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Fandom Dragon Age: Rise of the Wardens

No preference on setting.

Did we decide if we wanted to include any of the canon characters? To me that definitely effects the timeline ^^
Really if it's the 6th Blight it could be any time period. Blights are typically hundreds of years apart so I'm not sure if we could use canons
I'd rather canons were left untouched anyhow, unless someone really has done their research on how they would act, and the decisions they would make. I have no preference regarding the date.
Cannons are out then ^_^

I'd love to see Soldier's Peak be built back up, that or Ostagar. Simply because they are interesting places with significance to the Wardens in Ferelden.

Hmm.. 9:30–31 Dragon is when the 5th Blight took place. How many centuries did we wish to wait?
I could see Ostagar being a place of interest. It's now bloody history, the chaos and possible chance of being attacked by darkspawn since it's by the Korcari Wilds where there's a darkspawn entrance..I think. Plus I feel like the veil might be super thin so the mages could have interesting things to say xD
Ostagar it is then.

Hmm a little help with the Age name? Hmm. I am drawing a blank on good ideas for that. Something to set the coming century.
So I've been looking at the past Blights on the DA wikia and I think I came up with a semi-decent Age:

12:4--8 Awakened

Because it looks like all the Blights were centered around events...the Divine, Exalted Marches, etc. Random, but I liked it lol
xD Am I the only one who's like anticipating the first encounter the Wardens will have with Razikale? (The Archedemon) xD I always use the lore for him and idk why lol
Well, I've been offline and come back to 5 pages of context xD

If it's not too much to ask, that when you post the link that you tag me in it?

I don't want to go through digging pages of context for a tiny link

As for the title, The Awakened sounds pretty great

I am supposing this is after The Hero of Ferelden, The Champion of Kirkwall, and The Inquisition correct?
Sure thing, I'll link it in here and tag everyone. I'm trying to think of a good starting post. I don't want it to be lame ^_^ "

Also, Riven. Marching Band is so not easy, I did it, drill and drill with rifles while in cadets... all in competitions. It is hard work, good on you.
I'll be starting at the beginning of the blight, as we go through the roleplay travel takes months if we do so. I assume we will be travelling to other places because it won't just be a battle and done, other things rise and more disturbances happen during blights.

Therefore the years that it takes to rid ourselves of the blight would be accompished by the 12:4--8 Awakened blight timeline
If it's still open I'd like to join. I love Dragon Age lore and am really impressed with how you all are planning it (No canon characters, a whole new Age, etc).

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