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Fantasy Down The Well

Name: Vaughn Sol

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513c1aa0_timtim.png.952bac88f72a0e36c838125579ad0101.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c513c1aa0_timtim.png.952bac88f72a0e36c838125579ad0101.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Minor arcane ability, not much bigger than parlor tricks.

Personality: He's rather innocent and tries to be as friendly as possible. He constantly tries to make sure everyone is happy in these bleak times.



  • tim tim.png
    tim tim.png
    102 KB · Views: 27
[QUOTE="The Darkling]Id like to join :) how far in are you?

We are only within the first day. At the moment it's after midnight and a sacrifice has just been made.
Revenant said:
Name: Vaughn Sol
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: View attachment 178877

Powers: Minor arcane ability, not much bigger than parlor tricks.

Personality: He's rather innocent and tries to be as friendly as possible. He constantly tries to make sure everyone is happy in these bleak times.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]I feel that the unkillable part of him is a bit over powered. Please change that, and add a bit more detail into the character. As in how long he's lived in the village.

Well, the fact that he's unkillable so that he can suffer, his character and his curse revolves around penance for the terrible things. Plus I edited.
[QUOTE="Ken James]Name: Thomas O'Valen
Age: He stopped counting after 3,000

Gender: Male

Species: Human (altered)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Thomas is a slender 5'11" individual.


(The mask goes entirely around his head, covering his ears.)

Powers: Thomas is unkillable, but not invulnerable. He's capable of being harmed through any means, it's simply not possible to inflict anything that could result in death upon dear Thomas. He also knows blood magic, since the mask not only makes immortal, but also unable to use any and almost all magic.

Personality: Thomas is a rather toxic, womanizing individual who cares little about the feelings of those around him, he comes off as cold but if you are able to get close enough to him, you will see a side of him that nobody else has seen- a side that feels. And he's a nomad, going from place to place with little intention of staying anywhere. He hasn't even been in town that long, even.

Accepted, since you explained why. Just make sure he isn't too over-powered.
Name: luciana crowen

Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: human (witch)

Sexuality: heterosexual



Powers: basic spellwork and still working towards more high end witchcraft.

specializes in white magic, healing, good fortune, love, etc.

Personality: Luciana is straight faced and kind, protective and calm. But she is not timid nor is she quiet. She is headstrong and outspoken, raised to fear nothing and no one. She does not judge anyone before she truly knows them and wishes to bring good fortune to many.

Biography: Luciana had spent most of her life living in the forest with her parents and their coven. They lived happily in a large cottage and was left alone for the most part. Though human in appearance monsters chose to acknowledge them as one of them. But it seemed that over the years as their lifeblood lineage became less and less the monsters couldn't see the witches and warlocks as anything but human. Eventually the monsters turned on them and slaughtered all that she knew at the age of 7. Only she and her friend managed to escape and stumble upon the village, though her friend stayed out on the forest and safely led her away. She hopes he is still alive but is unsure. Ever since then she has lived happily in the village, in secret using her spells to try and help those who need it the most.

Extra: she is still on the edge of being with humans and monster's, unsure if she will ever do into either category.

Theme Song:


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Name: Louis the Lizard Wizard

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Lizardman

Sexuality: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/more_argonian_by_pa1nful-d7gluxa.png.3c29e0473e0b9ca78ed119e19b3c2039.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80103" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/more_argonian_by_pa1nful-d7gluxa.png.3c29e0473e0b9ca78ed119e19b3c2039.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form is that of an average sized male with brown hair and green eyes.

Powers: Empathetic connection to various legged reptile species {Iguana, newt, Gecko, Etc.}, and an adept at heat related spells. As part of his racial nature, he possess a human form

Personality: He's not exactly a 'people person', but that tends to happen when you're not technically a people. In short, he has a rough time connecting with non-lizardfolk, for cultural differences if anything. Though he actually is a decent guy, and likes to think of himself as being something of a comedian.

Extra: He has an unhealthy obsession with using reptile puns whenever feasible, though he's horrible and tends to force it.



  • more_argonian_by_pa1nful-d7gluxa.png
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Name: The Mirror Apparition

Age: Physically 20s-30s, actual age unknown

Gender: Depends

Species: Shapeshifter

Sexuality: The Ladies

Appearance: The Apparition takes on either the form of a withered balding old man, or a man with short hair wearing tattered clothing.

Powers: He can shapeshift into any person he's seen, but in practice he can only shift between his two forms he's used to or someone he can see actively. He can morph his arms into bludgeoning objects and stabby objects, and turn invisible.

Personality: A monster who pretends to be nice, even when his cover is blown. He serves only himself however, and is quite cold, uncaring and sociopathic.

