Down The Rabbit Hole (Sign-ups)


Available spots: 5 dancers, 2 waitresses, 2 waiters, 2 bouncers/door guys.

Character Sheets(Can be in character or not.)-


Stage name: (Dancers only)

Age: (Keep it in the 20s)





Costume: (Dancers only)


My characters-

Name: Annabelle Jackson

Stage name: The Queen of Hearts

Age: 46

Gender: Female

Personality: Headstrong, stubborn, passionate, caring, and fabulous.

Bio: Back in the day, Annabelle's mother used to work at Rabbit Hole, and Anna admired her more than anything, so when her mother passed away, she took over. Anna has owned the club for over 20 years and she's never failed with anything with the club. Though she still has her great shape, she really doesn't dance anymore, she just helps everyone out. She makes the costumes, helps the girls out, and makes the whole club a great experience for everyone.




Other: "Glitter in my hair and garters on my thighs? Well, Wonderland is going to full tonight."

Name: "Well my momma named me Sebastian. Sebastian Pointer."

Stage Name: "The girls call me Alice."

Age: "Old enough to party." 23

Gender: "Look at me? Do I look like a man?"

Personality: "Sweet, caring.. Ah, bullshit. I'm the kind of girl that'll leave you broken hearted if you fall for me. But who wouldn't fall for these curves?"





Other: "I'll get the glitter, you can get the garters."
Name: Marielle Loera

Stage name: "The white Rabbit"

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Marielle puts off the sweet and innocent little vine when she first meets someone. She's everyone's first friend and always tries to include new dancers in the fun! But then after you get to know her Marielle shows what a little firecracker she can be. She's up for every party and any drink she can mix up and give a new name. This girl knows how to party and use her charm on everyone so just watch out.

Bio/History: Born and raised a small town Marielle wanted to always get out. After turning 18 she and her friends escaped to the city of Burlesque and fell in love. She had been in dance ever since she was two and gymnastics had started shortly after that so she felt the meaning to belong in the lime light. Never returning with her friends Marielle took her first job as a waitress in one of the more 'scanty' establishments and worked her way up to dancer a year later. During one evening a head bartender called out and Marielle offered her assistance bringing an whole new meaning to 'bar flare'. Ever since Marielle has managed to mix drinks and mix in her moves to entertain others with beverages. Most club owners have heard of her and when she came to the Rabbit Hole she has only ever dreamed of pleasing The Queen of Hearts.

Appearance: She has large brown eyes with beautiful auburn hair that is usually styled in ringlets. She has a typical dancer build, slender, muscled. Her skin is rather pale from working most nights and sleeping all day.

Costume: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Rabbit.jpg.8c95d96eb09aefec955ef3937b3dab93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Rabbit.jpg.8c95d96eb09aefec955ef3937b3dab93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: She always wears her garter and glitter is a must with ANY attire!

~So is it alright if she is a bartender who dances while bar tending for the waiters and waitresses?



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Name: My name is Arabella Montiage but my nicknames are 'Ara, Bell, Bella'

Stage name: Cheshire Kat

Age: I am currently 22 years old

Gender: Female, female Oh! And female

Personality: I've been told that I'm a sly and mischievous woman who just might ''accidentally'' lead you into trouble but that's usually when I'm either bored or don't like someone. Its quit easy for me to trick someone and even though I can be very deceitful, I give my loyalty only to those I works with or earn it; I am definitely mysterious with the number of secrets I knows, sometimes I even scares myself... but it seems that I like that feeling. If there's something you have to say and don't want anyone else to find out, it would be best to say it somewhere... very private, it seems I tend to peep in on other's conversations without even realizing it... not a habit I want to exactly break.

Bio/History(Optional): Arabella grew up with gang affiliated father that had a cold and angry personality that Arabella had to grow use to in order to pretty much survive in her home . Her mother use to be a lawyer but when she married Arabella's father her mother's world began to fall apart and Bella had to watch her mother fall into a pit of depression; Arabella's father began to get involved in a large gang full of dangerous people. He would usually always bring Arabella with him and because Arabella didn't seem interested in it, they believed that she wasn't listening... but she was and she knows many things about their gang and a few other ones that had been mentioned.



Other: Glitter and Garters, its a fashion statement
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Name: Whisper Davernt

Stage name:

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Whisper is more on the reserved and quiet side, really only speaking about her own opinions when it's necessary. She likes to have fun and enjoy life whenever she can but doesn't do it as openly as most other adults would. Whenever Whisper is working at The Rabbit Hole her personality changes to where she is more outgoing and actually interacts with the employees and customers. Her job at The Rabbit Hole is being a waitress which is what she prefers more than going upon stage and dancing but she wouldn't have a problem with doing either things.

Bio/History(Optional): When Whisper was growing up she was always ignored from everyone, her parents included. They were either occupied with work or friends making it seem like she wasn't even there. She learned to like the solitude she got from being less tended to and came to enjoy the time she had by herself. As life continued on nothing changed in her family, the only thing of any importance being the countless teasing she got in school. Because of rumors that spread around while growing up, Whisper never made any friends but oddly enough she was rather pleased with that fact. The years continued to pass and eventually she moved out of her parents house and enrolled into a good college. With money being tight and on the low side she got herself a job which just so happened to be working as a waitress at The Rabbit Hole, the place where she is currently at now.

Appearance: Whisper has long blonde hair with dark natural highlights blended in. She usually wears it in front of her face (kind of like in the picture below) or has it up in a ponytail, the occasional curls being added in if she feels like it. Her eyes are a bright and vibrant hazel that make the rest of her features blend in smoothly. She's not very tall but isn't exactly short either this tiny problem being nothing that heels couldn't fix. She is quite slender and well toned with natural curves.



Other: "Glitter and garters are all you need! ...besides the other essentials..."
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