Down the rabbit hole...


The black-eyed cousin

My Saturday nights are currently taken up with an nWoD Mortals game, that we reckon is quickly going to slip into being Hunter, and is more than likely already taking cues from the Second Sight and Slashers splat books.

Essentially, our characters are getting introduced to the world of darkness, and starting to lose our well as some other essential bits of ourselves. And last night, as our GM was leaving, he teased us by asking what our current theories are. In-character, we have no clue what's happening, or who is being controlled/watched/threatened by what. Out of character, we have years of nWoD experience, and are getting more and more worried as we cannot identify what on earth is happening....

Note; the following is a collection of somewhat grotesque and violent walls of text, because our group take personal horror games super seriously....

Set in present day, about two months back.

The four of us are detectives from the Western in Baltimore, spread between homicide, arson, missing persons, and internal affairs, with a good mix of ethnic backgrounds; Rozanski, Taylor, Reilly and Montez.

My unfortunate lady; Amy Rozanski, is in homicide, and from a Polish/Irish heritage. Stable family relationships, with dinner on Sundays. Takes her job seriously, and only has a handful of friendships outside the force.

Our GM started this slowly; laying the weirdness on to one character at first, then spreading it around as we came in contact with each other. Detective Reilly from missing persons was the first down the rabbit hole, and as soon as she met him, Rozanski followed.

She had a gunshot victim turn up in a squat one morning, and minutes later Reilly walks in the door with a connection to his case of a missing teenage boy. The day that followed led Reilly to discover a couple of the boy's friends were also missing, while Rozanski turned up their bodies; all with gunshot wounds. The whole thing felt kind of unnatural, and culminated in the original missing boy being found insensible, walking the streets of the city, holding his hand in the shape of a gun.

In the days that followed, the boy started talking somewhat, and sort of admitted to killing them; never saying "I did it" but instead "I must have killed them....bang", always making the shape of a gun with his hand. Blood work results came back showing an unidentified drug compound in his system.

Within a week he had hanged himself in lock-up. The case was closed. The paperwork seemed legit.

Rozanski wasn't happy, but it didn't really look like anyone else was involved. And besides; trying to re-open cases is professional suicide....the names must move from red to black.

During this case, her dreams of a gorgeous red-haired woman began.

Next case was worse.

Called in as a consultant on an arson case, it transpired the Creek family; two parents and two children under thirteen had been in the house. Further investigation of the scene revealed all the household furniture had been piled up against the inside each door, as though keeping someone out. The four bodies were found together, kneeling as though in prayer, not far from the start of the blaze.

In the two days that followed, after Rozanski, the arson team, and forensics poked around at the scene and into the Creek's personal lives, the evidence piled up....

  • The fire was started by something explosive thrown through the living room window.
  • No technology more complicated than a radio was found in the house.
  • The family were extremely religious; a cross was found in each room and each family member had hand-copied their own bible.
  • The father was extremely controlling; the children were home schooled, none of the other family members were seem without him...and eventually deferred to him instead of speaking. He had been asked to leave the local Baptist congregation because of causing continuous upset to the other members by accusing them of not being pious enough.
  • He was suspected of grave defacing in a nearby multi-denominational cemetery, but the evidence was only circumstantial.
  • When people talked of the family, there was no sorrow for the father, but a huge outpouring of sympathy for his "poor wife, and those little kids".
  • Whoever did this would have known for certain the whole family would be there, as they never left the house in the evening.

The impulse to return to the scene hit hit her sometime after this was all uncovered, and there seemed to be something strange about the neighbourhood that day. Nothing new stood out about the house, but a couple of locals exhibited erratic violent behaviour; after speaking to her briefly, a man started a fight with another sitting outside a nearby house.

Neither responded to any of her warnings, or even seemed to register she identified herself as a police officer. When she physically intervened, they turned on her, and she turned the butt of her pistol on them. She laid one of them out - unconscious - and struggled the other into handcuffs before he started crying hysterically. After calling in the incident, she checked the unconscious man's vitals, when the handcuffed one started beating his head off the footpath.

