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Fandom Dragon Age: Origins- A Retelling

Sorry I was gone for so long, my friends are going off to college in a few days and we wanted one last get together. I figured we could discuss where to go next at lothering and if others want to act as the NPCs that's more than alright, I encourage it in fact!
Viper said:
Sorry I was gone for so long, my friends are going off to college in a few days and we wanted one last get together. I figured we could discuss where to go next at lothering and if others want to act as the NPCs that's more than alright, I encourage it in fact!
Did'ya have fun?
Jazimon said:
Did'ya have fun?
Yeah, we just went to the park and played uno and tarot cards in the grass. It was very low key but that is my type of fun!
Oh and just an FYI, I know you said if we don't post in 48 hours we'll be kicked out. But it's hard for me to find time to post on Saturdays/Sundays. I'm going to try to post tonight after my workout, but if I don't I'll post Monday for sure. Don't kill Revas plz D:
@Jazimon @Jaye @Viper

I suggest we still wait for everyone to post in their current orders even when we are split up. That will allow us to make sure one group of people are done and waiting on the others to finish up. That can get annoying when that happens, especially when one side takes much more posts to finish up than the other. (Speaking from experience sadly...)
Hodgic said:
@Jazimon @Jaye @Viper
I suggest we still wait for everyone to post in their current orders even when we are split up. That will allow us to make sure one group of people are done and waiting on the others to finish up. That can get annoying when that happens, especially when one side takes much more posts to finish up than the other. (Speaking from experience sadly...)
I hadn't even noticed we'd been posting in the same order, haha. Well I was going to post next anyway (after you as usual) so it works out.
I shall prepare a reply while you post (:3) Hm... actually I better go make this card. Partner's birthday, y'know ( :) )
Happy birthday to them, happy birthday to them, HAAAPPPY BIRTHDAY @Jaye 'S PARRTNNERRRRR, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM! YAYYY... so uh, I get cake now right? *shifty eyes*
*Assumes party position*

Oh, @Viper I forgot to mention how much I laughed this morning when I saw Alistair said swooped. Sorry Steve Valentine, you'll be saying that line the rest of your life xD
@Viper - I'm sorry I didn't flesh out the battle! Or even start it. I have to leave now for... like 24hrs or so. I can write more when I get back but it could be a day or two or... um yeah my weekend is busy. I thought it better to post something.
So I realized that Revas is going to be using Dalish phrases and Elvish words a lot, so I should probably include a translation at the bottom of the post when she does. I'm only going to be using words that are canon Elvish, although I'll be looking at the way the language is constructed to make my own sentences... so in that last post she said "Ghilas," which is stated to mean 'to go,' but in the context I've seen it used in it can just mean "go," in general.
Jazimon said:
Oh and just an FYI, I know you said if we don't post in 48 hours we'll be kicked out. But it's hard for me to find time to post on Saturdays/Sundays. I'm going to try to post tonight after my workout, but if I don't I'll post Monday for sure. Don't kill Revas plz D:
That was only if people didn't give a reason, but you did so your all good!

Dragon Age Elvish is a little different from most other Elven languages. So even if we knew how to speak fluent Elvish (yes there are full translation dictionaries for 3 different dialects of elvish) it wouldn't help too much. Though the Dragon Age wiki has a page for all the Elvish used in their games that shows what they mean in common tongue.
Hodgic said:
Dragon Age Elvish is a little different from most other Elven languages. So even if we knew how to speak fluent Elvish (yes there are full translation dictionaries for 3 different dialects of elvish) it wouldn't help too much. Though the Dragon Age wiki has a page for all the Elvish used in their games that shows what they mean in common tongue.
Yea that's what I'm using :] Even though their Elvish makes no sense to me sometimes haha.
@Jazimon - I'd also reccommend this tumblr. Mark (who runs the tumblr) is literally taking all the canon and designing the rest of the language. Very useful. But yeah, elvish is a bit like Latin, I've found. Thus, confusing ( :P )
Yea, I'm a fan of Mark's tumblr. I was considering using it, but I don't think I'll be using enough Elvish to warrent it, seeing as no one else will be able to understand it much. It'll probably just be when she talks to herself :]

David Gaider even said he liked what Mark was doing.

@Hodgic When you mentioned there were three of each kind... How many Darkspawn are attacking us?? 6? 9? And damn this RP is making me feel like I should be playing Origins again alongside it so I can describe the scenery and such better :]
You know what I always thought was weird? That one quest in Origins where you have to help out these shady rouges across Denerim by getting rid of the bodies of their victims. I always thought it was strange that no one in the party gave a shit that I was just putting bodies in a bag and hauling them to the Chantry... to dump them in a well right next to that Chantry Sister. She didn't seem to care either. I would dump a body and then talk to her and she'd say something like, "Thanks for that scroll :D !"

Sorry it just popped in my head...
Jazimon said:
You know what I always thought was weird? That one quest in Origins where you have to help out these shady rouges across Denerim by getting rid of the bodies of their victims. I always thought it was strange that no one in the party gave a shit that I was just putting bodies in a bag and hauling them to the Chantry... to dump them in a well right next to that Chantry Sister. She didn't seem to care either. I would dump a body and then talk to her and she'd say something like, "Thanks for that scroll :D !"
Sorry it just popped in my head...
I thought for sure you'd have to be more sneaky around the Sister but yeah no she doesn't care.

To be fair my main Warden was pretty suspicious anyway - no one in my party would've been surprised at this development.
Woo okay so Mathias is in the fray, it seems.

Can I quickly grab some context? We're pretending Caine was never there, yes? And that Mathias was there the whole time but just never spoke ( :P ) I assume he's joined Kallana and Alistair.

@Jazimon - shall I wait for you to post? (New posting order - from where we are now - could be Jazimon, me (Jaye), Viper, Hodgic, Robin).
Hey guys, as you know I can't post on weekends, but I haven't been getting notifications for anything lately. So sorry about that D: I'm going to post tonight :] Sorry to keep you waiting.

(Has anyone else been having this issue? It started for me a couple of weeks ago. I have to check nearly everything manually.)

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