Biography: A manipulative monster whose prime agenda is not sacrifice, but luring townsfolk into the unsafe beyond, particularly into his abyssal realm, where they are trapped until The Mirror Apparition's death-- they are merely trophies, objects for him to look at. A person-hoarder, if you will. He comes from the realm of the fae, where he was outcast for his strange methods and unwillingness to eat his victims.

Extra: I'm going to ask you permission before I morph into your characters, but I promise you I'll handle it appropriately.

Theme Song: [media]

[QUOTE="The Darkling]Name: luciana crowen
Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: human (witch)

Sexuality: heterosexual



Powers: basic spellwork and still working towards more high end witchcraft.

specializes in white magic, healing, good fortune, love, etc.

Personality: Luciana is straight faced and kind, protective and calm. But she is not timid nor is she quiet. She is headstrong and outspoken, raised to fear nothing and no one. She does not judge anyone before she truly knows them and wishes to bring good fortune to many.

Biography: Luciana had spent most of her life living in the forest with her parents and their coven. They lived happily in a large cottage and was left alone for the most part. Though human in appearance monsters chose to acknowledge them as one of them. But it seemed that over the years as their lifeblood lineage became less and less the monsters couldn't see the witches and warlocks as anything but human. Eventually the monsters turned on them and slaughtered all that she knew at the age of 7. Only she and her friend managed to escape and stumble upon the village, though her friend stayed out on the forest and safely led her away. She hopes he is still alive but is unsure. Ever since then she has lived happily in the village, in secret using her spells to try and help those who need it the most.

Extra: she is still on the edge of being with humans and monster's, unsure if she will ever do into either category.

Theme Song:


Malguy said:
Name: Louis the Lizard Wizard
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Lizardman

Sexuality: Straight


View attachment 178952

Human form is that of an average sized male with brown hair and green eyes.

Powers: Empathetic connection to various legged reptile species {Iguana, newt, Gecko, Etc.}, and an adept at heat related spells. As part of his racial nature, he possess a human form

Personality: He's not exactly a 'people person', but that tends to happen when you're not technically a people. In short, he has a rough time connecting with non-lizardfolk, for cultural differences if anything. Though he actually is a decent guy, and likes to think of himself as being something of a comedian.

Extra: He has an unhealthy obsession with using reptile puns whenever feasible, though he's horrible and tends to force it.
Pastamancer said:
Name: The Mirror Apparition
Age: Physically 20s-30s, actual age unknown

Gender: Depends

Species: Shapeshifter

Sexuality: The Ladies

Appearance: The Apparition takes on either the form of a withered balding old man, or a man with short hair wearing tattered clothing.

Powers: He can shapeshift into any person he's seen, but in practice he can only shift between his two forms he's used to or someone he can see actively. He can morph his arms into bludgeoning objects and stabby objects, and turn invisible.

Personality: A monster who pretends to be nice, even when his cover is blown. He serves only himself however, and is quite cold, uncaring and sociopathic.

Biography: A manipulative monster whose prime agenda is not sacrifice, but luring townsfolk into the unsafe beyond, particularly into his abyssal realm, where they are trapped until The Mirror Apparition's death-- they are merely trophies, objects for him to look at. A person-hoarder, if you will. He comes from the realm of the fae, where he was outcast for his strange methods and unwillingness to eat his victims.

Extra: I'm going to ask you permission before I morph into your characters, but I promise you I'll handle it appropriately.

Theme Song: [media]

All accepted! Just make sure you follow the plot of the story. :)
Name: Anaxial, AKA The Fallen Prince

Age: 2,372

Gender: Genderless, Identifies as "This one" or "It"

Species: Aserian

Sexuality: None

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Zerg_will_save_the_queen_by_Hector_Lujan.jpg.7bb87235aac711fcc895873db8b9829d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Zerg_will_save_the_queen_by_Hector_Lujan.jpg.7bb87235aac711fcc895873db8b9829d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Telepathy- Anaxial has no voice box, it cannot speak traditionally aside from some insectoid clicks and chirps. Therefore it can communicate telepathically, this is a one way communication, he cannot read minds but can inject himself into others.
  • Pheromones- Another form of communication is through pheromones, some powerful enough for even other species to sense. This sensation essentially allows those around him to 'see and smell' what The Fallen Prince is trying to say. Some reports suggest it gives off a pleasurable experience when exposed over lengthy time periods.

Personality: Anaxial is an aggressive creature, those who do not bend to it often find themselves on the end of its talons. However, it is very curious in nature often times inquiring about many mundane things rather than lashing out violently. That being said, it has a superiority complex and believes itself the perfect organism and that all others are beneath it.

