

Jōnin of Silence for when your character gets accepted! You'll be ready to go!

Sign-ups are over November 1st!

Downfall is a modern-time greek-mythology roleplay. The story of Downfall is that there is a group of people that think it's about time that the gods moved out and made room for a new set of gods, which, would be them. These villians have to accomplish a rather large amount of goals to be able to accomplish their main goal. Aiden, along with whoever might join up with him, are working to stop these blasphemous figures. However, there is a theory going around that this group of villians have taken interest in Aiden's efforts to stop them, and now have added Aiden's defeat into their schedule.

To create your character, you must fill out this information:

Name (full/first/nick):












Theme song (Optional):

For good: Pick a number 1-100 to be 2nd in command for good guys (Ends 10/4/12 at 7:00 PM EST)

For bad: Pick a number 1-100 to be 2nd in command for bad guys (Ends 10/4/12 at 7:00 PM EST)


1. No god modding.

2.No controlling other characters, UNLESS, you have the owner's permission.

3. If you die, you're dead.

4. I control all the gods, if you want one to do something, pm me and I'll see if I can work with it.

5. Correct grammar and spelling as much as you can please!

6. Valkyries are allowed, same as Fallen Valkyries. NO ANGELS! As far as Valkyries they still can't be overpowered and if you're not fallen you have to be serving one of the gods (any of them, even Hermes, who doesn't need them)


My characters


Name (full/first/nick): Aiden

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Relationship: None

Race(creature): Human

Good/bad/neutral: Good (main)

Personality: Serious, on task

Backstory: Aiden can't remember anything before the age of 14, but out of what he can remember, the only person he ever made a connection with was murdered by a group of people spouting blasphemy about the gods and how it's about time they gave up their rule for new gods. He, ever since then, has always sworn his life to avenge that person and protect the gods. He also remembers that Athena is his mother, explaining the swords, and Zues is his grandfather, explaining why his swords are lightning infused and his wings.

Powers(skills/abilites): He has three lightning infused swords he can control through telekinesis, he can only control his swords, however, they can transform into anything metallic OTHER than explosives. He also has extreme speeds

Appearance(Pic): View attachment 7695

Weapons: Three lightning swords

Wings?: Wings, for some odd reasons

Theme song (optional): One (Metallica)


Name (full/first/nick): Nedia

Gender: Male


Relationship: None

Race(creature): Human

Good/bad/neutral: Bad (main)

Personality: Joking, makes everything a joke (Partially insane)

Backstory: Not much is known other than that he believes the gods need to give up their rule for a new set of gods (Him being the main god, replacing Zeus), and Hades is on his side.

Powers(skills/abilites): He has power in his words, he says the things that mean most to you. He also has shadow manipulation.

Appearance(Pic): View attachment 7696

Weapons: His raven, dual 9mm's

Wings?: His raven can pick him up
View attachment 7699

Name (full/first/nick):Nickatens Chanter, (prefers Nicko)


Relationship:Has no girlfriend but very preverted

Race(creature):Human, dark being


Personality:Around people he tries to act kind of hostile, stubborn, but also attempts to act slick and nice

Backstory: Adventurous at a young age he went exploring in a nearby woods. He was exploring a huge tree when a wall of darkness arose before him. As soon as he saw it he woke up, he was sitting in his burned down little village. His arms and chest had strange tattoo's that seemed abnormal. Stunned that this had all occured he went up to his favorite cave on the top of the small mountain. There he spent most of his days never to come out. After months of seclusion it occurred that this was getting too boring so he began exploring nearby towns and cities becoming a well trained thief and explorer. He still goes to his cave at least once a day. One day in a town that he stayed in for a while some thugs found him and tried to pick a fight. Even though he had been solo fighting both fist and knife since he was 5, he could not beat them, and they were there to kill. On his last breath the seal on his chest had cracked releasing unparalleled darkness. A dark cloud surrounded his body and his eyes went purple. They were dead before they could look back to run away. He now is still doing the same thing he always does.

