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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Down The Well


Six Thousand Club
If you see "(,)'s" Please erase them! :) Also keep in mind that, time control, reading minds, and time travel interferes too much with the rp to have those powers. So you may not have a character with those abilities.

Character Sheet









Biography: (Optional)

Extra: (Optional)

Theme Song: (Optional)
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Name: Beatrice

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight


Artist: Janaina Medeiros | CGSociety


Powers: None

Personality: She's very quiet, and secretive. She's cautious and wary. She hates getting into trouble.

Biography: Unknown. She came out of the woods one day, not aware of her past. She hasn't spoken to anyone since she had come from the forest 3 years ago. When she is alone she speaks to herself, and to the forest. A plead to keep the town safe. She is unaware that she in the next sacrifice.

Extra: She enjoys to sit in the fields far from the town. Just enough so she can catch a glimpse of the forest.

Theme Song:



Name: Zavion

Age: Unknown but appears in his early 20's

Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel (Grim Reaper)

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Death Embodiment:

The user of this power can become the embodiment of death itself. This means that they can easily kill others, reap their souls when they die and take their souls to the afterlife. They could also bring about the apocalypse, causing deaths by the millions, possibly even billions. They can decide where a soul will go after death.

Alpha Physiology:

Users are vastly superior to any member of their species, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work to others, and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge. They naturally arouse a strong admiration and desire among their kind, as they personify the pinnacle of their species, and even the most hostile are forced to acknowledge their towering superiority and amazing prowess.

Black Lightning Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of lightning, which ignores the limitations and weaknesses of normal lightning. Black lightning not only discharges energy, it shocks and destroys everything it touches, including regular and white lightning.

Personality: He is very kept to himself though doesn't mind social interaction

Biography: (Long story short he was too efficient at his job and was banned from the realm of gods)

Extra: His joints at his elbows and knees do not exist there is just a gap of air in its place and he has two hand cannons he carries around on him


Theme Song: [media]
This is what it looks like if i were to put in all my powers, keep in mind nothing on my character changes, this is all for show.

Killing intuition:

The user has instant knowledge on how to kill any living being regardless of how powerful they are. This ability comes in great significance when dealing with seemingly unstoppable opponents and allows the user to end their lives with expedient efficiency.

Tranquil State:

User can remain calm in virtually any situation, allowing them to think with perfect clarity even when under extreme emotional or physical distress. Users are essentially immune to emotional manipulation and highly resistant to torture.

Stone Heart:

Users possess a heart made of pure rock. This could be literal, but it could also make the user more durable metaphorically, unimpaired by unruly emotions

Gun Kata:

The user of this ability is capable of calculating the most precise angle for targeting an opponent and predicting where to be in order to avoid return fire by the enemy. This, combined with good gunmanship results in the ultimate warrior of the modern age, a samurai that utilizes guns instead of swords. These ultimate gunners may or may not be bound by a code of honor such as those who preceded them. Gun kata practitioners may even be hired as assassins or life-long body-guards for powerful rulers or executives.

Homing Effect:

User can make any object automatically follow, home in and lock onto it's target or targets until it hits them. They can also use it for delivering or sending things or messages to another person.

Enhanced Instincts:

The user has stronger instincts than normal, not necessarily predatory or prey, but also battle instincts or parental instincts. They tend to abandon logic and play with pure instinct, generally making illogical but successful moves.

Selective Damage:

Users of this power can selectively choose what parts of a person or objects gets harmed and which parts do not get harmed when they attack. For example, if they were to stab through where the heart of a person is, but do not want to damage the heart itself, they can make their attacks pass through the heart harmlessly while the other parts that are struck get damage. They can also make it so the heart and brain remain intact and safe when the opponent gets crushed.


The user can morph into superior, more powerful versions of oneself. At times, the appearance of such forms is merely cosmetic, while in others, the user's body is completely altered.

Death Sense:

The user is capable of sensing the coming of death, able to determine when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location. At times, this extends to seeing the names and lifespans of those who's faces the user sees.

Life and Death Manipulation:

User can sense and control the essences of life and death, giving and taking both as they wish. They can manipulate the aspects of the beginning and end of the life cycles of living organisms, allowing them to give and take forces of vitality and necrotic influences. They are capable of rendering entire landscapes lush with plant growth or barren at their leisure.

Death-Force Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate the essence of Death, which is present in all mortals throughout the universe and is the opposite power of Life-Force Manipulation whereas Life-Force is the essence which allows life to flourish, Death-Force is that which causes things to wither, rot, weaken, and eventually die. They can sense and manipulate the essence that allows Death, Destruction, Decay, and Corruption to exist throughout the universe, allowing them to control decayed matter or to request assistance from the dead.