Biography: Do you look to the stars, wondering what beauty could possibly wait beyond the cosmos? Or do you fear the nightmares that may spawn from that blackened abyss? Anaxial is a being from the Cosmos, shanghaied on this world for its deeds. Anaxial spawns from an insectoid race of beings, ruled by a strangely humanoid queen. This Queen spawns Aserians from organic matter collected by the Aserian Serfs and Knights (the two lowest forms of Aserian). Occasionally, she will create what is known as a Prince. Princes usually serve just under the Queen, leading Aserian armies to battle. However, they can lose their armies or be separated from the hive in which they become known as; "Fallen Princes" and take on individual identities. They are supposed to be the smarter side of a mindless army that would zealously obey the Queen but Anaxial, he was spawned different. Serving his Queen loyally for many centuries before he realized the evil that had been done on behalf of his species. Unlike any Prince before him, he confronted the Queen- demanding an answer as to why they must spread so violently. He was met with surprise, the Queen did not lash out or become irate with him, rather she became enthralled by him. The first Aserian Prince to seem to have an identity within a Hive.

The Queen, heeded Anaxial's grievances, she halted their hostile advance and even recoiled many armies in order to appease Anaxial. Many would say that Anaxial and the Queen had formed a bond beyond the normal for Aserians, beyond what humanoids could comprehend. Each being was telepathic and could see into each other's minds as well as use powerful pheromones to express themselves more than any amount of talking could possibly accomplish. They became the Silent Monarchy, Anaxial the first Aserian King.

This Silent Monarchy was strong, Aserians for the first time took on a defensive stance and ignored their need to expand. The Silent Monarchy spear-heading this peaceful nature the Queen seemed completely devoted to Anaxial, ignoring her purpose in life; to create and expand Aserian life, in order to be with Anaxial for days on end, the two would do nothing but exchange pheromones and tapped into each others minds. They became more than a 'couple' they quite literally became one mind, one soul, one being separated by two halves. But befitting of Aserian Manifest Destiny, all good things must come to an end and end it did. The Silent Monarchy was strained when Aserians began dying by the millions as their expansion had stopped, their sources of food and organic material were altered by this peaceful nature, it simply couldn't exist within the Aserian biology. So the King and the Queen had their battle, battle of the minds, battle of hearts, the Queen was devoted to Anaxial but Anaxial was persistent on keeping a peaceful stance towards the universe, the Queen with a broken soul had no choice and ripped herself from Anaxial's mind, banishing him among the Cosmos. He was sent spiralling into the stars and when separated from the Hive, Anaxial's memory failed him and he was completely a new being.

Thus brings him here, his pod from the Cosmos crashed here and Anaxial emerged. Amnesia and fear flooded him as he awoke, unable to comprehend his separation from the Hive he was a broken being. Anaxial was stuck here, forever missing a piece of himself and seeking to fill a section of his soul, of his very being, a futile attempt to achieve a goal that could never be accomplished.



  • Zerg_will_save_the_queen_by_Hector_Lujan.jpg
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Anaxial said:
Name: Anaxial, AKA The Fallen Prince
Age: 2,372

Gender: Genderless, Identifies as "This one" or "It"

Species: Aserian

Sexuality: None

Appearance: View attachment 179148


  • Telepathy- Anaxial has no voice box, it cannot speak traditionally aside from some insectoid clicks and chirps. Therefore it can communicate telepathically, this is a one way communication, he cannot read minds but can inject himself into others.
  • Pheromones- Another form of communication is through pheromones, some powerful enough for even other species to sense. This sensation essentially allows those around him to 'see and smell' what The Fallen Prince is trying to say. Some reports suggest it gives off a pleasurable experience when exposed over lengthy time periods.

Personality: Anaxial is an aggressive creature, those who do not bend to it often find themselves on the end of its talons. However, it is very curious in nature often times inquiring about many mundane things rather than lashing out violently. That being said, it has a superiority complex and believes itself the perfect organism and that all others are beneath it.

Biography: Do you look to the stars, wondering what beauty could possibly wait beyond the cosmos? Or do you fear the nightmares that may spawn from that blackened abyss? Anaxial is a being from the Cosmos, shanghaied on this world for its deeds. Anaxial spawns from an insectoid race of beings, ruled by a strangely humanoid queen. This Queen spawns Aserians from organic matter collected by the Aserian Serfs and Knights (the two lowest forms of Aserian). Occasionally, she will create what is known as a Prince. Princes usually serve just under the Queen, leading Aserian armies to battle. However, they can lose their armies or be separated from the hive in which they become known as; "Fallen Princes" and take on individual identities. They are supposed to be the smarter side of a mindless army that would zealously obey the Queen but Anaxial, he was spawned different. Serving his Queen loyally for many centuries before he realized the evil that had been done on behalf of his species. Unlike any Prince before him, he confronted the Queen- demanding an answer as to why they must spread so violently. He was met with surprise, the Queen did not lash out or become irate with him, rather she became enthralled by him. The first Aserian Prince to seem to have an identity within a Hive.

