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"I guess it's different for corporeals, then," Wyn replied, "Be like running around naked for the rest of us."
"I get that..." Ioan produced a mirror and checked if his wig was on correctly. "I conceal my scars a bit with my wig and fake eyebrows. But other than that, I don't feel the need to."
Wyn nodded, "Whatever makes you happy. I'm glad you're able to talk about it. There's a book in here somewhere that says that's a good sign.
Wyn shrugged. "Maybe? I'm pretty sure, I've been in here for decades, but sometimes the master of the house adds to the collection and I don't find out for a while. And sometimes books aren't put back where they're found, and I have no idea where they are to put them back. Took me a month to find the encyclopedias last time," she said that last bit pointedly. "I tried making a catalogue, but I can't hold a pen long enough."
"Sometimes? You've been alive longer than I've existed, how haven't you figured out how to count shelves, Count?"
"I put my books back where they came from most of the time, but I'm not the only one who uses that library... everyone who lives here does," Dracula replied.
"Well, someone's been moving books around, to different sections, wrong order, wrong auther, I've found an almanac wedged between Stevenson and Stoker before, I swear it's being done to rile me up."
"I bet I know who did it," a voice came from the corner of the library.
Dracula flinched as he heard it. "Franklin, I didn't notice you were here..."
"Oh, no," Wyn groaned, "Frankie, where's your sister? Please tell me you didn't leave her alone in here?"
Wyn did not look happy with that response. "I swear, if I had a heart she'd have given me an aneurism.", she muttered as she left the group to go make sure Franklin's sister was not tearing up the bookshelves again.
Wyn returned a few moments later looking frazzled, "I don't know where she is, but the usual shelves she vandalizes are untouched."
"It's these stupid rules," Wyn agreed. "You guys are lucky," she said to Dracula and Friends, "You can hit whoever you want. We have to make them want to be hurt."
"You're terrifying in general, when you want to be. Remember that time those soldiers tried to stake you?", Wyn pointed out, "If I want stress relief I need to find a masochist."
"Have you ever tried squeezing a stressball when you can't even hold it?", Wyn asked, "It doesn't work. If anything, it's more stressful."
"I think I might have a solution for that..." Dracula said. "They make stuff specifically for ghosts down in Hell. Maybe we could find you something there."
"But, that's... Hell... isn't that exactly where an incorporeal doesn't want to go?", Wyn asked. Much like with the nature of vampirism, she had at best a casual understanding, still influenced by her church from when she was alive to some degree.
"No, it's not like in the books at all. It's not a place of torture and there's no hellfire," Dracula ensured her. "The Creatures who live there usually do suffer more than us, but that's not because of what's done to them. It's in their nature. Hungry Ghosts are called that because they're always hungry for things, for example."
"We don't even have stomachs, unless that relates to how you die...?", Wyn didn't understand

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