Alpha Physiology:

Users are vastly superior to any member of their species, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work to others, and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge. They naturally arouse a strong admiration and desire among their kind, as they personify the pinnacle of their species, and even the most hostile are forced to acknowledge their towering superiority and amazing prowess.

Prime Being:

User is the origin and a demiurge of their race, making them essentially the most powerful among its race having utmost power and authority over other beings. The prime beings do not always possess the power to create life forms but possess the original or main gene that all others derivative.User can even control or destroy their own species.

Supernatural Conditioning:

Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training and remain that way with little or no maintaining.

Death Embodiment:

The user of this power can become the embodiment of death itself. This means that they can easily kill others, reap their souls when they die and take their souls to the afterlife. They could also bring about the apocalypse, causing deaths by the millions, possibly even billions. They can decide where a soul will go after death.

Absolute Immortality:

The user possesses absolute immortality, is unable to die, age, get sick, or be permanently wounded, is absolutely self-sustained, and as the user's mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are immune to mental/spiritual damage. Any injuries the user suffers immediately heal, even if the user's body is disintegrated or blown up or completely deleted, even if the user is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level, they will still return to life. Alternatively, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, nor can they die of any natural causes.

The user's existence and soul become completely independent of even the concept of reality, making them not bound to the subjects of life, death and manipulations. Also, the power cannot be removed, rendered truly perfect and absolute.

Soul Anchoring:

The user is immune to all soul-based powers, and their souls cannot be


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Manipulation in any way, including absorbed, trapped/sealed or converted into a another type of soul.

Death Empowerment:

Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the deaths of others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the dying or even slow or stop aging.

Spiritual Force Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate theirs or others spiritual power, which is generated by every sentient being that has a soul, or in places with powerful spiritual influence. They can convert it into various forms of energy, manifest it into solid form, or merge into existing objects.

Inhuman Nature:

The character derives from a non-human or partial human species/race. This would allow the character access to powers and abilities that normal humans would not have, because such powers are either expected of that character due to its race or it is natural for the character to have powers because of its race. Such a character would be able to do a large variety of things, which would be considered typical for their race.

Wing Manifestation:

User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.

Anatomical Liberation:

User can split their own body apart into pieces and control the said pieces however they wish, by levitating them away from the user's main body and using them as they were connected to user.

User are immune to cutting and being slashed because they can just pull their bodies back together again. They can also remove their own organs without dying and will neither bleed to death nor die if their brain or heart is removed.
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Milton Greene











(credit goes to x-ryuchan of DeviantArt)


His recently discovered powers involve the spontaneous growing and manipulation of plants. His powers aren't limited by the species or type of plant, whether it be a grass, flower, bush, or tree. Creating massive webs of vines, a wall of grasses, or a fortress composed of trees are just the beginning of his abilities; however, he still has his limits. The more manipulation involved the greater amount of time and energy it takes to get the results he desires.


He's generally seen as a carefree individual who does things at his own pace. Sometimes he's off and away in a rush, and at other times he's a lazy stone who's unwilling to do anything. Overall he's well mannered and will be kind to those who show kindness in return. He's also a bit prideful, and takes great pleasure in showing off his powers to others.


He came to the town 5 years ago, appearing as an enigmatic traveler. He was drawn to the town for reasons he himself can't explain. He settled at this town despite the monsters and the sacrifices made there. It didn't take long for him to adapt the the town's strange ways. It was in this past year that he discovered his powers.


He enjoys gardening anything and everything, the rose being his personal favorite. The area behind his residence is dedicated to a small garden of ruby red roses.

Theme Song:


las0r0o7 said:

Name: Zavion

Age: Unknown but appears in his early 20's

Gender: Male

Species: Fallen Angel (Grim Reaper)

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Death Embodiment:

The user of this power can become the embodiment of death itself. This means that they can easily kill others, reap their souls when they die and take their souls to the afterlife. They could also bring about the apocalypse, causing deaths by the millions, possibly even billions. They can decide where a soul will go after death.

Alpha Physiology:

Users are vastly superior to any member of their species, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work to others, and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge. They naturally arouse a strong admiration and desire among their kind, as they personify the pinnacle of their species, and even the most hostile are forced to acknowledge their towering superiority and amazing prowess.

Black Lightning Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of lightning, which ignores the limitations and weaknesses of normal lightning. Black lightning not only discharges energy, it shocks and destroys everything it touches, including regular and white lightning.

