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Fantasy Draconig's Song- character page


More toxic less flow
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My Interest Check
They go here,
you can add more if you want but the bare info I need is below in the character sheet. I will post important characters here in a similar style but as I'm also going to be controlling a number of npcs don't get sad if I only offer a picture and a name.

Notable features/General appearance/common clothes:


Gear: (shit you usually have at most times)

Mana: (almost anything is allowed, I may ask you edit though)


A day in the life of:::
(Here you write the average day of your character. Be it boring as waking up and getting ready or starting a fight the moment light pierces their eye and they get off the tavern floor.)

Alternatively you can write how you was recruited to the Rebellious Shadows. Usually Mr Shrouda or someone representing him passes along a job that serves as a test ((that you obviously pass)) where upon you get paid and join the team travelling to the starting location by a beast used for transport. Lesser dragons, chocobo, horses, etc. We can play the recruitment in game but that requires you to be in the starting town or wait a tad so it isn't as contrived as team leader walking down the street pointing at people like "have I got a job for you!"
Probs more to be edited))

Name: Yahno Shrouda
Race: Human
Age: 24
Notable features/General appearance:
Messy white/blue-ish hair. Dark dead (cruel?) eyes. Yahno stands at a average 5ft7 with a athletic physique. More toned then bulky, the man wears casual robes of different colours unless working a job. Usually has a sword at his side and a wooden staff in his hand whenever walking about.

Yahno is confident in his ability but knows he isn't invincible or unstoppable. A glutton for pleasure and sin of various kind be it gambling drugs women or just proving he is a man not to be trifled with. Mr Shrouda has been on the receiving end of a beating almost as many times as he has given them.
Yahno is the type to hold grudges and wait patiently, if all other options have been exhausted. Considers himself fair, gives and pays what is deserved.

Mana: electricity, thunder and lightning

Talent/skill: Yahno has been working for the shadowhand for over sixteen years.
He has learnt and practiced many talents that would be seen as criminal. His Go-to trump card is his skill in magic, often relying on mana and underhanded methods when forced to fight.

A day in the life of Yahno Shrouda:
Yahno spends his days performing a great number of tasks. If he isn't working for The shadows he is keeping track of what potential recruits are doing during the day, determining which time would be the best to approach and how to convince/bribe/blackmail them into joining his team.
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Name: Thunka Bardereon
Age: 21
Race: Half-Elf Troll
Gender: Female
Appearance: A thickset woman of great height and bulk, their mixed heritage is clearly lacking the rough features typical of trolls nor the lithe frame of elves. They commonly wear simple homemade clothing in comfortable and practical styles, forgoing physical protections due to the natural thick hide and other abilities granted from their mother's side.

Occupation: Farmer/Smuggler
Background: The unlikely daughter between a troll maiden and a brave elven bard, raised upon an expansive vineyard and farm with there step-siblings and mothers. While initially making a living on the family farm and transporting goods a series of events would draw her into the darker underworld. Establishing a reputation as an effective smuggler able to sneak past illicit contraband through checkpoints, sieges, and more through the use of tunnels, boat, hidden among farm goods, or other methods.

Skills/Talents: Agriculture, Carpentry, Cooking, Extremely Durability, Keen Senses, Mixed Heritage, Monsterous Strength,
Flaws: Blunt, Great Appetite, Limited Sobriety, Unrestrained
Vices: Alchohol, Food, Incense, and Herbs
Gear: Canteen Flask, Canvas Rucksack, Cart, Carving Knife, Chicken, Cow, Farm tools, Rope, Seeds, Special Herbs, Trade Goods.
Mana: Earthern Ring (Rock and Minerals) / Natures Grasp (Plant Magic Hammer/Magic Augment Foci)

Day in the Life: Working the farm, Trading goods at Market, Handing off deliveries in secret, or working on a job based on opportunities revealed on the current need of local areas. In relaxing she is commonly found around the taverns quickly burning through the money earned on copious amounts of alcohol, food, or more in a drawn-out party enjoying life.
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Name: Eilis Ward
Race: Human
Age: 19
Eilis is a slender girl with soft features. She has porcelain skin, a short stature (5’3), dark eyes, and long blonde hair. Her mannerisms are eerily graceful and her face is usually fixed in a forlorn expression.

Eilis typically wears a dress with a combination of lightweight, flowing opaque and transparent black fabrics—reminiscent of a ballet outfit. Paired with a veil of similar sheer material, the whole ensemble billows a lot, obscuring her figure and making it difficult to strike her when she’s moving quickly. Her illusory self either wears her usual outfit or her old, blood-spattered wedding gown.

Eilis is a very quiet girl. She doesn’t argue much, opting to simply do things herself if others are deadlocked or indecisive on a matter. She’s a kleptomaniac, always itching to steal small trinkets and valuables, which she then fences. She has morbid curiosities, fascinated by human remains and funerary art. Eilis is ever-resourceful, utilizing everything on-hand for a Macguyver-esque escape if she must. However, she is otherwise aimless, letting most of her long-term ventures stagnate. She also pushes away any feelings of love, reminding herself that it never ends well.

