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Fantasy Drac's Assorted RP Ideas


The Dragon Lord
I have tons upon tons upon tons of random ideas, and I'd like to make at least a few of them a reality. So, I'm making suggestions here, so you all can enjoy my bizarre thought process as much as I do.


Multi-Generational Legend of Zelda

This is what I'm talking about- a crossover between all entries of the Legend of Zelda series, wherein everyone is an incarnation of Link. In addition, we will use each Link's companion (Navi, Tatl, Midna, King of Red Lions, etc.) as a mouthpiece- as we all know, Link can't talk.



All RPers will hold a plot object known as a Stellar Shard- a little object which, when combined with the Stellar Plate hidden off somewhere, will grant one wish before vanishing into nothingness. Problem being that the Plate vanishes again, too . . .


Night of Remembrance

All of us RPers will already be dead. We all want to fulfill our final wishes, and we need to possess human bodies to do so. But is it right to take over someone else to get our own desires?


At the Controls

We're all the different personalities inside the head of someone with Multiple Personality Disorder, and we all fight for control of our shared body. The conflicts outside (in the "real world", so to speak) will have a good deal of relevance.


Noblesse Oblige (Reboot)

This actually was already an RP on a site that has already gone defunct, but I liked the original so much that I want to see it come to life again. I will try to bring up as much as possible from the original without intruding on a new group of RPers. I'm probably going to have to clean it up a LOT, as the original featured at least 32 separate character deaths (six of which were quite . . . graphic), about a half dozen rape scenes, a bit of . . . bizarre content, and a couple of highly sadistic characters.

In a far-off, fantastic country known as Anastoria, the nobles have one thing in common, besides their power over the common folk- a single attendant, who is required to do everything they say-- regardless of the basic human rights afforded most citizens of the vast kingdom. While the rules regarding most things are arbitrated very strictly, the common folk have agreed to allow a small portion of their number to be taken every so often if it means that they have more rights to their name than the downtrodden peasants of nearby nations.

Yeah, admittedly I forgot quite a few details of the original, but I remember all the original's major plot points (including the ones connected to major characters, if anyone wants to pick those up from the original RP). This was my first RP, and the origin of my oft-reused character Sara Kiwi, the evil-as-hell villain (which I appropriated) Archael, and my username (and, thus, the character connected to it). Anyone from the original (excepting, of course, friggin' MisterMaster- I still hate you) is welcome to re-join- I will be just as fair as LiberAtem was, don't worry.


In Other Words

This one is relatively grounded- it's basically a minor plot idea combined with an excuse to introduce the Nation to Sara Kiwi, my oldest RP character (who basically acts as my conscience).

Even in a world where a good percentage of the populace is blessed (or cursed, depending on your point of view) with unusual abilities, life as normal must go on. Of course, that's a little difficult when the government is attempting to get a solid grasp on who has these abilities and who doesn't by basically forcing registration and identification on "alters", as they're called.

The question has become prevalent- is it morally just to expect those who have an advantage over normal people to relinquish some liberties in the name of the greater good?

Any questions, comments, and especially reservations to one are welcomed.
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Hm... I like the idea of #3 and #4... That's probably because I'm just weird like that. xD
I've been interested in trying out something like #4 for awhile now. It sounds like it'd be an interesting ride.
All of these ideas strike me as interesting, so I'd be up for pretty much anything if you'd permit my presence, uhuhu.

I like your brain, Draco, I like your brain. *Taps your noggin*
I just like Draco because it means "Dragon", hu, and the welcomes are yours for the taking, uhuhu~

"Draconus" is a combination of "Draco", meaning "Serpent" or "Dragon", and "Nus", an old Greek suffix meaning "Lord".

I have a boyfriend that knows some such words, I only know the rather obvious ones, but you know xD

I should be off!
Draconus297 said:
"Draconus" is a combination of "Draco", meaning "Serpent" or "Dragon", and "Nus", an old Greek suffix meaning "Lord".
Ooh, could you like me to where you found that info? I didn't know that there was a suffix that meant lord in Greek and would really like to know more about it.
Well, technically it actually comes from the ancient Greek. Plato and Socrates and the like probably used the term.

It referred to the arbiters who made decisions on the behalf of the kings of the city-states (and then took over their thrones when they left).

You learn a lot when you absorb everything.
Was there any bastardization that happened to the ending or has it been preserved fairly well? (Also, was it this "νυς"?)

Edit: Actually, do you have any other words with the same ending?
The ending has probably been bastardized, but I haven't seen it outside of the Romanization.

Well, usually, it was added to the end of the name of the city-state they presided over. (Sparta-nus, Athens-nus, etc.)

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