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Dragon Age, Star Wars, Harry Potter and more! (constantly being updated)

Jay Fox

little king trashmouth

Long term roleplayer but new to this site.

I'm interested in fandom stuff more than anything, but am willing to keep an open mind, and I really do like AU settings for canon fandom characters, and crossover plots!

The Player

  • I generally prefer to RP with people over 18. It's not 100%, but I will definitely not RP romance based plots with people under 18, or engage in fandom where the content itself is 18+.
  • I like to get to know people personally as well as their characters, and prefer long term connections and potential friendships. As well as it being nice to make friends, it also tends to lead to better writing. So OOC communication is key!
  • I like 1x1 best of all, but am also down for 1x2 or doubling


  • I'm English, so work generally to GMT time, but not always because my sleep cycle is inexact at best. I don't work and am pretty much housebound so am around a LOT. I would really love frequent replies to posts, but I understand that other people's situations aren't the same so I'm not going to insist on a minimum.
  • Word count: I think it really depends on the situation. I actually don't hate one sentence posts in EVERY situation, and I feel like often, three paragraph + limits can be more limiting than freeing, for example when a couple of characters are supposedly having fast paced dialogue. It's more important to me that a storyline moves along, and there's strong character development. However, I don't like having to basically write a whole story by myself.
  • I tend to write either men or non-binary people because... I'm a non-binary person whose identity is partially man. I'm willing to play women in some situations, but very specific rare ones with the few female characters I love enough that they don't cause dysphoria.
  • Plots don't have to be romantic (but it helps?). I prefer plots where the pairing is not the only aspect of the story, and especially where it's about a developing slow burn relationship with interest and drama. I also like OT3s/multiple partners in a relationship!

Fandoms (I'm going to be adding new fandoms to this whenever I come up with a new one)

(in order of preference. if I have a specific character preference for me to play, they will be in bold- unbolded means I'm happy playing either in that pairing)

  • Please Like Me! (this one's a longshot but I love this show SO MUCH so if anybody wanted to RP it I would be DELIGHTED)
  • Dragon Age, particularly Inquisition or Dragon Age II based. I have so many pairings for this fandom that I can't list them all, but my main ones are Hawke/Fenris, Hawke/Anders, Hawke/Anders/Fenris, Hawke/Isabela, Dorian/Krem, Krem/Iron Bull, Josephine/Leliana... and others. If you're into Dragon Age, let's talk.
  • Star Wars, especially the Force Awakens. I'm very into Poe/Finn and Poe/Finn/Rey. Also Obi Wan/Qui Gonn.
  • Harry Potter, always. My main pairing is Sirius/Remus, but again, open to talk. Would LOVE to do a non-Marauders-era Sirius/Remus, either pre or post Azkaban.
  • Torchwood (like, the first couple of series, because I'm still stuck in my old fandoms): Jack/Ianto.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spike/Giles, Spike/Angel, maybe others where I get to play Spike, Andrew/??)
  • Treasure Planet (I really want to play Jim, maybe a platonic/familial Jim/Silver?)
  • Parks and Rec (not really sure about pairings, I just love the show and would be interested in RPing it)
  • Death Note (Matt/Mello, L/Light)
  • Life on Mars (Sam/Gene)
  • Misfits (Simon/Nathan, Rudy/Curtis)
  • Batman (Nightwing/Batman, others)

I also have many other fandoms, including classic literature (Dracula, Wuthering Heights, Picture of Dorian Gray... stuff that's Gothic-y and Victorian-y basically) and a LOT of British TV. This is part of why I really love to make friends who I can talk through every single potential fandom with, and discover new and interesting things to roleplay.

PM or post if interested! No pressure to follow through, we can just chat and find out if we have compatible interests!
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Hey! I can't send a PM yet (just joined this site) but I would love to do something Dragon Age: Inquisition based (that was literally the only reason why I joined actually). I'd be 100% down to do something with that if you're interested :)

I'm also super into Star Wars currently and I used to be a big Potterhead so I'd be down to talk about that stuff too if you wanted to talk over PM :) )
acksab said:
Hey! I can't send a PM yet (just joined this site) but I would love to do something Dragon Age: Inquisition based (that was literally the only reason why I joined actually). I'd be 100% down to do something with that if you're interested :)
I'm also super into Star Wars currently and I used to be a big Potterhead so I'd be down to talk about that stuff too if you wanted to talk over PM :) )
I'll PM you :)
I want to do a Hawke/Isabella one...

Set between at the end of the Chantry explosion and continuing onto Inquisition.
NecroKnight said:
I want to do a Hawke/Isabella one...
Set between at the end of the Chantry explosion and continuing onto Inquisition.
Ooh this sounds great! PM me?
So I hear you like Star Wars. I really like your OT3 but I have a serious and uncontrollable need to either play Kylo or have involved in some sort of roleplay. If we can fit him in there (I do not ship him and Rei romantically but there is always room to wiggle) I'd love to start something with you. Also if you've got several in the canon verse already I'd be more than happy to try an AU (maybe cute/grumpy roommates or a band or even something a little angsty) if you want. I'm pretty confident that I could play Poe, Kylo, or Rei well but Finn and his cute humor is lost on me. Either way, thanks in advance!
SayGoodKnight said:
So I hear you like Star Wars. I really like your OT3 but I have a serious and uncontrollable need to either play Kylo or have involved in some sort of roleplay. If we can fit him in there (I do not ship him and Rei romantically but there is always room to wiggle) I'd love to start something with you. Also if you've got several in the canon verse already I'd be more than happy to try an AU (maybe cute/grumpy roommates or a band or even something a little angsty) if you want. I'm pretty confident that I could play Poe, Kylo, or Rei well but Finn and his cute humor is lost on me. Either way, thanks in advance!
OOH well. I enjoy playing Poe, so if that works for you, maybe some kind of AU involving Poe and Kylo??
[QUOTE="Jay Fox]OOH well. I enjoy playing Poe, so if that works for you, maybe some kind of AU involving Poe and Kylo??

I am so down.
NotSmol said:
I would love to RP Treasure Planet or Parks & Rev with you!
OH YAY I love both those fandoms dearly but they're pretty rare (in RP circles anyway) so I wasn't sure anybody would want to do them.

Do you have any particular Parks and Rec characters/pairings you're interested in? I've written fanfic for it before but mostly all weird rare ships like Orin/Chris
[QUOTE="Jay Fox]OH YAY I love both those fandoms dearly but they're pretty rare (in RP circles anyway) so I wasn't sure anybody would want to do them.
Do you have any particular Parks and Rec characters/pairings you're interested in? I've written fanfic for it before but mostly all weird rare ships like Orin/Chris

I ship mostly the canon characters.
NotSmol said:
I ship mostly the canon characters.
I ship April/Andy, if that's any good? Like, I support the other ships but they don't generally have enough drama that I want to RP them
[QUOTE="Jay Fox]I ship April/Andy, if that's any good? Like, I support the other ships but they don't generally have enough drama that I want to RP them

April and Andy are literally my favorite ship on the show. I love them.
I've been itching for a Sirius x Remus roleplay, and if you'd like to partake, I'd love to do it with you. Wolfstar is one of my favorite pairings and I'd do it in a canon world as well as an AU. If you're interested, can you hit me up with a private message? Thank you. (I'm new to this account, *I was on it two years ago but forgot my user* so I can't pm yet. (: )
Hey! I'm interested in either a Buffy rp (I'm a little in love with Spike) or a Harry Potter roleplay if you're still looking? :) I'm afraid I can't PM you as I'm new on this site. (But not at all new to rp!)

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