More struggling ensued as she tried to get him into a position where he wouldn't be able to hurt himself, and at this juncture the other one suddenly jumped up and fled. Patrol arrived to find Rozanski angry and confused, and soon an ambulance took the handcuffed local away. Officers were sent to find the suspect who fled the scene.

As she was just consulting, and arson was primary on the Creek case, she took the rest of the evening off; meeting folks in Ulysees - the usual watering hole for detectives. This night was her first encounter with the red-haired woman outside of dreams. Leaving Ulysees somewhat intoxicated and looking for a cab...time seemed to slow around her, as she noticed something in an alley. It was the red-haired woman, dressed in a harlequin catsuit, smiling at her. She stroked Rozanski's face, kissed her, and told her that everything was going to be sorted not worry. She was gone before any questions could be was difficult to form words in her presence.

She woke up the next morning in her bathtub, after her first night of dreamless sleep in weeks, with her phone ringing. Her head of department was on the other end, letting her know she was no longer needed for consultation on the Creek case; the arsonist had been found. As it transpired, the man who fled the scene of the altercation the day before was responsible.

He was a neighbour of the Creeks, living a few doors away, and was found hanged in his home some hours after the fight took place. In his suicide note he claimed responsibility for the fire.

Later that day at work, Rozanski was told that internal affairs needed to speak with her about the altercation, and she also discovered the inconsistencies in the arsonist's suicide.....apparently he had cut his wrists before hanging himself, and the coroner was busy trying to work out if a third party had been involved or not...
You are in for the Greatest and Happiest of Funtiems. Seriously. Game sounds like a gas and a half. Slashers are a fantastic wild card that are woefully underused. Though the chick sounds like one of the GMC angels. So, double the fun!

And death.
Our ST knows nothing of the GMC. Though before last session he finished the fiction anthology and agreed that he could see why I thought it might be, but it was pure coincidence.

I don't think there's a Slasher involved, but I spent last session in a tinfoil hat so what do I know?

It's all his own terrifying invention and I'm enjoying it, I just hope plot threads start to lead somewhere soon.
Excellent news! If I were a creative enough soul, I'd make more my own plot threads but dammit...that takes effort. :P
I would, but it's all a bit of a blur. Reilly's been chasing missing children all over town, and the first case ended as Alexandra described - the kid and all his friends dead, with one of them wandering around as if drugged. One of the kids, the one he'd been looking for, seemed to have caved his own head in on a wall in a derelict. Mother was an addict, didn't really care.

Another case, another missing child. This time it leads to Denny's - a strip club that engages in child prostitution. Reilly used to work in the Sex Crimes unit, so he knows this place well. Every time he's almost had it shut down, someone loses the paperwork. A witness dies or changes their story. Evidence evaporates. Reilly decides to come back and investigate off the clock, posing as a customer. He winds up in the VIP section, where at first they try to offer him a lapdance from a girl he wouldn't sell a drink - and then it gets weird.

A woman offers him a different experience, sneakily takes a drop of blood, and then leads him through a door at the back of the room.

Reilly, as if in a dream, walks alone down a concrete corridor. Through the door at the end is a vast, dark room with a woman tied to an X-frame, naked except for a gas-mask with a hose that branches out to attach to the masks of a kneeling multitude. Reilly, no longer in control, takes a lone gas-mask and puts it on.

And then wakes up in his car, with an empty whiskey bottle, no idea how he got there, and 20 minutes to get to work.

This becomes a running theme.

Being an nWoD GM myself I have some theories. They are probably incorrect, as they seem a bit close to my own campaign (and so I assume I'm projecting my own expectations onto the events described ^^), and I'm loving the mystery here. Wouldn't want to risk ruining it.

Thanks for sharing :)

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