The Queen, heeded Anaxial's grievances, she halted their hostile advance and even recoiled many armies in order to appease Anaxial. Many would say that Anaxial and the Queen had formed a bond beyond the normal for Aserians, beyond what humanoids could comprehend. Each being was telepathic and could see into each other's minds as well as use powerful pheromones to express themselves more than any amount of talking could possibly accomplish. They became the Silent Monarchy, Anaxial the first Aserian King.

This Silent Monarchy was strong, Aserians for the first time took on a defensive stance and ignored their need to expand. The Silent Monarchy spear-heading this peaceful nature the Queen seemed completely devoted to Anaxial, ignoring her purpose in life; to create and expand Aserian life, in order to be with Anaxial for days on end, the two would do nothing but exchange pheromones and tapped into each others minds. They became more than a 'couple' they quite literally became one mind, one soul, one being separated by two halves. But befitting of Aserian Manifest Destiny, all good things must come to an end and end it did. The Silent Monarchy was strained when Aserians began dying by the millions as their expansion had stopped, their sources of food and organic material were altered by this peaceful nature, it simply couldn't exist within the Aserian biology. So the King and the Queen had their battle, battle of the minds, battle of hearts, the Queen was devoted to Anaxial but Anaxial was persistent on keeping a peaceful stance towards the universe, the Queen with a broken soul had no choice and ripped herself from Anaxial's mind, banishing him among the Cosmos. He was sent spiralling into the stars and when separated from the Hive, Anaxial's memory failed him and he was completely a new being.

Thus brings him here, his pod from the Cosmos crashed here and Anaxial emerged. Amnesia and fear flooded him as he awoke, unable to comprehend his separation from the Hive he was a broken being. Anaxial was stuck here, forever missing a piece of himself and seeking to fill a section of his soul, of his very being, a futile attempt to achieve a goal that could never be accomplished.
Wow! Accepted! Just make sure to stick with the plot, and not trail off. :)

  • cEE3gvE.jpg

    Name: Maxwell Catastrophe II

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Dhampyre (half Human - Half Vampire)


    Maxwell Catastrophe II through birth, puberty, and maturity had always harbored a quiet, stoic, and lonesome nature; Complimenting his stature as a young man of few words. Maxwell's speech is elegantly portrayed throughout his sword - Maxwell seems to be somewhat popular amongst men, and women due to his appearance.

S[/URL]hapeshifting - Through consumption of blood Maxwell can turn into a full-fledged vampire bat, without such only wings can be grown.

[*]Enhanced Regen - Through consumption of blood Maxwell can increase his healing factor.

[*]Peak Human Condition - Dhampyre inherit vampiric attributes, raising certain human conditions drastically; Maxwell's specialties: Combat | Sensory | Agility | Intelligence | Speed | Accuracy

[*]Master Assassin - After dispatch from the Blood Knights, Maxwell studied in the Arts of Assassination: Stealth Tactics - Camouflage & Silent Movement | Fear Inducement | Killing & Physiological Intuition | Weapon Proficiency - Swords

[*]Apathy - Maxwell's troubled past indirectly caused the capability of emotional suppression: | Fear | Regret | Indecisiveness | Worry [/Tab]




  • Magic - High-scale (very powerful) Magic can harm Maxwell due to his vampiric origins.
  • Prolonged Battles - Due to Maxwell's distaste for blood, his physical performance is less than an average humans'. This takes a heavy toll on Maxwell's physicality.
  • Loyalty - Maxwell's loyalty can be distorted into a weakness in the right hands.


I literally wrote a detailed post on this, but it got deleted so kinda mad. I'll think of redoing this later.[/tab]

[tab=Extra Information]

  • Maxwell does not consume the blood from people within the village, unless told otherwise. He saves his urges for the demons beneath the well.
  • Maxwell's vampire origins are hidden, he wishes to not draw attention to himself in that department.
  • Maxwell's fangs are smaller than usual, making them less noticeable to the public.
  • Maxwell due to his Assassin occupation harbors multiple swords, daggers, toxins, and multiple manual explosives.
  • Maxwell without his standard Assassin attire (which he wears only in combat) looks like this:


Great character! Accepted! :) You may post ASAP.

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