Powers(skills/abilities): Quick-Draw(Able to throw knifes and get more in a very rapid movements) Seal Crack(The seal on his chest and arms crack releasing dark energies covering his body making every move he does better but his mind becomes more stable each time) Shadow Neck slash( Created a darkness clone to distract target then appears behind with a knife to their neck)

Weapons:Knifes, Fist, Darkness

Wings?:Too good for wings
Name: Tera

Gender: Female

Relationship: Zeph

Race: Deer

Good/bad/neutral: Good

Personality: Tera is a classic leader. Know's what she wants and how to get it. Isn't afraid to tell people what they should do. And there is something about her that makes people respect her.

Backstory: Tera is from a forrest dimension where all creatures is like a forest animal but part human. She is a deer. This forest is ruled by the only supernatural creature the fairies. The order of the forest society is that all people of the same race do similar things. The bears and boars are soliders the hears messengers and so on. The deers are farmers. But that was never enought for Tera, she wanted adventure, she wanted to fight! This was of course an outrage A fighting deer? Few had heard something so silly. So she left her home for the capitol. If the royals said it was okey, how could anyone argue? But the didn't say it was okey. Of course they didn't, how could they a fighting deer. Ridiculous! But at the court she met the youngest princes, Zephyr. And she fell in love. Zeph was everything Tera was not, dreamy so full of hope an faith, and more that that she was beautiful. More beautiful then anyone Tera had ever sean. And she felt the same about Tera! But the couldn't be together, a fay marring a deer. Impossible. So they fled to a socerar, asking him to take them away. And he did but he over did it and now they can't get back. At least they have etch other.

Powers: She moves faster then a human and can run so fast you can't see her.


Weapons: Her bow and quiver and her horns... leather quiver&qo=43

Wings: No. Don't be silly.

Name: Zephyr (Zeph)

Gender: Female

Relationship: Tera

Race(creature): Fairy

Good/bad/neutral: Good

Personality: She's very distance and dreamy, head in the couds.

Backstory: She is the youngest daughter of the fay king. Her childhood was rather boring with sowing and polite dinners.The court life never really suited her and she was the happiest when she was dreaming in the gardens or with her cat Ozone. Onc time there came a beautiful deer to the capitol, fighting for her right to fight. Zeph got fascinated by this beautiful creature and as it turned out they fell in love and ran away. They were sent to a cold world that had some trees but other things to. She was so glad she had Tera. Tera and Ozone.

Ozone is a forest cat, a common pet among the nobels of Zephs world. He can be either really big and scary, like a lion, or small and cosy like a house cat. forest cat&qo=85

Powers: She can shoot light energy bulbs from her hands. When they hit you it's lika a really hard fist punch and she can make a barrier with the same light.


Weapons: two daggers. One big she keeps in her belt and one smaller she keeps in her boot.

Wings: Green kind of see through butterfly ones that's really good for flying. Just not when it's too windy.
[MENTION=3405]Pinnen_95[/MENTION] The whole half-human half-deer thing is a little sketchy, but they're both accepted!
Name (full/first/nick): Scarlette Crimson, Slim Scar is her nick name( Multiple reasons)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Relationship: Single

Race(creature): Demigod child of Zeus

Good/bad/neutral: Both.

Personality: She's an all round *****, at times. At others, she's the nicest person you'd ever meet. And if you call her a ginger, she'll kill you.

Backstory: She was born during a storm, in a war zone. She'd been raised by her mother, who, was abusive. And she blames Zeus, her father, for not trying to save her. She'd earned her nickname by how she's always got a Slim Jim in her mouth, like Clint Eastwood in some of his movies. Also by the fact that she always listens to Eminem.

Powers(skills/abilites): She has red electrical powers.

Appearance(Pic): View attachment 7704

Weapons: She has a red desert eagle, which shoots electrical bullets. The second, is a red version of this View attachment 7705 And the last is a red dagger.