Personality: He is very kept to himself though doesn't mind social interaction

Biography: (Long story short he was too efficient at his job and was banned from the realm of gods)

Extra: His joints at his elbows and knees do not exist there is just a gap of air in its place and he has two hand cannons he carries around on him


Theme Song: [media]
Accepted, though with your powers, you do have to ask before killing a character, and your character does have to take damage during a battle. C:

[QUOTE="R Xina]


Milton Greene











(credit goes to x-ryuchan of DeviantArt)


His recently discovered powers involve the spontaneous growing and manipulation of plants. His powers aren't limited by the species or type of plant, whether it be a grass, flower, bush, or tree. Creating massive webs of vines, a wall of grasses, or a fortress composed of trees are just the beginning of his abilities; however, he still has his limits. The more manipulation involved the greater amount of time and energy it takes to get the results he desires.


He's generally seen as a carefree individual who does things at his own pace. Sometimes he's off and away in a rush, and at other times he's a lazy stone who's unwilling to do anything. Overall he's well mannered and will be kind to those who show kindness in return. He's also a bit prideful, and takes great pleasure in showing off his powers to others.


He came to the town 5 years ago, appearing as an enigmatic traveler. He was drawn to the town for reasons he himself can't explain. He settled at this town despite the monsters and the sacrifices made there. It didn't take long for him to adapt the the town's strange ways. It was in this past year that he discovered his powers.


He enjoys gardening anything and everything, the rose being his personal favorite. The area behind his residence is dedicated to a small garden of ruby red roses.

Theme Song:


Duude! Accepted! I wonder what will happen when someone finds the red behind his house?

Mena Hastu

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Grand Angel, basically the princess of angels

Sexuality: Straight




Some might expect for a princess to be the most powerful out of her subjects. Wrong. This little angel here is as weak as they come. The basic training she has ever gotten is defensive magic and that's it. Sure it might not be as powerful as attack magic but she believes in protecting what's precious to her.

She can summon round reflective shields that bounce magic projectiles back but it breaks over time. Shields that can buff her teammates, attacks and even give them some healing factors as well. The only downside to these powers is that, they drain her too quickly of magic. After 5 spells, she will need to take a break or she'll collapse because of the magic loss.


She is mostly shy towards people even though, she is considered a monster. She tends to shy away from people, and only speak when spoke to. When confronted with a problem, she panics and sometime will faint under the pressure.


She came to the town when she was just a little girl, around the age of 6. She was covered in ash and dirt, her village was just burnt down by other monsters. She had no where to go so she decided she would stay in this village until she became strong enough to protect people. Even if it costed her, her life....


She is usually seen reading a book in the local library at the village or tending to the plants that she grows at her small cottage. She doesn't have one friend but that doesn't stop her from enjoying life.

Theme Song:


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Mena said:
Mena Hastu
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Grand Angel, basically the princess of angels

Sexuality: Straight




Some might expect for a princess to be the most powerful out of her subjects. Wrong. This little angel here is as weak as they come. The basic training she has ever gotten is defensive magic and that's it. Sure it might not be as powerful as attack magic but she believes in protecting what's precious to her.

She can summon round reflective shields that bounce magic projectiles back but it breaks over time. Shields that can buff her teammates, attacks and even give them some healing factors as well. The only downside to these powers is that, they drain her too quickly of magic. After 5 spells, she will need to take a break or she'll collapse because of the magic loss.


She is mostly shy towards people even though, she is considered a monster. She tends to shy away from people, and only speak when spoke to. When confronted with a problem, she panics and sometime will faint under the pressure.


She came to the town when she was just a little girl, around the age of 6. She was covered in ash and dirt, her village was just burnt down by other monsters. She had no where to go so she decided she would stay in this village until she became strong enough to protect people. Even if it costed her, her life....


She is usually seen reading a book in the local library at the village or tending to the plants that she grows at her small cottage. She doesn't have one friend but that doesn't stop her from enjoying life.

Theme Song:


Thanks, Sorry about the picture link, I tried everything to get it into an .exe file so I just gave up
Mena said:
Thanks, Sorry about the picture link, I tried everything to get it into an .exe file so I just gave up
That's alright. As long as I can see the picture, everything is awesome.


Thalia Brooks


(Looks 21)





Forest Nymph






• Intense beauty

• Plant Manipulation

• Healing

• Eternal youth


Brave, strong, loyal, curious, kind, caring, quiet and sensitive
[QUOTE="Wild Born]


Thalia Brooks


(Looks 21)





Forest Nymph






• Intense beauty

• Plant Manipulation

• Healing

• Eternal youth


Brave, strong, loyal, curious, kind, caring, quiet and sensitive

I know she has just about the same powers as Milton but one of his parents could have been a Nymph so...sorry if it seemed like copying
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Name: Ygorl Zzat'zil

Age: 157

Gender: Genderless, identifies as a male.

