it up. With his age claiming his power and still without a proper successor, he gathered the Dragon Balls and made a solemn wish: That Shenron sense throughout the Earth, warriors with great potential and increase that potential infinitely, so that if Orlock or any evil greater than him were to arise, they could combat it.

Likes: Coffee, swordplay, The arts
Dislikes: Bad manners, Kami
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Name: Carthu
Age: 21
Race: Human

Carthu's Dojo Commission by Kagari-Asuha on DeviantArt

Fighting Style: Carthu is an adaptable and precise fighter, watching his opponents and copying from them always. Known for being able to improve during battle, carthus main style is punching opponents with a hard hit, before hitting vital points. His ki aura is a blazing orange. Carthu has a strange ability to mimic things he sees rather quickly. He is a fair fighter, never hitting an opponent while they are down or doing any dirty tricks. While carthu is not the smartest out of battle, what some see as his biggest flaw turns out to be his biggest ally. Carthu's mind is empty. It is lacking, devoid. Carthu has the ability to focus on just one thing and that is it. Carthus strength lies in his ability to devote 100% of his mind to a single task, allowing him to achieve feats most humans cannot even dream of.

"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”​

― Bruce Lee

Notable techniques: start with three.
1 Super God fist
2 Pure progress
3 Total concentration: Total Concentration is a breathing technique which involves expanding one's lungs to intake as much air as possible, accelerating one's blood flow and heartbeat while increasing their inner body temperature, resulting in their bones and muscles becoming more excited, and adrenaline hormones becoming much larger, allowing the user to run off adrenaline.
Mult: 3x
Posts: 4


No one will have any to start with, these are for later in the story. Kaioken and Ultra Instinct are both examples of transformations possible to learn. I'm thinking of coming up with a few others to use/learn from Frieza Saga onwards. Voice out ideas on discord.

In general, keep it reasonable to the level of the Saiyan Saga for now. Your characters will train and learn more as we go after all.

Backstory: Born to a family of rich merchants, carthus life seemed to be over as it started. His parents had had an accident, and didn't want to kill him for religious regions, so he was sent floating down the river to meet an old man. An old man who went by the name of grandpa Gohan. Carthu grew and was homeschooled, taught in the ways of martial arts. But when he was 17, tragedy struck. Grandpa Gohan had died peacefully in his sleep. A younger carthu, willing to do anything to prove himself to his grandfathers legacy, traveled around the world, learning martial arts. Judo, Taekwondo, Karate. Those were but a few that he learned. And after the king of the worlds had noticed his efforts, he was recruited into the government to destroy the red ribbon army. After one of their commanders was found half dead in the countryside, he was able to go into the organization and make a coup de that. But not before facing off mercenary tao. After killing mercenary tao he had realized that martial arts is not a weapon for war. Mercenary tao had fought more honorably than any of these wartime generals. And so he left after destroying the bases, and settled down to open up Carthu's Dojo. But it seems someone seems to have a grudge at him for killing tao, and he's just found at that he will be attending the Budokai Tenkaichi...

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Training, Reading, Jogging.
Dislikes: Androids, War.
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