Wings?: She's got crimson eagle wings


Her Dagger: View attachment 7706
Name (full/first/nick): Namie Orihara, likes to go by Orihara or Ripper. Call her Namie, to annoy her.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Relationship: Single

Race(creature): Grim Reaper/Dead

Good/bad/neutral: Bad

Personality: She'll keep going untill she gets what she wants. If she doesn't get what she wants, she'll break you. She's a mysterious, hating, selfish girl. She's insane, and rather gorey. Namie can trick people to follow her, but it doesn't affect some.

Backstory: "Let's play the death game! I'll give you a choice to die from my gun or my knife!"

She was born as a sweet, kind girl. Namie was hit by a car, and died. Then she developed hatred for people, because they didn't save her in time. For her hatred, she was dragged into the "Grim Reaper" business. Her mentor taught her it's okay to kill people when you want to.


Shadow manipulation, she can shift the shadows into a weapon. A gun, a knife, iron fists, or a sycthe.

Black blood, her blood, black as night. It can harden, only at dark and become a weapon. A knife or gun.

Agility, she's fast on her feet.

Manipulation, she's that adorable girl, everyone loves. Oh wait, nevermind she's a devil. Underneath her mask, she acts like a sweet girl, but is a serious devil.

Her powers only come at night, but when in desperate need, she can use it in the morning.


View attachment 7789

Weapons: A gun, a knife, iron clad fists, or a sycthe. She always has her knife with her.

Wings?: N/A

Theme song (Optional): N/A
Name (full/first/nick): Lucinda White.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19 years old.

Relationship: Single.

Race(creature): Vampire/Ghost.

Good/bad/neutral: Neutral.

Personality: Lucinda is you're typical Vampire and ghost. Scary, mysterious, teasing, and maybe even a tad sexy. She really loves to mess around with people, making them scared and than simply teasing them about it later. She's even a bit of a trickster as well.

It may seem like she enjoys making people irritated at her all the time, but really it's just a disguise to hide her nice and sweet side. Truthfully, she wouldn't hurt a fly. But nobody knows that until they really get to know her.

Back-story: Lucinda was born a vampire. Her parents were the wealthiest in town, and were the most powerful vampires in the world. What more could she have asked for? She had everything she needed, everything she wanted. But that was all about to change.

Lucinda went out for a walk one day, only leaving her house for about 15 minutes. She came back suspecting her parents were okay and everything was fine. Except when she walked in, the house was empty.

Nothing but the raw stench of blood and mud was left in the house.. She wandered around for a bit, soon walking into her parents bedroom. There, lying in a lifeless pile on the floor, were her Mother and Father, both burned to a crisp. Terrified, she fled the house, hoping to realize what was going on. Unlucky for her, she wasn't paying attention to what time it was. The sun arose over the horizon, and she began to burn until she was dead.

She was brought back to life, but as a ghost. She could never figure out why.

Powers: She can walk through walls, turn invisible or transparent. She can run at lighting speed, and make herself completely silent in the most loudest of places. She is able to sense people's emotions, and thoughts. She can use mind control, only looking once into someone's eyes, and than they are under her control. She can snap them out of the trance at any time she wants.

And lastly, she can communicate with the dead.


View attachment 7813

Weapons: She uses a long scythe and a few throwing axes.

View attachment 7814

View attachment 7815

Wings: None.

Theme song: [video=youtube;SFGvmrJ5rjM]
@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ Accepted, I like the picture from that anime that I forget the name of... >_> Anyways, the mind control thing, you will have to get permission from the owner of the character before you actually control them. Other than that, welcome to downfall! ^_^
Name (full/first/nick): Ketsune Flameheart


Age: 20


Race(creature): Werewolf

Good/bad/neutral: Bad

Personality:He tries to keep a calm and cool appearance in front of people, but the people that do know him personally knows that his personality strives more of a savage beast then that of a human at times.

Backstory:He has no memory from before he was turned into a werewolf at 17 years of age and spent 4 years of his life searching for answers about his previous life. When he couldn't find any information he started to accept his gift and started to crave more power. He turned his path to Hades and will follow his command if it would lead him to power.

Powers(skills/abilites):Transforming into a werewolf, speed increases depending on the moon cycle new moon speed is at its slowest full at its fastest


human formView attachment 7977

Werewolf form View attachment 7978



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