Species: Slaadi, Green Slaadi to be exact.

Sexuality: Asexual


Powers: Shapeshifting, limited to humanoids. Decent arcane ability, for an example, the greatest extent of his arcane ability is to conjure a storm or affect weather. However little of it is direct. Stronger than the average male by much. However, he is not nearly as able as say an ogre. He can also inject the eggs of his species through his claws, which once hatch become tadpoles and once further development ensues, transforms to a red slaad. He also has a small resistance to magical forces, in essence he could be considered a jack of all trades.

Personality: While he is a human he prefers to be an outgoing friendly character, constantly moving forward to put himself within the group. In his normal state he is cunning and plotting, he wishes to turn this town into a spawning pit. He also believes if he does indeed do this, he will transform into a gray slaad.

Biography: Over a hundred years ago, a dim witted wizard conjured upon the forces of Limbo, and what came from that was but a simple Red Slaad, the lowest of Slaad. Even then, he and his family were ill prepared for the ensuing chaos, once the chaos ended after a local militia was forced to become involved the bodies were buried, resulting in the birthing of Ygorl. He clawed and maneuvered his way from the dirt, along with a few cohorts. And he knew one thing that has stuck with him all of his life, breed, expand, conquer.

Theme Song: [media]

This good?
Revenant said:
Name: Ygorl Zzat'zil
Age: 157

Gender: Genderless, identifies as a male.

Species: Slaadi, Green Slaadi to be exact.

Sexuality: Asexual


Powers: Shapeshifting, limited to humanoids. Decent arcane ability, for an example, the greatest extent of his arcane ability is to conjure a storm or affect weather. However little of it is direct. Stronger than the average male by much. However, he is not nearly as able as say an ogre. He can also inject the eggs of his species through his claws, which once hatch become tadpoles and once further development ensues, transforms to a red slaad. He also has a small resistance to magical forces, in essence he could be considered a jack of all trades.

Personality: While he is a human he prefers to be an outgoing friendly character, constantly moving forward to put himself within the group. In his normal state he is cunning and plotting, he wishes to turn this town into a spawning pit. He also believes if he does indeed do this, he will transform into a gray slaad.

Biography: Over a hundred years ago, a dim witted wizard conjured upon the forces of Limbo, and what came from that was but a simple Red Slaad, the lowest of Slaad. Even then, he and his family were ill prepared for the ensuing chaos, once the chaos ended after a local militia was forced to become involved the bodies were buried, resulting in the birthing of Ygorl. He clawed and maneuvered his way from the dirt, along with a few cohorts. And he knew one thing that has stuck with him all of his life, breed, expand, conquer.

Theme Song: [media]

This good?
It seems fine. Accepted. I would like you to ask before using the move where he injects eggs into people? It's interesting, but a few may not want that to happen to their character.
Huh neat, is it okay if I can slowly infect some npcs? Or perhaps nearby animals and put them in some private place? Or is that a little much?
Name: Thomas O'Valen

Age: He stopped counting after 3,000

Gender: Male

Species: Human (altered)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Thomas is a slender 5'11" individual.


(The mask goes entirely around his head, covering his ears.)

Powers: Thomas is unkillable, but not invulnerable. He's capable of being harmed through any means, it's simply not possible to inflict anything that could result in death upon dear Thomas. He also knows blood magic, since the mask not only makes immortal, but also unable to use any and almost all magic.

Personality: Thomas is a rather toxic, womanizing individual who cares little about the feelings of those around him, he comes off as cold but if you are able to get close enough to him, you will see a side of him that nobody else has seen- a side that feels. And he's a nomad, going from place to place with little intention of staying anywhere. He hasn't even been in town that long, even.
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[QUOTE="Ken James]Name: Thomas O'Valen
Age: He stopped counting after 3,000

Gender: Male

Species: Human (altered)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Thomas is a slender 5'11" individual.


(The mask goes entirely around his head, covering his ears.)

Powers: Thomas is unkillable, but not invulnerable. He's capable of being harmed through any means, it's simply not possible to inflict anything that could result in death upon dear Thomas. He also knows blood magic, since the mask not only makes immortal, but also unable to use any and almost all magic.

Personality: Thomas is a rather toxic, womanizing individual who cares little about the feelings of those around him, he comes off as cold but if you are able to get close enough to him, you will see a side of him that nobody else has seen- a side that feels.

I feel that the unkillable part of him is a bit over powered. Please change that, and add a bit more detail into the character. As in how long he's lived in the village.

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