  • Parazonium - An old ceremonial dagger repurposed for unceremonious deeds.
  • Lock pick set - The classic tools of her trade.
  • Hand mirror - Perfect for looking at herself or her enemy—or both at once.
  • Black lipstick - morbidly fashionable and well-suited for the occasional crude note on the wall.
  • Ashes - She doesn’t volunteer any answers regarding whose ashes these are.
  • Jewelry - Stolen silver and gold rings, which she will likely fence.
Rumours - Eilis possesses illusion mana. She can create up to four intangible ghostly images of herself that disappear after a brief moment. Alternatively, she can create a single illusory copy and see through it—a practice that reduces her awareness, but improves her control over the illusion of it’s not within her line of sight. A few of the stunts she pulled started rumors that the ghost of a pale girl in black roams the streets, hence the nickname of her power and the legends of the “ghost bride”.

  • Thievery - It’s how she makes a living, mainly. She is stealthy and more than proficient with lockpicks.
  • Dance - She can dazzle many with her dance skills. She mixes in some swordplay, making her combat style unique but somewhat impractical.
  • Dexterity - Her flexibility is nigh unmatched. She can squeeze into some tight spaces with ease by contorting her body to fit. Not always comfortable, but necessary.
Eilis wanted to be a ballerina in her childhood. She practiced dance for years. Then, a young man of about 19 noticed her when she was 16. They fell in love quickly and vowed to marry three months later. If only it was the happy ending she had envisioned...

On her wedding day, she stood at the altar and waited... and waited... and waited. Her prince charming never arrived. Her father stopped by home so he could grab a drink, but instead discovered their house had been looted. All their valuables—including the silver in their safe—were gone. Eilis and her father were devastated, as their life savings were gone. She swore to herself that she would never feel love again, and that her runaway fiancé would be punished.

Town guards recalled the man she was hunting had left in a wagon headed northeast. While her suffering father languished without his medicine, she tracked her mark across the country until she found him. That stupid bastard had squandered her father’s savings on women, clothes, and alcohol. She was overcome with rage and chose to take matters into her own hands.

That night, while the fugitive lay in bed drunk, she stood in the shadows, humming their old favorite tune. A ghost image of her danced in front of the window as moonlight poured through it. He woke up and was terrified by the apparition. Then, he realized the humming wasn’t coming from in front of him—rather, from next to him. When he turned to look, he was greeted with a butcher knife sinking into his chest. Eilis—clad in the wedding gown he never got to see her wear—then tackled him as he tried to crawl and viciously stabbed him until the blade snapped in half. She stole back what she could and fled in the middle of the night, before the guards found the body.

Eilis returned home to find her father had died. She didn’t make it back in time, so she had little choice but to cremate him. With no home or money left, she went on to set up in any crumbling, condemned building she could find. She palmed people’s valuables—coins, jewelry, and even silverware—so she could live. Her habit started to feel good, making her more eager to pull off more elaborate heists than to work a normal job. Her MO was simple: an illusion of her dancing under the streetlights distracted the guards while she robbed a nearby home or shop. Other thieves recognized her talents, until one day a representative of Yahno Shrouda delivered a message to the ghost thief herself.

The threatening letter gave her instructions to burn it immediately after reading. She was to travel to Andwall, where she would repossess a priceless mana stone for Shrouda. She heeded the warning and beat all odds, slipping into a noble’s estate undetected and stealing the stone from the treasure vault. Of course, she also swiped a few bonuses for herself—mostly jewelry she could fence later.
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Name: Cassa Eulbr
Age: 33
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: F
Appearance: 5'6", short blonde and purple hair, lightly tanned skin, dark clothes; a mix of leather and cotton, missing the tip of her left middle finger (dagger accident)

Born to a family of relatively well-known thieves, the Eulbr name would not serve Cassa very well from the start. Despite this and the obvious consequences, she would take up the family business of thievery. This did not mean that she and her family got along well though. Her reasons and methods for stealing were vastly different than that of the rest of her family (stealing for survival rather than gain; if she didn't need it, she didn't steal it and she didn't need much). This came to a head when a failed attempt by the father for a mythical gem lead to putting the whole family in danger. Cassa, not wanting anything to do with it, ratted out her family and was promptly disowned. Now without a family and with a whole town still after her, she roams from town to town, taking what she can get and getting by making few but meaningful connections.

Kind, witty, and very snarky, she is very social with those she cares about and often shows it with sarcastic remarks and almost light flirtations. A similar attitude is shown for those she doesn't like as well, minus the kind part and snarkiness amplified. She has no problem telling off a stranger. She can be overconfident with this though and it has lead to more than her fair share of bar fights and scufflings, some more successful than others.

Thievery and stealth are her main skills. Years of practice and generational blessings have assisted her in many cases. Other skills include social interaction, singing, tool-making and basic engineering, and a half-decent orc impression.

lock-picking tools
small backpack

A day in the life of:
Most of Cassa's day is spent roaming the current town that she is in, looking for things she needs without actually approaching. Along the way, she will make small talk with people, look out for those who can't protect themselves, and hangs around the bar for good times. As it gets closer to evening, she will begin her tract of taking things she needs (typically, it's just a lot of food, but sometimes it's new weapons, survival supplies, and new clothes). These things get stuffed in her backpack that is then either taken outside of the city or, if feeling lavish and a bit dangerous, she takes to an inn. From there, she'll socialize more with her local friend group and have a drink or two.

Silence - can move without audible detection, can convey spoken messages with a targeted audience (some can hear, while others cannot), anyone she interacts with can be silenced

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